73 research outputs found
Do diagnóstico etiológico da dor torácica ao prognóstico hospitalar do infarto agudo do miocárdio medido na admissão : uma jornada pelas unidades dor torácica
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Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo como mecanismo de regulamentação da punição
This article presents a reflection on the rationale and practices in the context of the Brazilian National System of Socio-Educational Services (Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo [SINASE]), which demonstrates how daily actions in socio-educational centers reflect social control, regulating a punishment process, including youth deaths while serving as inmates in socio-educational facilities, reaffirming a punitive culture of youth detention facilities as total institutions. The second part of the text analyzes the hidden intentionality of youth deprivation of liberty: the myth of socio-education, in which, even with pedagogical initiatives and educational actions, the practices reinforce a systemic logic focused on the interests of capital, reinforcing youth stigmatization and social segregation.Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre los fundamentos y las prácticas en el contexto del Sistema Nacional Brasileño de Servicios Socioeducativos (Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo [SINASE]), que demuestra cómo las acciones cotidianas en los centros socioeducativos reflejan el control social, regulando un proceso de castigo, incluyendo muertes de jóvenes durante el cumplimiento de la medida socioeducativa en una institución, reafirmando una cultura punitiva de los centros de detención para adolescentes como instituciones totales. La segunda parte del texto analiza la intencionalidad oculta de la privación de libertad de adolescentes: el mito de la socioeducación, en el que, incluso con iniciativas pedagógicas y acciones formativas, las prácticas refuerzan una lógica sistémica centrada en los intereses del capital, reforzando la estigmatización de jóvenes y la segregación social.Cet article présente une réflexion sur le fondement et les pratiques dans le contexte du Système National Brésilien de Services Socio-Educatifs (Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo [SINASE]), qui montre comment les actions quotidiennes des centres socio-éducatifs reflètent le contrôle social, régulant un processus de punition, y compris la mort de jeunes alors qu’ils étaient détenus dans des établissements socio-éducatifs, réaffirmant une culture punitive des unités de détention pour adolescents en tant qu’institutions totales. La deuxième partie du texte analyse l’intentionnalité cachée de la privation de liberté des adolescents: le mythe de la socio-éducation, dans lequel, même avec des initiatives pédagogiques et des actions de formation, les pratiques renforcent une logique systémique centrée sur les intérêts du capital, renforçant la stigmatisation des jeunes et la ségrégation sociale.Cet article présente une réflexion sur le fondement et les pratiques dans le contexte du Système National Brésilien de Services Socio-Educatifs (Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo [SINASE]), qui montre comment les actions quotidiennes des centres socio-éducatifs reflètent le contrôle social, régulant un processus de punition, y compris la mort de jeunes alors qu’ils étaient détenus dans des établissements socio-éducatifs, réaffirmant une culture punitive des unités de détention pour adolescents en tant qu’institutions totales. La deuxième partie du texte analyse l’intentionnalité cachée de la privation de liberté des adolescents: le mythe de la socio-éducation, dans lequel, même avec des initiatives pédagogiques et des actions de formation, les pratiques renforcent une logique systémique centrée sur les intérêts du capital, renforçant la stigmatisation des jeunes et la ségrégation sociale.Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o fundamento e práticas no contexto do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Sinase), que demonstra como as ações no cotidiano dos centros socioeducativos refletem o controle social, regulamentando um processo de punição, incluindo óbitos de jovens durante o cumprimento da medida socioeducativa de internação, reafirmando uma cultura punitiva das unidades de internação para adolescentes como instituições totais. A segunda parte do texto analisa a intencionalidade oculta da privação de liberdade de adolescentes: o mito da socioeducação, no qual, mesmo com iniciativas pedagógicas e ações de formação, as práticas reforçam uma lógica sistêmica voltada aos interesses do capital, reforçando a estigmatização dos jovens e a segregação socia
Saúde e vulnerabilidade social: discutindo a necessidade de ações comunitárias com base em indicadores sociais no município de Taquara/RS
The general objective of this article is to analyze the social indicators of the municipality of Taquara (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) discussing about the interventions carried out in a community in a situation of social vulnerability from the perspective of health as a fundamental human right. A survey of social indicators was carried out in the municipality of Taquara, located in Vale do Paranhana (RS); after obtaining the data, a descriptive analysis was carried out and, in parallel, reflection based on the interventions performed. The results allowed to propose two thematic axes, through which the discussions were held: a) human rights in the territory of the excluded: unveiling the social indicators; b) Experience of Interventions in a territory with social vulnerabilities: unveiling the need for care and citizenship practices. Finally it is concluded that the experience of exercising health in the territory demonstrates that it is not possible to ignore other sectors of the social sphere, it requires the articulation of various services and governmental spheres. It is necessary to act strongly with the municipal-regional authorities to strengthen the implementation of public policies aimed at the needs of the population.
