147 research outputs found

    El Poder monàrquic. Festes reials i imatges de la monarquia a la València del segle XVI

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    Mujeres de Maya (Carhuaz, Áncash): cambios intergeneracionales e itinerarios para la atención del embarazo y del parto

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    El presente estudio etnográfico aborda dos temas vinculados e interdependientes: cambios intergeneracionales, e itinerarios para la atención del embarazo y del parto. Se identifican y analizan las rutas que siguen las mujeres de dos diferentes generaciones en la comunidad de Maya (Áncash) para la atención del embarazo y el parto en el marco de las políticas de salud centradas en la promoción del parto institucional y los cambios ocurridos en el contexto rural local que inciden en las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres. Si bien el parto institucional se constituye en una norma que marca los itinerarios que siguen las mujeres de dos diferentes generaciones de la comunidad de Maya para la atención del embarazo y el parto, ellas hacen uso de distintos repertorios de acuerdo con sus necesidades y deseos, sobre todo, en lo que respecta a los cuidados durante el embarazo y posteriores al parto. A pesar de los obstáculos que enfrentan las mujeres de Maya, su agencia les permite construir caminos sobre la base de saberes y de vínculos, los que se entrelazan para configurar redes de apoyo que actúan en cualquier momento del proceso del embarazo. De este modo, siguen vigentes prácticas de cuidado y de sanación para una mujer embarazada, que se realizan de manera paralela al sistema de salud oficial, lo que genera una relación tensa entre las mujeres de Maya y el personal de salud

    Cyanobacterial calcite cementation in a tidal channel of the Bay of Cadiz Natural Park

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    A study of the carbonated crust located in a tidal channel close to a hypersaline tidal lagoon of the Nature area of the Bay of Cádiz has been done. A textural, mineralogical, and an experimental study, including O2 y pH measurements have been conducted during a period of a month and a tidal cycle in four different locations along the channel. The results of the mineralogical and textural study and those from the microelectrodes, show how the photosynthetic activity of biofilms dominated by cyanobacteria and diatoms growing in the sediment surface seems to control the calcite precipitation on the intertidal sediments. Although bacterial remains are rarely preserved in beachrocks, this study shows how bacterial activity should be taken into account in beachrock development in coastal environmentsMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia, proyecto MICROBENTOS (CTM2006-04015/MAR

    La reforma energética en España: análisis constitucional y administrativo

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    In the last five years Spanish energy sector has suffered from a barrage of regulatory changes that, unfortunately, have not been the product of an energy pact –again and again demanded by specialists and said by political parties to be a policy goal–, but motivated by the urge to alleviate the «tariff deficit» and some other specific issues, such as the tremendous costs that a state under economic crisis has to bear in the high premiums of alternative energies. Beyond criticism of political opportuneness and legislative technique to these regulatory changes, in this paper we will focus on analyzing, from a legal perspective, the harmful consequences of all these changes, both administratively (regulatory risk, poliarchy regulations and liability of the State for statutory indirect condemnation) and constitutional (weakening of certainty, legitimate expectations and non-retroactivity principles), and, finally, bringing in some proposals that could help to somehow alleviate those consequences.Este trabajo ha obtenido un Accésit del Premio Estudios Financieros 2016 en la modalidad de Derecho Constitucional y Administrativo. En el último lustro el sector energético español ha sufrido un aluvión de cambios normativos que, lamentablemente, no han sido producto de un pacto energético –una y otra vez demandado por los especialistas y que los partidos dicen querer alcanzar–, sino que ha venido motivado por el deseo de paliar el «déficit de tarifa» y algunos otros problemas concretos, como el tremendo coste que suponen para un Estado en crisis económica las altas primas de las energías alternativas. Más allá de las críticas sobre oportunidad política y técnica legislativa que estas modificaciones normativas han provocado, en este trabajo nos centraremos en analizar, desde una perspectiva jurídica, las consecuencias perniciosas de todas estas modificaciones, tanto desde el punto de vista administrativo (riesgo regulatorio, poliarquía normativa y responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado legislador frente a expropiación indirecta) como constitucional (debilitamiento de los principios de seguridad jurídica, confianza legítima e irretroactividad), aportando finalmente algunas propuestas que podrían coadyuvar a paliar de alguna manera esas consecuencias

    Diffuse illuminance availability on horizontal and vertical surfaces at Madrid, Spain

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    The overall objective of this work is to provide diffuse illuminance availability at Madrid (Spain) through a statistical analysis of illuminance values corresponding to a long-term data series. The illuminance values are obtained from irradiance measurements by means of different empirical models for luminous efficacy. The values of diffuse illuminance on a horizontal and on vertical surfaces facing the four cardinal points are estimated and the different aspects related to daylight availability in an area with specific climatic conditions are analyzed. The experimental data consist of global and diffuse irradiance measurements on a horizontal surface provided by the National Meteorological Agency in Spain (AEMET) for Madrid. These data consist of hourly values measured in the period of 1980–2005. The statistical results derived correspond to a daylight typical year for the five surfaces considered. This information will be useful to building experts to estimate natural illumination availability when daylighting techniques are applied in building design with the main aim of electric energy savings

    Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of the serum of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. and its relationship to the reproductive cycle and parasitic load

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    12 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablasThe levels of carbohydrate and protein in the blood serum of mussels (Mytilus galluprovincialis Lmk.) experimentally cultured at two depths in Galicia (NW Spain) were determined over a period of 1 year. The changes in concentration of total and reducing carbohydrate and protein exhibited an annual cycle; their values varied from 0.053 to 0.700 mg/ml, from 0.050 to 0.669 mg/ml and from 0.620 to 2.830 mg/ml respectively. Also, the concentrations of total carbohydrate and protein were greater in animals from 5 m depth than those from 2 m. Total and reducing carbohydrate were the components most affected by parasitism. The greatest effect on total carbohydrate concentration was detected in mussels affected by the parasites Mytilicola intestinalis and Marteilia refringens, which presented lower values in infected mussels than in non-infected ones, mainly in the summer months.This work was partially financed by CICYT (MEC, Spain) PPA86-0441 and the FAR project AQ- l-272 of DG-XIV from the EEC.Peer reviewe