11 research outputs found

    Guia de medicaments d’Atenció Primària que requereixen una vigilància especial per la seva dispensació en pacients amb funció renal disminuïda.

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    Projecte: AVCRI 279 Requeriments tècnics: L’entorn és l’EXCEL de Microsoft. L'accés al codi no estarà disponible fins la fi de la data d'embargament. Si esteu interessats a accedir-hi, contacteu amb idea(at)fbg.ub.eduAquesta Base de Dades (Guia de Medicaments) recull informació per tal d’indicar quins medicaments són susceptibles d'ajustos de dosi per evitar la iatrogènia medicamentosa en pacients amb deteriorament de la funció renal. Aquesta informació s'ha consensuat entre farmacèutics i metges nefròlegs a partir de la informació disponible en diferents bases de dades nacionals i internacionals. Per agilitzar l'ús de la Guia s'ha consensuat categoritzar en nivell baix, moderat o alt el risc que suposa pel pacient l’ús d'aquests medicaments segons el seu filtrat glomerular. A més la Guia recull els ajustos de dosi a realitzar, les interaccions medicamentoses i la simptomatologia per sobre dosificació en pacients amb funció renal disminuïda. A partir d'aquesta Base de Dades, s'ha dissenyat una aplicació web que facilita al professional sanitari la presa de decisions per a l'ajust de dosis de medicaments en funció del filtrat glomerular del pacient

    Acute effect of citrate bath on postdialysis alkalaemia

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    AbstractIntroductionThe correction of metabolic acidosis caused by renal failure is achieved by adding bicarbonate during dialysis. In order to avoid the precipitation of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate that takes place in the dialysis fluid (DF) when adding bicarbonate, it is necessary to add an acid, usually acetate, which is not free of side effects. Thus, citrate appears as an advantageous alternative to acetate, despite the fact that its acute effects are not accurately known.ObjectiveTo assess the acute effect of a dialysis fluid containing citrate instead of acetate on acid-base balance and calcium-phosphorus metabolism parameters.Material and methodsA prospective crossover study was conducted with twenty-four patients (15 male subjects and 9 female subjects). All patients underwent dialysis with AK-200-Ultra-S monitor with SoftPac® dialysis fluid, made with 3 mmol/L of acetate and SelectBag Citrate®, with 1 mmol/L of citrate and free of acetate. The following were measured before and after dialysis: venous blood gas monitoring, calcium (Ca), ionic calcium (Cai), phosphorus (P) and parathyroid hormone (PTH).ResultsDifferences (p<0.05) were found when using the citrate bath (C) compared to acetate (A) in the postdialysis values of: pH, C: 7.43 (0.04) vs. A: 7.47 (0.05); bicarbonate, C: 24.7 (2.7) vs. A: 27.3 (2.1) mmol/L; base excess (BEecf), C: 0.4 (3.1) vs. A: 3.7 (2.4) mmol/L; corrected calcium (Cac), C: 9.8 (0.8) vs. A: 10.1 (0.7) mg/dL; and Cai, C: 1.16 (0.05) vs. A: 1.27 (0.06) mmol/L. No differences were found in either of the parameters measured before dialysis.ConclusionDialysis with citrate provides better control of postdialysis acid-base balance, decreases/avoids postdialysis alkalaemia, and lowers the increase in Cac and Cai. This finding is of special interest in patients with predisposing factors for arrhythmia and patients with respiratory failure, carbon dioxide retention, calcifications and advanced liver disease

    The influence of oxytocin and prolactin during a first-episode of psychosis: the implication of sex differences, clinical features and cognitive performance

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    Background: Approximately 3% of the population suffers a first episode of psychosis (FEP), and a high percentage of these patients subsequently relapse. Because the clinical course following a FEP is hard to predict, it is of interest to identify cognitive and biological markers that will help improve the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of such events and to define new therapeutic targets. Here we analyzed the plasma oxytocin and prolactin levels during an FEP, assessing their correlation with clinical and cognitive features. Methods: The oxytocin and prolactin in plasma was measured in 120 FEP patients and 106 healthy controls, all of whom were subjected to a clinical and neuropsychological assessment. Most patients were under antipsychotics. Statistical analyses aimed to identify factors associated with the FEP and to search for associations between the variables. This study is preliminary and exploratory because the P-values were not corrected for multiple comparisons. Results: FEP patients had less oxytocin, more prolactin, and a poor premorbid IQ, and they performed worse in sustained attention. Male patients with higher prolactin levels experienced more severe psychotic symptoms and required higher doses of antipsychotics. Low oxytocin was associated with poor sustained attention in women, whereas low oxytocin and high prolactin in men correlated with better performance in sustained attention. Conclusion: Low oxytocin, high prolactin, and poor premorbid IQ and sustained attention are factors associated with an FEP, representing potential therapeutic targets in these patients. These biological factors and cognitive domains might play an important role during a FEP, which could help us to develop new strategies that improve the outcomes of this disorder and that should perhaps be gender specific