Key words: Regional development. Nursing. Health Indicators. Public policy. Community-Institutional Relations.El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar los indicadores sociales del municipio de Taquara (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), debatir sobre las intervenciones llevadas a cabo en una comunidad en situación de vulnerabilidad social, desde la perspectiva de la salud, como un derecho humano fundamental. Este es un estudio exploratorio descriptivo Se realizó una encuesta de indicadores sociales en el municipio de Taquara, ubicado en Vale do Paranhana (RS); a partir de la recopilación de datos, se realizó un análisis descriptivo y, en paralelo, una reflexión basada en intervenciones. Los resultados permitieron proponer dos ejes temáticos, a través de los cuales se sostuvieron debates: a) derechos humanos en el territorio de los excluidos: presentación de indicadores sociales; b) Experiencia de intervenciones en un territorio con vulnerabilidades sociales: desvelando la necesidad e atención y prácticas de ciudadanía. Finalmente, se concluye que la experiencia de ejercer la salud en el territorio demuestra que no es posible ignorar otros sectores de la esfera social, requiere la articulación de diversos servicios y esferas gubernamentales. Es necesario actuar fuertemente con las autoridades municipales-regionales para fortalecer la implementación de políticas públicas dirigidas a las necesidades de la población.
Palabras clave: Desarrollo regional. Enfermería. Indicadores de salud. Políticas públicas. Relaciones Comunidad-Institucionales.O objetivo geral deste artigo é analisar os indicadores sociais do município de Taquara (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) discutindo acerca das intervenções realizadas em uma comunidade em situação de vulnerabilidade social, na perspectiva da saúde, enquanto direito humano fundamental. Como metodologia se utilizou um estudo exploratório-descritivo. Realizou-se um levantamento dos indicadores sociais no município de Taquara, localizado no Vale do Paranhana (RS); a partir da obtenção dos dados, procedeu-se a análise descritiva e, paralelamente, a reflexão com base nas intervenções realizadas. Os resultados permitiram propor dois eixos temáticos, através dos quais foram realizadas as discussões: a) direitos humanos no território dos excluídos: desvelando os indicadores sociais; b) experiência de Intervenções em um território com vulnerabilidades sociais: desvelando a necessidade de práticas de cuidados e cidadania. Por fim, se conclui que a experiência de exercer a saúde no território demonstra que não é possível ignorar outros setores do âmbito social, requer a articulação de vários serviços e esferas governamentais. Faz-se necessária atuação veemente junto às autoridades municipais-regionais para fortalecer a execução de políticas públicas que visem às necessidades da população.
Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Regional. Enfermagem. Indicadores de Saúde. Políticas Públicas. Relações Comunidade-Instituiçã
Testing gravitation with satellite laser ranging and the LARASE experiment
The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) provides range measurements of pas- sive satellites around the Earth through the powerful Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technique. These very precise measurements of the distance between an on-ground laser station and a satellite equipped with cube corner retro-reflectors (CCRs) make possible precise tests and measurements in fundamental physics and, in particular, in gravitational physics. The LAGEOS (NASA 1976) and LAGEOS II (NASA/ASI 1992) satellites are outstanding examples of very good test particles because of their very low area-to-mass ratio as well as the high quality of their tracking data and, consequently, of the precise orbit determination (POD) we can obtain after a refined modeling of their orbit. The aim of our research program LARASE (LAser RAnged Satellites Experi- ment) is to go a step further in testing gravitation in the field of Earth by means of the joint analysis of the orbits of the two LAGEOS satellites together with that of the most recently launched LARES (ASI, 2012) satellite. Therefore, our work falls in the so-called weak field and slow motion (WFSM) limit of Einstein’s general relativity (GR) where, in terms of Newtonian physics, relativistic effects appear as two new fields to be added to the classical gravitational field: the gravitoelectric and the gravitomagnetic fields. A fundamental ingredient to reach such a goal is to provide high-quality updated models for the perturbing non-gravitational perturbations (NGP) acting on the surface of these satellites. In fact, regardless of their minimization thanks to a smaller value for the area-to-mass ratio, the subtle and complex to model perturbing effects of the NGP play a crucial role in the POD of the considered satellites, especially in the case of the thermal thrust effects. A large amount of SLR data of LAGEOS and LAGEOS II has been worked out using a set of dedicated models for the satellite dynamics and the related post-fit residuals have been analyzed. A parallel work was performed with LARES, although at a preliminary stage. Our recent work on the orbit modeling and on the data analysis of the orbit of such satellites is presented and discussed
