10 research outputs found

    Familia como categoria de análisis y campo de investigación en enfermeria

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    O crescente corpo de informações sobre família presente na literatura de enfermagem significa progresso neste campo de conhecimento. As contribuições da pesquisa de enfermagem sobre família incluem a experiência da doença, o contexto de cuidado e intervenções. A ampliação da pesquisa sobre família em enfermagem torna imperativa a reflexão acerca da qualidade da pesquisa considerando a complexidade inerente aos estudos de família. Pesquisar famílias representa mais do que definir um grupo peculiar de estudo. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir aspectos teóricos e metodológicos que devem ser considerados quando o pesquisador planeja pesquisar a família. As reflexões e os desafios da pesquisa sobre família apresentados são frutos de um processo de investigação sobre famílias e doenças que vivenciamos em nosso grupo de pesquisa ao longo de mais de uma década.The increasing information about family in nursing literature expresses the progress in this area of knowledge. The research contribution on family nursing has included the illness experience, and both the context of care and interventions. The increase of family research in nursing studies demands consideration regarding the research quality, in view of the complexity of the studies that deal with family. Researching family represents more than defining a unique group of study. The aim of this study was to discuss theoretical and methodological aspects which should be taken into account by the researchers in their work with families. The reflections and challenges when studying family and illness have been described in this work and represent our 10-year experience investigating families and illnesses in our research group.El creciente cuerpo de información sobre familia presente en la literatura de enfermería significa progreso en este campo del conocimiento. Las contribuciones de la investigación de enfermería sobre familia incluyen la experiencia de la enfermedad, el contexto del cuidado y las intervenciones. La expansión de la investigación sobre familia en enfermería hace necesaria la reflexión sobre la calidad de la investigación, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad inherente a los estudios de familia. Investigar familias representa algo más que definir un grupo peculiar de estudio. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir aspectos teóricos y metodológicos que deben considerarse cuando el investigador planea estudiar la familia. Las reflexiones y los desafíos de la investigación sobre familia presentados, son el resultado de un proceso de investigación sobre familias y enfermedades que vivenciamos en nuestro grupo de investigación durante más de una década

    Família como categoria de análise e campo de investigação em enfermagem

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    The increasing information about family in nursing literature expresses the progress in this area of knowledge. The research contribution on family nursing has included the illness experience, and both the context of care and interventions. The increase of family research in nursing studies demands consideration regarding the research quality, in view of the complexity of the studies that deal with family. Researching family represents more than defining a unique group of study. The aim of this study was to discuss theoretical and methodological aspects which should be taken into account by the researchers in their work with families. The reflections and challenges when studying family and illness have been described in this work and represent our 10-year experience investigating families and illnesses in our research group.El creciente cuerpo de información sobre familia presente en la literatura de enfermería significa progreso en este campo del conocimiento. Las contribuciones de la investigación de enfermería sobre familia incluyen la experiencia de la enfermedad, el contexto del cuidado y las intervenciones. La expansión de la investigación sobre familia en enfermería hace necesaria la reflexión sobre la calidad de la investigación, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad inherente a los estudios de familia. Investigar familias representa algo más que definir un grupo peculiar de estudio. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir aspectos teóricos y metodológicos que deben considerarse cuando el investigador planea estudiar la familia. Las reflexiones y los desafíos de la investigación sobre familia presentados, son el resultado de un proceso de investigación sobre familias y enfermedades que vivenciamos en nuestro grupo de investigación durante más de una década.O crescente corpo de informações sobre família presente na literatura de enfermagem significa progresso neste campo de conhecimento. As contribuições da pesquisa de enfermagem sobre família incluem a experiência da doença, o contexto de cuidado e intervenções. A ampliação da pesquisa sobre família em enfermagem torna imperativa a reflexão acerca da qualidade da pesquisa considerando a complexidade inerente aos estudos de família. Pesquisar famílias representa mais do que definir um grupo peculiar de estudo. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir aspectos teóricos e metodológicos que devem ser considerados quando o pesquisador planeja pesquisar a família. As reflexões e os desafios da pesquisa sobre família apresentados são frutos de um processo de investigação sobre famílias e doenças que vivenciamos em nosso grupo de pesquisa ao longo de mais de uma década

