1,098 research outputs found

    Lyapunov Mode Dynamics in Hard-Disk Systems

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    The tangent dynamics of the Lyapunov modes and their dynamics as generated numerically - {\it the numerical dynamics} - is considered. We present a new phenomenological description of the numerical dynamical structure that accurately reproduces the experimental data for the quasi-one-dimensional hard-disk system, and shows that the Lyapunov mode numerical dynamics is linear and separate from the rest of the tangent space. Moreover, we propose a new, detailed structure for the Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics, which implies that the Lyapunov modes have well-defined (in)stability in either direction of time. We test this tangent dynamics and its derivative properties numerically with partial success. The phenomenological description involves a time-modal linear combination of all other Lyapunov modes on the same polarization branch and our proposed Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics is based upon the form of the tangent dynamics for the zero modes

    Probing Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Large-Scale Structure

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    We consider primordial non-Gaussianity due to quadratic corrections in the gravitational potential parametrized by a non-linear coupling parameter fnl. We study constraints on fnl from measurements of the galaxy bispectrum in redshift surveys. Using estimates for idealized survey geometries of the 2dF and SDSS surveys and realistic ones from SDSS mock catalogs, we show that it is possible to probe |fnl|~100, after marginalization over bias parameters. We apply our methods to the galaxy bispectrum measured from the PSCz survey, and obtain a 2sigma-constraint |fnl|< 1800. We estimate that an all sky redshift survey up to z~1 can probe |fnl|~1. We also consider the use of cluster abundance to constrain fnl and find that in order to be sensitive to |fnl|~100, cluster masses need to be determined with an accuracy of a few percent, assuming perfect knowledge of the mass function and cosmological parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    The cell motility modulator Slit2 is a potent inhibitor of platelet function.

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    Vascular injury and atherothrombosis involve vessel infiltration by inflammatory leukocytes, migration of medial vascular smooth muscle cells to the intimal layer, and ultimately acute thrombosis. A strategy to simultaneously target these pathological processes has yet to be identified. The secreted protein, Slit2, and its transmembrane receptor, Robo-1, repel neuronal migration in the developing central nervous system. More recently, it has been appreciated that Slit2 impairs chemotaxis of leukocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells toward diverse inflammatory attractants. The effects of Slit2 on platelet function and thrombus formation have never been explored. We detected Robo-1 expression in human and murine platelets and megakaryocytes and confirmed its presence via immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. In both static and shear microfluidic assays, Slit2 impaired platelet adhesion and spreading on diverse extracellular matrix substrates by suppressing activation of Akt. Slit2 also prevented platelet activation on exposure to ADP. In in vivo studies, Slit2 prolonged bleeding times in murine tail bleeding assays. Using intravital microscopy, we found that after mesenteric arteriolar and carotid artery injury, Slit2 delayed vessel occlusion time and prevented the stable formation of occlusive arteriolar thrombi. These data demonstrate that Slit2 is a powerful negative regulator of platelet function and thrombus formation. The ability to simultaneously block multiple events in vascular injury may allow Slit2 to effectively prevent and treat thrombotic disorders such as myocardial infarction and stroke

    Exact Hypersurface-Homogeneous Solutions in Cosmology and Astrophysics

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    A framework is introduced which explains the existence and similarities of most exact solutions of the Einstein equations with a wide range of sources for the class of hypersurface-homogeneous spacetimes which admit a Hamiltonian formulation. This class includes the spatially homogeneous cosmological models and the astrophysically interesting static spherically symmetric models as well as the stationary cylindrically symmetric models. The framework involves methods for finding and exploiting hidden symmetries and invariant submanifolds of the Hamiltonian formulation of the field equations. It unifies, simplifies and extends most known work on hypersurface-homogeneous exact solutions. It is shown that the same framework is also relevant to gravitational theories with a similar structure, like Brans-Dicke or higher-dimensional theories.Comment: 41 pages, REVTEX/LaTeX 2.09 file (don't use LaTeX2e !!!) Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Portfolio Vol. II N 3

