1,453 research outputs found

    Nanometre scale 3D nanomechanical imaging of semiconductor structures from few nm to sub-micrometre depths

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    Multilayer structures of active semiconductor devices (1), novel memories (2) and semiconductor interconnects are becoming increasingly three-dimensional (3D) with simultaneous decrease of dimensions down to the few nanometres length scale (3). Ability to test and explore these 3D nanostructures with nanoscale resolution is vital for the optimization of their operation and improving manufacturing processes of new semiconductor devices. While electron and scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) can provide necessary lateral resolution, their ability to probe underneath the immediate surface is severely limited. Cross-sectioning of the structures via focused ion beam (FIB) to expose the subsurface areas often introduces multiple artefacts that mask the true features of the hidden structures, negating benefits of such approach. In addition, the few tens of micrometre dimension of FIB cut, make it unusable for the SPM investigation

    Expanding The Knowledge On Lignocellulolytic And Redox Enzymes Of Worker And Soldier Castes From The Lower Termite Coptotermes Gestroi

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Termites are considered one of the most efficient decomposers of lignocelluloses on Earth due to their ability to produce, along with its microbial symbionts, a repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). Recently, a set of Pro-oxidant, Antioxidant, and Detoxification enzymes (PAD) were also correlated with the metabolism of carbohydrates and lignin in termites. The lower termite Coptotermes gestroi is considered the main urban pest in Brazil, causing damage to wood constructions. Recently, analysis of the enzymatic repertoire of C. gestroi unveiled the presence of different CAZymes. Because the gene profile of CAZy/PAD enzymes endogenously synthesized by C. gestroi and also by their symbiotic protists remains unclear, the aim of this study was to explore the eukaryotic repertoire of these enzymes in worker and soldier castes of C. gestroi. Our findings showed that worker and soldier castes present similar repertoires of CAZy/PAD enzymes, and also confirmed that endo-glucanases (GH9) and beta-glucosidases (GH1) were the most important glycoside hydrolase families related to lignocellulose degradation in both castes. Classical cellulases such as exo-glucanases (GH7) and endo-glucanases (GH5 and GH45), as well as classical xylanases (GH10 and GH11), were found in both castes only taxonomically related to protists, highlighting the importance of symbiosis in C. gestroi. Moreover, our analysis revealed the presence of Auxiliary Activity enzyme families (AAs), which could be related to lignin modifications in termite digestomes. In conclusion, this report expanded the knowledge on genes and proteins related to CAZy/PAD enzymes from worker and soldier castes of lower termites, revealing new potential enzyme candidates for second-generation biofuel processes.7FAPESP (The State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation) [11/20977-3, 15/06971-3, 12/19040-0, 14/10351-8, 06/59086-8, 14/20576-7, 13/03061-0, 10/11469-1]National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [140796/2013-4][08/58037-9][14/50371-8][08/50114-4][310186/2014-5][442333/2014-5]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq


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    Los brotes de Enfermedades Transmisibles por Alimentos (ETA) representan una preocupación para las industrias alimentarias y los organismos de salud pública. Las cepas patógenas de Escherichia coli están comúnmente presentes en el trato intestinal de los animales, lo que favorece la contaminación durante el sacrificio o durante un procesamiento inadecuado de la canal. La importancia que la carne tiene en la alimentación humana junto con la necesidad de ofrecer un alimento inocuo e incapaz de transmitir enfermedades, incitaron el desarrollo de este estudio, que tiene por objetivos, detectar, caracterizar los serogrupos y realizar los antibiogramas de E. coli. aisladas de 30 muestras de carne de ternera (babilla) comercializadas en mercados y carnicerías de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Se emplearon 15 muestras de carne entera y 15 de carne picada (en el propio establecimiento). Se utilizaron diferentes metodologías para la confirmación bioquímica y serológicamente de las colonias aisladas. Una vez identificados los serogrupos, se testó su susceptibilidad a diferentes antibióticos. De las muestras analizadas, el 100% resultaron contaminadas con coliformes totales y en cinco (16,7%) de ellas, no se detectaron coliformes fecales. En carne entera, los recuentos de coliformes totales oscilaron de 4,0x103 a 1,1x106 y E.coli de 0 a 2,4x103 mientras que en carne picada oscilaron de 4,4x103 a 2,5x107 y 0 a 3,0x105, respectivamente. Con relación a la metodología empleada,el segundo método demostró ser más eficiente que el tercer método, ya que presentó un mayornúmero de colonias confirmadas. Utilizando el segundo método, se aislaron 52 cepas de E. colienteropatogénica (EPEC), ocho cepas de E. coli enteroinvasiva (EIEC) y una cepa de E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC). Las cepas de E. coli aisladas y tipificadas como patógenas presentaron un gran espectro de resistencia a los antibióticos testados, principalmente a ampicilina (11,32%), cefalotina (11,11%) y amicacina (10,06%). La presencia de serogrupos de E. coli en las muestras confirman la necesidad de implantar los programas de Buenas Practicas de Fabricac ión (BPF), Procedimientos Patrón de Higiene Operacional (PPHO) y Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (APPCC), lo que diminuiría el riesgo para el consumidor.Palabras clave: Escherichia coli, carne de ternera entera y picada, antibiograma.Escherichia coli, whole and ground beef, antibiogram

    Expanding the knowledge on lignocellulolytic and redox enzymes of worker and soldier castes from the lower termite coptotermes gestroi

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    Termites are considered one of the most efficient decomposers of lignocelluloses on Earth due to their ability to produce, along with its microbial symbionts, a repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). Recently, a set of Pro-oxidant, Antioxidant, and Detoxification enzymes (PAD) were also correlated with the metabolism of carbohydrates and lignin in termites. The lower termite Coptotermes gestroi is considered the main urban pest in Brazil, causing damage to wood constructions. Recently, analysis of the enzymatic repertoire of C. gestroi unveiled the presence of different CAZymes. Because the gene profile of CAZy/PAD enzymes endogenously synthesized by C. gestroi and also by their symbiotic protists remains unclear, the aim of this study was to explore the eukaryotic repertoire of these enzymes in worker and soldier castes of C. gestroi. Our findings showed that worker and soldier castes present similar repertoires of CAZy/PAD enzymes, and also confirmed that endo-glucanases (GH9) and beta-glucosidases (GH1) were the most important glycoside hydrolase families related to lignocellulose degradation in both castes. Classical cellulases such as exo-glucanases (GH7) and endo-glucanases (GH5 and GH45), as well as classical xylanases (GH10 and GH11), were found in both castes only taxonomically related to protists, highlighting the importance of symbiosis in C. gestroi. Moreover, our analysis revealed the presence of Auxiliary Activity enzyme families (AAs), which could be related to lignin modifications in termite digestomes. In conclusion, this report expanded the knowledge on genes and proteins related to CAZy/PAD enzymes from worker and soldier castes of lower termites, revealing new potential enzyme candidates for second-generation biofuel processes7CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP140796/2013-4; 310186/2014-5; 442333/2014-511/20977-3; 15/06971-3; 12/19040-0; 14/10351-8; 06/59086-8; 14/20576- 7; 13/03061-0; 10/11469-1; 08/58037-9; 14/50371-8; 08/50114-

    Motivational determinants among physicians in Lahore, Pakistan

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    Introduction: Human resource crises in developing countries have been identified as a critical aspect of poor quality and low accessibility in health care. Worker motivation is an important facet of this issue. Specifically, motivation among physicians, who are an important bridge between health systems and patients, should be considered. This study aimed to identify the determinants of job motivation among physicians, a neglected perspective, especially in developing countries. Methods: A stratified random sample of 360 physicians was selected from public primary, public secondary and public and private tertiary health facilities in the Lahore district, Pakistan. Pretested, semi-structured, self-administered questionnaires were used. For the descriptive part of this study, physicians were asked to report their 5 most important work motivators and demotivators within the context of their current jobs and in general. Responses were coded according to emergent themes and frequencies calculated. Of the 30 factors identified, 10 were classified as intrinsic, 16 as organizational and 4 as socio-cultural. Results: Intrinsic and socio-cultural factors like serving people, respect and career growth were important motivators. Conversely, demotivators across setups were mostly organizational, especially in current jobs. Among these, less pay was reported the most frequently. Fewer opportunities for higher qualifications was a demotivator among primary and secondary physicians. Less personal safety and poor working conditions were important in the public sector, particularly among female physicians. Among private tertiary physicians financial incentives other than pay and good working conditions were motivators in current jobs. Socio-cultural and intrinsic factors like less personal and social time and the inability to financially support oneself and family were more important among male physicians. Conclusion: Motivational determinants differed across different levels of care, sectors and genders. Nonetheless, the important motivators across setups in this study were mostly intrinsic and socio-cultural, which are difficult to affect while the demotivators were largely organizational. Many can be addressed even at the facility level such as less personal safety and poor working conditions. Thus, in resource limited settings a good strategic starting point could be small scale changes that may markedly improve physicians' motivation and subsequently the quality of health care

    Search for Third Generation Vector Leptoquarks in p anti-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We describe a search for a third generation vector leptoquark (VLQ3) that decays to a b quark and tau lepton using the CDF II detector and 322 pb^(-1) of integrated luminosity from the Fermilab Tevatron. Vector leptoquarks have been proposed in many extensions of the standard model (SM). Observing a number of events in agreement with SM expectations, assuming Yang-Mills (minimal) couplings, we obtain the most stringent upper limit on the VLQ3 pair production cross section of 344 fb (493 fb) and lower limit on the VLQ3 mass of 317 GeV/c^2 (251 GeV/c^2) at 95% C.L.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Multiple evolutionary origins of Trypanosoma evansi in Kenya

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    Trypanosoma evansi is the parasite causing surra, a form of trypanosomiasis in camels and other livestock, and a serious economic burden in Kenya and many other parts of the world. Trypanosoma evansi transmission can be sustained mechanically by tabanid and Stomoxys biting flies, whereas the closely related African trypanosomes T. brucei brucei and T. b. rhodesiense require cyclical development in tsetse flies (genus Glossina) for transmission. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary origins of T. evansi. We used 15 polymorphic microsatellites to quantify levels and patterns of genetic diversity among 41 T. evansi isolates and 66 isolates of T. b. brucei (n = 51) and T. b. rhodesiense (n = 15), including many from Kenya, a region where T. evansi may have evolved from T. brucei. We found that T. evansi strains belong to at least two distinct T. brucei genetic units and contain genetic diversity that is similar to that in T. brucei strains. Results indicated that the 41 T. evansi isolates originated from multiple T. brucei strains from different genetic backgrounds, implying independent origins of T. evansi from T. brucei strains. This surprising finding further suggested that the acquisition of the ability of T. evansi to be transmitted mechanically, and thus the ability to escape the obligate link with the African tsetse fly vector, has occurred repeatedly. These findings, if confirmed, have epidemiological implications, as T. brucei strains from different genetic backgrounds can become either causative agents of a dangerous, cosmopolitan livestock disease or of a lethal human disease, like for T. b. rhodesiense

    Non-linear effects of drought under shade: reconciling physiological and ecological models in plant communities

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    The combined effects of shade and drought on plant performance and the implications for species interactions are highly debated in plant ecology. Empirical evidence for positive and negative effects of shade on the performance of plants under dry conditions supports two contrasting theoretical models about the role of shade under dry conditions: the trade-off and the facilitation hypotheses. We performed a meta-analysis of field and greenhouse studies evaluating the effects of drought at two or more irradiance levels on nine response variables describing plant physiological condition, growth, and survival. We explored differences in plant response across plant functional types, ecosystem types and methodological approaches. The data were best fit using quadratic models indicating a humped-back shape response to drought along an irradiance gradient for survival, whole plant biomass, maximum photosynthetic capacity, stomatal conductance and maximal photochemical efficiency. Drought effects were ameliorated at intermediate irradiance, becoming more severe at higher or lower light levels. This general pattern was maintained when controlling for potential variations in the strength of the drought treatment among light levels. Our quantitative meta-analysis indicates that dense shade ameliorates drought especially among drought-intolerant and shade-tolerant species. Wet tropical species showed larger negative effects of drought with increasing irradiance than semiarid and cold temperate species. Non-linear responses to irradiance were stronger under field conditions than under controlled greenhouse conditions. Non-linear responses to drought along the irradiance gradient reconciliate opposing views in plant ecology, indicating that facilitation is more likely within certain range of environmental conditions, fading under deep shade, especially for drought-tolerant species

    The multiplicity of performance management systems:Heterogeneity in multinational corporations and management sense-making

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    This field study examines the workings of multiple performance measurement systems (PMSs) used within and between a division and Headquarters (HQ) of a large European corporation. We explore how multiple PMSs arose within the multinational corporation. We first provide a first‐order analysis which explains how managers make sense of the multiplicity and show how an organization's PMSs may be subject to competing processes for control that result in varied systems, all seemingly functioning, but with different rationales and effects. We then provide a second‐order analysis based on a sense‐making perspective that highlights the importance of retrospective understandings of the organization's history and the importance of various legitimacy expectations to different parts of the multinational. Finally, we emphasize the role of social skill in sense‐making that enables the persistence of multiple systems and the absence of overt tensions and conflict within organizations