    The nurse´s experience at the Neonate Intensive Care Unit while using tools to measure neonates´ pain

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    A dor pode causar prejuízos ao neonato a curto, médio e longo prazo. Nesse contexto, é preciso que os profissionais das unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal implementem ações para minimizar a dor e o sofrimento do neonato, dentre elas, o reconhecimento da dor por sua avaliação. Os objetivos do estudo foram conhecer a experiência da enfermeira na utilização de instrumentos de avaliação da dor do neonato e identificar as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas pela enfermeira no uso desses instrumentos. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, seus dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, no total nove enfermeiras participantes. A orientação metodológica apoiou-se no Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo na organização dos dados, cujo agrupamento das Ideias Centrais similares originou os Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo que foram reunidos em dois temas: Dificuldades encontradas pela enfermeira na avaliação da dor em neonatos e Facilidades encontradas pela enfermeira na avaliação da dor em neonatos, que emergiram apoiados nas respostas da enfermeira que experienciou o uso do instrumento na avaliação de dor em neonatos. A impossibilidade do uso do instrumento é fato predominante na prática da enfermeira quando os neonatos estão sedados ou apresentam disfunções neurológicas. O acúmulo de atividades dispensadas à enfermeira somado ao déficit de recursos humanos, também, são razões verificadas como dificultadoras no uso do instrumento de avaliação. Nos relatos da enfermeira, observou-se que a falta de domínio nas situações em que o médico não prescreve o analgésico, apenas medidas não farmacológicas são insuficientes para o alívio da dor do neonato. O fato foi marcado por um sentimento de falta de autonomia da enfermeira bastante evidente. Notou-se, também, uma serie de dificuldades no uso do instrumento e na avaliação da dor do neonato, embora o instrumento facilite no sentido de alertar a equipe de saúde para a dor e possa gerar mudança no cuidado com o emprego de medidas não farmacológicas que busquem o conforto, diminuição da dor e do estresse do neonatoPain is known to cause damage to neonates at short, middle and long term. In this context, it is mandatory that the health care professional that work at Neonatal Intensive Care Units implement suitable actions to minimize the neonates suffering. Among these actions, recognizing pain by means of its measurement is crucial. Therefore, the present study aimed to know the nurses experience while using tools to measure the neonates pain and to identity the nurses facilities and difficulties in using tools to measure the neonates pain. This is a qualitative research project whose data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with nine nurses. The Discourse of the Collective Subject was used as the methodological framework to collect data. Grouping similar Main Ideas produced the themes of the Discourse of the Collective Subject. Thus, results are presented in two themes: Nurses difficulties to measure pain in neonates and nurses facilities to measure pain in neonates composed by the discourse of the collective subject which emerged from the answers provided by the nurses who used the tool to measure pain in neonates. The nurses reports show that the tool facilitates the care of neonates in pain. However, the impossibility to use the tool in certain situations, such as when the neonate is sedated or when he/she has neurological disorders seems to be regular occurrence in the nurses practice. Frequently, the nurses expectations to relieve the neonates pain are frustrated, because nurse applies the measurement tool, she detects the neonates pain but she depends on the doctors prescription for analgesic pharmacological drug. Its a result the nurse feels she doesnt have autonomy this producing frustration. Although the tool easier to alert the health care team for pain and can produce changes in care with the use of non pharmacological measures that seek comfort, reducing pain and stress of the newbor

