2,020 research outputs found

    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, homocysteine and coronary artery disease: the A1298C polymorphism does matter. Inferences from a case study (Madeira, Portugal)

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    Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine, an independent risk factor and a strong predictor of mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), can result from nutritional deficiencies or genetic errors, including methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C polymorphisms. The contribution of these polymorphisms in the development of CAD remains controversial. We analysed the impact of MTHFR C677T and A1298C on fasting homocysteine and CAD in 298 CAD patients proved by angiography and 510 control subjects from the Island of Madeira (Portugal). After adjustment for other risk factors, plasma homocysteine remained independently correlated with CAD. Serum homocysteine was significantly higher in individuals with 677TT and 1298AA genotypes. There was no difference in the distribution of MTHFR677 genotypes between cases and controls but a significant increase in 1298AA prevalence was found in CAD patients. In spite of the clear effect of C677T mutation on elevated homocysteine levels we only found an association between 1298AA genotype and CAD in this population. The simultaneous presence of 677CT and 1298AA genotypes provides a significant risk of developing the disease, while the 1298AC genotype, combined with 677CC, shows a significant trend towards a decrease in CAD occurrence. The data shows an independent association between elevated levels of homocysteine and CAD. Both MTHFR polymorphisms are associated with increased fasting homocysteine (677TT and 1298AA genotypes), but only the 1298AA variant shows an increased prevalence in CAD group. Odds ratio seem to indicate that individuals with the MTHFR 1298AA genotype and the 677CT/1298AA compound genotype had a 1.6-fold increased risk for developing CAD suggesting a possible association of MTHFR polymorphisms with the risk of CAD in Madeira population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adição de Zn e absorção, translocação e utilização de Zn e P por cultivares de cafeeiro

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    A crescente exigência de nutrientes, especialmente micronutrientes, pelos cultivares de café vem exigindo uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica desses nutrientes no sistema solo-planta. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de concentrações de Zn (0,4 ; 1,3 e 2,3 mimol Zn L-1) na solução nutritiva sobre o crescimento, produção de matéria seca, eficiência de absorção, translocação e utilização de Zn e P em dois cultivares de café (Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí e Coffea canephora cv. Conilon), foi realizado um experimento sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 × 2 (três doses de Zn e dois cultivares) com três repetições. Plantas de café dos dois cultivares estudados foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, com solução nutritiva completa por 50 dias, após os quais receberam solução nutritiva modificada com três doses de Zn. Aos 114 dias após a transferência para a solução nutritiva modificada, as plantas foram coletadas e separadas em folhas superiores, inferiores, caule e raízes. Foram avaliadas altura do caule, número de ramificações laterais, área foliar, produção de matéria seca e conteúdos de P e Zn nas diversas partes da planta, além das eficiências de absorção, translocação e utilização de P e Zn. A dose 2,3 mimol Zn L-1 proporcionou os maiores valores para as características de crescimento avaliadas, tanto para o cultivar Catuaí, quanto para Conilon. Os maiores conteúdos de Zn observados no Catuaí indicam que este é mais exigente em Zn que o Conilon na fase de mudas. O Conilon apresentou menores eficiências de absorção e translocação e maior eficiência de utilização de Zn, refletindo sua menor demanda por este nutriente. As concentrações de Zn empregadas neste experimento não promoveram interação Zn-P.The increasing nutrient requirement of coffee varieties, specially of micronutrients, is claiming for a better understanding of the dynamics of these nutrients in the soil-plant system. Having this in mind a greenhouse experiment in a completely randomized design, 3 × 2 factorial scheme and three replications was conducted to evaluate the effect of three Zn levels (0.4 , 1.3 and 2.3 mumol L-1) and two coffee species (Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí and Coffea canephora cv. Conilon) on: (i) growth characteristics; (ii) Zn and P contents; and (iii) Zn and P uptake, translocation and utilization efficiencies. Plants were grown in complete nutrient solution along 50 days, when they were transferred to three Zn levels. Plants were harvested and separated in leaves, stem and roots 114 days after the transference. Stem height, leaf area, dry matter yield, Zn and P contents, and Zn and P uptake, translocation and utilization efficiencies were evaluated. The largest growth characteristics were observed with 2.3 mumol L-1. The highest Coffea arabica cv Catuaí Zn contents suggest that this species has higher Zn demand than Coffea canephora cv. Conilon. Conilon cultivar showed the lowest Zn uptake and translocation efficiencies and the highest Zn utilization efficiency; what reflects its lower Zn demand. The Zn-P interaction was not observed with the Zn levels employed in this experiment

    Zn addition and Zn and P uptake, translocation and utilization by coffee cultivars

