92 research outputs found

    Complicações vasculares e fatores relacionados a sua ocorrência após procedimentos hemodinâmicos percutâneos

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    Objective: to investigate vascular complications in patients undergoing percutaneous hemodynamic procedures and identify factors related to their occurrence. Method: retrospective study conducted in a cardiology hospital with patients who had vascular damage between January 2015 and December 2016. Data were collected from medical records and submitted to descriptive analysis. Results: the study included 93 patients, most of them elderly, male and with hypertension. The rate of vascular complication was 3%, local hematoma was the most common complication (86%). Women were found to have more serious vascular injuries such as retroperitoneal hematoma and pseudoaneurysm than men did (p = 0.04). Conclusion: hematoma was the most frequent vascular complication, and female gender was a risk predictor associated with more serious injuries. Recognizing risk predictors contributes to the delivery of care tailored to the needs of each patient.Objetivo: investigar as complicações vasculares em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos hemodinâmicos percutâneos e identificar fatores relacionados a sua ocorrência. Método: estudo retrospectivo em um hospital cardiológico, com pacientes que evoluíram com danos vasculares, entre janeiro de 2015 e dezembro de 2016. Os dados foram obtidos pela coleta em prontuários e analisados de forma descritiva e analítica. Resultados: foram incluídos 93 pacientes, a maioria idosos, do sexo masculino e portadores de hipertensão. A taxa de complicação vascular foi de 3%, o hematoma local foi o mais frequente (86%). O sexo feminino foi associado à ocorrência de danos vasculares mais graves como o hematoma retroperitoneal e o pseudoaneurisma (p=0,04). Conclusão: dentre as complicações vasculares, o hematoma foi o mais frequente e o sexo feminino foi fator preditor de risco, associado a injúrias mais graves.  Reconhecer os fatores preditores de risco auxilia a assistência direcionada às necessidades individuais do paciente

    O desastre ambiental de Brumadinho: por uma nova composição de forças para a defesa ambiental

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    Objective: The purpose of this article is to analyze the rupture of the tailings dam, operated by mining company Vale S.A., in Brumadinho and to verify the measures taken to prevent and repair environmental disasters in Brazil. The profit premise, imposed by the globalized market, underestimates the principles of sustainability, precaution and prevention. In such cases, it is an authentic example of the tragedy of the commons, as it is evident that the excessive use of a common resource can lead to tragic results. Methodology: This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research based on deductive reasoning, based on bibliographic, legislative, jurisprudential and documentary review techniques. Results: The study shows the current failure in cooperation between individuals and the State in the design of a model for the sustainable exploitation of mineral resources. Contributions: It argues that with the growing capacity for political articulation demonstrated by large transnational corporations, it is necessary to seek changes in the composition of forces, with the empowerment of civil society and the creation of an international sphere.Objetivo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o rompimento da barragem de rejeitos, operada pela mineradora Vale S.A., em Brumadinho e verificar as medidas tomadas para evitar e reparar desastres ambientais no Brasil. Observa-se que a premissa de lucro, imposta pelo mercado globalizado, subestima os princípios da sustentabilidade, da precaução e da prevenção. Nesses casos, configura-se autêntico exemplo da tragédia dos comuns, pois evidencia-se que a utilização desmedida de um recurso comum pode levar à resultados trágicos.  Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa de perfil descritivo e exploratório, qualitativa, baseada em linha de raciocínio dedutivo, calcado nas técnicas de revisão bibliográfica, legislativa, jurisprudencial e documental. Resultados: O estudo mostra o atual insucesso na cooperação entre particulares e Estado na concepção de um modelo de exploração sustentável dos recursos minerais.  Contribuições: Defende que com a crescente capacidade de articulação política demonstrada pelas grandes corporações transnacionais, faz-se necessária a busca por mudança na composição de forças, com o empoderamento da sociedade civil e a criação de uma esfera internacional


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo a obtenção de dados cinéticos da secagem de cenouras, bem como o ajuste de modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais e determinação dos parâmetros termodinâmicos do processo. Buscando este propósito, experimentos foram conduzidos em estufa com renovação e circulação de ar, nas temperaturas de 50, 60, 70 e 80 °C. Os modelos matemáticos foram ajustados aos dados das cinéticas de secagem à diferentes temperaturas, e os modelos de Page e de Midilli apresentaram o maior coeficiente de correlação (R2) e menor valor de RMSE. Da análise termodinâmica verificou-se que a entalpia e a energia livre de Gibbs diminuíram com o aumento da temperatura, característico de um processo endotérmico. A entropia apresentou valores negativos e diminuiu com a diminuição na temperatura de secagem, isto indica que há um aumento no grau de ordem do sistema, considerado desfavorável entropicamente. ABSTRACTThis study aims to obtain kinetic data of carrot drying, as well as the adjustment of mathematical models to the experimental data and determination of the thermodynamic parameters of the process. For this purpose, experiments were conducted in an oven with renovation and circulation of air, at temperatures of 50, 60, 70 and 80 °C. The mathematical models were adjusted to the drying kinetics data at different temperatures, and the Page and de Midilli models presented the highest correlation coefficient (R2) and lowest RMSE values. From the thermodynamic analysis it was verified that the enthalpy and the free energy of Gibbs decreased with the increase of the temperature, characteristic of an endothermic process. The entropy presented negative values and decreased with the decrease in the drying temperature, this indicates that there is an increase in the degree of order of the system, considered as entropically unfavorable