    Father's support practices and breastfeeding

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    Orientadores: Sérgio Tadeu Martins Marba, Rosana de Fátima PossobonTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Introdução: O desmame precoce do aleitamento materno é um dos grandes desafios a serem superados no Brasil. De acordo com dados da II Pesquisa de Prevalência de Aleitamento Materno, de 2009, realizada nas capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal, a prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) em menores de seis meses é de 41,0% sendo que a duração mediana do AME é de 54,1 dias. Diante desse contexto, é urgente que as equipes de saúde encontrem estratégias que minimizem os fatores que predispõem ao desmame precoce. Sabe-se que o processo de amamentação pode ser uma fonte causadora de estresse para mãe e que a presença do pai/companheiro pode promover a continuidade da amamentação durante os seis primeiros meses de vida. Objetivo: Investigar se a percepção da mãe sobre o apoio oferecido pelo pai/companheiro durante a gestação e primeiros seis meses de vida da criança influencia na manutenção do AME até o sexto mês de vida. Método: Estudo longitudinal realizado com 310 mulheres participantes dos grupos de gestantes de 22 Unidades de Saúde da Família e 01 Centro de Incentivo ao Aleitamento Materno, de uma cidade de médio porte do interior do estado de São Paulo, em três etapas: durante a gestação, com 30 e com 180 dias de vida da criança. As variáveis dependentes foram AME aos 30 dias e aos 180 dias e as independentes foram dados socioeconômicos, demográficos e gestacionais e sobre o parto e o pós-parto, alimentação da criança aos 30 e 180 dias, retorno da mãe ao trabalho e a percepção de apoio oferecido pelo pai/companheiro. Foram realizadas análises de regressão logística simples e múltipla, sendo estimados os odds ratios brutos e ajustados com os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. Curvas de sobrevida foram calculadas pelo método de Kaplan Meier. As análises foram realizadas com auxílio dos programas R e SAS, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A probabilidade do AME aos 30 e 180 dias é respectivamente 0,78 e 0,38. Filhas de mães com experiência em amamentar, com pais que tocavam sempre ou quase sempre o ventre da mulher para sentir o movimento do bebê e que moravam em residência não própria, tiveram mais chance de estar em AME aos 30 dias. Aos 180 dias, tiveram mais chance de estar em AME as crianças nascidas de gravidez planejada, com mães com experiência em amamentar, que não ofereceram chupeta, não retornaram ao trabalho e que tiveram uma menor percepção de apoio oferecido pelo companheiro e que eram de famílias de maior renda Conclusões: a percepção de apoio mostrou associação com a manutenção do AME somente aos 180 dias, sendo que quanto maior a percepção da mulher sobre o apoio do pai/companheiro, menor a probabilidade de manutenção do aleitamento materno exclusivo. A escala de apoio paterno utilizada limita-se a avaliar maior ou menor apoio percebido pela mulher, porém não é capaz de avaliar a qualidade desse apoioAbstract: Introduction: Early weaning from breastfeeding is one of the greatest challenges to be overcome in Brazil. According to data from the II Breastfeeding Prevalence Survey, 2009, carried out in Brazilian capitals and the Federal District, the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in children under six months is 41.0%, with a median duration of AME is 54.1 days. Given this context, it is urgent that health teams find strategies that minimize the factors that predispose to early weaning. It is known that the breastfeeding process can be a source of stress for the mother and that the presence of the father / partner can promote the continuity of breastfeeding during the first six months of life. Objective: To investigate whether the mother's perception of the support offered by the father / partner during pregnancy and the child's first six months of life influences the maintenance of EBF until the sixth month of life. Method: Longitudinal study carried out with 310 women participating in the groups of pregnant women from 22 Family Health Units and 01 Breastfeeding Incentive Center, in a medium-sized city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, in three stages: during pregnancy , with 30 and 180 days of life of the child. The dependent variables were EBF at 30 days and 180 days and the independent ones were socioeconomic, demographic and gestational data and on delivery and postpartum, feeding the child at 30 and 180 days, mother's return to work and the perception of support offered by the parent / partner. Simple and multiple logistic regression analyzes were performed, the gross odds ratios were estimated and adjusted with the respective 95% confidence intervals. Survival curves were calculated using the Kaplan Meier method. The analyzes were performed with the aid of the R and SAS programs, considering the significance level of 5%. Results: The probability of EBF at 30 and 180 days is 0.78 and 0.38, respectively. Daughters of mothers with experience in breastfeeding, with fathers who always or almost always touched the woman's womb to feel the baby's movement and who lived in a non-own home, were more likely to be in EBF at 30 days. At 180 days, children born with a planned pregnancy, with mothers with experience in breastfeeding, who did not offer a pacifier, who did not return to work and who had a lesser perception of support offered by their partner, who were from families, were more likely to be in EB. higher income Conclusions: the perception of support showed an association with the maintenance of EBF only at 180 days, and the greater the woman's perception of the support of the father / partner, the lower the probability of maintaining exclusive breastfeeding. The scale of paternal support used is limited to assessing more or less support perceived by the woman, but it is not able to assess the quality of this supportDoutoradoSaúde da Criança e do AdolescenteDoutora em Ciências01-P- 1732/2016CAPE

