47 research outputs found
The Concept of "Rural" as a Micro- Collectivity. The Concept of "Rural" in the Italian Sociological Perspective (El Concepto de “Rural” como Micro- Colectividad. El Concepto de “Rural” en la Perspectiva Sociológica Italiana)
The intention of this work is to analyze, in the years of the sociological study (from the period after the Italian unity to the present), the concept of rurality through the contexts of reference on the subjects that have marked a period of "project" and emancipation, and, above all, a marginal growth rate that made the fortunes of Western society at the expense of the other parts of the same society. To achieve this, the themes of the Relation city/field and the concept of community as a field of rational action in the interior of the social Arena (Bourdieu) in which the social individualism is unfolds; Concluding with the historical antecedents – despite the brevity of the Italian scholars, together with the most representative associated institutes from the earliest interests in this field to the most recent studies. Resumen:La intenciĂłn de esta obra es la de analizar, en los años del estudio sociolĂłgico (desde el perĂodo posterior a la Unidad italiana hasta la actualidad), el concepto de ruralidad a travĂ©s de los contextos de referencia sobre los temas que han marcado un perĂodo de "proyecto" y emancipaciĂłn, y, sobre todo, un Ăndice de crecimiento de marginalidad que hicieron la fortuna de la sociedad occidental a costa de las demás partes de la misma sociedad. Para lograr esto, se tocan los temas de la relaciĂłn ciudad/campo y el concepto de comunidad como ámbito de acciĂłn racional en el interior de la arena social (Bourdieu) en el que se desenvuelve el individualismo social; concluyendo con los antecedentes histĂłricos – pese a la brevedad descriptiva – de los estudiosos italianos, junto a los institutos asociados más representativos desde los primeros intereses en esta materia hasta los estudios más recientes.Palabra clave: Campo/Ciudad, ámbito urbano-rural, estudios de comunidades, individualismo social
The feminine question as social inequality: a historical overview.
In this work, I have used many sources because this theme is very complex and it is very useful to follow tracks already well used by other authors who have ventured with these themes.The Gender report is a report on equality. No company will ever be expected to be right if it does not foresee includesive actions rather than excludents.The social constructions of the same company will have to contend with a reality of reference that embraces all the universes and respects the personal values. Everything, therefore, aimed at the growth of Society as a non-arithmetic group of People who, with their history and their characteristics, increase the collective share capital
Tradition and Modernity: Working Culture in the Western Model and Japanese Model, as an Expression of a Cultural Models. A First Reading
In this short article, I'll leave the application of cultural models (in the West and in Japan), which define and construct a new reality (linguistic, cultural, social, work). Through this first reading will redefine better the cultural aspect of both worlds and you will better understand the similarities and differences between the Western model (even for the synthesis made by Adriano Olivetti) and the Japanese model (which is not only a way of producing, but also is a cultural expression)
Labour, pandemic crisis, and PNRR: preliminary issues
The intent of this work is bring to attention, as useful elements for a debate, the possibility of reasoning on the implementations that will come to the country-system from the resources of the PNRR.From a historical, albeit brief, and legislative analysis of active labor policies in Italy, one can try to understand how to stimulate Italian economic growth. To do this, one must examine the structural elements that contribute to making our country fragile in comparison with other European countries, fragility associated with the horizontal and vertical segregation that characterizes the world of work. This is a phenomenon that has worsened further during the pandemic crisis. Hence, employment discontinuity, non-standard contractual forms, differences in male and female employment rates, as well as that set of social, cultural, and psychological barriers all become elements that decline the concept of horizontal and vertical segregation mentioned earlier.This is where the PNRR comes into play, whose intentions include promoting a process of transformation in tune with the great changes in the socio-economic scenario.
Projection of socio-economic changes following the COVID-19 pandemic (Proiezione dei cambiamenti socioeconomici a seguito della pandemia Covid-19)
AbstractAlbeit in the immediacy of the event and although aware that it is a first interpretative proposal, this article analyses possible future scenarios concerning socio-economic consequences in Italy after the spread of the Covid-19 virus (coronavirus, 2019-nCoV). The social processes related to the pandemic will be examined, from the media information diffusion to the socio-economic consequences of the phenomenon. Among the main effects, included in the projections, the authors find considerable impacts in the tourism and restaurant sectors. The former, if not supported by adequate campaigns, will experience extended hard time, which will maintain its effects also in the long run. The latter will experience profound changes in the work organization and the service quality definition. Finally, some beneficial effects have been hypothesized, such as a re-evaluation of the health sector and enhancement of public opinion about scientific research.Keywords: Covid-19, 2019-nCoV, coronavirus, Italy, pandemics, socio-economic scenarios.SuntoIn questo lavoro vengono analizzati, seppur nella immediatezza dell’evento e pur conscio che si tratta di una prima proposta interpretativa, i possibili scenari futuri riguardo alle conseguenze socio-economiche in Italia a seguito della diffusione del virus Covid-19 (coronavirus, 2019-nCoV). Si studieranno i processi sociali connessi alla pandemia, dalla diffusione mediatica delle informazioni alle conseguenze socio-economiche del fenomeno. Tra i principali effetti, inseriti nelle proiezioni, si prevedono impatti considerevoli nei settori turistico e della ristorazione. Il primo, se non sostenuto da adeguate campagne, affronterà un periodo di intense difficoltà , destinato a mantenere i suoi effetti anche nel lungo periodo. Il secondo subirà profondi mutamenti nell’organizzazione del lavoro e nella definizione della qualità . Infine, sono state ipotizzate alcune ricadute positive, come una rivalutazione del settore sanitario e dell’opinione su chi fa ricerca scientifica.Parole Chiave: Covid-19, 2019-nCoV, coronavirus, Italia, pandemie, scenari socio-economiciarch