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    Jeffers, Robinson. From \u27The Beaks of Eagles\u27 . Poem. 6. Clement, Harry. Mr. Bigger Tries Faith . Prose. 7. Shaw, A.A. Students of Denison . Prose. 9 Deweerd, H.A. New German War Prophets . Prose. 11. West, Bill C. Reproach . Poem. 14. West, Bill C. Dilemma . Poem. 14. Manship, Paul. Dancer and Gazelles . Picture. 14. Saunders, Paul. Review of New Books . Prose. 15. Smith, Bob. Review of New Records . Prose. 15. Picasso, Pablo. Nude (Pink) . Picture. 16. Korbel, Mario. The Andante . Picture. 16. Bethune, Don. Review of \u27Susan and God\u27 . Prose. 17. Baily, Bernard. Thornton Wilder\u27s \u27Out Town Reviewed . 17. Maxwell, Robert. Reflections . Poem. 18. Carter, Clarence Holbrook. July . Picture. 18. Browne, Phil. The Drag . Picture. 2. Browne, Phil. A Faithful Servant . Prose. 19. Hanna, Stanley. Jazz . Poem. 20. Hanna, Stanley. M.A. . Poem. 20. Whistler, James McNeill. Rotherhithe . Wager, Dick. Black . Poem. 22. Wager, Dick. Ruthless . Poem. 22. Wager, Dick. Train . Poem. 22. Martindale, Virginia. Song of a Cynic . Poem. 22. Blazys, Alexander. Russian Dancers . Picture. 22. Price II, Ira. The Rains Fell . Prose. 5

    Analysis of Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Genomic Factors Associated with Breast Cancer Mortality in the Linked Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results and Medicare Database

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    Importance: Understanding interactions among health service, sociodemographic, clinical, and genomic factors in breast cancer disparities research has been limited by a disconnect between health services and basic biological approaches. Objective: To describe the first linkage of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare data to physical tumor samples and to investigate the interaction among screening detection, socioeconomic status, tumor stage, tumor biology, and breast cancer outcomes within a single context. Design, Setting, and Participants: This population-based cohort study used tumor specimen blocks from a subset of women aged 66 to 75 years with newly diagnosed nonmetastatic, estrogen receptor-positive invasive breast cancer from January 1, 1993, to December 31, 2007. Specimens were obtained from the Iowa and Hawaii SEER Residual Tissue Repositories (RTRs) and linked with Medicare claims data and survival assessed through December 31, 2015. Data were analyzed from August 1, 2018, to July 25, 2021. Exposures: Screening- vs symptom-based detection of tumors was assessed using validated claims-based algorithms. Demographic factors and zip code-based educational attainment and poverty socioeconomic characteristics were obtained via SEER. Main Outcomes and Measures: Molecular subtyping and exploratory genomic analyses were completed using the NanoString Breast Cancer 360 gene expression panel containing the 50-gene signature classifier. Factors associated with overall and breast cancer-specific (BCS) survival were analyzed using Cox proportional hazards regression models combining sociodemographic, clinical, and genomic data. Results: SEER-Medicare data were available for 3522 women (mean [SD] age, 70.9 [2.6] years; 3049 [86.6%] White), of whom 1555 (44.2%) were diagnosed by screening mammogram. In the SEER-Medicare cohort, factors associated with increased BCS mortality included symptomatic detection (hazard ratio [HR], 1.49 [95% CI, 1.16-1.91]), advanced disease stage (HR for stage III, 2.33 [95% CI, 1.41-3.85]), and high-grade disease (HR, 1.85 [95% CI, 1.46-2.34]). The molecular cohort of 130 cases with luminal A/B cancer further revealed increased all-cause mortality associated with genomic upregulation of transforming growth factor β activation and p53 dysregulation (eg, p53 dysregulation: HR, 2.15 [95% CI, 1.20-3.86]) and decreased mortality associated with androgen receptor, macrophage, cytotoxicity, and Treg signaling (eg, androgen receptor signaling: HR, 0.23 [95% CI, 0.12-0.45]). Symptomatic detection (HR, 2.49 [95% CI, 1.19-5.20]) and zip codes with low levels of educational attainment (HR, 5.17 [95% CI, 2.12-12.60]) remained associated with mortality after adjusting for all clinical and demographic factors. Conclusions and Relevance: Linkage of SEER-Medicare data to physical tumor specimens may elucidate associations among biology, health care access, and disparities in breast cancer outcomes. The findings of this study suggest that screening detection and socioeconomic status are associated with survival in patients with locally advanced, estrogen receptor-positive tumors, even after incorporating clinical and genomic factors

