2,459 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Robichaud, Felix J. (Rumford, Oxford County)

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    Mary and the Missions Today

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    Near-Infrared Kinetic Spectroscopy of the HO_2 and C_2H_5O_2 Self-Reactions and Cross Reactions

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    The self-reactions and cross reactions of the peroxy radicals HO_2 and C_2H_5O_2 and HO_2 were monitored using simultaneous independent spectroscopic probes to observe each radical species. Wavelength modulation (WM) near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used to detect HO_2, and UV absorption monitored HO_2 and C_2H_5O_2. The temperature dependences of these reactions were investigated over a range of interest to tropospheric chemistry, 221−296 K. The Arrhenius expression determined for the cross reaction, k_2(T) = (6.01^(+1.95)_(−1.47)) × 10^(−13) exp((638 ± 73)/T) cm^3 molecules^(−1) s^(−1) is in agreement with other work from the literature. The measurements of the HO_2 self-reaction agreed with previous work from this lab and were not further refined.(1) The C_2H_5O_2 self-reaction is complicated by secondary production of HO_2. This experiment performed the first direct measurement of the self-reaction rate constant, as well as the branching fraction to the radical channel, in part by measurement of the secondary HO_2. The Arrhenius expression for the self-reaction rate constant is k_3(T) = (1.29^(+0.34)_(−0.27)) × 10^(−13)exp((−23 ± 61)/T) cm^3 molecules^(−1) s^(−1), and the branching fraction value is α = 0.28 ± 0.06, independent of temperature. These values are in disagreement with previous measurements based on end product studies of the branching fraction. The results suggest that better characterization of the products from RO_2 self-reactions are required

    Direct Detection of Products from the Pyrolysis of 2-Phenethyl Phenyl Ether

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    The pyrolysis of 2-phenethyl phenyl ether (PPE, C_6H_5C_2H_4OC_6H_5) in a hyperthermal nozzle (300-1350 °C) was studied to determine the importance of concerted and homolytic unimolecular decomposition pathways. Short residence times (<100 μs) and low concentrations in this reactor allowed the direct detection of the initial reaction products from thermolysis. Reactants, radicals, and most products were detected with photoionization (10.5 eV) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PIMS). Detection of phenoxy radical, cyclopentadienyl radical, benzyl radical, and benzene suggest the formation of product by the homolytic scission of the C_6H_5C_2H_4-OC_6H_5 and C_6H_5CH_2-CH_2OC_6H_5 bonds. The detection of phenol and styrene suggests decomposition by a concerted reaction mechanism. Phenyl ethyl ether (PEE, C_6H_5OC_2H_5) pyrolysis was also studied using PIMS and using cryogenic matrix-isolated infrared spectroscopy (matrix-IR). The results for PEE also indicate the presence of both homolytic bond breaking and concerted decomposition reactions. Quantum mechanical calculations using CBS-QB3 were conducted, and the results were used with transition state theory (TST) to estimate the rate constants for the different reaction pathways. The results are consistent with the experimental measurements and suggest that the concerted retro-ene and Maccoll reactions are dominant at low temperatures (below 1000 °C), whereas the contribution of the C_6H_5C_2H_4-OC_6H_5 homolytic bond scission reaction increases at higher temperatures (above 1000 °C)

    Experimental Line Parameters of the b^(1)Σ^(+)_g ← X^(3)Σ^(-)_g Band of Oxygen Isotopologues at 760 nm Using Frequency-Stabilized Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy

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    Positions, intensities, self-broadened widths, and collisional narrowing coefficients of the oxygen isotopologues ^(16)O^(18)O, ^(16)O^(17)O, ^(17)O^(18)O, and ^(18)O^(18)O have been measured for the b^(1)Σg + ← X^(3)Σg − (0,0) band using frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Line positions of 156 P-branch transitions were referenced against the hyperfine components of the ^(39)K D_1 (4s ^(2)S_(1/2) → 4p ^(2)P_(1/2)) and D_2 (4s ^(2)S_(1/2) → 4p ^(2)P_(3/2)) transitions, yielding precisions of ~0.00005 cm^(−1) and absolute accuracies of 0.00030 cm^(−1) or better. New excited b^(1)Σg + state molecular constants are reported for all four isotopologues. The measured line intensities of the ^(16)O^(18)O isotopologue are within 2% of the values currently assumed in molecular databases. However, the line intensities of the ^(16)O^(17)O isotopologue show a systematic, J-dependent offset between our results and the databases. Self-broadening half-widths for the various isotopologues are internally consistent to within 2%. This is the first comprehensive study of the line intensities and shapes for the ^(17)O^(18)O or ^(18)O_2 isotopologues of the b^(1)Σg + ← X^(3)Σg − (0,0) band of O_2. The ^(16)O_2, ^(16)O^(18)O, and ^(16)O^(17)O line parameters for the oxygen A-band have been extensively revised in the HITRAN 2008 database using results from the present study

    Defense of categorical humility

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 2011.Vita. Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-96).The three chapters of my dissertation develop and defend a new Humility thesis, Categorical Humility. Humility theses tell us there is some fundamental aspect of the world that we lack knowledge of. All such theses share two parts: an existence claim, stating that there is in fact this portion of the world, and an ignorance claim, stating that knowledge of it escapes our epistemic grasp. In Chapter One, co-authored with Rae Langton, I sketch the landscape over which current interest in Humility theses has focused its attention. Specifically, Rae Langton's Kantian Humility and David Lewis's Ramseyan Humility are concisely presented, motivated, and defended against a variety of objections. This chapter is meant to orient the reader to the shape of the debate and to set the stage for my own view, Categorical Humility. I turn to motivating that view in Chapter Two, where I develop it in the context of a more detailed examination of Ramseyan Humility, its nearest ancestor. My overall strategy is to establish a stronger conclusion than Lewis does by nevertheless employing weaker premises. I argue that our ignorance amounts to more than us not knowing the identities of the fundamental categorical properties; it also amounts to us not knowing whether these properties are physical or mental. Chapter Three considers two challenges to Categorical Humility, one that attacks the ignorance component of the thesis and one that attacks the existence component. And two important conclusions emerge from my response of these objections. The first is that Categorical Humility is incompatible with physicalism, at least as physicalism is often articulated. The second is that a certain meta-Humility thesis is true; namely, there's a fact of the matter about whether, say, dispositions are necessarily connected to their categorical bases, but we can't come to know what that fact of the matter is. I conclude by clarifying how my own defense of Categorical Humility should be understood in light of this meta- Humility thesis.by Christopher J. Robichaud.Ph.D

    The Epigenetic Repertoire of Daphnia magna Includes Modified Histones

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    Daphnids are fresh water microcrustaceans, many of which follow a cyclically parthenogenetic life cycle. Daphnia species have been well studied in the context of ecology, toxicology, and evolution, but their epigenetics remain largely unexamined even though sex determination, the production of sexual females and males, and distinct adult morphological phenotypes, are determined epigenetically. Here, we report on the characterization of histone modifications in Daphnia. We show that a number of histone H3 and H4 modifications are present in Daphnia embryos and histone H3 dimethylated at lysine 4 (H3K4me2) is present nonuniformly in the nucleus in a cell cycle-dependent manner. In addition, this histone modification, while present in blastula and gastrula cells as well as the somatic cells of adults, is absent or reduced in oocytes and nurse cells. Thus, the epigenetic repertoire of Daphnia includes modified histones and as these epigenetic forces act on a genetically homogeneous clonal population Daphnia offers an exceptional tool to investigate the mechanism and role of epigenetics in the life cycle and development of an ecologically important species