21 research outputs found
New Host Records of Apicomplexan Blood Parasites (Haemogregarinidae and Hepatozoidae) Infecting Two Reptiles (Testudines; Ophidia) from Arkansas
Relatively few records of apicomplexan blood parasites from reptiles in Arkansas have been published although the effects of these parasites on reptilian health may be of concern. Using photomicrographs we describe the morphotypes of parasite gamonts found in blood samples from the Midland smooth softshell turtle, Apalone mutica mutica, and a western Milksnake Lampropeltis gentilis from Arkansas. The turtle possessed four distinct morphological gamont forms of a Haemogregarina sp. The snake possessed two morphological forms of gamonts of a Hepatozoon sp. Both infections are new host records and the western milksnake has not been described as a host elsewhere for a Hepatozoon sp. prior to this study. These findings show the need for more surveys to help describe the diversity of this group of hemoparasites in the state. In addition, we provide a summary of hemoparasites from American members of the softshell family Trionychidae and from the reptiles of the state as well, to date
Noteworthy Parasites (Trematoda, Cestoda, Phthiraptera) of Three Birds (Aves: Passeriformes; Pelecaniformes; Piciformes) from Arkansas
Between November 2020 and March 2021, three species of birds, one each of a tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor), pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus), and great blue heron (Ardea herodias) were salvaged from Lawrence and Polk counties, Arkansas, and examined for parasites. Found were four taxa of parasites, including a dicrocoeliid trematode, a cyclophyllidean cestode, and species of philopterid and menoponid lice. We document new host and distributional records for these parasites from select birds of the state
Hemoparasites (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoon; Kinetoplastida: Trypanosoma) of Two Anurans (Hylidae; Ranidae), from Polk County, Arkansas
Arkansas supports 26 species/subspecies of anurans and only one (4%), the green frog, Rana clamitans, has been previously reported with hemoparasites. Here, we collected blood samples from three species of anurans, five American green treefrogs, Dryophytes cinereus, five American bullfrogs, Rana catesbeianus, two southern leopard frogs, Rana sphenocephalus utricularius, and two Fowler’s toads, Anaxyrus fowleri from Polk County and examined each for hemoparasites. American green treefrogs and American bullfrogs harbored hemoparasites, including two (40%) D. cinereus and four (80%) R. catesbeianus with trypanosomes, and one (20%) R. catesbeiana with a Hepatozoon sp. This is the first time these two anurans have been reported with hemoparasites from Arkansas
Helminth Parasites of Northern Cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus (Ophidia: Viperidae), from Arkansas
The Northern cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus is a large, semiaquatic viperid snake found statewide in Arkansas. Although a great deal has been published on helminth parasites of A. piscivorus from other parts of its range, little (outside of its cestodes) is known about those other helminths occurring in cottonmouths of the state. In our survey, we examined seven adult A. piscivorus from Polk County and a single specimen from Calhoun County. Several helminth parasites were found, including three trematodes, Styphlodora magna, Renifer ellipticus, and Paralechriorchis syntomentera, two nematodes, an unknown larval ascarid and Physaloptera abjecta, an oligacanthorhynchid acanthocephalan cystacanth, and a pentastome, Porocephalus crotali. We document new host and geographic records for these parasites from a small sample of A. piscivorus collected from Arkansas
Novel Reproductive Data on Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae), from Northeastern Arkansas
Nothing has been published in the scientific literature concerning the reproductive biology of the Blue Sucker, Cycleptus elongatus in Arkansas. We examined seven female C. elongatus collected in late February 2021 and 2022 and again in early March 2023 from the Black River, Lawrence County. Egg mass (g) averaged 15.8% of the total weight of these gravid females. It appears that this sucker can spawn as early as February in this population. This is the first time information on female reproduction in this species has been published from any population of C. elongatus in the state
New Geographic Distributional Records for Two Lampreys (Petromyzontiformes: Petromyzontidae) in Arkansas, with Notes on Histopathology
The recent update (2nd edition) of the Fishes of Arkansas includes what is known, to date, on the geographic distribution of five species of lampreys that occur in the state. Here, we provide new distributional records on two of those species, the chestnut lamprey (Ichthyomyzon castaneus) and southern brook lamprey (I. gagei), as well as documenting host-parasite information (histopathology) caused by the former species
New Records of Distribution and Natural History of Vertebrates in Arkansas: 2020-2023
Small details of natural history often go undocumented to science if those details are not parts of larger studies. However, knowledge of small details can provide insights that lead to interesting questions about ecological relationships or environmental change. We have compiled recent important observations of natural history of vertebrates, including several distributional and size records of fishes, atypical carapace shape in a common snapping turtle, an unusual support structure for a bird nest, healed damage to a broken jaw of a young deer, and numerous distributional records of bats