2,300 research outputs found

    Metodología de investigación de los yacimientos de pizarras para cubiertas

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    [Resumen] Se exponen .las bases metodológicas autores aplican a la investigación y de yacimientos de pizarras para cubiertas, tanto de su propia experiencia como de bibliografía disponible sobre el tema. Los factores que controlan la calidad de los yacimientos de dicha materia prima son de tres tipos: Litoestratigráficos, estructurales y metamórficos. Ellos se reflejan en una serie de parámetros que son los que habitua1ment e s e evalúan en e1 campo. La investigación utiliza técnicas geológicas básicas, adaptadas a las peculiaridades de la pizarra. Aquélla se lleva a cabo en tres fases. De cada una de las fases se presentan ejemplos. Se apuntan también algunas nuevas técnicas de investigación tomadas de la bibliografía, que podrían ser de aplicación en este campo.[Résumé] Il s'exposent les bases méthodologiques que 1es auteur s app1i quen t á 1I investigation et évaluation de gisements des ardoises pour couvertures, prisses autant de sa propre expérience que de la maigre bibliographie disponible sur le sujeto Les facteurs que controlent la qualité des gisements de la materie prime sont trois types: Litoestratiphiques, estructurales et metamórphiques. lIs se réfléchent sur une serp€ de parámetres que sont ceux que normalement s'evaluent sur le champ. L' investigation utilise les téc niques básiques, adaptées aux peculiarités de Celle-lá se mene á bien en trois phases. une des phases on presenten des exemples. On remarque aussi quelques nouvelles técniques 'investigation cherchées sur la bibliographie, qu'il pouvaient etre d'aplication sur ce champ

    Abundant bacteria in the proximal and distal intestine of healthy Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii)

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    The gut microbiota plays a key role in animal health, including immune and metabolic homeostasis. Despite the economic relevance of the sturgeon, studies addressing the gut microbiome of this species are scarce and have focused only on the hindgut. The objective of this work was to use Illumina metabarcoding technology to compare the bacterial microbiomes of two different intestinal locations, the proximal intestine (small intestine) and the distal intestine (hindgut containing the spiral valve), of healthy Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) reared on two different farms in Spain. Although a high degree of interindividual variability was observed, certain differences between the anatomical parts and between the geographical locations were clear. The results show that the sequences corresponding to the most abundant taxa were the basis for clustering according to anatomical region (proximal and distal intestine), whereas the less abundant taxa were the basis for clustering according to the geographical location of the fish farms. Finally, the results also indicate the existence of certain bacteria that are present in the intestinal tracts of all the fish analyzed in this study; this information may be useful in future studies aiming to establish differences based upon fish health or disease

    Virulence as a Side Effect of Interspecies Interaction in Vibrio Coral Pathogens

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    The increase in prevalence and severity of coral disease outbreaks produced by Vibrio pathogens, and related to global warming, has seriously impacted reef-building corals throughout the oceans. The coral Oculina patagonica has been used as a model system to study coral bleaching produced by Vibrio infection. Previous data demonstrated that when two coral pathogens (Vibrio coralliilyticus and Vibrio mediterranei) simultaneously infected the coral O. patagonica, their pathogenicity was greater than when each bacterium was infected separately. Here, to understand the mechanisms underlying this synergistic effect, transcriptomic analyses of monocultures and cocultures as well as experimental infection experiments were performed. Our results revealed that the interaction between the two vibrios under culture conditions overexpressed virulence factor genes (e.g., those encoding siderophores, the type VI secretion system, and toxins, among others). Moreover, under these conditions, vibrios were also more likely to form biofilms or become motile through induction of lateral flagella. All these changes that occur as a physiological response to the presence of a competing species could favor the colonization of the host when they are present in a mixed population. Additionally, during coral experimental infections, we showed that exposure of corals to molecules released during V. coralliilyticus and V. mediterranei coculture induced changes in the coral microbiome that favored damage to coral tissue and increased the production of lyso-platelet activating factor. Therefore, we propose that competition sensing, defined as the physiological response to detection of harm or to the presence of a competing Vibrio species, enhances the ability of Vibrio coral pathogens to invade their host and cause tissue necrosis.This research was supported in part by the EU-H2020 MetaFluidics project with grant agreement number 685474 (to J.A.) and NSF-PIRE grant number OISE1243541 (to F.R.). E.R.-P. was funded by the postdoctoral program Vali+d (GVA) (grant number APOSTD-2016-091). A.M.C.-R. and P.C.D. were supported by the National Sciences Foundation grant IOS-1656481

