172 research outputs found

    Programmed –1 frameshifting by kinetic partitioning during impeded translocation.

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    Programmed –1 ribosomal frameshifting (−1PRF) is an mRNA recoding event utilized by cells to enhance the information content of the genome and to regulate gene expression. The mechanism of –1PRF and its timing during translation elongation are unclear. Here, we identified the steps that govern –1PRF by following the stepwise movement of the ribosome through the frameshifting site of a model mRNA derived from the IBV 1a/1b gene in a reconstituted in vitro translation system from Escherichia coli. Frameshifting occurs at a late stage of translocation when the two tRNAs are bound to adjacent slippery sequence codons of the mRNA. The downstream pseudoknot in the mRNA impairs the closing movement of the 30S subunit head, the dissociation of EF-G, and the release of tRNA from the ribosome. The slippage of the ribosome into the –1 frame accelerates the completion of translocation, thereby further favoring translation in the new reading frame

    Structural mechanism of GTPase-powered ribosome-tRNA movement

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    GTPases are regulators of cell signaling acting as molecular switches. The translational GTPase EF-G stands out, as it uses GTP hydrolysis to generate force and promote the movement of the ribosome along the mRNA. The key unresolved question is how GTP hydrolysis drives molecular movement. Here, we visualize the GTPase-powered step of ongoing translocation by time-resolved cryo-EM. EF-G in the active GDP–Pi form stabilizes the rotated conformation of ribosomal subunits and induces twisting of the sarcin-ricin loop of the 23 S rRNA. Refolding of the GTPase switch regions upon Pi release initiates a large-scale rigid-body rotation of EF-G pivoting around the sarcin-ricin loop that facilitates back rotation of the ribosomal subunits and forward swiveling of the head domain of the small subunit, ultimately driving tRNA forward movement. The findings demonstrate how a GTPase orchestrates spontaneous thermal fluctuations of a large RNA-protein complex into force-generating molecular movement

    An Uncharged Amine in the Transition State of the Ribosomal Peptidyl Transfer Reaction

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    The ribosome has an active site comprised of RNA that catalyzes peptide bond formation. To understand how RNA promotes this reaction requires a detailed understanding of the chemical transition state. Here, we report the Brønsted coefficient of the α-amino nucleophile with a series of puromycin derivatives. Both 50S subunit- and 70S ribosome-catalyzed reactions displayed linear free-energy relationships with slopes close to zero under conditions where chemistry is rate limiting. These results indicate that, at the transition state, the nucleophile is neutral in the ribosome-catalyzed reaction, in contrast to the substantial positive charge reported for typical uncatalyzed aminolysis reactions. This suggests that the ribosomal transition state involves deprotonation to a degree commensurate with nitrogen-carbon bond formation. Such a transition state is significantly different from that of uncatalyzed aminolysis reactions in solution

    Conformational rearrangements upon start codon recognition in human 48S translation initiation complex

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    Selection of the translation start codon is a key step during protein synthesis in human cells. We obtained cryo-EM structures of human 48S initiation complexes and characterized the intermediates of codon recognition by kinetic methods using eIF1A as a reporter. Both approaches capture two distinct ribosome populations formed on an mRNA with a cognate AUG codon in the presence of eIF1, eIF1A, eIF2–GTP–Met-tRNAiMet and eIF3. The ‘open’ 40S subunit conformation differs from the human 48S scanning complex and represents an intermediate preceding the codon recognition step. The ‘closed’ form is similar to reported structures of complexes from yeast and mammals formed upon codon recognition, except for the orientation of eIF1A, which is unique in our structure. Kinetic experiments show how various initiation factors mediate the population distribution of open and closed conformations until 60S subunit docking. Our results provide insights into the timing and structure of human translation initiation intermediates and suggest the differences in the mechanisms of start codon selection between mammals and yeast

    Ribosome formation from subunits studied by stopped-flow and Rayleigh light scattering

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    Light scattering and standard stopped-flow techniques were used to monitor rapid association of ribosomal subunits during initiation of eubacterial protein synthesis. The effects of the initiation factors IF1, IF2, IF3 and buffer conditions on subunit association were studied along with the role of GTP in this process. The part of light scattering theory that is essential for kinetic measurements is high-lighted in the main text and a more general treatment of Rayleigh scattering from macromolecules is given in an appendix