    Utilidad de la bioquímica urinaria en el seguimiento de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica estadios 3B-5 noD

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leída el 06-06-2023La determinación de iones y proteínas en muestra simple de orina son pruebas de laboratorio sencillas, baratas, que reflejan bien el balance de iones, y la intensidad de la proteinuria. Sin embargo, son pruebas que están infrautilizadas. Aportar evidencia sobre su utilidad para estimar la bioquímica en orina de 24 horas y el pronóstico de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) permitiría extender su uso y ayudara la toma de decisiones para optimizar terapias. También permitiría evitar recogidas de orina de 24 horas...Ion and protein determinations in a simple urine sample are simple and inexpensive laboratory tests that reflect well on ion balance and proteinuria. However, they are under used. Evidence of their usefulness in estimating 24-hour urine biochemistry and prognosis in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) would allow widespread use of these tests and would help to optimize therapies. It would also avoid 24-hour urine collections...Fac. de MedicinaTRUEunpu

    Epidemiology and resource use in Spanish type 2 diabetes patients without previous cardiorenal disease: CaReMe Spain study summary.

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    To determine the first manifestation of cardiovascular or kidney disease (CVKD) and associated resource use in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients during seven years of follow-up. Observational-retrospective secondary data study using medical records of patients aged ≥18 years with T2DM and without prior CVKD between 2013 and 2019. The index date was 01/01/2013 (fixed date). The manifestation of CVKD was defined by the first diagnosis of heart-failure (HF), chronic-kidney disease (CKD), myocardial-infarction (MI), stroke or peripheral-artery disease (PAD). The main variables were baseline characteristics, manifestation of CVKD, mortality, resource use and costs. Descriptive analyses and Cox model were applied to the data. 26,542 patients were selected (mean age: 66.6 years, women: 47.8%, mean duration of T2DM: 17.1 years). 18.7% (N=4974) developed a first CVKD manifestation during the seven years [distribution: HF (22.4%), CKD (36.6%), MI (14.5%), stroke (15.3%) and PAD (11.3%)]. Overall mortality was 8.3% (N=2214). The mortality risk of the group that developed HF or CKD as the first manifestation compared to the CVKD-free cohort was higher [HR: 2.5 (95% CI: 1.8-3.4) and 1.8 (95% CI: 1.4-2.3)], respectively. The cumulative costs per patient of HF (€50,942.80) and CKD (€48,979.20) were higher than MI (€47,343.20) and stroke (€47,070.30) and similar to PAD (€51,240.00) vs. €13,098.90 in patients who did not develop CVKD, p In T2DM patients, HF and CKD were the first most common manifestations and had higher mortality and re-hospitalisation rates. HF and CKD were associated with the highest resource use and costs for the Spanish National-Health-System

    Medicina de precisión: «Point of Care Ultrasound» (PoCUS) en el abordaje diagnóstico del paciente con hiponatremia

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    Resumen: La hiponatremia es un trastorno multifactorial definido como una disminución en la concentración plasmática de sodio. Su diagnóstico diferencial requiere una evaluación adecuada del volumen extracelular. Sin embargo, la determinación del volumen extracelular, simplemente basada en la historia clínica, las constantes vitales, el examen físico y los hallazgos de laboratorio, conducen en ocasiones a un diagnóstico erróneo por lo que el enfoque terapéutico puede ser equivocado. El empleo de ecografía a pie de cama (Point-of-Care Ultrasound [PoCUS]), mediante la combinación de ecografía pulmonar (Lung Ultrasound [LUS]), Venous Excess UltraSound (VExUS) y la ecocardioscopia (Focused Cardiac Ultrasound [FoCUS]) permiten, en combinación con el resto de los parámetros, una valoración holística mucho más precisa del estado del volumen extracelular del paciente. Abstract: Hyponatremia is a multifactorial disorder defined as a decrease in plasma sodium concentration. Its differential diagnosis requires an adequate evaluation of the extracellular volume. However, extracellular volume determination, simply based on the clinical history, vital signs, physical examination, and laboratory findings can leads to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. The use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS), through the combination of Lung Ultrasound (LUS), Venous Excess UltraSound (VExUS) and Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FoCUS), allows a much more accurate holistic assessment of the patient's extracellular volume status in combination with the other parameters

    Precision medicine: “Point of Care Ultrasound” (PoCUS) in the diagnostic approach to the patient with hyponatremia