    The impact of ankyloglossy at first childhood and the importance of early identification

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    Introdução: o frênulo lingual é denominado como uma prega de membrana mucosa localizada na base inferior da língua, conectado ao assoalho da boca. A anquiloglossia é uma anomalia congênita, caracterizada por diferentes tipos de freio lingual, podendo sua alteração levar a vários problemas tais como: dificuldades na amamentação; mastigação; linguagem oral e má higiene oral, os quais podem ocasionar futuros constrangimentos na infância e na adolescência. Objetivo: analisar os artigos da literatura nacional e internacional acerca do impacto da anquiloglossia sobre a amamentação, alimentação e desenvolvimento da linguagem oral na primeira infância. Método: trata-se de um estudo de caráter bibliográfico, descritivo no qual foi utilizado as bases de dados: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS); Google Scholar; PubMed e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO). Os critérios de inclusão das referências bibliográficas foram artigos publicados em português e inglês, no período de 2007 a 2017. Resultados: após a análise dos artigos foram selecionados 18, os quais respondiam ao objetivo desta pesquisa. Os mesmos foram lidos na íntegra e divididos em três temas: o impacto da anquiloglossia na amamentação; na deglutição e no desenvolvimento da linguagem oral da criança. Os recém-nascidos (RNs) com anquiloglossia apresentam, muitas vezes, uma amamentação ineficaz devido a dificuldade na pega da mama, o que proporciona incômodo e dor ás mães, podendo levar ao desmame precoce. Indivíduos com alterações no frênulo lingual apresentam, também, maiores chances de alterações na mastigação o que ocasiona maior dificuldade nos movimentos realizados com a língua, modificações no modo de trituração dos alimentos e atipias da musculatura perioral durante a mastigação. Em relação a linguagem oral, nota-se maior dificuldade na aquisição de fonemas alveolares, o qual mesmo quando adquirido, fica distorcido. Isso ocorre devido à diminuição da abertura da boca causada pela alteração do frênulo, que limita a movimentação da língua e torna a fala imprecisa, outras alterações são encontradas referentes aos movimentos de protrusão de língua, elevação, retrusão, lateralização e vibração. Conclusão: frente aos possíveis impactos que a anquiloglossia pode causar na criança, destaca-se a importância do diagnóstico precoce. A avaliação e a intervenção tornam-se medidas urgentes com o objetivo de evitar o desmame precoce, a dificuldade alimentar e a alteração da linguagem oral, ambas ocasionadas pelo frênulo lingual alteradoIntroduction: The lingual frenulum is termed as a mucous membrane fold located at the lower base of the tongue, connected to the floor of the mouth. Ankyloglossia is a congenital anomaly, characterized by different types of lingual brakes, and its alteration can lead to several problems such as: difficulties in breastfeeding; chew; oral language and poor oral hygiene, which may lead to future constraints in childhood and adolescence. Objective: to analyze the articles of the national and international literature on the impact of ankyloglossia on breastfeeding, feeding and oral language development in early childhood. Method: This is a bibliographic, descriptive study in which the databases were used: Latin American and Caribbean Literature (LILACS); Google Scholar; PubMed and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The criteria for inclusion of the bibliographic references were articles published in Portuguese and English, from 2007 to 2017. Results: 18 articles were selected after the articles were analyzed, which answered the objective of this research. They were read in full and divided into three themes: the impact of ankyloglossia on breastfeeding; swallowing and development of the child\u27s oral language. Newborns (RNs) with ankyloglossia often present ineffective breastfeeding due to difficulty in breastfeeding, which causes discomfort and pain to mothers, and may lead to early weaning. Individuals with changes in the lingual frenulum also present a greater chance of changes in chewing, which causes greater difficulty in the movements performed with the tongue, modifications in the way of grinding of foods and atypia of the perioral muscles during chewing. In relation to oral language, there is a greater difficulty in the acquisition of alveolar phonemes, which even when acquired, is distorted. This is due to the decrease in the opening of the mouth caused by the alteration of the frenulum, which limits the movement of the tongue and makes the speech imprecise, other alterations are related to the movements of tongue protrusion, elevation, retrusion, lateralization and vibration. Conclusion: In view of the possible impacts that ankyloglossia can cause in children, the importance of early diagnosis is emphasized. The evaluation and intervention become urgent measures with the aim of avoiding early weaning, food difficulty and alteration of the oral language, both caused by the altered lingual frenulu

    Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes

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    Litter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance and composition. In particular, the effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on litter decomposition and its temporal dynamics are of significant importance, since their effects might change over the course of the decomposition process. Within the TeaComposition initiative, we incubated Green and Rooibos teas at 524 sites across nine biomes. We assessed how macroclimate and atmospheric inorganic N deposition under current and predicted scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 8.5) might affect litter mass loss measured after 3 and 12 months. Our study shows that the early to mid-term mass loss at the global scale was affected predominantly by litter quality (explaining 73% and 62% of the total variance after 3 and 12 months, respectively) followed by climate and N deposition. The effects of climate were not litter-specific and became increasingly significant as decomposition progressed, with MAP explaining 2% and MAT 4% of the variation after 12 months of incubation. The effect of N deposition was litter-specific, and significant only for 12-month decomposition of Rooibos tea at the global scale. However, in the temperate biome where atmospheric N deposition rates are relatively high, the 12-month mass loss of Green and Rooibos teas decreased significantly with increasing N deposition, explaining 9.5% and 1.1% of the variance, respectively. The expected changes in macroclimate and N deposition at the global scale by the end of this century are estimated to increase the 12-month mass loss of easily decomposable litter by 1.1-3.5% and of the more stable substrates by 3.8-10.6%, relative to current mass loss. In contrast, expected changes in atmospheric N deposition will decrease the mid-term mass loss of high-quality litter by 1.4-2.2% and that of low-quality litter by 0.9-1.5% in the temperate biome. Our results suggest that projected increases in N deposition may have the capacity to dampen the climate-driven increases in litter decomposition depending on the biome and decomposition stage of substrate.This work was performed within the TeaComposition initiative, carried out by 190 institutions worldwide. We thank for funding support for the workshop and data analysis from the ILTER. We acknowledge support by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, funded by the German Research Foundation (FZT 118), Scientific Grant Agency VEGA (Grant No. 2/0101/18), as well as by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (Grant Agreement No. 677232). Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDB/50017/2020 + UIDP/50017/2020) and to the project PORBIOTA (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022127). AI Sousa was funded by national funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project CEECIND/00962/2017. HS and CB acknowledge FCT support to cE3c through UID/BIA/00329/2013, UID/BIA/00329/2019, and UIDB/00329/2020, and the project PORBIOTA - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022127. We are also thankful to UNILEVER for sponsoring the Lipton tea

    Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes

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    International audienceLitter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance and composition. In particular, the effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on litter decomposition and its temporal dynamics are of significant importance, since their effects might change over the course of the decomposition process. Within the TeaComposition initiative, we incubated Green and Rooibos teas at 524 sites across nine biomes. We assessed how macroclimate and atmospheric inorganic N deposition under current and predicted scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 8.5) might affect litter mass loss measured after 3 and 12 months. Our study shows that the early to mid-term mass loss at the global scale was affected predominantly by litter quality (explaining 73% and 62% of the total variance after 3 and 12 months, respectively) followed by climate and N deposition. The effects of climate were not litter-specific and became increasingly significant as decomposition progressed, with MAP explaining 2% and MAT 4% of the variation after 12 months of incubation. The effect of N deposition was litter-specific, and significant only for 12-month decomposition of Rooibos tea at the global scale. However, in the temperate biome where atmospheric N deposition rates are relatively high, the 12-month mass loss of Green and Rooibos teas decreased significantly with increasing N deposition, explaining 9.5% and 1.1% of the variance, respectively. The expected changes in macroclimate and N deposition at the global scale by the end of this century are estimated to increase the 12-month mass loss of easily decomposable litter by 1.1– 3.5% and of the more stable substrates by 3.8–10.6%, relative to current mass loss. In contrast, expected changes in atmospheric N deposition will decrease the mid-term mass loss of high-quality litter by 1.4–2.2% and that of low-quality litter by 0.9–1.5% in the temperate biome. Our results suggest that projected increases in N deposition may have the capacity to dampen the climate-driven increases in litter decomposition depending on the biome and decomposition stage of substrate

    Early stage litter decomposition across biomes

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    Through litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging from −9 to +26 °C MAT and from 60 to 3113 mm MAP) across different ecosystems. In this study we tested the effect of climate (temperature and moisture), litter type and land-use on early stage decomposition (3 months) across nine biomes. We show that litter quality was the predominant controlling factor in early stage litter decomposition, which explained about 65% of the variability in litter decomposition at a global scale. The effect of climate, on the other hand, was not litter specific and explained <0.5% of the variation for Green tea and 5% for Rooibos tea, and was of significance only under unfavorable decomposition conditions (i.e. xeric versus mesic environments). When the data were aggregated at the biome scale, climate played a significant role on decomposition of both litter types (explaining 64% of the variation for Green tea and 72% for Rooibos tea). No significant effect of land-use on early stage litter decomposition was noted within the temperate biome. Our results indicate that multiple drivers are affecting early stage litter mass loss with litter quality being dominant. In order to be able to quantify the relative importance of the different drivers over time, long-term studies combined with experimental trials are needed.This work was performed within the TeaComposition initiative, carried out by 190 institutions worldwide. We thank Gabrielle Drozdowski for her help with the packaging and shipping of tea, Zora Wessely and Johannes Spiegel for the creative implementation of the acknowledgement card, Josip Dusper for creative implementation of the graphical abstract, Christine Brendle for the GIS editing, and Marianne Debue for her help with the data cleaning. Further acknowledgements go to Adriana Principe, Melanie Köbel, Pedro Pinho, Thomas Parker, Steve Unger, Jon Gewirtzman and Margot McKleeven for the implementation of the study at their respective sites. We are very grateful to UNILEVER for sponsoring the Lipton tea bags and to the COST action ClimMani for scientific discussions, adoption and support to the idea of TeaComposition as a common metric. The initiative was supported by the following grants: ILTER Initiative Grant, ClimMani Short-Term Scientific Missions Grant (COST action ES1308; COST-STSM-ES1308-36004; COST-STM-ES1308-39006; ES1308-231015-068365), INTERACT (EU H2020 Grant No. 730938), and Austrian Environment Agency (UBA). Franz Zehetner acknowledges the support granted by the Prometeo Project of Ecuador's Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) as well as Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (2190). Ana I. Sousa, Ana I. Lillebø and Marta Lopes thanks for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017), to FCT/MEC through national funds (PIDDAC), and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. The research was also funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT, through SFRH/BPD/107823/2015 (A.I. Sousa), co-funded by POPH/FSE. Thomas Mozdzer thanks US National Science Foundation NSF DEB-1557009. Helena C. Serrano thanks Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (UID/BIA/00329/2013). Milan Barna acknowledges Scientific Grant Agency VEGA (2/0101/18). Anzar A Khuroo acknowledges financial support under HIMADRI project from SAC-ISRO, India

    Early stage litter decomposition across biomes

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]SEDYVINInternational audienceThrough litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging fro