464 research outputs found

    Insurance Law

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    La memorización monástica y las imágenes de la Psychomachia: el uso de la figuración miniada y monumental de las virtudes y los vicios como mnemotecnias

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    [ES] Ya en el mundo antiguo encontramos representaciones de los conceptos de algunas virtudes como son la Fortaleza o la Justicia. Durante la Edad Media estas imágenes ganaron gran popularidad y se insertaron en un sin número de medios, desde trabajos de orfebrería hasta en la escultura monumental de las fachadas de las catedrales góticas. Las imágenes de los vicios y virtudes en mayor o menor grado en épocas posteriores se siguieron utilizando. La época contemporánea no ha sido la excepción y en pleno siglo XXI se pueden señalar ejemplos, como son la personificación de la Justicia la cual continúa portando sus atributos por excelencia: la espada y la balanza. Actualmente la plasmación de dichos conceptos morales, con mayor interés en los vicios, se continúan utilizando en la cultura popular y se han extendido a los medios del mundo contemporáneo: el cine, la televisión y la animación1. La pervivencia de las representaciones de estos conceptos morales denota un afecto, tendencia, inclinación o disposición por parte del hombre a los mismos. Particularmente, mi primer encuentro con el tema de las imágenes de los vicios y virtudes fue durante mis años de carrera en Puerto Rico, como parte de un trabajo de un curso de Historia del Arte Medieval. El mismo me llevó a cuestionarme la importancia y la popularidad que gozó el tema durante el período medieval. Cuando inicié el proyecto de tesis le propuse a mi tutora estudiar los vicios y las virtudes en la Edad Media, proyecto ambicioso cuya envergadura no conocía. Pues resulta, como se expone en el primer capítulo de nuestro trabajo, que imágenes de estos conceptos abstractos se elaboraron a lo largo de todo el medioevo y en todos los medios y contextos posibles del período

    Cementado en las prótesis de óxido de zirconio

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Odontologí

    The Influence of Gender and Self-Efficacy on Healthy Eating in a Low-Income Urban Population Affected by Structural Changes to the Food Environment

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    Although US obesity prevention efforts have begun to implement a variety of system and environmental change strategies to address the underlying socioecological barriers to healthy eating, factors which can impede or facilitate community acceptance of such interventions are often poorly understood. This is due, in part, to the paucity of subpopulation health data that are available to help guide local planning and decision-making. We contribute to this gap in practice by examining area-specific health data for a population targeted by federally funded nutrition interventions in Los Angeles County. Using data from a local health assessment that collected information on sociodemographics, self-reported health behaviors, and objectively measured height, weight, and blood pressure for a subset of low-income adults (n = 720), we compared health risks and predictors of healthy eating across at-risk groups using multivariable modeling analyses. Our main findings indicate being a woman and having high self-efficacy in reading Nutrition Facts labels were strong predictors of healthy eating (P<0.05). These findings suggest that intervening with women may help increase the reach of these nutrition interventions, and that improving self-efficacy in healthy eating through public education and/or by other means can help prime at-risk groups to accept and take advantage of these food environment changes

    Heat exposure in sugarcane workers in Costa Rica during the non-harvest season

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    This observational pilot study was carried out at three sugarcane companies in Costa Rica. Its main objective was to determine the potential for heat stress conditions for workers in one sugarcane-growing region in Costa Rica during the maintenance (non-harvest) period

    Predictive processing in depression: Increased prediction error following negative valence contexts and influence of recent mood-congruent yet irrelevant experiences

