550 research outputs found

    Challenges of food service towards sustainability beyond food waste

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    FCT_UIDB/05608/2020. FCT_UIDP/05608/2020. FCT_UIDB/05748/2020. FCT_UIDP/05748/2020.Food service comprises the production of meals consumed outside the home, including consumers from all age groups and in different sectors, such as schools (from kindergarten to university), public and private companies, the health sector (from hospitals to elderly care institutions), military, sports facilities and restaurants (from fine dining to fast-food). Food service units (FSU) achieved importance and responsibility not only for feeding the population but also as an important setting for public health interventions, potentially educating consumers and modulating behaviors through the meals provided. In addition to its socioeconomic impact, the food service industry has a strong environmental impact. More sustainable food service starts with the basics: minimizing environmental impact by reducing carbon footprint. The food service industry is being encouraged to make choices that positively impact the environment. Nevertheless, most of the efforts and research made in the last years have been focused on evaluating and reducing food waste. This article focuses on strategies that could be implemented beyond food waste, and act on changing the food offered towards health and sustainability while promoting consumer behavior change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    KIMEHS Proposal of an Index for Qualitative Evaluation of Childrens Menus: A Pilot Study

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    Considering the importance of the food environments for health promotion, and the lack of simple, easy to use, low-cost measures of the quality of meals, the authors developed a qualitative menu index (KIMEHSKids Menu Healthy Score), tailored to childrens menu evaluation. Development of the tool was based on the Mediterranean food pattern. It includes 18 components, divided into seven main groups that reflect key aspects of menu quality, including protein source, side dishes, vegetables, dessert and beverages, and also allergens and nutritional information. The index was analysed for content and construct validity, as well as inter-rater reliability, and was applied to a sample of menus from restaurants in shopping centres in the Lisbon region. Possible index point ranges from 17 to 17, with a higher score indicating greater compliance with the recommendations. A value of 5.5 is obtained if all KIMEHS items are available, considering healthy and non-healthy options. The inter-rater reliability was assessed and values above 0.80 were obtained for Alpha Cronbach, as well as agreement % rate >75%. Agreement percentage is above 75% for all the components. Evaluated restaurants scored from 14 to 7, with an average KIMEHS of 6.15. Only four restaurants scored positive values, ranging from 0.25 to 7. KIMEHS was considered to be an adequate index to evaluate childrens menus, from the menu information displayed on restaurant websites and/or on restaurant displays or table menus. It is a simple, low-cost tool that may be used as a reference for health professionals as an objective measure to evaluate the food environment. Stakeholders could also be involved in their own assessment to help educate consumers about healthy food choices, strengthening the efforts to promote an adequate food pattern and health, contributing to the fight against obesity.</jats:p

    Quality of kids' meals in fast-food restaurants: the nutritional content is not enough for an informed choice

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    Objective Eating out in restaurants is a common family behavior, but it has been persistently associated with unbalanced nutrient intakes, contributing to create and reinforce unhealthy food habits among children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the kids' meals from three common well-known restaurant chains in Portugal. Methods The nutritional composition (total fat, carbohydrates, protein, and sodium content) of the menus was analyzed bromatologicaly, and food portions were also examined. The assessment was carried out according to the European Food Safety Authority recommendations. Results Analyses of the menus from the two points of view revealed that the evaluations for macronutrients and food portions may return contradictory results. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are compliant with the requirements for most of the meals. The analysis from the food portion perspective exceeds the requirements for the meat, fish, and eggs groups, as well as for fats and oils. Fruits, vegetables, and pulses are not present in the menus. Despite the balance associated with the macronutrients, the salt content exceeds the recommendations for most of the meals. Conclusion Popular fast-food chain restaurants have already adapted to comply with nutritional recommendations, whilst neglecting important recommended foods such as fruit, pulses, and vegetables. This study points not only to the need of investing in the improvement of the offerings, but also to the importance of fighting the tendency to reduce the perception of food quality to its nutritional content, leading consumers to believe that the meals offered are balanced when they are not