    Shorter telomeres are associated with shell anomalies in a long-lived tortoise

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    Age-related telomere length (TL) variation is relatively well-described for mammals, birds and other model organisms. Nevertheless, it remains largely unknown in ectotherms, especially turtles and tortoises, which are extremely long-lived species with slow or negligible senescence. In this study, we described TL dynamics in wild spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca), one of the chelonian species with the lowest aging rates. By combining cross-sectional (single) and longitudinal (capture–recapture) samplings, we assessed the relationship between TL and individual characteristics (sex, age, individual growth rate, body condition index, presence of shell anomalies). We did not find any association between TL and sex, individual growth rate, or body condition. However, the relationship with age remains uncertain, likely due to the complex dynamics of TL over time. Interestingly, shorter telomeres correlated significantly with shell anomalies, which are usually assumed as a fitness proxy for reptiles. Overall, our results suggest TL as a potential indicator for ontogenetic studies on tortoises, while its utility as a marker of biological age appears limited.This work was supported by Project PID2019-105682RA-I00 and TED2021-130381B-I00, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the last also with the support of the European Union ‘NextGenerationEU/PRTR’. RCRC is supported by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Programme (ZAMBRANO 21-26)

    La Incidencia de la Precipitación y el Área Sembrada Frente a la Producción de Arroz en el Departamento del Meta

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship of the impact of precipitation and theamount of area sown against rice production inthe Meta department. For this analysis were obtained precipitation data provided by the IDEAMand data of sown area and production of riceobtained from the information annexed to theIV national census rice of the year 2016, carriedout by the Convention FEDEARROZ-DANE.The values that were analyzed from these threevariables were from the semiannual periods between (1999 -2017). In the case of precipitation,the average was found using the total semestermeasurements of the Pluviometric stations located at the target. After the analysis, it was obtained as results that the production of rice is avariable dependent on the amount of area thatis sown and of the quota Pluviometric as valueadded, ie, the greater amount of sown area and agood rainfall in the cycle Productive, the greaterthe rice production will be.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar mediante el métodode regresión lineal simple, la relación del impacto que tienela precipitación y la cantidad de área sembrada frente a laproducción de arroz en el Departamento del Meta. Paraeste análisis se obtuvieron datos de precipitación proporcionados por el IDEAM y datos de área sembrada y producción de arroz obtenida de la información anexada delIV Censo Nacional Arrocero del año 2016, realizado por elconvenio FEDEARROZ-DANE. Los valores que se analizaron de estas tres variables fueron de los períodos semestrales comprendidos entre (1999 - 2017). Para el caso de laprecipitación se halló el promedio usando las medicionestotales semestrales de las estaciones pluviométricas ubicadas en el departamento del Meta. Después del análisis, seobtuvo como resultados que la producción de arroz es unavariable dependiente de la cantidad de área que se siembrey de la cuota pluviométrica como valor agregado, es decir, amayor cantidad de área sembrada y una buena pluviosidaden el ciclo productivo, mayor será la producción de arroz

    Composición taxonómica y variación estacional del zooplancton del embalse Piedras Moras (Córdoba, Argentina)

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    Reservoirs are water bodies relatively similar to natural lakes, differing in aspects such as the longitudinal gradient of certain environmental and biotic factors. In the mountainous region of Córdoba there are more than 15000 ha of reservoirs. Although aspects of these reservoirs have been studied, the zooplankton has generally not received much attention. The aim of this study was to determine the composition and seasonal variation of the zooplankton of Piedras Moras reservoir, a multipurpose reservoir built on the Ctalamochita River, in which this community had not been previously studied. Seasonal samples were taken (November 2009 - September 2010) at three sites. The richness was 20 taxa and the highest diversity was recorded in the center of the reservoir. The typical association of the center-northwest of the country reservoirs was found. The crustaceans Notodiaptomus incompositus, Metacyclops mendocinus, Ceriodaphnia dubia y Bosmina longirostris were recorded in the majority of the samples and, although they were the more frequent rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, B. dimidiatus, B. caudatus and Polyarthra sp. were found less frequently. In the center, cladocerans were dominant in the summer and autumn, and copepods were dominant in the spring and winter. Though longitudinal zonation was found, this was based only on information from the summer period.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Growth and Branching of Gold nanoparticles Through MesoporousSilica Thin Films