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    Depressió psíquica; Emocions; Expressió facialDepression; Emotions; Facial ExpressionDepresión; Emociones; Expresión facialBackground: Novel theoretical models of depression have recently emerged based on an influential new perspective in neuroscience known as predictive processing. In these models, depression may be understood as an imbalance of predictive signals in the brain; more specifically, a dominance of predictions leading to a relative insensitivity to prediction error. Despite these important theoretical advances, empirical evidence remains limited, and how expectations are generated and used dynamically in individuals with depression remains largely unexplored. Methods: In this study, we induced facial expression predictions using emotion contexts in 34 individuals with depression and 34 healthy controls. Results: Compared to controls, individuals with depression perceived displayed facial expressions as less similar to their expectations (i.e., increased difference between expectations and actual sensory input) following contexts evoking negative valence emotions, indicating that depressed individuals have increased prediction error in such contexts. This effect was amplified by recent mood-congruent yet irrelevant experiences. Limitations: The clinical sample included participants with comorbid psychopathology and taking medication. Additionally, the two groups were not evaluated in the same setting, and only three emotion categories (fear, sadness, and happiness) were explored. Conclusions: Our results shed light on potential mechanisms underlying processing abnormalities regarding negative information, which has been consistently reported in depression, and may be a relevant point of departure for exploring transdiagnostic vulnerability to mental illness. Our data also has the potential to improve clinical practice through the implementation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools based on the assessment and modulation of predictive signals

    The pitfalls of electronic health orders: Development of an enhanced institutional protocol after a preventable patient death

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    BACKGROUND: Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) is a long-standing treatment used in the setting of gross hematuria and other acute bladder issues. Its use has traditionally been reserved for patients under direct urologic care, but with the constraints of modern large-hospital healthcare, many patients have CBI administered by providers unfamiliar with its use and potential complications. FINDINGS: There were 136 CBI orders placed in 2013 by non-urologic providers. The biggest hazard found in our analysis was the requirement for entering a rate of irrigation administration. Nurses with no experience with CBI viewed this order as an indication to administer via an infusion pump, which can easily exceed the mechanical integrity of the bladder and increase the risk of bladder perforation. Our panel also found that due to lack of experience by nurses and non-urologic providers, that signs and symptoms of CBI dysfunction were not common knowledge. Also we found that non-urologic providers were unfamiliar with administration and dosing of medications for CBI patients to help with the intrinsic discomfort with CBI administration. CONCLUSIONS: In our revised order set we found that removing the requirement for an infusion rate, along with placing warnings in the CPOE, helped staff better understand this possible complication. We created a best practice alert in our CPOE to strongly recommend the urology service be consulted. Communication text boxes were added to the order set to help staff be aware of the signs and symptoms of CBI dysfunction, along with a guide for trouble shooting

    Evaluación del cumplimiento de las normas legales del programa vaso de leche de la municipalidad distrital de Pocollay del año 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación planteó como objetivo analizar la percepción de cumplimiento de normas legales en el PVL de la MDP en año 2022, y como objetivos específicos: Analizar la percepción de cumplimiento de normas legales según abastecimiento y ración alimenticia en el PVL de la MDP en año 2022; y, Analizar la percepción de cumplimiento de normas legales según supervisión y control en el PVL de la MDP en año 2022; la metodología que se empleó, cuenta con un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo básica, con un diseño basado en la “teoría fundamentada”. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la guía de entrevista, la técnica aplicada fue la entrevista, la cual fue aplicada a 6 participantes seleccionados en forma discrecional pertenecientes al Programa de Vaso de Leche, encargadas de la parte de ejecución del programa social; mediante sus resultados se concluyó que la percepción del cumplimiento de las normas legales del PVL de la MDP, contiene deficiencias en su ejecución, pues no se logra alcanzar a todas las personas en estado de vulnerabilidad, debido a que no está correctamente determinado los parámetros de distribución, pues pese a que las normas legales establecen una forma de ejecución, en la práctica el programa social contiene deficiencias administrativas que impide que todas las personas en estado de vulnerabilidad accedan a este beneficio social

    Same Polytechnic College Tanzania Build 2022

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    In collaboration with The Mbesese Initiative for Sustainable Design, the Cal Poly senior project team has designed, engineered, and prepared construction documents for a new vocational training college in Same, Tanzania, a rural area in the Mt. Kilimanjaro region. Upon its completion, the college will offer quality and practical educational opportunities for up to 1,200 students; in the interim, individual structures will be occupied immediately, adding value to the community throughout the construction process. The campus will house continuing educational programs, sports and agriculture fields, as well as hotels and other community-facing structures