141 research outputs found

    Tiempo cotidiano: el triunfo de cada día, en la obra poética, los pasos terrestres, de julieta dobles

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    The poems, The terrestrial steps, Julieta Dobles Izaguirre contains a poem that includes and reappraises the everyday aspects of existence. It includes the qualities of the time that print you the pace to the experience of every day. Every day is the sign that used to point out that life experiences are carried out in daily living, that experience is also the everyday events of life itself divided into morning, afternoon and evening, as well as life passes by childhood, adulthood an old age.Every day is the time confluence of multiple temporalities, biological, psychological, linear and cyclic time where “Today” is a timeless and fleeting moment.El poemario, Los Pasos Terrestres, de Julieta Dobles Izaguirre contiene una poesía que incluye y revalora los aspectos cotidianos de la existencia. Comprende las cualidades del tiempo que le imprimen el ritmo a la vivencia de cada día. Cada día es el signo que emplea para señalar que las experiencias vitales se llevan a cabo en el diario vivir, esa vivencia es también el acontecer de la vida misma dividida en mañana, tarde y noche, así como la vida pasa por la infancia, la madurez y la ancianidad. Cada día se constituye en el tiempo donde confluyen múltiples temporalidades, el tiempo biológico, psicológico, lineal y cíclico, donde el “Hoy” es un instante imperecedero y fugaz

    Enseñanza cívica en el período oligárquico liberal en Costa Rica, 1886-1920: un acercamiento desde las perspectivas teóricas del género y de la educación cívica / Civic teaching in the liberal oligarchic period in costa rica, 1886-1920: an approach from t

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    La Educación Cívica es una materia que se introdujo en el plan de estudio de las escuelas y colegios de Costa Rica, a partir de la Reforma Educativa que plantea Mauro Fernández en 1886. El contexto histórico en que se produce es de neto predominio oligárquico-liberal-masculino. En correspondencia con este sistema, la educación y, muy particularmente la educación cívica, se constituye en un medio de socialización e ideologización, en torno a los férreos valores e intereses patriarcales que dominan a la sociedad costarricense en este período. ¿De qué manera se instaura el sistema patriarcal en nuestra cultura? ¿Cómo y por qué la Educación Cívica es un transmisor y reproductor de ese sistema en el período oligárquico liberal en Costa Rica? Estas interrogantes surgen a partir de esas afirmaciones y, es por ello, que las reflexiones que se presentan en este artículo, pretenden analizar la Educación Cívica desde las perspectivas teóricas de género y de la educación cívica, como fenómeno educativo multidimensional para tratar de captar su funcionamiento en el marco del período oligárquico-liberal en Costa Rica durante los años de 1886 a 1920 en que se instaura para el país, otro conjunto de planes y programas educativos.   Civic Education is a subject that was introduced in the scholastics plan of Costa Rican elementary and high schools beginning with the Educational Reform that was proposed by Mauro Fernández in 1886. The historical context that it took place in was predominantly oligarchic-liberal-male; in keeping with this system, education and, very particularly, civic education, became a means for socialization, surrounding the firm and uncompromising values and patriarchal interests that dominated Costa Rican society of the time. ¿Haw was the patriarchal system established in our cultural? ¿How and why is Civic Education a transmitter and reproducer of that system in the liberal oligarchic period of Costa Rica? These are questions that arise as a result of those assertions and that is why the reflections offered in this article mean to analyze Civic Education from the common theoretical standpoint and Civic Education as a multidimensional educational phenomenon to attempt to pinpoint its functionality within the period comprised by the years from 1886 to 1920, in which another set educational plans and programs was established in the country

    Adenovirus-mediated suppression of hypothalamic glucokinase affects feeding behavior