    The coordinated action of VCP/p97 and GCN2 regulates cancer cell metabolism and proteostasis during nutrient limitation

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    VCP/p97 regulates numerous cellular functions by mediating protein degradation through its segregase activity. Its key role in governing protein homoeostasis has made VCP/p97 an appealing anticancer drug target. Here, we provide evidence that VCP/p97 acts as a regulator of cellular metabolism. We found that VCP/p97 was tied to multiple metabolic processes on the gene expression level in a diverse range of cancer cell lines and in patient-derived multiple myeloma cells. Cellular VCP/p97 dependency to maintain proteostasis was increased under conditions of glucose and glutamine limitation in a range of cancer cell lines from different tissues. Moreover, glutamine depletion led to increased VCP/p97 expression, whereas VCP/p97 inhibition perturbed metabolic processes and intracellular amino acid turnover. GCN2, an amino acid-sensing kinase, attenuated stress signalling and cell death triggered by VCP/p97 inhibition and nutrient shortages and modulated ERK activation, autophagy, and glycolytic metabolite turnover. Together, our data point to an interconnected role of VCP/p97 and GCN2 in maintaining cancer cell metabolic and protein homoeostasis

    Black hole solutions in F(R) gravity with conformal anomaly

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    In this paper, we consider F(R)=R+f(R)F(R)=R+f(R) theory instead of Einstein gravity with conformal anomaly and look for its analytical solutions. Depending on the free parameters, one may obtain both uncharged and charged solutions for some classes of F(R)F(R) models. Calculation of Kretschmann scalar shows that there is a singularity located at r=0r=0, which the geometry of uncharged (charged) solution is corresponding to the Schwarzschild (Reissner-Nordstr\"om) singularity. Further, we discuss the viability of our models in details. We show that these models can be stable depending on their parameters and in different epoches of the universe.Comment: 12 pages, one figur

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues

    Gravitational Lensing at Millimeter Wavelengths

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    With today's millimeter and submillimeter instruments observers use gravitational lensing mostly as a tool to boost the sensitivity when observing distant objects. This is evident through the dominance of gravitationally lensed objects among those detected in CO rotational lines at z>1. It is also evident in the use of lensing magnification by galaxy clusters in order to reach faint submm/mm continuum sources. There are, however, a few cases where millimeter lines have been directly involved in understanding lensing configurations. Future mm/submm instruments, such as the ALMA interferometer, will have both the sensitivity and the angular resolution to allow detailed observations of gravitational lenses. The almost constant sensitivity to dust emission over the redshift range z=1-10 means that the likelihood for strong lensing of dust continuum sources is much higher than for optically selected sources. A large number of new strong lenses are therefore likely to be discovered with ALMA, allowing a direct assessment of cosmological parameters through lens statistics. Combined with an angular resolution <0.1", ALMA will also be efficient for probing the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters, where we will be able to study both the sources and the lenses themselves, free of obscuration and extinction corrections, derive rotation curves for the lenses, their orientation and, thus, greatly constrain lens models.Comment: 69 pages, Review on quasar lensing. Part of a LNP Topical Volume on "Dark matter and gravitational lensing", eds. F. Courbin, D. Minniti. To be published by Springer-Verlag 2002. Paper with full resolution figures can be found at ftp://oden.oso.chalmers.se/pub/tommy/mmviews.ps.g
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