    Will climate change be harmful for small tropical islands? The case of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil

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    The Fernando de Noronha archipelago is a key site for biodiversity conservation, besides being one of the most searched destinies for ecotourism in Brazil. We present the first study focusing on the evaluation of this important archipelago’s exposure to climate change.  Our metric was based on the differences between current and future predictions of climatic and bioclimatic variables obtained from the WorldClim dataset. For the predictions, we considered two models of radiative forcing, the first optimistic and the second a business-as-usual scenario of greenhouse gases emissions. We showed an increase in average temperature and decrease in annual precipitation for the archipelago, although for the driest period of the year the precipitation is likely to increase. We also recovered a decrease in differences between interannual temperature variation and diurnal temperature variation, indicating a shift in the seasonality patterns. These changes can be potentially harmful to local biodiversity and consequently to local economy, since it is based on touristic activities that involves natural environments. The maintenance of local vegetation cover is likely to be a good strategy to avoid the local increase of environmental temperature, however, a global commitment to decrease the greenhouse gases emissions is paramount to avoid a potential collapse of small islands around the world, including the Fernando de Noronha archipelago

    Corpos disciplinados e decentes : a vestimenta escolar a serviço do controle e da vigilância dos corpos femininos

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Maria Rita de Assis CésarDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 05/03/2020Inclui referências: p. 96-104Resumo: Os corpos femininos foram produzidos por uma multiplicidade de discursos a partir de diferentes instituições. Esses corpos foram construídos, marcados e atravessados pelos discursos da filosofia, da medicina, da pedagogia, da religião e da moral. A escola é uma instância pedagógica de ampla captura e sequestro dos corpos, tornando-os úteis e passíveis às diferentes tecnologias do poder. O corpo ocupa um lugar central na educação, sendo a escola responsável por educá-lo, controlá-lo, vigiálo e normalizá-lo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise da vestimenta escolar e sobre como essa indumentária transita entre o disciplinamento e a regulação dos corpos femininos e, também, entre a possibilidade de resistência dentro e fora do espaço escolar. Com base nos Estudos Foucaultianos e nos Estudos de Gênero, essa pesquisa se produz através das narrativas obtidas, por meio de entrevistas coletivas, com alunas do Ensino Médio de um colégio da rede pública e estadual, na região central, da cidade de Curitiba. A partir desse estudo, observa-se que a vestimenta escolar não se constitui, somente, como um mecanismo de disciplinamento e controle dos corpos femininos, mas também como uma possibilidade de resistência para esses corpos. Palavras-chave: Corpos femininos. Vestimenta escolar. Gênero. Disciplina.Abstract: Feminine bodies were produced by a multiplicity of discourses from different institutions. Those bodies were built, marked and crossed by philosophical, medical, pedagogical, religious and moral discourses. The school is a pedagogical instance of wide capture and imprisonment of bodies, making them useful and amenable to different technologies of power. The body occupies a central place in education, being the school responsible for its education, control, vigilance and normalization. The present study aims to analyze the school uniform and how it transitions between disciplining and regulating feminine bodies and also, between possibilities of resistance inside and outside the school environment. Based on Foucaultian Studies and Gender Studies, this research produces itself through narratives obtained through group interviews with high school students from a public and state school in the central region of the city of Curitiba. From this study, it is observed that the school uniform is constituted not only as a mechanism of discipline and control of feminine bodies, but also as a possibility of resistance to them. Keywords: Feminine bodies. School uniform. Gender. Discipline

    Ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação na formação musical do ensino básico, em tempos de pandemia-COVID-19 : experiências do presente com possível utilidade no futuro

