192 research outputs found

    Diversificação evolutiva no Brasil Central: onde a Amazónia e o Cerrado se encontram

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    Doutoramento em BiologiaApesar da fauna de mamíferos Neotropicais ser uma das mais ricas do mundo, o nosso conhecimento sobre os limites de espécies, distribuições geográficas e relações filogenéticas está ainda agora no seu início. As áreas de transição entre os dois maiores biomas da América do Sul, o Cerrado e a Amazónia, são ainda menos conhecidas. Até ao momento, escassos estudos focaram os pequenos mamíferos destas áreas. Destes estudos, apenas dois apresentam dados taxonómicos e de distribuição geográfica de uma lista de espécies reduzida e, nenhum é focado nos processos evolutivos que conduziram à diversidade destas áreas. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo aumentar o conhecimento básico sobre a diversidade do médio Rio Araguaia, na região central do Brasil, através da amostragem e análise de espécies de pequenos mamíferos, integrando um intenso trabalho de campo, de laboratório e de museu. Desta forma, um total de 22 espécies é registado para o médio Araguaia. De entre estas espécies, descreve-se uma espécie nova de Rhipidomys, regista-se uma espécie não descrita de Thrichomys e uma potencial nova forma de Oligoryzomys, e também se apresenta uma diagnose emendada do obscuro Oecomys cleberi. Para cada espécie, são também descritas as suas características morfológicas e resumem-se os seus aspectos de distribuição geográfica e história natural. Para os quatro géneros acima referidos, são apresentadas as análises filogenéticas que permitem a identificação das espécies. Adicionalmente, os princípios da filogeografia são aplicados para estudar os padrões da distribuição geográfica da diversidade genética de três roedores sigmodontíneos e seis marsupiais didelphídeos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o Rio Araguaia forma uma barreira geográfica para espécies especialistas em florestas não-alagáveis; por outro lado, espécies generalistas apresentam partilha de haplótipos em ambas as margens do rio. Argumentamos também que os refúgios florestais e os gradientes poderão ter tido um papel importante para moldar a estrutura genética de populações de pequenos mamíferos no Brasil central. Em suma, os resultados apresentados corroboram a proposição de que a diversidade Neotropical não poderá ser explicada através de um único modelo de especiação e que estes não são mutuamente exclusivos. O entendimento integral dos processos ecológicos e históricos que deram origem à fauna Neotropical, assim como a continuidade de estudos sistemáticos, depende da realização de novas amostragens e consequente enriquecimento dos museus com colecções apropriadas.Despite of Neotropical mammalian fauna being one of the richest fauna of the world, the knowledge of species boundaries, geographic distributions, and phylogenetic relationships is only now beginning to be understood. The transitional areas between the two major biomes of South America, the Cerrado and Amazonian Rainforest, are even less known. Only few studies focusing on small mammals have been conducted in these areas, and from those only two studies present data on taxonomy and geographic distribution of a reduced species list, and none is focused on the evolutionary processes that leaded to its diversity. The present work aims to increase the basic knowledge of the mid-Araguaia River diversity by surveying and describing small mammal species using an integrative approach of intensive field, laboratory and museum work. Twenty-two species are reported to this area, from which a new species of Rhipidomys is described, an undescribed species of Thrichomys and a potentially new form of Oligoryzomys are recorded, and an emended diagnosis of the elusive Oecomys cleberi is given. We also describe the morphological traits, and summarize aspects of geographic distribution and natural history for every species. Mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses that allow species identification are also presented for the four genera referred above. Furthermore, principles of phylogeography are used to study patterns of geographical distribution of the genetic diversity of three sigmodontine rodents and six didelphid marsupials. The results show that the Araguaia River is a barrier to upland forest specialists, while more generalist species present haplotype sharing across the river. We also argue that forested refuges and gradients may have had an important role in shaping the genetic structure of small mammal populations in central Brazil. These findings reinforce the statement that no single model of speciation will explain the diversity of Neotropics and that the models are not mutually exclusive. Further sampling effort and proper collections will continue to enrich museums to carry on systematic studies and to address new phylogeographic studies in order to understand the ecological and historical events that shaped the Neotropical fauna.FCT/FSE - SFRH/BD/24767/200