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    A crescente exigência de nutrientes, especialmente micronutrientes, pelos cultivares de café vem exigindo uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica desses nutrientes no sistema solo-planta. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de concentrações de Zn (0,4 ; 1,3 e 2,3 mimol Zn L-1) na solução nutritiva sobre o crescimento, produção de matéria seca, eficiência de absorção, translocação e utilização de Zn e P em dois cultivares de café (Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí e Coffea canephora cv. Conilon), foi realizado um experimento sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 × 2 (três doses de Zn e dois cultivares) com três repetições. Plantas de café dos dois cultivares estudados foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, com solução nutritiva completa por 50 dias, após os quais receberam solução nutritiva modificada com três doses de Zn. Aos 114 dias após a transferência para a solução nutritiva modificada, as plantas foram coletadas e separadas em folhas superiores, inferiores, caule e raízes. Foram avaliadas altura do caule, número de ramificações laterais, área foliar, produção de matéria seca e conteúdos de P e Zn nas diversas partes da planta, além das eficiências de absorção, translocação e utilização de P e Zn. A dose 2,3 mimol Zn L-1 proporcionou os maiores valores para as características de crescimento avaliadas, tanto para o cultivar Catuaí, quanto para Conilon. Os maiores conteúdos de Zn observados no Catuaí indicam que este é mais exigente em Zn que o Conilon na fase de mudas. O Conilon apresentou menores eficiências de absorção e translocação e maior eficiência de utilização de Zn, refletindo sua menor demanda por este nutriente. As concentrações de Zn empregadas neste experimento não promoveram interação Zn-P.The increasing nutrient requirement of coffee varieties, specially of micronutrients, is claiming for a better understanding of the dynamics of these nutrients in the soil-plant system. Having this in mind a greenhouse experiment in a completely randomized design, 3 × 2 factorial scheme and three replications was conducted to evaluate the effect of three Zn levels (0.4 , 1.3 and 2.3 mumol L-1) and two coffee species (Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí and Coffea canephora cv. Conilon) on: (i) growth characteristics; (ii) Zn and P contents; and (iii) Zn and P uptake, translocation and utilization efficiencies. Plants were grown in complete nutrient solution along 50 days, when they were transferred to three Zn levels. Plants were harvested and separated in leaves, stem and roots 114 days after the transference. Stem height, leaf area, dry matter yield, Zn and P contents, and Zn and P uptake, translocation and utilization efficiencies were evaluated. The largest growth characteristics were observed with 2.3 mumol L-1. The highest Coffea arabica cv Catuaí Zn contents suggest that this species has higher Zn demand than Coffea canephora cv. Conilon. Conilon cultivar showed the lowest Zn uptake and translocation efficiencies and the highest Zn utilization efficiency; what reflects its lower Zn demand. The Zn-P interaction was not observed with the Zn levels employed in this experiment

    Democratic equality in the patient/psychiatrist relationship as an instrument for the exercise of freedom beyond treatment adherence.

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    O tratamento psiqui?trico pode contribuir para a desconsidera??o do paciente como sujeito de direito e tem o potencial de estimular ju?zos degradantes de sua capacidade. O objetivo do trabalho, que adota processos te?ricos de estudo jur?dico-descritivo e jur?dico-propositivo, ? identificar medidas pr?ticas para a ades?o e a condu??o terap?uticas adequadas, que viabilizem a igualdade democr?tica cunhada na teoria de Elizabeth Anderson. O estudo evidencia que a necessidade de prote??o do paciente deve afastar-se de um recorrente efeito reverso, qual seja, sua inferioriza??o. Cabe, assim, criar meios para a emers?o de sua voli??o, ainda que inferida, quanto ? medida considerada adequada no tratamento psiqui?trico, com repercuss?es oriundas do movimento antimanicomial e do panorama da teoria das incapacidades transformado pelo Estatuto da Pessoa com Defici?ncia. Como resultado, prop?e-se que a op??o pelas medidas de cuidado, independentemente da incapacidade do paciente e diante dos par?metros normativos expostos, seja privilegiada e informada pelo psiquiatra na fase de acesso, de acolhimento ou de acompanhamento. O estudo ? importante porque colabora para a concretiza??o do respeito ? dignidade do paciente. Nesse tocante, viabiliza-se o exerc?cio da liberdade para al?m da mera ades?o ao tratamento psiqui?trico.Psychiatric treatment might contribute to the disregard of the patient as a person, and might stimulate degrading judgments of their capacity. The objective of the paper, based on juridical- -descriptive and juridical-propositional theoretical processes, is to identify practical measures for the adequate adherence and therapeutic management, to enable democratic equality as coined in Elizabeth Anderson?s theory. The study shows that the need for protecting the patient must stir away from a recurring reverse effect: disparagement. Therefore, facilitating the emergence of their volition is appropriate, even if inferred, regarding the adequate strategy of psychiatric treatment, with repercussions stemming from the anti-asylum movement and from the panorama of disabilities theory transformed by Brazil?s Disability Inclusion Act. As a result it is proposed that the option for caring measures, independently from the patient?s disability and in view of normative parameters, should be privileged and informed by the psychiatrist in the phase of access, sheltering or follow up. The study is important because it helps to respect the patient?s dignity. And so, the exercise of freedom becomes feasible beyond the mere adherence to psychiatric treatmen

    Using community phylogenetics to assess phylogenetic structure in the fitzcarrald region of Western Amazonia

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    © 2020 The Authors. Di versity and Distributions Published by SBI. Here we explore the use of community phylogenetics as a tool to document patterns of biodiversity in the Fitzcarrald region, a remote area in Southwestern Amazonia. For these analyses, we subdivide the region into basin-wide assemblages encompassing the headwaters of four Amazonian tributaries (Urubamba, Yuruá, Purús and Las Piedras basins), and habitat types: river channels, terra firme (non-floodplain) streams, and floodplain lakes. We present a robust, well-documented collection of fishes from the region including 272 species collected from 132 field sites over 63 field days and four years, comprising the most extensive collection of fishes from this region to date. We conduct a preliminary community phylogenetic analysis based on this collection and recover results largely statistically indistinguishable from the random expectation, with only a few instances of phylogenetic structure. Based on these results, and of those published in other recent biogeographic studies, we conclude that the Fitzcarrald fish species pool accumulated over a period of several million years, plausibly as a result of dispersal from the larger species pool of Greater Amazonia