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    O Relatório Final que se apresenta tem como principal objetivo dar a conhecer os percursos realizados no âmbito do meu estágio integrado no Mestrado em Ensino de Música. Composto por duas partes, expõe os pontos que fundamentam a minha Prática Profissional (PP) e o desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógica (PIP), apresentado sob a forma de artigo científico. Subordinado ao tema “Ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação na Formação Musical do Ensino Básico, em tempos de Pandemia-COVID-19: Experiências do presente com possível utilidade no futuro”, este Relatório centra-se em questões relacionadas com modelos de Ensino Presencial, Ensino à Distância e Ensino Misto, dada a situação pandémica em que vivemos. Ao longo da Prática Profissional, são apresentadas práticas pedagógicas e didáticas com alunos das disciplinas de Formação Musical e de Música de Conjunto, desde aulas por mim lecionadas, aulas assistidas, produção de materiais didáticos, entre outros desenvolvimentos. A Academia de Música de Vilar de Paraíso foi o meio escolhido para o seu desenvolvimento. A questão central do Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógica (PIP) é enunciada da seguinte forma: Será possível pensar e planificar o “Ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação de Formação Musical do Ensino Básico”, num contexto de pandemia, em que o contacto presencial, a qualquer momento, poderá deixar de ser uma possibilidade? Assim, apresento o desenvolvimento de uma experiência, cujos resultados evidenciam a importância das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TIC) como resposta aos desafios da educação, nos contextos desta pandemia, com perspetivas de continuidade em tempos futuros, pós-pandemia.The main purpose of this Final Report is to present the paths taken during my internship as part of the Master in Music Teaching. Composed of two parts, it exposes the points that underlie my Professional Practice (PP) and the development of a Pedagogical Intervention Project (PIP), presented in the form of a scientific article. Under the theme "Teaching, learning and assessment in Musical Training in Basic Education, in times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of the present with possible future use", this Report focuses on issues related to models of face-to-face teaching, teaching distance learning and mixed learning, given the pandemic situation in which we live. Throughout the Professional Practice, pedagogical and didactic practices are presented with students of the disciplines of the Musical Education and Ensemble Music, from classes I teach, assisted classes, production of teaching materials, among other developments. The Vilar de Paraíso Music Academy was the chosen medium for its development. The central question of the Pedagogical Intervention Project (PIP) is stated as follows: It will be possible to think and plan the “Teaching, learning and assessment of Music Education in Basic School", in a pandemic context, in which face-to-face contact, at any moment, may no longer be a possibility? Thus, it presents the development of an experiment, whose results show the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as an answer to the challenges of education, in the contexts of this pandemic, with perspectives of continuity in future times, post-pandemic

    Rye Bs disclose ancestral sequences in cereal genomes with a potential role in gametophyte chromatid segregation

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    Research ArticleTwo sequence families, E3900 and D1100, are amplified on the subtelomeric domain of the long arm of rye B chromosomes, the region that controls its drive mechanism. In this work, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a number of primers spanning E3900 shows that the organization and nucleotide sequence of E3900-related portions are present and highly conserved on rye A chromosomes as well as in other cereals. Quantitative Real-Time PCR estimates two E3900 sequences to be represented in 100–150 copies on Bs and at least as single copies on As. A novel E3900- related sequence, with a deletion that results in a frameshift and subsequently an open reading frame with putative DNA binding motifs, is identified. Expression analysis of E3900 indicates identical transcription levels in leaves from plants with and without Bs, showing that the expression of these sequences must be silenced on Bs and tightly regulated on As in leaves. In contrast, E3900 transcription is upregulated during meiosis exclusively in plants with Bs, maintaining a high level of transcription in the gametophyte. Interestingly, Bs not only influence their own chromatid segregation but also that of the regular chromosome complement of both rye and wheat. There is a drastic increase in frequency of disrupted metaphase and anaphase cells in the first mitosis of pollen grains carrying Bs, which appears to be due to anomalous adherences between sister chromatids. Taken together, this work provides insight into how E3900 sequences are potentially associated with important evolutionary mechanisms involved in basic cellular processes

    A bioética entre as convicções do doente e o avanço científico, na área da medicina transfusional