    Pipe refuge occupancy by herpetofauna in the Amazonia/Cerrado ecotone

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    We evaluated the usefulness of arboreal pipe refuges for studying Neotropical herpetofauna, by quantifying the effects of microhabitat variables and pipe colouration on pipe occupancy rates. We used fifty five sets of refuges that each comprised three pipes with different colours (white, grey and black). We recorded 122 occupancy events by four hylid and one scincid species. Refuge colour did not significantly affect occupancy rates. Environmental data explained a significant portion (10.6%) of the total variance of occupancy, with vegetation type and height of opening being most important.publishe

    The Multiple Origins of Roe Deer Populations in Western Iberia and Their Relevance for Conservation

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    The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) is native and widespread in Europe and its phylogeography has been clarified in the last decades. Southern peninsulas are considered as reservoirs of genetic diversity and the source for the recolonization of Europe after the last glacial maximum. Even though roe deer populations have been genetically characterized, there is a major knowledge gap about the populations at the western edge of its distribution. To fill this caveat, and based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data, we aim to: (i) characterize the genetic diversity and structure of roe deer in western Iberia; (ii) clarify the origins and phylogeographical affinities of these populations, namely the relict population from Peneda Gerês National Park (PNPG, Portugal) and the likely allochthonous populations from central and south (CS) Portugal; (iii) discuss the implications of our findings for the management and conservation of the roe deer. Three major genetic clusters were inferred based on nuclear genotypes and were structured in a similar way as the three major mtDNA clades present in Iberia. Patterns inferred with nuclear markers confirmed PNPG as a relict population. Roe deer from CS Portugal share haplotypes with Central Europe rather than with other western Iberian populations, confirming its mainly allochthonous origin. Our results highlight western Iberia as a diversity hotspot for roe deer. We highlight the role of intraspecific genetic diversity as a source of resilience against ongoing global changes; the need for transboundary management and the importance of genetic data to inform management and conservation. When considered, repopulation or translocation measures should follow the IUCN Law of Reintroductions and meticulously conducted in order to preserve the genetic heritage of the species

    The Araguaia River as an Important Biogeographical Divide for Didelphid Marsupials in Central Brazil

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    The riverine barrier model suggests that rivers play a significant role in separating widespread organisms into isolated populations. In this study, we used a comparative approach to investigate the phylogeography of 6 didelphid marsupial species in central Brazil. Specifically, we evaluate the role of the mid-Araguaia River in differentiating populations and estimate divergence time among lineages to assess the timing of differentiation of these species, using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. The 6 didelphid marsupials revealed different intraspecific genetic patterns and structure. The 3 larger and more generalist species, Didelphis albiventris, Didelphis marsupialis, and Philander opossum, showed connectivity across the Araguaia River. In contrast the genetic structure of the 3 smaller and specialist species, Gracilinanus agilis, Marmosa (Marmosa) murina, and Marmosa (Micoureus) demerarae was shaped by the mid-Araguaia. Moreover, the split of eastern and western bank populations of the 2 latter species is consistent with the age of Araguaia River sediments formation. We hypothesize that the role of the Araguaia as a riverine barrier is linked to the level of ecological specialization among the 6 didelphid species and differences in their ability to cross rivers or disperse through the associated habitat types.FCT PhD grants: (SFRH/BD/24767/2005, SFRH/BD/23191/2005); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) PhD scholarship; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tenológico (CNPq, Brazil) research grants; European Funds (COMPETE)

    Humane Education: The Tool for Scientific Revolution in Brazil

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    Despite the predominance of traditional teacher-centered approaches, educators are constantly changing paradigms and social boundaries, by stimulating criticism with active learning based approaches, which are centered on contexts and experiences. Viewing students as individuals enables paradigm changes and inspires new perspectives on established theories and facts. This chapter discusses education in Brazil, with a focus on humane education. Humane education strives to foster compassion and respect for humans, nonhuman animals (hereinafter referred to as animals), and the environment by creating awareness of the needs of others and the effects of our actions. In this chapter we describe the process of humane education in the context of animals used for teaching. We explore the possibilities of replacing animals and including ethical discussions in the curriculum; the history of Brazilian humane education, considering the Environmental Crimes Act that forbids animal use when alternative methods exist; and the legislation that controls the use of animals for research and teaching purposes in Brazil

