1,835 research outputs found

    Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Western countries, representing almost 30% of all deaths worldwide. Evidence shows the effectiveness of healthy dietary patterns and lifestyles for the prevention of CVD. Furthermore, the rising incidence of CVD over the last 25 years has become a public health priority, especially the prevention of CVD (or cardiovascular events) through lifestyle interventions. Current scientific evidence shows that Western dietary patterns compared to healthier dietary patterns, such as the 'Mediterranean diet' (MeDiet), leads to an excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines associated with a reduced synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines. In fact, dietary intervention allows better combination of multiple foods and nutrients. Therefore, a healthy dietary pattern shows a greater magnitude of beneficial effects than the potential effects of a single nutrient supplementation. This review aims to identify potential targets (food patterns, single foods, or individual nutrients) for preventing CVD and quantifies the magnitude of the beneficial effects observed. On the other hand, we analyze the possible mechanisms implicated in this cardioprotective effect

    Report on how EIONET and EEA can contribute to the urban in situ requirements of a future Copernicus anthropogenic CO2 observing system

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    This report provides a technical review of CO2 and CH4 emissions monitoring methods based on surface mixing ratio measurements, total column mixing ratio measurements and flux measurements. The review demonstrated that all these measurements would fulfil respective in situ requirements of the Copernicus CO2 MVS capacity, contributing to the validation of space observations in and around cities and/or the system’s city-scale emissions estimates. The review furthermore elaborated on the benefits to climate change mitigation monitoring in the respective cities and how these methods could be implemented to monitor local emissions.Negotiated procedure No EEA/IDM/R0/17/008. Services supporting the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) crosscutting coordination of the Copernicus In Situ Componen

    Nanostructured multilayer compartments : towards multifunctionality and ‘‘cell-like’’ hierarchical complexity

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    In living organisms, there are phenomena that require the presence of specific biomolecules with distinct function and in variable concentrations at a given time, such as the healing and regeneration of tissue and organ lesions. In this work, we propose the use of a compartmented drug delivery device for the multiple release of bioactive agents. It consists of nanostructured microcapsules confined within a millimetric container that can be easily handled, mimicking the concept of cells which possess organelles with specialized functions. Each hierarchical structure was conceived using the layer-by-layer (LbL) method to form micro and macrocapsules that could individually carry either molecules and release them with distinct kinetics or magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) to be used in targeted therapies. Furthermore, the internal microcontainers were constructed with a temperature-responsive elastin-like recombinamer (ELR) to further add smart properties to the proposed system. Sacrificial CaCO3 microparticles empty or entrapping either rhodamine or Fe3O4 MNPs were incubated in chitosan and ELR solutions using LbL for the conception of the microcapsules. Then, the microcapsules were suspended in alginate which was ionically crosslinked in CaCl2 drop-wise. Rhodamine could be encapsulated at this point in the alginate. The bead was coated with chitosan and alginate to build the external macrocapsule compartment. All structures were coated with 3 bilayers. The CaCO3 cores were chelated and the alginate beads liquefied using EDTA. Fluorescence microscopy using FITC and rhodamine markers showed a uniform distribution of the microcapsules within the macroreservoir. The release of rhodamine from either in the micro or macrocapsule was assessed at 25 and 37 °C in PBS. While the release from the macrocapsule follows a profile similar to that of traditional drug delivery systems, it is more sustained and delayed when released from the internal compartments. Such retention is more pronounced at 37 ºC (65% of release in comparison to 90%). This is due to the temperature responsive behavior of ELRs, which undergo a phase transition and make the LbL shell less permeable. For the magnetic response, the incorporation of the MNPs was observed by transmitted light microscopy. The attraction of the devices was observed by applying an external magnetic field along a defined trajectory. The results let foresee the use of such multilayer devices as compartmented structures to encapsulate growth factors, MNPs and stem cells for their controlled differentiation and maintenance or for guided regeneration of tissues and organs.Fundo Social Europeu (FSE)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Programa Diferencial de Potencial Humano (POPH