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioética, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2010O sangue motivou sempre um fascínio particular no ser humano desde as civilizações mais antigas até à sociedade moderna. Mas foi apenas no princípio do século XX que a prática da transfusão sanguínea se iniciou, tendo sido alvo de uma rápida evolução científica. Ligada a uma forte vertente sociocultural e cada vez mais dependente de complexas exigências técnicas e legais, a transfusão sanguínea faz actualmente parte da prática clínica, sendo impensável prescindir da sua utilização num número considerável de situações, como á o caso de grandes cirurgias e traumas, entre outras. Mas se para uns uma transfusão pode salvar uma vida, para outros ela pode fazer perder a alma. È assim que pensam as Testemunhas de Jeová, que como é do conhecimento geral recusam a administração de componentes sanguíneos. Por este motivo os profissionais de saúde enfrentam por vezes verdadeiros dilemas éticos, resultantes de conflitos entre os princípios hipocráticos da beneficência e da não maleficência e o respeito pelo moderno princípio da autonomia do doente. Este trabalho centraliza-se nos problemas bioéticos e técnicos que os profissionais de saúde enfrentam no caso de doentes que recusam transfusões, mesmo em situações que podem ter um desfecho fatal. OBJECTIVOS O primeiro objectivo deste trabalho é analisar e discutir o conflito entre os princípios hipocráticos da beneficência e da não maleficência aos quais os médicos devem obedecer, e o respeito pela autonomia do doente, que deve ser previamente informado sobre as consequências das suas decisões. O segundo objectivo deste trabalho é perceber como os profissionais de saúde resolvem este conflito do ponto de vista ético, e também que soluções técnicas encontram. O terceiro objectivo deste trabalho consiste em discutir as possíveis alternativas para a transfusão sanguínea, as suas vantagens e inconvenientes. Por outras palavras será possível realizar uma medicina ou cirurgia sem sangue? METODOLOGIA Com a intenção de responder a estas questões realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando palavras-chave centradas na área da bioética e das alternativas à transfusão. Foram também utilizados dois questionários, sendo um dirigido a cirurgiões, anestesistas e especialistas de Imuno-hemoterapia. O outro destinou-se à população em geral. Ambos os questionários tiveram a intenção de perceber como estas situações são sentidas pelos profissionais de saúde e pela população em geral, e como são hierarquizados os princípios éticos. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO A análise das respostas obtidas através dos questionários aplicados aos profissionais de saúde, revelou uma dificuldade nítida em escalonar os princípios éticos em conflito nesta matéria. Contudo, a partir das respostas obtidas podemos concluir que o respeito pela autonomia do doente tem a primazia e deve ser respeitado, apesar de alguns médicos fazerem uso da sua autonomia e recusarem tratar doentes nestas condições. Para a população em geral questionada, 50% considerou que não existe sequer qualquer conflito ético associado a este assunto. A análise das respostas em ambos os questionários evidencia a necessidade de mais estudos e sobretudo debates públicos nesta matéria pouco discutida abertamente. No que diz respeito às alternativas técnicas (farmacológicas e clínicas), uma vez que não existe ainda um substituto completo para o sangue, verifica-se que o verdadeiro desafio reside na criação de equipas multidisciplinares que aceitem respeitar medidas, que no seu todo visem diminuir os problemas resultantes da hemorragia, tendo sempre em consideração as desvantagens destas alternativas.Blood has always motivated a special interest in men since primitive cultures until modern societies. But it was only in the beginning of the XX th century that blood transfusion practice begun, and suffered such a quick scientific evolution that today, modern medicine depends on it for a large number of situations, like surgeries and trauma, among others. Blood transfusion is also associated with a strong cultural and social profile and although essential to safe human lives, for same patients, like Jehovah’s Whiteness’s, taking blood is unthinkable because it is against their religious believes, it will make them “loose their soul”. For this reason health professionals have sometimes to face, serious ethical dilemmas, resulting from conflicts between the Hippocratic principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence and the respect for the modern ethical principle of patient’s autonomy. This work focus on the bioethical and technical problems, faced by health professionals with patients like Jehovah’s Whiteness’s, that refuse to receive blood transfusions, even in situations that might be fatal. OBJECTIVES The first aim of this work is to analyse and discuss the conflict between the Hippocratic principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence to witch medical doctors must obey, and the respect for patient’s autonomy, who must be previously informed about the consequences of their decisions. Also important in this consideration is the autonomy of health professionals, since no patient can force medical doctors to take action against their ethical or moral principles, since they might end in a fatal result for which doctors may be responsible. The second aim of this work is to know how health professionals deal with this conflict from the ethical point of view, and which technical solutions they seek to solve this problem. The third aim of this work consists in discussing possible alternatives to blood transfusion, their advantages and disadvantages. In other words is it possible to have a bloodless medicine or surgery? METHODOLOGY With the intention to answer these questions a review of published scientific articles was done. Key words used focus mainly on the area of bioethics and bloodless medicine. Also two different questionnaires were used, one in a specific group of surgeons, anaesthesiologists and specialists in the area of transfusion medicine. The other one was directed to common citizens. Both questionnaires intended to understand how these situations are felt by the population and by health professionals, and how ethical principles are valorised. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The analysis of answers obtained from the questionnaires used in heath professionals, revealed a clear difficulty in deciding the relative importance of the ethical principles in conflict, in this issue. Yet, from the answers obtained we can conclude that the respect for patient’s autonomy is the most important principle and should be respected, although some doctors also preserve their autonomy by refusing themselves to treat patients in these conditions. In the case of the common citizens questioned, 50% considered that there is not even any kind of ethical conflict, in this issue. The analysis of answers in both questionnaires shows the need, of more open and wide discussions of ethical problems raised by this matter. In terms of technical (pharmacologic and clinical) alternatives, since there is no complete substitute to blood transfusion, the true challenge lays in the creation of teams that with combined work can in same situations diminish problems associated with blood loss, keeping always in mind the disadvantages of these alternatives