    Aprendizagem colaborativa e processos de formação: experiências formativas na produção de artefatos educacionais sociotecnologicos

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    Este Trabalho notícia sobre o um projeto de pesquisa em desenvolvimento, realizado numa parceria entre a Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB e a Universidade da Madeira (UMa) envolvendo pesquisadores das duas Universidades propositoras além da colaboração de pesquisadores/consultores de outras universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras como como a Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Universidade de Cádiz (UCA-ES), Universidade Federal do Pernambuco (UFPB) e Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). O projeto busca compreender como ocorrem as experiências formativas por meio da Produção de Artefatos Educacionais Sociotecnológicos (AEST) em uma comunidade de prática onde se incluem professores em situação de Formação. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa de Inspiração etnográfica está sendo desenvolvida uma plataforma interativa envolvendo dois polos de ação e formação (em Jacobina, Bahia, BR e em Funchal, Madeira, PT) por meio da qual serão desenvolvidos os processos de (auto) formação, produção, e socialização dos artefatos produzidos pela pesquisa. A experiência empírica engloba uma fase de (auto) formação e desenvolvimento de conceitos e uma fase de desenvolvimento e experimentação de artefatos educacionais sociotecnológicos. O projeto inclui ainda, um curso de formação para profissionais da educação e professores dos dois polos e terá duração inicial de 01 ano no qual se espera que cada participante da formação projete cenários educativos constituídos de artefatos educacionais sociotecnológicos. Estes cenários, seus artefatos e os respetivos processos de construção serão objetos de análise durante toda a pesquisa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Will an ancient refuge become a modern one? A critical review on the conservation and research priorities for the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in the Iberian peninsula

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    Mediterranean peninsulas are well-known glacial refugia for several mammal species. For Eurasian red squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ), a forest-dwelling rodent, there is some evidence that population diversification was influenced by these refugia. Here, we review the poorly known history of the red squirrel in the Iberian Peninsula, and discuss current threats to this species, suggesting conservation guidelines and exploring several research lines for forthcoming studies. Red squirrel populations suffered several bottlenecks in Iberia, but recently, after four centuries of absence, this species is expanding throughout the Portuguese territory. Although S. vulgaris taxonomic and genetic status needs further investigation, molecular data support the occurrence of a possible distinct cluster in the Iberian Peninsula. Additionally, a distinct and endemic population was recorded to the Sierra de Espuña, in Spain, which was probably the result of Quaternary climatic and vegetation fluctuations. Two major threats for red squirrels in Europe were identified: (i) habitat deterioration; and (ii) competition with the invasive Eastern grey squirrel ( S. carolinensis ). Conservation actions should focus on the conservation, restoration and appropriate management of suitable forested habitats. Although to date no grey squirrels occur in the wild in the Iberia, the trade and release of this invasive sciurid species is already forbidden by national conservation agencies in both Iberian countries and awareness campaigns are suggested. An integrated research approach using both molecular and ecological data, and a large dataset containing samples from the entire Iberian Peninsula, should be followed to better understand historical, contemporary and future factors that may affect squirrel distribution

    Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy after implementation of a mass vaccination campaign

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    Funding Information: Funding: The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.An online cross-sectional study on COVID-19 vaccination adhesion was conducted in Portugal nine months after vaccination rollout (September–November 2021). Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with hesitancy to take the COVID-19 vaccine in the communitybased survey, “COVID-19 Barometer: Social Opinion”. Hesitancy was 11%; however, of those, 60.5% stated that they intended to take the vaccine. Hesitancy was associated with factors such as lower monthly household income; no intention of taking the flu vaccine this year; perceived reasonable health status; having two or more diseases; low confidence in the health service response; worse perception of the adequacy of anti-COVID-19 government measures; low or no perceived risk of getting COVID-19; feeling agitated, anxious or sad some days; and lack of trust in the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Confidence in vaccines, namely against COVID-19, is paramount for public health and should be monitored during vaccination rollout. Clear communication of the risks and benefits of vaccination needs improvement to increase adherence and public confidence.publishersversionpublishe