A 1% Measurement of the gravitomagnetic field of the earth with laser-tracked satellites
A new measurement of the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth is presented. The measurement has been obtained through the careful evaluation of the Lense-Thirring (LT) precession on the combined orbits of three passive geodetic satellites, LAGEOS, LAGEOS II, and LARES, tracked by the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technique. This general relativity precession, also known as frame-dragging, is a manifestation of spacetime curvature generated by mass-currents, a peculiarity of Einstein’s theory of gravitation. The measurement stands out, compared to previous measurements in the same context, for its precision (≃7.4×10−3, at a 95% confidence level) and accuracy (≃16×10−3), i.e., for a reliable and robust evaluation of the systematic sources of error due to both gravitational and non-gravitational perturbations. To achieve this measurement, we have largely exploited the results of the GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) mission in order to significantly improve the description of the Earth’s gravitational field, also modeling its dependence on time. In this way, we strongly reduced the systematic errors due to the uncertainty in the knowledge of the Earth even zonal harmonics and, at the same time, avoided a possible bias of the final result and, consequently, of the precision of the measurement, linked to a non-reliable handling of the unmodeled and mismodeled periodic effects
Testing General Relativity vs. Alternative Theories of Gravitation with the SaToR-G Experiment
A new experiment in the field of gravitation, SaToR-G, is presented. The experiment aims to compare the predictions of different theories of gravitation in the limit of weak-field and slow-motion. The ultimate goal of the experiment is to look for possible "new physics" beyond the current standard model of gravitation based on the predictions of General Relativity. A key role in the above perspective is the theoretical and experimental framework within which to confine our work. To this end, we will try to exploit as much as possible the framework suggested by Dicke over fifty years ago
Detecção de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum em sementes do banco de germoplasma de feijão da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Beans seeds of Germoplasm bank from Santa Catarina State University (BAF/UDESC), Lages, SC, harvested in 2008/2009 e 2009/2010 seasons, were used in sanity tests of seeds with the objective to evaluate the incidence of fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. The media culture were tested of Potato-Dextrose-Ágar (PDA) and V-8 (tomato juice) and the Blotter Test Method. Evaluated 17 and 13 accesses in 2009 and 2010, respectively, including in two years four commercial cultivates: Pérola, BRSSupremo, SCS 202 Guará and IPR- Uirapuru. For each analyzed material were cultivated 200 seeds, ordered in four repetitions of 50 seeds. The seeds were incubated during ten days in growing chamber with photoperiod of 12 hours and temperature of 21°C. The C. lindemuthianum fungus was not detected in accesses BAF51 e BAF86 analyzed in 2009. The media V8 presented itself like the best method of detection and the cultivate SCS 202 Guará presented most of incidence of pathogen among the tested accesses. In 2010 the fungus was detected in all access, and there wasn’t significant difference between substrates, however there was significant difference between the tested accesses, most wile BAF07 presented most incidence of pathogen. The presence of the fungus C. lindemuthianum in the accesses seeds of the Germoplasm Bank of Bean UDESC indicates the need to adopt control measures to reduce their incidence on seeds.Sementes de feijão do banco de germoplasma da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (BAF/UDESC), Lages, SC, colhidas nas safras agrícolas 2008/09 e 2009/10, foram utilizadas em teste de sanidade de sementes com o objetivo de avaliar a incidência do fungo Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Foram testados como substratos os meios de cultura Batata-Dextrose-Ágar (BDA+A) e V-8 (suco de tomate) e o método do Papel de Filtro. Utilizaram-se 17 e 13 acessos de feijão em 2009 e 2010, respectivamente, incluindo, nos dois anos, quatro cultivares comerciais: Pérola, BRS-Supremo, SCS 202 Guará e IPRUirapuru. Para cada material analisado foram utilizadas 200 sementes, dispostas em quatro repetições de 50 sementes. As sementes foram incubadas durante dez dias em câmara de crescimento com fotoperíodo de 12 horas e temperatura de 21°C. O fungo C. lindemuthianum não foi detectado nos acessos BAF51 e BAF86 analisados em 2009. O meio V8 apresentou-se como melhor método de detecção e a cultivar SCS 202 Guará apresentou maior incidência do patógeno dentre os acessos testados. Em 2010, o fungo foi detectado em todos os acessos e não houve diferença signifi cativa entre os substratos, mas houve diferença significativa entre os acessos testados, sendo que BAF07 apresentou maior incidência do patógeno. A presença do fungo C. lindemuthianum nas sementes de feijão dos acessos do Banco Germoplasma de Feijão da UDESC indica a necessidade da adoção de medidas de controle que visam reduzir sua incidência na semente
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