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    Glucokinase (GK), the hexokinase involved in glucosensing in pancreatic β-cells, is also expressed in arcuate nucleus (AN) neurons and hypothalamic tanycytes, the cells that surround the basal third ventricle (3V). Several lines of evidence suggest that tanycytes may be involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Tanycytes have extended cell processes that contact the feeding-regulating neurons in the AN, particularly, agouti-related protein (AgRP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. In this study, we developed an adenovirus expressing GK shRNA to inhibit GK expression in vivo. When injected into the 3V of rats, this adenovirus preferentially transduced tanycytes. qRT-PCR and Western blot assays confirmed GK mRNA and protein levels were lower in GK knockdown animals compared to the controls. In response to an intracerebroventricular glucose injection, the mRNA levels of anorexigenic POMC and CART and orexigenic AgRP and NPY neuropeptides were altered in GK knockdown animals. Similarly, food intake, meal duration, frequency of eating events and the cumulative eating time were increased, whereas the intervals between meals were decreased in GK knockdown rats, suggesting a decrease in satiety. Thus, GK expression in the ventricular cells appears to play an important role in feeding behavior.Fil: Uranga, Romina Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Millán, Carola. Universidad de Concepción; Chile. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; ChileFil: Barahona, María José. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Recabal, Antonia. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Salgado, Magdiel. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Martinez, Fernando. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Ordenes, Patricio. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Elizondo Vega, Roberto. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Sepúlveda, Fernando. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Uribe, Elena. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: García Robles, María de los Ángeles. Universidad de Concepción; Chil

    Principios de la clarificación

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    Detalles del proceso de clarificación en tratamiento de agu

    Prueba de jarras

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    Descripción del análisis prueba de jarras para selección de coagulantes y floculantes para eliminar sólidos suspendidos del agua

    Psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in the Spanish population

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    Although the number of studies in the literature on the psychometric properties of the CD-RISC measures is remarkably high, there is still a great lack of consensus about its internal structure among the general population. Therefore, the aim of this study has been threefold: to analyze the psychometric properties, explore the factorial structure and calculate percentiles of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) for a sample of the Spanish population. For this purpose, the study sample consisted of 1119 participants consisting of 324 males and 795 females and they completed the following scales: CD-RISC, Perceived Stress Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Stress Vulnerability Inventory, Personality Hardiness Questionnaire and the anxiety and depression subscales of the SCL-90-R. In terms of reliability, an adequate Cronbach's coefficient alpha value of .86 was obtained. The evidence for the validity of the internal structure supports the unidimensionality of the CD-RISC measurements, as well as confirming the expec-ted theoretical relationships and correlating with the described measures in the expected direction. Satisfactory results are obtained in the present study that reinforce the usefulness and precision of this scale for its application using the Spanish population, presenting percentiles that can provide guidance in the interpretation and use of the scores with respect to its application in both research and clinical practiceAunque el número de estudios sobre las propiedades psicométricas de la CD-RISC es notablemente amplio, aún hay gran falta de consenso sobre su estructura interna en población general. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido triple, verificar sus propiedades psicométricas, ex-plorar la estructura factorial y calcular baremos de la escala de resiliencia CD-RISC para una muestra de población española. Para ello participaron 1119 personas, 324 hombres y 795 mujeres, cumplimentando las siguientes escalas: CD-RISC, Escala de Estrés Percibido, Escala de Apoyo Social Percibido, Escala de Autoeficacia, Escala de Vulnerabilidad al Estrés, Cuestionario de Personalidad Resistente y subescalas de ansiedad y depresión del SCL-90. Las evidencias de validez confirmaron las relaciones teóricas esperadas correlacionándose con las medidas descritas. El análisis factorial encontró un apoyo razonable a la hipótesis de unidimensionalidad. En cuanto a la fiabilidad se obtuvieron valores aceptables con un alfa de .86 y una omega de .86. Se obtienen resultados satisfactorios que refuerzan la utilidad y precisión de esta escala para su uso en población española, apoyando la hipótesis de unidimensionalidad y aportando baremos que permiten interpretar las puntuaciones para su aplicación tanto en investigación como en la práctica clínica

