18,650 research outputs found

    Anomalous temperature dependence of the band-gap in Black Phosphorus

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    Black Phosphorus (BP) has gained renewed attention due to its singular anisotropic electronic and optical properties that might be exploited for a wide range of technological applications. In this respect, the thermal properties are particularly important both to predict its room temperature operation and to determine its thermoelectric potential. From this point of view, one of the most spectacular and poorly understood phenomena is, indeed, the BP temperature-induced band-gap opening: when temperature is increased the fundamental band-gap increases instead of decreasing. This anomalous thermal dependence has also been observed, recently, in its monolayer counterpart. In this work, based on \textit{ab-initio} calculations, we present an explanation for this long known, and yet not fully explained, effect. We show that it arises from a combination of harmonic and lattice thermal expansion contributions, which are, in fact, highly interwined. We clearly narrow down the mechanisms that cause this gap opening by identifying the peculiar atomic vibrations that drive the anomaly. The final picture we give explains both the BP anomalous band-gap opening and the frequency increase with increasing volume (tension effect).Comment: Published in Nano Letter

    Non-Associativity in the Clifford Bundle on the Parallelizable Torsion 7-Sphere

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    In this paper we discuss generalized properties of non-associativity in Clifford bundles on the 7-sphere S7. Novel and prominent properties inherited from the non-associative structure of the Clifford bundle on S7 are demonstrated. They naturally lead to general transformations of the spinor fields on S7 and have dramatic consequences for the associated Kac-Moody current algebras. All additional properties concerning the non-associative structure in the Clifford bundle on S7 are considered. We further discuss and explore their applications.Comment: 16 page

    Mimicking Nanoribbon Behavior Using a Graphene Layer on SiC

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    We propose a natural way to create quantum-confined regions in graphene in a system that allows large-scale device integration. We show, using first-principles calculations, that a single graphene layer on a trenched region of [0001ˉ][000\bar{1}] SiCSiC mimics i)the energy bands around the Fermi level and ii) the magnetic properties of free-standing graphene nanoribbons. Depending on the trench direction, either zigzag or armchair nanoribbons are mimicked. This behavior occurs because a single graphene layer over a SiCSiC surface loses the graphene-like properties, which are restored solely over the trenches, providing in this way a confined strip region.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    False Vacuum Transitions - Analytical Solutions and Decay Rate Values

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    In this work we show a class of oscillating configurations for the evolution of the domain walls in Euclidean space. The solutions are obtained analytically. Phase transitions are achieved from the associated fluctuation determinant, by the decay rates of the false vacuum.Comment: 6 pages, improved to match the final version to appear in EP

    Eisenstein Series and String Thresholds

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    We investigate the relevance of Eisenstein series for representing certain G(Z)G(Z)-invariant string theory amplitudes which receive corrections from BPS states only. G(Z)G(Z) may stand for any of the mapping class, T-duality and U-duality groups Sl(d,Z)Sl(d,Z), SO(d,d,Z)SO(d,d,Z) or Ed+1(d+1)(Z)E_{d+1(d+1)}(Z) respectively. Using G(Z)G(Z)-invariant mass formulae, we construct invariant modular functions on the symmetric space K\G(R)K\backslash G(R) of non-compact type, with KK the maximal compact subgroup of G(R)G(R), that generalize the standard non-holomorphic Eisenstein series arising in harmonic analysis on the fundamental domain of the Poincar\'e upper half-plane. Comparing the asymptotics and eigenvalues of the Eisenstein series under second order differential operators with quantities arising in one- and gg-loop string amplitudes, we obtain a manifestly T-duality invariant representation of the latter, conjecture their non-perturbative U-duality invariant extension, and analyze the resulting non-perturbative effects. This includes the R4R^4 and R4H4g−4R^4 H^{4g-4} couplings in toroidal compactifications of M-theory to any dimension D≥4D\geq 4 and D≥6D\geq 6 respectively.Comment: Latex2e, 60 pages; v2: Appendix A.4 extended, 2 refs added, thms renumbered, plus minor corrections; v3: relation (1.7) to math Eis series clarified, eq (3.3) and minor typos corrected, final version to appear in Comm. Math. Phys; v4: misprints and Eq C.13,C.24 corrected, see note adde

    Gravastars and Black Holes of Anisotropic Dark Energy

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    Dynamical models of prototype gravastars made of anisotropic dark energy are constructed, in which an infinitely thin spherical shell of a perfect fluid with the equation of state p=(1−γ)σp = (1-\gamma)\sigma divides the whole spacetime into two regions, the internal region filled with a dark energy fluid, and the external Schwarzschild region. The models represent "bounded excursion" stable gravastars, where the thin shell is oscillating between two finite radii, while in other cases they collapse until the formation of black holes. Here we show, for the first time in the literature, a model of gravastar and formation of black hole with both interior and thin shell constituted exclusively of dark energy. Besides, the sign of the parameter of anisotropy (pt−prp_t - p_r) seems to be relevant to the gravastar formation. The formation is favored when the tangential pressure is greater than the radial pressure, at least in the neighborhood of the isotropic case (ω=−1\omega=-1).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Gen. Rel. Gra
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