985 research outputs found

    Genericity of Cosmic Strings Formation in SUSY GUTs

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    The idea of GUT implies that the universe went through a series of phase transitions during which topological defects are expected to form. We investigate here the genericity of cosmic strings formation in realistic SUSY GUTs models. We conclude that all acceptable symmetry breaking schemes produce cosmic strings after the last inflationary phase. Generically, as they form at the end of inflation, they have a mass of order of the GUT scale. Since cosmological data coming from CMB measurements do not show evidence for such strings, they constrain GUT scale physics.Comment: 4 pages, talk at the XXXIX Rencontres de Moriond (La Thuile, March 2004), to appear in the proceeding

    Scattering of cosmic strings by black holes: loop formation

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    We study the deformation of a long cosmic string by a nearby rotating black hole. We examine whether the deformation of a cosmic string, induced by the gravitational field of a Kerr black hole, may lead to the formation of a loop of cosmic string. The segment of the string which enters the ergosphere of a rotating black hole gets deformed and, if it is sufficiently twisted, it can self-intersect chopping off a loop of cosmic string. We find that the formation of a loop, via this mechanism, is a rare event. It will only arise in a small region of the collision phase space, which depends on the string velocity, the impact parameter and the black hole angular momentum. We conclude that generically, the cosmic string is simply scattered or captured by the rotating black hole.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    D-term inflation in non-minimal supergravity

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    D-term inflation is one of the most interesting and versatile models of inflation. It is possible to implement naturally D-term inflation within high energy physics, as for example SUSY GUTs, SUGRA, or string theories. D-term inflation avoids the η\eta-problem, while in its standard form it always ends with the formation of cosmic strings. Given the recent three-year WMAP data on the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies, we examine whether D-term inflation can be successfully implemented in non-minimal supergravity theories. We show that for all our choices of K\"ahler potential, there exists a parameter space for which the predictions of D-term inflation are in agreement with the measurements. The cosmic string contribution on the measured temperature anisotropies is always dominant, unless the superpotential coupling constant is fine tuned; a result already obtained for D-term inflation within minimal supergravity. In conclusion, cosmic strings and their r\^ole in the angular power spectrum cannot be easily hidden by just considering a non-flat K\"ahler geometry.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures; minor changes to match publihed versio

    Fiche de lecture. Xavier-Laurent Petit, Itawapa

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    Control of Glutamate Transport by Extracellular Potassium: Basis for a Negative Feedback on Synaptic Transmission.

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    Glutamate and K+, both released during neuronal firing, need to be tightly regulated to ensure accurate synaptic transmission. Extracellular glutamate and K+ ([K+]o) are rapidly taken up by glutamate transporters and K+-transporters or channels, respectively. Glutamate transport includes the exchange of one glutamate, 3 Na+, and one proton, in exchange for one K+. This K+ efflux allows the glutamate binding site to reorient in the outwardly facing position and start a new transport cycle. Here, we demonstrate the sensitivity of the transport process to [K+]o changes. Increasing [K+]o over the physiological range had an immediate and reversible inhibitory action on glutamate transporters. This K+-dependent transporter inhibition was revealed using microspectrofluorimetry in primary astrocytes, and whole-cell patch-clamp in acute brain slices and HEK293 cells expressing glutamate transporters. Previous studies demonstrated that pharmacological inhibition of glutamate transporters decreases neuronal transmission via extrasynaptic glutamate spillover and subsequent activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Here, we demonstrate that increasing [K+]o also causes a decrease in neuronal mEPSC frequency, which is prevented by group II mGluR inhibition. These findings highlight a novel, previously unreported physiological negative feedback mechanism in which [K+]o elevations inhibit glutamate transporters, unveiling a new mechanism for activity-dependent modulation of synaptic activity

    Production of topological defects at the end of inflation

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    Hybrid inflation within supersymmetric grand unified theories, as well as inflation through brane collisions within braneworld cosmological models, lead to the formation of one-dimensional defects. Observational data, mainly from the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies but also from the gravitational wave background, impose constraints on the free parameters of the models. I review these inflationary models and discuss the constraints from the currently available data.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk in the Conference "Challenges in Particle Astrophysics" -- 6th Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi (Vietnam) 6-12 Aug. 200

    Direct amine-functionalisation of γ-Fe2O3nanoparticles

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    A novel and simple preparation of amine-modified γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles is described. The presence of amine groups on the surface, instead of hydroxyl groups, will allow conjugation of biologically active molecules to the iron oxide nanoparticles without the need for a size increasing silica shell. Furthermore, the outer amine-layer increases the temperature of the γ-Fe2O3 to α-Fe2O3 structural transition in a similar way to previously reported cationic substitutions. This may suggest the formation of an oxide–nitride outer layer. Re-dispersion of the amine-modified γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles led to the preparation of stable ferrofluids

    Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: A Single Parallel Monitoring-Based Quantification Approach on Whole Blood.

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    Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances is a major cause of motor vehicle crashes. The identification and quantification of substances most frequently involved in impaired-driving cases in a single analytic procedure could be an important asset in forensic toxicology. In this study, a highly sensitive and selective liquid chromatography (LC) approach hyphenated with Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) was developed for the quantification of the main drugs present in the context of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) using 100 μL of whole blood. This procedure involves a simple sample preparation and benefit from the selectivity brought by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) allowing to solve most DUID cases using a single multi-analyte injection. The method was fully validated for the quantification of the major classes of psychoactive substances associated with impaired-driving (cannabinoids, cocaine and its metabolites, amphetamines, opiates and opioids, and the major benzodiazepines and z-drugs). The validation guidelines set by the "Société Française des Sciences et des Techniques Pharmaceutiques" (SFSTP) were respected for 22 psychoactive substances using 15 internal standards. Trueness was measured to be between 95.3 and 107.6% for all the tested concentrations. Precision represented by repeatability and intermediate precision was lower than 12% while recovery (RE) and matrix effect (ME) ranged from 49 to 105% and from -51 to 3%, respectively. The validated procedure provides an efficient approach for the simultaneous and simple quantification of the major drugs associated with impaired driving benefiting from the selectivity of PRM

    Identifying eroded Messinian deposits on the Maltese Islands by gypsum Sr isotopes

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    International audienceEvaporite sediments are known to have formed during the Messinian high salinity crisis that has been recognized in many Mediterranean areas. This event was however never identified on the Maltese Islands. In this study, a Sr isotopic characterization of gypsum, found as secondary minerals in the Oligocene-Miocene formations of Malta and Gozo is performed. The 87Sr/86Sr values are discussed on the basis of comparison with the surrounding rock Sr isotopic signature. The data outline two distinguishable 87Sr/86Sr ratios for gypsum according to their facies. Most of crack-infilling mineral data suggest a downward fluid circulation in the Miocene sediment associated with interaction in the currently outcropping limestones. Some gypsum crystals found as crystallized spherules show significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios, close to those defined in the literature for Messinian evaporate sediments. Taken together, this may suggest that an evaporate formation of Messinian age had in the past covered the present-day sedimentary sequence in Malta and Gozo

    Cosmic strings and Natural Inflation

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    In the present work we discuss cosmic strings in natural inflation. Our analysis is based entirely on the CMB quadrupole temperature anisotropy and on the existing upper bound on the cosmic string tension. Our results show that the allowed range for both parameters of the inflationary model is very different from the range obtained recently if cosmic strings are formed at the same time with inflation, while if strings are formed after inflation we find that the parameters of the inflationary model are similar to the ones obtained recently.Comment: 12 pages, 0 tables, 4 figures, accepted for publication in JHE