    La situación social de los jóvenes en Andalucía

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    En este informe de investigación, ofrecemos una visión abierta de los jóvenes andaluces, una mirada amplia, que nos va a permitir a políticos y profesionales, concretar políticas y programas más ajustados a la realidad juvenil. Hemos constatado la diversidad y riqueza de este grupo amplio de personas que el estudio ha contemplado, desde los 14 a los 30 años, que comparten algunos hábitos pero que también son muy diferentes en su dependencia-autonomía, tipos de ocio que realizan, dedicación a estudios y/o trabajo, hábitos de salud, etc.Este trabajo es parte del proyecto de investigación titulado “Situación social e identidades de los jóvenes en Andalucía”. El proyecto se ha realizado en el Instituto de Estudios Sociales de Andalucía (IESA) del CSIC por iniciativa del Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud (IAJ), mediante un convenio de colaboración suscrito entre la Consejería de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía y el IESA

    30th Anniversary of Applied Intelligence: A combination of bibliometrics and thematic analysis using SciMAT

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    Applied Intelligence is one of the most important international scientific journals in the field of artificial intelligence. From 1991, Applied Intelligence has been oriented to support research advances in new and innovative intelligent systems, methodologies, and their applications in solving real-life complex problems. In this way, Applied Intelligence hosts more than 2,400 publications and achieves around 31,800 citations. Moreover, Applied Intelligence is recognized by the industrial, academic, and scientific communities as a source of the latest innovative and advanced solutions in intelligent manufacturing, privacy-preserving systems, risk analysis, knowledge-based management, modern techniques to improve healthcare systems, methods to assist government, and solving industrial problems that are too complex to be solved through conventional approaches. Bearing in mind that Applied Intelligence celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2021, it is appropriate to analyze its bibliometric performance, conceptual structure, and thematic evolution. To do that, this paper conducts a bibliometric performance and conceptual structure analysis of Applied Intelligence from 1991 to 2020 using SciMAT. Firstly, the performance of the journal is analyzed according to the data retrieved from Scopus, putting the focus on the productivity of the authors, citations, countries, organizations, funding agencies, and most relevant publications. Finally, the conceptual structure of the journal is analyzed with the bibliometric software tool SciMAT, identifying the main thematic areas that have been the object of research and their composition, relationship, and evolution during the period analyzed

    Feasibility of Calcium Sulfate Moulds Made by Inkjet 3D Printing for Rapid Casting of Aluminium Alloys

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    [EN] In this research, a comparative analysis has been carried out between a traditional sand casting process and a modern mould obtained by additive manufacturing (AM), in the context of aluminium parts production. In this case of AM, an inkjet 3D printing (3DP) process allowed us to create a ceramic mould. A numerical simulation was carried out to study the filling and cooling rates of both parts. The design freedom typical of the 3DP technique allowed us to optimize the f illing system. The results showed that in sand moulding, the speed in the gate suddenly increased when the liquid metal entered the part cavity, leading to severe turbulence due to the fountain e ect. The input of air is related to the speed in the gate. Nevertheless, the results showed that when using the 3DP mould, the speed in the gate remained constant and the filling process was homogenous. With regard to the dimensional precision, while the staircase e ect in the surface of the 3DP mould is the most critical aspect to control, in the sand casting mould the critical aspect is the dimensional precision of the pattern. Microstructures of the cross-section of the moulded parts showed folded shapes and air input in sand casting, which could be produced by the severe turbulence and the oxide f ilm present in the melt during the filling process. On the other hand, the porosity found in parts produced with the 3DP mould corresponds to shrinkage; during the filling process, the remaining binder is vaporized, creating nucleation points. In this way, pores are formed by shrinkage and a mixture of shrinkage and gas entrapment. With these considerations, it can be concluded that AM shows feasibility and advantages as an alternative to the sand casting method for aluminium alloysSIAgencia Estatal de Investigació