    Modelização espectral autoregressiva de processos estocásticos pontuais : Métodos, algoritmos e aplicações

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Matemática Aplicada, área de especialização em Teoria de Sistemas e Processamento de Sinal, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port

    Comparison of rheumatoid arthritis composite disease activity indices and residual activity in a Brazilian multicenter study - REAL study

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) composite disease activity indices have become handy tools in daily clinical practice and crucial in defining remission or low disease activity, the main target of the RA treatment. However, there is no definition of the best index to assess disease activity in clinical practice. Objectives: To compare the residual activity among the indices with the ACR/EULAR remission criteria (Boolean method) to identify the most feasible for assessing remission in daily practice, also considering correlation and concordance, sensibility, and specificity. Patients and methods: We selected 1116 patients with established RA from the real-life rheumatoid arthritis study database-REAL. The composite disease activity indices-DAS28-ESR, DAS28-CRP, SDAI, and CDAI-and their components were compared to the Boolean method to identify residual activity using binomial regression. The indices were analyzed for correlation and agreement using the Spearman index and weighted kappa. The chi-square test evaluated sensibility and specificity for remission based on the Boolean method. Results: DAS28-CRP overestimated remission and confirmed higher residual activity than SDAI and CDAI. The indices showed good correlation and agreement, with a better relationship between SDAI and CDAI (k:0,88). CDAI and SDAI showed higher sensitivity and specificity for remission based on the Boolean method. CDAI was performed in 99% of patients, while DAS28 and SDAI were completed in approximately 85%. Conclusions: Although all composite indices of activity can be used in clinical practice and showed good agreement, CDAI and SDAI have better performance in evaluating remission based on the Boolean method, showing less residual activity and higher sensibility and specificity. In addition, CDAI seems to be more feasible for disease activity evaluation in daily clinical practice, especially in developing countries