27 research outputs found

    Conversion of a 3D scene into video

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    Three-dimensional graphics capabilities of portable devices such as smartphones are limited by their hardware. Even smartphones that include graphics processing units (GPU) cannot produce the graphics processing performance of a device (e.g., PC) that uses a more powerful desktop-class graphics processor. This disclosure describes techniques to create 360° video from a specified three-dimensional scene on a virtual desktop computer using a web browser and advanced graphics hardware. The video generated using this technique can be stored on a video hosting website and is suitable to be rendered by devices that lack advanced graphics capabilities

    Augmentation of intracellular iron using iron sucrose enhances the toxicity of pharmacological ascorbate in colon cancer cells

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    Pharmacological doses (> 1 mM) of ascorbate (a.k.a., vitamin C) have been shown to selectively kill cancer cells through a mechanism that is dependent on the generation of H2O2 at doses that are safely achievable in humans using intravenous administration. The process by which ascorbate oxidizes to form H2O2 is thought to be mediated catalytically by redox active metal ions such as iron (Fe). Because intravenous iron sucrose is often administered to colon cancer patients to help mitigate anemia, the current study assessed the ability of pharmacological ascorbate to kill colon cancer cells in the presence and absence of iron sucrose.In vitro survival assays showed that 10 mM ascorbate exposure (2 h) clonogenically inactivated 40â80% of exponentially growing colon cancer cell lines (HCT116 and HT29). When the H2O2 scavenging enzyme, catalase, was added to the media, or conditionally over-expressed using a doxycycline inducible vector, the toxicity of pharmacological ascorbate was significantly blunted. When colon cancer cells were treated in the presence or absence of 250 µM iron sucrose, then rinsed, and treated with 10 mM ascorbate, the cells demonstrated increased levels of labile iron that resulted in significantly increased clonogenic cell killing, compared to pharmacological ascorbate alone. Interestingly, when colon cancer cells were treated with iron sucrose for 1 h and then 10 mM ascorbate was added to the media in the continued presence of iron sucrose, there was no enhancement of toxicity despite similar increases in intracellular labile iron. The combination of iron chelators, deferoxamine and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, significantly inhibited the toxicity of either ascorbate alone or ascorbate following iron sucrose. These observations support the hypothesis that increasing intracellular labile iron pools, using iron sucrose, can be used to increase the toxicity of pharmacological ascorbate in human colon cancer cells by a mechanism involving increased generation of H2O2. Keywords: Oxidative stress, Redox active iron, Iron sucrose, Catalase, Deferoxamine, Chelator

    Consuming a Ketogenic Diet while Receiving Radiation and Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer: The University of Iowa Experience of Two Phase 1 Clinical Trials.

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    Ketogenic diets are low in carbohydrates and high in fat, which forces cells to rely more heavily upon mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids for energy. Relative to normal cells, cancer cells are believed to exist under a condition of chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress that is compensated for by increases in glucose metabolism to generate reducing equivalents. In this study we tested the hypothesis that a ketogenic diet concurrent with radiation and chemotherapy would be clinically tolerable in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic cancer and could potentially exploit cancer cell oxidative metabolism to improve therapeutic outcomes. Mice bearing MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer xenografts were fed either a ketogenic diet or standard rodent chow, treated with conventionally fractionated radiation (2 Gy/fraction), and tumor growth rates were assessed daily. Tumors were assessed for immunoreactive 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-(4HNE)-modfied proteins as a marker of oxidative stress. Based on this and another previously published preclinical study, phase 1 clinical trials in locally advanced NSCLC and pancreatic cancer were initiated, combining standard radiation and chemotherapy with a ketogenic diet for six weeks (NSCLC) or five weeks (pancreatic cancer). The xenograft experiments demonstrated prolonged survival and increased 4HNE-modfied proteins in animals consuming a ketogenic diet combined with radiation compared to radiation alone. In the phase 1 clinical trial, over a period of three years, seven NSCLC patients enrolled in the study. Of these, four were unable to comply with the diet and withdrew, two completed the study and one was withdrawn due to a dose-limiting toxicity. Over the same time period, two pancreatic cancer patients enrolled in the trial. Of these, one completed the study and the other was withdrawn due to a dose-limiting toxicity. The preclinical experiments demonstrate that a ketogenic diet increases radiation sensitivity in a pancreatic cancer xenograft model. However, patients with locally advanced NSCLC and pancreatic cancer receiving concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy had suboptimal compliance to the oral ketogenic diet and thus, poor tolerance