23 research outputs found

    A colored operad for string link infection

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    Budney recently constructed an operad that encodes splicing of knots. He further showed that the space of (long) knots is generated over this operad by the space of torus knots and hyperbolic knots, thus generalizing the satellite decomposition of knots from isotopy classes to the level of the space of knots. Infection by string links is a generalization of splicing from knots to links. We construct a colored operad that encodes string link infection. We prove that a certain subspace of the space of 2-component string links is generated over a suboperad of our operad by its subspace of prime links. This generalizes a result from joint work with Blair from isotopy classes of knots to the space of knots. Furthermore, all the relations in the monoid of 2-string links (as determined in our joint work with Blair) are captured by our infection operad.Comment: Some changes and corrections, mostly suggested by the referee. 38 pages, 14 figures. To appear in Algebr. & Geom. Topo

    Cubes, cacti, and framed long knots

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    We define an action of the operad of projective spineless cacti on each stage of the Taylor tower for the space of framed 1-dimensional long knots in any Euclidean space. By mapping a subspace of the overlapping intervals operad to the subspace of normalized cacti, we prove a compatibility of our action with Budney's little 2-cubes action on the space of framed long knots itself. This compatibility is at the level of the multiplication and the Browder and Dyer-Lashof operations in homology. Our result improves upon previous joint work of the first author related to the conjecture that the Taylor tower for classical long knots is a universal Vassiliev invariant over the integers.Comment: 46 pages. Comments welcome

    Embedding calculus knot invariants are of finite type

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    We show that the map on components from the space of classical long knots to the n-th stage of its Goodwillie-Weiss embedding calculus tower is a map of monoids whose target is an abelian group and which is invariant under clasper surgery. We deduce that this map on components is a finite type-(n-1) knot invariant. We also compute the second page in total degree zero for the spectral sequence converging to the components of this tower as Z-modules of primitive chord diagrams, providing evidence for the conjecture that the tower is a universal finite-type invariant over the integers. Key to these results is the development of a group structure on the tower compatible with connect-sum of knots, which in contrast with the corresponding results for the (weaker) homology tower requires novel techniques involving operad actions, evaluation maps, and cosimplicial and subcubical diagrams.Comment: Revised maps to the infinitesimal mapping space model in Sections 3 and 4 and analysis of cubical diagrams in Section 5. Minor expository and organizational changes throughout. Now 28 pages, 4 figure

    A homotopy-theoretic view of Bott-Taubes integrals and knot spaces

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    We construct cohomology classes in the space of knots by considering a bundle over this space and "integrating along the fiber" classes coming from the cohomology of configuration spaces using a Pontrjagin-Thom construction. The bundle we consider is essentially the one considered by Bott and Taubes, who integrated differential forms along the fiber to get knot invariants. By doing this "integration" homotopy-theoretically, we are able to produce integral cohomology classes. We then show how this integration is compatible with the homology operations on the space of long knots, as studied by Budney and Cohen. In particular we derive a product formula for evaluations of cohomology classes on homology classes, with respect to connect-sum of knots.Comment: 32 page

    Systematic identification of statistically significant network measures

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    We present a graph embedding space (i.e., a set of measures on graphs) for performing statistical analyses of networks. Key improvements over existing approaches include discovery of “motif hubs” (multiple overlapping significant subgraphs), computational efficiency relative to subgraph census, and flexibility (the method is easily generalizable to weighted and signed graphs). The embedding space is based on scalars, functionals of the adjacency matrix representing the network. Scalars are global, involving all nodes; although they can be related to subgraph enumeration, there is not a one-to-one mapping between scalars and subgraphs. Improvements in network randomization and significance testing—we learn the distribution rather than assuming Gaussianity—are also presented. The resulting algorithm establishes a systematic approach to the identification of the most significant scalars and suggests machine-learning techniques for network classification