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    Composite materials made of mesoporous oxide thin films containing metallic nanoparticles are of high interest in various fields, including catalysis, biosensing and non-linear optics. We demonstrate in this work the fabrication of such composite materials containing a sub-monolayer of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) of various shapes covered with mesoporous silica thin films. Additionally, the shape of the GNPs (and thus their optical properties) can be modified in situ through seeded growth and branching. Such growth proceeds upon wetting with HAuCl 4 solution, a surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) and a mild reducing agent (ascorbic acid, AA). The effect of varying several reaction parameters (time and CTAB and AA concentrations) was evaluated, showing that more anisotropic particles are obtained at longer reaction times, lower CTAB concentration and higher AA concentration. The final shape of the GNPs was also found to depend on their initial shape and size, as well as the pore size of the mesoporous film covering them. Because the growth proceeds through the pores of the film, it may lead to shapes that are not easily obtained in solution, such as particles with branches on one side only. Finally, we have confirmed that no damage was induced to the mesoporous silica structure during the growth process and thus the final particles remain well covered by the thin film, which can eventually be used as a filter between the GNPs and the outer medium.Fil: Angelomé, Paula C.. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Pastoriza Santos, Isabel. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Pérez Juste, Jorge. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Rodríguez-González, Benito. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Zelcer, Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Soler Illia, Galo Juan de Avila Arturo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Liz Marzán, Luis M.. Universidad de Vigo; Españ

    Nanoscale imaging of buried topological defects with quantitative X-ray magnetic microscopy

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.-- et al.Advances in nanoscale magnetism increasingly require characterization tools providing detailed descriptions of magnetic configurations. Magnetic transmission X-ray microscopy produces element specific magnetic domain images with nanometric lateral resolution in films up to ∼100 nm thick. Here we present an imaging method using the angular dependence of magnetic contrast in a series of high resolution transmission X-ray microscopy images to obtain quantitative descriptions of the magnetization (canting angles relative to surface normal and sense). This method is applied to 55-120 nm thick ferromagnetic NdCo 5 layers (canting angles between 65° and 22°), and to a NdCo 5 film covered with permalloy. Interestingly, permalloy induces a 43° rotation of Co magnetization towards surface normal. Our method allows identifying complex topological defects (merons or 1/2 skyrmions) in a NdCo 5 film that are only partially replicated by the permalloy overlayer. These results open possibilities for the characterization of deeply buried magnetic topological defects, nanostructures and devices.Work supported by Spanish MINECO under grant FIS2013-45469. A. Hierro-Rodriguez acknowledges support from FCT of Portugal (Grant SFRH/BPD/90471/2012). C. Blanco-Roldán thanks support from CSIC JAE Predoc Program.Peer Reviewe

    Composición taxonómica y variación estacional del zooplancton del embalse Piedras Moras (Córdoba, Argentina)

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    Reservoirs are water bodies relatively similar to natural lakes, differing in aspects such as the longitudinal gradient of certain environmental and biotic factors. In the mountainous region of Córdoba there are more than 15000 ha of reservoirs. Although aspects of these reservoirs have been studied, the zooplankton has generally not received much attention. The aim of this study was to determine the composition and seasonal variation of the zooplankton of Piedras Moras reservoir, a multipurpose reservoir built on the Ctalamochita River, in which this community had not been previously studied. Seasonal samples were taken (November 2009 - September 2010) at three sites. The richness was 20 taxa and the highest diversity was recorded in the center of the reservoir. The typical association of the center-northwest of the country reservoirs was found. The crustaceans Notodiaptomus incompositus, Metacyclops mendocinus, Ceriodaphnia dubia y Bosmina longirostris were recorded in the majority of the samples and, although they were the more frequent rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, B. dimidiatus, B. caudatus and Polyarthra sp. were found less frequently. In the center, cladocerans were dominant in the summer and autumn, and copepods were dominant in the spring and winter. Though longitudinal zonation was found, this was based only on information from the summer period.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse