4 research outputs found

    Methodological proposals to incentive the usage of the radio in communi- cation teaching: The experience of iradio UCAM

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    La pretensión de este artículo es dar a conocer los resultados obtenidos en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del profesorado que imparte docencia en los estudios de comunicación en la Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM). Estos profesores han participado en un proyecto de innovación docente estructurado sobre el diseño de actividades de aprendizaje vinculadas al uso de la radio. Se pretende así aportar ideas a aquellos docentes que quieran aventurarse en el camino de la innovación metodológica a través del medio radiofónico.The pretension of this article is to make public the results reached in the improvement process of teaching-learning from the lecturers that are in charge of the communication studios within the Catholic University of San Antonio (UCAM). These professors have taken part in a project of teaching innovation based on the design of learning activities linked to the use of the radio. The intention is to provide ideas to all those teachers that would like to dig into the methodological innovation through the radiophone media.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Management of work teams and radio products in university radios

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    Introducción: El aprendizaje cooperativo y colaborativo están sustituyendo en las universidades a los modelos educacionales de trabajo en grupo que se conocían hasta ahora colocando al alumno en centro de su propia formación como un actor más en los procesos de adquisición de competencias, sirviendo las radios universitarias como laboratorios de experimentación para ello. Metodología: En esta investigación se realiza un análisis de todos los procesos de trabajo que se desarrollan en iradioUCAM, la radio Universitaria de la Universidad Católica de Murcia, comprendidos desde la puesta en marcha de una nueva temporada hasta la finalización de ésta según los criterios definitorios del aprendizaje cooperativo y colaborativo. Resultados: La aplicación de la metodología nos permite identificar cuatro fases de trabajo secuenciales diferenciadas según: acotación temporal, procesos desarrollados, objetivos a alcanzar y tipo de aprendizaje empleado. Discusión: los resultados obtenidos evidencian que en el proceso necesario para desarrollar los productos finales incluidos en su parrilla de programación, utilizan técnicas y herramientas tanto del aprendizaje cooperativo como del colaborativo. Conclusiones: iradioUCAM ha generado su propio modelo de gestión de radio universitaria que, mejorado y adaptado, puede servir como pauta no solo a otras radios universitarias sino también a otros escenarios formativos en los que recrear realidades profesionales.Introduction: At universities, cooperative and collaborative learning are substituting the types of group work that were commonly known until today, placing the student in the middle of his or her own learning as another actor in the processes of acquisition of competencies, with university radios serving as experimenting labs for this. Methodology: In this research, an analysis of all the work processes that are developed in iradioUCAM, the Catholic University of Murcia’s radio, is conducted. This analysis takes into account all the processes performed from the launch of a new season until its ending, according to the defining criteria of cooperative and collaborative learning. Results: The application of this methodology allows us to identify four sequential work phases, which are differentiated according to: time limits, processes developed, objectives to be reached and type of learning employed. Discussion: The results obtained evidence that in the process needed for the development of the final products included in dayparting, techniques and tools belonging to cooperative as well as collaborative learning, are used. Conclusions: iradioUCAM has generated its own model of management of a university radio, which once improved and adapted, could serve as a guideline for other university radios, as well as other educational scenarios where professional work realities are re-created.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Medical versus surgical approach to initial treatment in septic arthritis: A single spanish center’s 8-year experience

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    Objective The aim of this study was to compare the functional results of 2 different procedure types, medical or surgical used in treating native joint septic arthritis. Methods In this cohort study, we reviewed the clinical registries of patients admitted to a single third-level hospital with the diagnosis of septic arthritis during the period of January 1, 2008, to January 31, 2016. Results A total of 63 cases of septic arthritis were identified in which the initial approach for 49 patients was medical (arthrocentesis), whereas the initial approach for 14 patients was surgical (arthroscopy or arthrotomy). Of the 49 patients who received initial medical treatment (IMT), 15 patients (30%) later required surgical treatment because of poor progress. The median age of the patients was 60 (SD, 18) years. The group who received IMT were older than those who received initial surgical treatment (median, 64 years [interquartile range {IQR}, 54–76 years], vs. 48 years [IQR, 30–60 years]). There was a larger percentage of male patients in the surgical group (78% vs. 42% [p = 0.018]). Thirty percent of the medical group had been receiving corticosteroid treatment (p = 0.018). Results of complete recovery of joint functionality showed no significant differences after 1 year (68% with MT vs. 67% with ST, p = 0.91). Both groups had similar symptom duration until diagnosis, duration of antibiotic therapy (median, 30 days [IQR, 28–49 days], vs. 29.5 days [IQR, 27–49] days), and mortality rate (3 in the medical group). Conclusions The results of the study show that initial surgical treatment in patients with native joint septic arthritis is not superior to IMT. However, half of the patients with shoulder and hip infections treated with IMT eventually required surgical intervention, suggesting that perhaps this should be the preferred initial approach in these cases

    Methodological proposals to incentive the usage of the radio in communi- cation teaching: The experience of iradio UCAM

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    La pretensión de este artículo es dar a conocer los resultados obtenidos en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del profesorado que imparte docencia en los estudios de comunicación en la Universidad Católica San Antonio (UCAM). Estos profesores han participado en un proyecto de innovación docente estructurado sobre el diseño de actividades de aprendizaje vinculadas al uso de la radio. Se pretende así aportar ideas a aquellos docentes que quieran aventurarse en el camino de la innovación metodológica a través del medio radiofónico.The pretension of this article is to make public the results reached in the improvement process of teaching-learning from the lecturers that are in charge of the communication studios within the Catholic University of San Antonio (UCAM). These professors have taken part in a project of teaching innovation based on the design of learning activities linked to the use of the radio. The intention is to provide ideas to all those teachers that would like to dig into the methodological innovation through the radiophone media.Ciencias de la Comunicació