    Comparación y clasificación de prismas utilizando origami

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    La propuesta innovadora Comparación y clasificación de prismas utilizando origami tiene como propósito fundamental fortalecer la comparación y clasificación de prismas utilizando como estrategia didáctica el origami, se desarrolla con una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo y diseño pre experimental, la variable medida fue el fortalecimiento de la comparación y clasificación de polígonos y prismas. Se ubica en el área de Matemáticas en la asignatura de Geometría. Con una muestra intencional de 105 estudiantes de quinto grado de una población de 336 de las instituciones Distritales de Barranquilla, Betania Norte, Pestalozzi y La Unión. El procedimiento ejecutado fue el siguiente: revisión de los resultados de pruebas saber 2015 y 2016, realización un pretest de seis preguntas por competencias con única respuesta, aplicación de la propuesta que consta de una secuencia didáctica de siete sesiones, realización de un post test de seis preguntas por competencias con única respuesta y análisis de datos. Entre los resultados se destacan el fortalecimiento de la comparación y clasificación de prismas, los estudiantes fortalecieron: la identificación de los elementos de un polígono, identificación de polígonos de acuerdo a sus propiedades y características, la clasificación de polígonos según el número de lados, la identificación de los elementos de un prisma, la identificación de prismas de acuerdo a sus propiedades y características, la clasificación de prismas de acuerdo a sus propiedades y se observó el fortalecimiento de la convivencia a partir del trabajo cooperativo

    Medición de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Propuesta de medición para el ámbito del sistema de franquicia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata de conocer el estado de la responsabilidad social corporativa, su concepto y dimensiones. La revisión de la literatura nos indica que se trata de un constructo complejo multidimensional, difícil de medir. Ello conlleva la falta de consenso entre los investigadores en la forma de medir la responsabilidad social corporativa. A partir de esta multidimensionalidad se propone una forma de medición en el ámbito del sector de la franquicia en España. Para ello se ha medido la responsabilidad social corporativa de una importante muestra de cadenas franquiciadoras que operan en España, incluyendo componentes que intentan recoger las responsabilidades ética, legal, filantrópica, medioambiental, frente a clientes y a empleados. No es frecuente encontrar una medida de la responsabilidad social corporativa, en el ámbito de la franquicia, que recoja todas las componentes anteriores, lo que supone una aportación relevante de esta investigación.This research paper seeks to know the state of corporate social responsibility, which are their concepts and dimensions. The literature review indicates that this is a complex multidimensional construct, difficult to measure. This implies a lack of consensus among researchers on how to measure corporate social responsibility. From this multidimensional topic we propose a form of measurement in the field of the Spanish franchising sector. Corporate Social Responsibility has been measured in an important sample of franchise chains operating in Spain, including components that try to gather the ethical, legal, philanthropic, environmental, to customers and employees, responsibilities. It is rare to find a measure of corporate social responsibility in the field of franchising containing all the above mentioned components, representing a significant contribution of this research

    Influence of Sex on Stroke Prognosis: A Demographic, Clinical, and Molecular Analysis

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    Identifying the complexities of the effect of sex on stroke risk, etiology, and lesion progression may lead to advances in the treatment and care of ischemic stroke (IS) and non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage patients (ICH). We studied the sex-related discrepancies on the clinical course of patients with IS and ICH, and we also evaluated possible molecular mechanisms involved. The study's main variable was the patient's functional outcome at 3-months. Logistic regression models were used in order to study the influence of sex on different inflammatory, endothelial and atrial dysfunction markers. We recruited 5,021 patients; 4,060 IS (54.8% male, 45.2% female) and 961 ICH (57.1% male, 42.9% female). Women were on average 5.7 years older than men (6.4 years in IS, 5.1 years in ICH), and more likely to have previous poor functional status, to suffer atrial fibrillation and to be on anticoagulants. IS patients showed sex-related differences at 3-months regarding poorer outcome (55.6% women, 43.6% men, p < 0.0001), but this relationship was not found in ICH (56.8% vs. 61.9%, p = 0.127). In IS, women had higher levels of NT-proBNP and 3-months worse outcome in both cardioembolic and non-cardioembolic stroke patients. Stroke patients showed sex-related differences in pre-hospital data, clinical variables and molecular markers, but only IS patients presented independent sex-related differences in 3-months poor outcome and mortality. There was a relationship between the molecular marker of atrial dysfunction NT-proBNP and worse functional outcome in women, resulting in a possible indicator of increased dysfunction