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    Hyponatremia is a multifactorial disorder defined as a decrease in plasma sodium concentration. Its differential diagnosis requires an adequate evaluation of the extracellular volume (ECV). However, ECV determination, simply based on the clinical history, vital signs, physical examination, and laboratory findings can leads to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. The use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS), through the combination of Lung Ultrasound (LUS), Venous Excess UltraSound (VExUS) and Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FoCUS), allows a much more accurate holistic assessment of the patient's ECV status in combination with the other parameters. Resumen: La hiponatremia es un trastorno multifactorial definido como una disminución en la concentración plasmática de sodio. Su diagnóstico diferencial requiere una evaluación adecuada del volumen extracelular. Sin embargo, la determinación del volumen extracelular, simplemente basada en la historia clínica, las constantes vitales, el examen físico y los hallazgos de laboratorio, conducen en ocasiones a un diagnóstico erróneo por lo que el enfoque terapéutico puede ser equivocado. El empleo de ecografía a pie de cama (Point-of-Care Ultrasound [PoCUS]), mediante la combinación de ecografía pulmonar (Lung Ultrasound [LUS]), Venous Excess UltraSound (VExUS) y la ecocardioscopia (Focused Cardiac Ultrasound [FoCUS]) permiten, en combinación con el resto de los parámetros, una valoración holística mucho más precisa del estado del volumen extracelular del paciente

    Characteristics, complications and outcomes among 1549 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in a secondary hospital in Madrid, Spain: a retrospective case series study

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    Objectives To describe demographic, clinical, radiological and laboratory characteristics, as well as outcomes, of patients admitted for COVID-19 in a secondary hospital.Design and setting Retrospective case series of sequentially hospitalised patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2, at Infanta Leonor University Hospital (ILUH) in Madrid, Spain.Participants All patients attended at ILUH testing positive to reverse transcriptase-PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs and diagnosed with COVID-19 between 1 March 2020 and 28 May 2020.Results A total of 1549 COVID-19 cases were included (median age 69 years (IQR 55.0–81.0), 57.5% men). 78.2% had at least one underlying comorbidity, the most frequent was hypertension (55.8%). Most frequent symptoms at presentation were fever (75.3%), cough (65.7%) and dyspnoea (58.1%). 81 (5.8%) patients were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) (median age 62 years (IQR 51–71); 74.1% men; median length of stay 9 days (IQR 5–19)) 82.7% of them needed invasive ventilation support. 1393 patients had an outcome at the end of the study period (case fatality ratio: 21.2% (296/1393)). The independent factors associated with fatality (OR; 95% CI): age (1.07; 1.06 to 1.09), male sex (2.86; 1.85 to 4.50), neurological disease (1.93; 1.19 to 3.13), chronic kidney disease (2.83; 1.40 to 5.71) and neoplasia (4.29; 2.40 to 7.67). The percentage of hospital beds occupied with COVID-19 almost doubled (702/361), with the number of patients in ICU quadrupling its capacity (32/8). Median length of stay was 9 days (IQR 6–14).Conclusions This study provides clinical characteristics, complications and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to a European secondary hospital. Fatal outcomes were similar to those reported by hospitals with a higher level of complexity

    Stoma-free survival after anastomotic leak following rectal cancer resection: worldwide cohort of 2470 patients

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    Background: The optimal treatment of anastomotic leak after rectal cancer resection is unclear. This worldwide cohort study aimed to provide an overview of four treatment strategies applied. Methods: Patients from 216 centres and 45 countries with anastomotic leak after rectal cancer resection between 2014 and 2018 were included. Treatment was categorized as salvage surgery, faecal diversion with passive or active (vacuum) drainage, and no primary/secondary faecal diversion. The primary outcome was 1-year stoma-free survival. In addition, passive and active drainage were compared using propensity score matching (2: 1). Results: Of 2470 evaluable patients, 388 (16.0 per cent) underwent salvage surgery, 1524 (62.0 per cent) passive drainage, 278 (11.0 per cent) active drainage, and 280 (11.0 per cent) had no faecal diversion. One-year stoma-free survival rates were 13.7, 48.3, 48.2, and 65.4 per cent respectively. Propensity score matching resulted in 556 patients with passive and 278 with active drainage. There was no statistically significant difference between these groups in 1-year stoma-free survival (OR 0.95, 95 per cent c.i. 0.66 to 1.33), with a risk difference of -1.1 (95 per cent c.i. -9.0 to 7.0) per cent. After active drainage, more patients required secondary salvage surgery (OR 2.32, 1.49 to 3.59), prolonged hospital admission (an additional 6 (95 per cent c.i. 2 to 10) days), and ICU admission (OR 1.41, 1.02 to 1.94). Mean duration of leak healing did not differ significantly (an additional 12 (-28 to 52) days). Conclusion: Primary salvage surgery or omission of faecal diversion likely correspond to the most severe and least severe leaks respectively. In patients with diverted leaks, stoma-free survival did not differ statistically between passive and active drainage, although the increased risk of secondary salvage surgery and ICU admission suggests residual confounding