8 research outputs found
Electrochemical Degradation Of The Chloramphenicol At Flow Reactor. [degradação Eletroquímica Do Cloranfenicol Em Reator De Fluxo]
This paper reports a study of electrochemical degradation of the chloramphenicol antibiotic in aqueous medium using a flow-by reactor with DSA® anode. The process efficiency was monitored by chloramphenicol concentration analysis with liquid chromatography (HPLC) during the experiments. Analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was performed to estimate the degradation degree and Ion Chromatography (IC) was performed to determinate inorganic ions formed during the eletrochemical degradation process. In electrochemical flow-by reactor, 52% of chloramphenicol was degraded, with 12% TOC reduction. IC analysis showed the production of chloride ions (25 mg L -1), nitrate ions (6 mg L-1) and nitrite ions (4.5 mg L-1).33510881092Bila, D.M., Desotti, M., (2003) Quim. Nova, 26, p. 523Mispagel, H., Gray, J.T., (2005) Water Environ.Res, 77, p. 2996Peng, X., Wang, Z., Kuang, W., Tan, J., Li, K., (2006) Sci. Total Environ, 371, p. 314Peng, X., Tan, J., Tang, C., Yu, Y., Wang, Z., (2008) Environ. Toxicol. Chem, 27, p. 73Zeegers, F., Gibella, M., Tilquin, B., (1997) Radiat. Phys. Chem, 50, p. 149Chatzitakis, A., Berberidou, C., Paspaltsis, I., Kyriakou, G., Sklaviadis, T., Poulios, I., (2008) Water Res, 42, p. 386Di Bernardo, L., Dantas, A.D.B., (2005) Métodos e Técnicas de Tratamento de água, , 2a ed., Rima: São PauloFaria, L.A., Boodts, J.F.C., Trassati, S., (1992) Electrochim. Acta, 37, p. 2511Comninellis, Ch., Sequeira, C.A.C., (1994) Environmental Oriented Electrochemistry, 77Forti, G., Gandini, D., Comninellis, Ch., (1997) Curr. Top. Electrochem, 5, p. 71Simond, O., Schaller, V., Comninellis, Ch., (1997) Electrochim. Acta, 42, p. 2009Trassati, S., (2000) Electrochim. Acta, 45, p. 2377Comninellis, Ch., (1994) Electrochim. Acta, 39, p. 1857Rocha, R.S., Beati, A.A.G.F., Oliveira, J.G., Lanza, M.R.V., (2009) Quim. Nova, 32, p. 354Beati, A.A.G.F., Rocha, R.S., Oliveira, J.G., Lanza, M.R.V., (2009) Quim. Nova, 32, p. 125(1942) The Pharmacopeia of the United States of America, p. 373. , Mack Printing: EastonForti, J.C., Rocha, R.S., Lanza, M.R.V., Bertazzoli, R., (2007) J. Electroanal. Chem, 601, p. 63Forti, J.C., Nunes, J.A., Lanza, M.R.V., Bertazzoli, R., (2007) J. Appl. Electrochem, 37, p. 527Solomons, T.W.G., (2006) Química Orgǎnica, 2. , 8a ed.,Livros Técnicos e Científicos: Rio de Janeir
Incidence of the second parity syndrome in sows from a commercial farm
RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a ocorrência da síndrome do segundo parto em uma granja comercial de suínos e apresentar alternativas para minimizar esse problema reprodutivo. Os dados foram obtidos de 363 fêmeas de genética comercial (DB-30) de primeiro e segundo partos, entre os anos de 2010 e 2011. Os animais pertenciam a uma granja comercial de ciclo completo com 1200 matrizes, cujos índices zootécnicos não permitiam detectar a presença da síndrome do segundo parto. O período de lactação foi de 24,6±3,3 dias. Foram analisados o número de nascidos totais e nascidos vivos, o peso da leitegada ao nascimento, o número de desmamados e o peso ao desmame do lote e também individualmente de cada marrã ao longo do ano. As médias e o desvio-padrão foram calculados, e os dados obtidos no primeiro e no segundo parto foram comparados pelo teste t pareado a 5%. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) no número de nascidos totais e no número de nascidos vivos entre o primeiro e o segundo parto. No entanto, constatou-se que 54% das fêmeas apresentaram igual ou menor número de nascidos no segundo parto, caracterizando a síndrome do segundo parto na maior parte dos animais. Nesse lote, o número de leitões nascidos a menos em relação ao primeiro ciclo reprodutivo foi de 3,6±2,9. Das 363 matrizes avaliadas, 153 (42%) apresentaram 16 ou mais leitões no primeiro parto. Destas, 92 (60%) tiveram menor número de leitões no segundo parto e 41 (27%) apresentaram maior número de leitões. Também se verificou maior incidência (50% ou mais) da síndrome do segundo parto nos meses de janeiro a março e de outubro a dezembro. Conclui-se que a síndrome do segundo parto é um problema que pode afetar 50% ou mais das matrizes, nem sempre detectada por meio dos índices zootécnicos da granja. Medidas como pesagem dos animais na primeira cobertura e logo após o desmame, além de programas de alimentação com dietas balanceadas, principalmente durante os meses mais quentes do ano, são ferramentas importantes para amenizar esse problema