Society and territory: prevention and social planning
Prevention and social planning are two terms that bind to the sense of community and identity of a territory, at a time of socio-economic regeneration of the territory itself and resilience to the crises imposed by globalization. The local community is at the center of the processes of renaissance, or at least this is what all decision-makers declare in their planning. In reality, programming (at all levels, from European to local) needs to confront the demands, values, resources and power (even perceived) of change that belong to the local community, as an expression of relationships and power. The relationship between external/internal agents of change is not only limited to policy makers and stakeholders (both of the different levels of programming and of the different sectors of the same local community), but also to the view that they have of the dichotomies (sometimes stereotyped) such as: health/health, well-being/disease, development/protection, investment/cost, participation/delegation
Urban and Social Regeneration in Abruzzo: An Open Problem and a Possible Way Forward
Urban and social regeneration occurs through the recovery of disused built-up areas, requalifying them with respect to environmental sustainability and the recovery of the relational relationship between social actors. In the last few years, the practices of sociourban regeneration have made great strides, establishing themselves as an opportunity to promote policies of social participation, stimulating employment, and local entrepreneurship. Sociourban regeneration can thus be defined as a set of actions that focuses on the recovery of sociality and the requalification of an urban space. The regeneration process takes place by means of rehabilitation interventions at the level of infrastructures and services, thereby limiting the consumption of land in order to protect environmental sustainability. Regeneration also allows the community to re-appropriate and re-live the regenerated spaces with clear improvements in the quality of life and in the social, economic, and environmental spheres. This paper focuses on exploring the relationship between urban and social regeneration and economic growth in Abruzzo (Italy) by using a set of indicators that measures equitable and sutainable welldoing (Bes). A descriptive analytical method was adopted to evaluate the level of urban quality in order to identify the most appropriate interventions leading to sustainable local development. The main finding indicates that Abruzzo shows interesting potential, but it has yet a long way to go in the area of urban and social regeneration
Politiche sociali e Welfare Locale: le politiche di contrasto alla povertĂ in Abruzzo (Social Policies and Local Welfare: Policies against Poverty in Abruzzo)
SuntoQuesto articolo si prefigge l’obiettivo di definire e inquadrare il processo di formazione, attuazione e valutazione delle politiche sociali e delle politiche pubbliche che contribuiscono alla costruzione del welfare locale. Tale processo di analisi risulta essere fondamentale sia per comprendere il funzionamento del ciclo di programmazione e le dinamiche intrinseche al processo di decision making sia per specificare il ruolo dello Stato e dei vari attori coinvolti nella definizione e risoluzione delle problematiche di forte rilevanza sociale. Dal punto di vista sociologico, il fenomeno della povertà , inteso come un fenomeno sociale complesso e multiparadigmatico, sarà analizzato sia in senso diacronico, attraverso l’analisi dell’evoluzione del concetto di povertà nel corso dei secoli, sia in senso sincronico, concentrandosi sulle diverse sfaccettature che lo caratterizzano ancora oggi e che lo rendono di difficile contrasto. Infine, si procede all’analisi dei dati riguardanti il problema della povertà in Abruzzo e delle proposte avanzate dalle Regione in materia di servizi, interventi e politiche sociali per affrontare tale problematica. AbstractThe paper aims to define and frame the process of formation, implementation and evaluation of social policies and public policies that contribute to the construction of local welfare. This analysis process is fundamental both for understanding the functioning of the planning cycle and the dynamics intrinsic to the decision-making process and for specifying the role of the State and the various actors involved in the definition and resolution of problems of strong social relevance. From a sociological point of view, the phenomenon of poverty, understood as a complex and multi-paradigmatic social phenomenon, will be analyzed both in a diachronic sense, through the analysis of the evolution of the concept of poverty over the centuries, and in a synchronic sense, focusing on the different facets that still characterize it today and that make it difficult to contrast. Finally, the paper will investigate the data regarding the problem of poverty in Abruzzo and the proposals put forward by the Region regarding services, interventions and social policies to address this problem
Participation, democracy and sustainable politics: a first reading (Partecipazione, democrazia e politica sostenibile: una prima lettura)
English AbstractIn this first interpretative reading, this work focuses, also through the use of numerous sources found, on the idea-strength of the active participation of citizens in the political life of their community as a central element for the complete realization of democracy and the pursuit of a sustainable policy. By examining in detail both the traditional tools and the innovative methodologies, we will try to understand how to increase active participation, in particular of the new generations, and, above all by pushing it so that it is more aware, we will be able to build an effectively democratic society, where political institutions are identified as key actors in promoting democratic participation, despite the difficulties inherent in the very angularity of the topic addressed.Sunto in ItalianoIn questa prima lettura interpretativa, questo lavoro si focalizza, anche attraverso l’uso di numerose fonti reperite, sulla idea-forza della partecipazione attiva dei cittadini nella vita politica della propria comunità quale elemento centrale per la realizzazione compiuta della democrazia e il perseguimento di una politica sostenibile. Esaminando nel dettaglio sia gli strumenti tradizionali sia le metodologie innovative, si tenterà di comprendere come aumentare la partecipazione attiva, in particolare delle nuove generazioni, e, soprattutto spingendola in modo che sia più consapevole, si riuscirà a costruire una società effettivamente democratica, dove le istituzioni politiche sono identificate come attori chiave nel promuovere la partecipazione democratica, malgrado le difficoltà insite nella spigolosità stessa della tematica affrontata.