    The role of emotions in human–nature connectedness within Mediterranean landscapes in Spain

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    Landscapes can lead to different emotions towards nature that in turn shape people’s environmental behavior and decision processes. This study explores the role of emotions that Mediterranean landscapes foster in people and to what extent these emotions are associated with human–nature connectedness (HNC). We conducted 176 face-to-face surveys to explore HNC and the diversity of emotions associated with a suite of landscapes in Southeast Spain. Results revealed that Marine and Coastal Protected Areas received the highest number of positive emotions, whereas Greenhouses and Non-Protected Littoral were linked to negative emotions. We propose a framework for classifying emotional landscapes according to four groups: emotionally positive, negative, polarized or neutral. Results showed that emotions might play a key role in shaping HNC in Spanish Mediterranean landscapes and may be used as a common ground for understanding roots underpinning human decisions and actions that lead to sustainable management or landscape degradationHORIZON EUROPE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (Grant no. 101031168

    Prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular y bebidas alcohólicas fermentadas. ¿Realidad o ficción? [Prevention of cardiovascular disease and fermented alcoholic beverages. Reality or fiction?].

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    Existe mucha evidencia que sugiere una relación en J entre el consumo moderado de alcohol y la salud cardiovascular. Se ha referido una reducción de alrededor del 20% en la mortalidad y de hasta el 40% en la cardiopatía isquémica en los bebedores moderados respecto a los abstemios absolutos. Las dosis consideradas saludables oscilan entre 10 y 20 g/día para mujeres y hombres, respectivamente, y parece que el patrón de bebida es igualmente relevante para obtener ese efecto saludable. Múltiples son los mecanismos que pueden explicar el retraso en la aterogénesis inducido por el consumo saludable de alcohol, pero probablemente los efectos sobre los lípidos y las plaquetas son los más importantes. Sin embargo, se mantiene la controversia sobre si las bebidas alcohólicas fermentadas con alto contenido en polifenoles como cerveza o vino tienen un mayor efecto de protección cardiovascular que los licores que no contienen apenas polifenoles

    A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of an Intervention with a Nutritional Supplement for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomized Trial.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) involves heterogeneous diseases that affect the renal structure and function. Malnutrition plays a crucial role during patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD) treatment and is associated with an increased rate and duration of hospitalizations. The aim of this randomized, parallel, intervention-controlled trial was to assess whether the use of daily supplementation with a new nutritional product developed by the Grand Fontaine Laboratories improves the nutritional status and anthropometric parameters of stage 5 CKD patients, compared with standard renal dietary advice, after three months of follow-up. Dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, physical activity, and blood samples were collected at baseline and after three months of intervention. Significant improvements were observed within the intervention group in body weight (1.5 kg [95% CI: 0.9 to 2.12 kg]) and BMI (0.54 kg/m2 [95% CI: 0.31 to 0.77]; p-value between groups, 0.002 and 0.006, respectively). In the control group, significant decreases were observed in transferrin saturation (−5.04% [95% CI: −8.88 to −1.21]) and alpha-tocopherol levels (−3.31 umol/L [95% CI: −6.30 to −0.32]). We concluded that daily dietary intake of a specific renal nutritional complement in CKD patients with or at risk of malnutrition may prevent deterioration in nutritional parameters
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