Identification of insulin-like growth factor-i in boar seminal plasma and its influence on sperm quality
The present research was carried out to
investigate the relationships between sperma-
tozoal parameters and concentrations of IGF-I in
the seminal plasma of boar. Semen samples
(duplicates) were collected from mature boars
(n=27). In each ejaculate, the macroscopic and
microscopic characteristics were determined.
After centrifugation to separate sperm cells from
seminal plasma, concentrations of IGF-I in seminal
plasma samples were determined by a human-
specific immunoassay kit. The mean concentration
of the boar seminal plasma (n=54 samples) IGF-I
was 1.5±0.2 ng/mL. There was no correlation
(p>0.05) between IGF-I with most of the evaluated
parameters. There was only a low negative
correlation (-0.29; p=0.0331) between the
concentration of IGF-I in seminal plasma and the
motility degradation rate. This study suggests that
IGF-I in the seminal plasma of boars is not related
to initial fresh semen parameters. However, the
hormone did increase the duration of sperm motility.A presente pesquisa foi realizada para inves-
tigar as relações entre os parâmetros dos
espermatozóides e as concentrações de IGF-I no
plasma seminal de varrões. Amostras de sêmen
(duplicatas) foram coletadas de machos maduros
(n=27). Em cada ejaculação, as características
macroscópicas e microscópicas foram determi-
nadas. Após a centrifugação para separar
espermatozóides do plasma seminal, as
concentrações de IGF-I em amostras de plasma
seminal foram determinadas por kit de imunoensaio
humano específico. A concentração média de
IGF-I do plasma seminal de varrões foi de 1,5±0,2
ng/mL (n=54 amostras). Não houve correlação
(p>0,05) entre IGF-I com a maioria dos parâmetros
avaliados. Houve apenas uma correlação baixa
negativa (-0,29, p=0,0331) entre a concentração
de IGF-I no plasma seminal e a taxa de degradação
da motilidade. Este estudo sugere que o IGF-I no
plasma seminal de varrões não está relacionado
com os parâmetros seminais iniciais do sêmen in
natura. No entanto, o hormônio aumentou a duração
da motilidade espermática
Addition of chlorogenic acid and caffeine during the processing of cooled boar semen
The authors thank CAPES (PNPD Institucional, process number 2457/2011, and Programa Pesquisador Visitante Especial - PVE's, process number 88881.030399/2013-01), FAPEMIG (PPM-00460-12), CNPq (305478/2015-0 and 446288/2014-4), Minitub do Brasil, Fazenda São Paulo and the Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Sciences UFLA for their support.A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of chlorogenic acid (ChA) added pre-cooling and its combination with caffeine added during warming on cooled-stored boar semen parameters. Ten ejaculates were diluted in commercial extender with or without 4.5mg/ml ChA and stored at 15°C. After 0, 24 and 72 hours of storage, aliquots of these doses were taken and incubated at 37°C in the presence or absence of 8.0mM caffeine. Semen quality was evaluated after 10 and 120 minutes of incubation. The ChA increased (P < 0.01) the sperm motility, viability, acrosomal integrity and the percentage of spermatozoa with high mitochondrial activity (PMHA), however, decreased (P < 0.01) the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration. Caffeine increased (P < 0.05) the sperm motility, viability, PMHA and the MDA concentration and reduced (P < 0.05) the acrosome integrity. When associated (ChA+caffeine), there was an increase (P < 0.05) in sperm motility and viability, PMHA and acrosome integrity. The addition of ChA to the dilution medium improves the quality of the swine inseminating doses. The addition of caffeine during re-warming is only recommended when the semen is stored for prolonged periods (72h), and the inseminating dose should be used immediately after its addition
Addition of chlorogenic acid and caffeine during the processing of cooled boar semen
The authors thank CAPES (PNPD Institucional, process number 2457/2011, and Programa Pesquisador Visitante Especial - PVE's, process number 88881.030399/2013-01), FAPEMIG (PPM-00460-12), CNPq (305478/2015-0 and 446288/2014-4), Minitub do Brasil, Fazenda São Paulo and the Postgraduate Program in Veterinary Sciences UFLA for their support.A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of chlorogenic acid (ChA) added pre-cooling and its combination with caffeine added during warming on cooled-stored boar semen parameters. Ten ejaculates were diluted in commercial extender with or without 4.5mg/ml ChA and stored at 15°C. After 0, 24 and 72 hours of storage, aliquots of these doses were taken and incubated at 37°C in the presence or absence of 8.0mM caffeine. Semen quality was evaluated after 10 and 120 minutes of incubation. The ChA increased (P < 0.01) the sperm motility, viability, acrosomal integrity and the percentage of spermatozoa with high mitochondrial activity (PMHA), however, decreased (P < 0.01) the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration. Caffeine increased (P < 0.05) the sperm motility, viability, PMHA and the MDA concentration and reduced (P < 0.05) the acrosome integrity. When associated (ChA+caffeine), there was an increase (P < 0.05) in sperm motility and viability, PMHA and acrosome integrity. The addition of ChA to the dilution medium improves the quality of the swine inseminating doses. The addition of caffeine during re-warming is only recommended when the semen is stored for prolonged periods (72h), and the inseminating dose should be used immediately after its addition
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Optimized Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Ectasia Detection Using Scheimpflug-Based Corneal Tomography and Biomechanical Data
Purpose: To optimize artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to integrate Scheimpflug-based corneal tomography and biomechanics to enhance ectasia detection. Design: Multicenter cross-sectional case-control retrospective study. Methods: A total of 3886 unoperated eyes from 3412 patients had Pentacam and Corvis ST (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH) examinations. The database included 1 eye randomly selected from 1680 normal patients (N) and from 1181 “bilateral” keratoconus (KC) patients, along with 551 normal topography eyes from patients with very asymmetric ectasia (VAE-NT), and their 474 unoperated ectatic (VAE-E) eyes. The current TBIv1 (tomographic-biomechanical index) was tested, and an optimized AI algorithm was developed for augmenting accuracy. Results: The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the TBIv1 for discriminating clinical ectasia (KC and VAE-E) was 0.999 (98.5% sensitivity; 98.6% specificity [cutoff: 0.5]), and for VAE-NT, 0.899 (76% sensitivity; 89.1% specificity [cutoff: 0.29]). A novel random forest algorithm (TBIv2), developed with 18 features in 156 trees using 10-fold cross-validation, had a significantly higher AUC (0.945; DeLong, P <.0001) for detecting VAE-NT (84.4% sensitivity and 90.1% specificity; cutoff: 0.43; DeLong, P <.0001) and a similar AUC for clinical ectasia (0.999; DeLong, P =.818; 98.7% sensitivity; 99.2% specificity [cutoff: 0.8]). Considering all cases, the TBIv2 had a higher AUC (0.985) than TBIv1 (0.974; DeLong, P <.0001). Conclusions: AI optimization to integrate Scheimpflug-based corneal tomography and biomechanical assessments augments accuracy for ectasia detection, characterizing ectasia susceptibility in the diverse VAE-NT group. Some patients with VAE may have true unilateral ectasia. Machine learning considering additional data, including epithelial thickness or other parameters from multimodal refractive imaging, will continuously enhance accuracy. NOTE: Publication of this article is sponsored by the American Ophthalmological Society. © 2022Open access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]