52 research outputs found

    Vitamins Are on a Budget...

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    How will you provide sufficient food for sound nutrition at a lower cost? is the challenge the American housewife has hurled at her today. What shall we eat? she asks as she studies prices, menus and literature for low cost foods

    When Christmas Comes...

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    Do you ever say to yourself, What shall I give Mary for Christmas? I want something nice, yet it must be inexpensive. Some women who have had this problem have answered it with hand tooled leather articles. It sounds expensive, but it isn\u27t, for they make the articles and do the tooling themselves

    The Thanksgiving Turkey...

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    Thanksgiving - the day of family gatherings and reunions. It is a yearly festival that has been developed by home life, and it always bespeaks of the hospitality which characterized the first American Harvest Thanksgiving consecrated at Plymouth in 1621

    Tailor Yourself With Tape...

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    I want something different! rises the cry of every normal woman as she contemplates the purchase or production of some new garment. And, we ask, why shouldn\u27t she wish something different - for she is different. Two women may wear the same size of dress, yet the dress may be becoming to one and be most unattractive on the other. Why? Because it has the right lines for the one and the wrong lines for the other

    A May-Day Breakfast...

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    S is for spring and strawberries - both incentives for a party! Morning\u27s the time for a spring party - a May breakfast. A breakfast party suggests a very informal meal served not earlier than eleven or twelve o\u27clock on the sun porch or under the apple tree in the garden. It might be preceded by an hour of bridge

    K.S.A.C. Greeks Cut: Expenses...

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    There is always something of interest for the home economist to discover when she goes visiting. Miss Ruth Lusby, head of the Institutional Administration Department at Iowa State, found some interesting neighbors when visiting recently at the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan

    Pitchers That Become Prizes...

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    One of the pitchers made by the Ceramic Engineering Department of the college has become one of the most prized pitchers in the collection of Mrs. Emma Rohlfs Maier of Avoca, Iowa. The pitcher was sent her by Professor Paul E. Cox, head of the Ceramic Engineering Department. He said it was sent in remembrance of what Mrs. Maier\u27s father had done for Iowa State College

    Choose Charming China

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    For all happiness there are moments of despair and uncertainty for Mrs. June Bride. She goes to the store to select the chinaware for her home. Such an array of shapes, patterns, designs, and colors as are put before her! The eeny, meeny, miny, mo method may work very well for selecting a person to be it for a game, but wouldn\u27t work at all as a method for the selection of china

    Earning Is an Occupation...

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    It is generally accepted that the average American is an unusually good money-maker and a remarkably poor spender