    The tolerance of eucalyptus globulus to soil contamination with arsenic

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    UID/FIS/04559/2020The contamination of abandoned mining areas is a problem worldwide that needs urgent attention. Phytoremediation emerges as a successful method to extract different contaminants from the soil. In this context, Eucalyptus globulus plants growing in soils artificial contaminated with arsenic (As) were used to access its phytoremediation capabilities. The effects of As on photosynthetic performance were monitored through different physiological parameters, whereas the uptake and translocation of As and the putative effects on calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc levels on plants were evaluated by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Root system is the major accumulator organ, while the translocation to the above-ground organs is poor. In the end of the experiment, the root biomass of plants treated with 200 μg As mL−1 is 27% and 49.7% lower than equivalent biomass from plants treated with 100 μg As mL−1 and control plants, respectively. Each plant can accumulate 8.19 and 8.91 mg As after a 6-month period, when submitted to 100 As and 200 As, respectively. It seems to exist an antagonistic effect of As on Zn root uptake by E. globulus. In general, the tested concentrations do not influence negatively plant metabolism, indicating that this species is suitable for plantation in contaminated areas.publishersversionpublishe

    Pressure ulcers assissment through the pressure ulcer scale for healing application (PUSH)

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    Objective: To assess pressure ulcers(PU) with focus on the PUSH scale application. Methods:It is a prospective longitudinal study, performed between September and October 2010, in the three Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of a hospital in Teresina city, with sample of 19 patients and 134 PUSH applications, non-probabilist by convenience. Results: it was featured by the predominance of PU in females(52,6%), aged ≥ 80years old(36,8%) and mixed color (52,6%); the main caregivers were their grown-up children (73,7%). All patients had bladder probe, bowel incontinence and bed restriction with an average of 1,18 years(±5,18). Such limitations in 73,68% were caused by the underlying disease, being that 84,2% of them were unaware. PUs prevalence was of 61,29%, from which 63,33% were in the sacral region, stage II, being that 29,6% of them were treated with AGE oil. The EFA was the predominant coverage(29,6%).There was a decline or maintenance of the scale scores. Conclusions: The PUSH scale is useful in the wound scarring, by allowing monitoring global results and being presented as valid to integrate protocols, in order to implement the nursing care

    Elemental composition of algae-based supplements by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the elemental composition of fifteen algae-based supplements commonly sold in the Portuguese market, by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Despite the fact that the majority of Kelp samples were a good source of iodine, the levels observed might well contribute to an excess in the human body, which can cause dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Furthermore, the presence of lead in Sea spaghetti, Arame, Hijiki and Wakame caused a considerable risk to public health vis a vis possible ingestion of a high daily dose. Regarding arsenic, great variability was observed in all the samples with concentrations equal to or above 60 μg/g in the case of Arame, KelpJ and Hijiki. Although algae mainly accumulate organic arsenic, some also contain high levels of its inorganic form, as is commonly pointed out for Hijiki. Thus, regular ingestion of these supplements must also take into account the mentioned facts. There is no doubt that these supplements are also good sources of other nutrients, but the lack of accurate regulations and control should alert consumers to avoid indiscriminate use of these types of productsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Agroecologia e processos de transição no assentamento rural Santa Helena

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    A agricultura convencional, pautada nos usos de agroquímicos, máquinas de grande porte, sementes transgênicas e simplificação dos ambientes tem se mostrado cada vez mais insustentável, devido o alto custo de produção, associado à elevada dependência dos recursos externos à propriedade (insumos), resistência das pragas aos agrotóxicos, perda da fertilidade dos solos, ausência de biodiversidade funcional nos agroecossistemas, sendo energeticamente, socialmente, economicamente, ambientalmente e politicamente insustentável. O objetivo principal da pesquisa consistiu em colaborar com a transição agroecológica do assentamento rural Santa Helena, localizado no munícipio de São Carlos/SP, mediante uma problematização participativa da realidade local e a construção de estratégias de desenvolvimento rural sustentável junto a comunidade, sob a ótica da Agroecologia (diálogo de saberes e extensão agroecológica dialógica contextualizada). Por meio de um diagnóstico participativo e dialógico com a comunidade local, alicerçado nos pressupostos da pesquisa participante verificou-se a necessidade de aumentar os níveis de segurança alimentar das famílias assentadas, autossuficiência e resiliência dos agroecossistemas, práticas agrícolas sustentáveis, rentabilidade financeira e maior adaptabilidade dos sistemas produtivos. Portanto, realizou-se a construção e implantação de arranjos produtivos sustentáveis em mais de 50% dos lotes do assentamento. Foram inseridas seis novas áreas de sistemas agroflorestais biodiversos (SAFs), contendo mais de 60 espécies cada área (espécies arbóreas nativas, frutíferas, anuais, leguminosas herbáceas e arbustivas) e duas áreas, contendo lavouras convencionas de café, foram enriquecidas com espécies sombreadoras (leguminosas nativas), frutíferas perenes, plantas anuais e leguminosas herbáceas/arbustivas. Com o intuito de fomentar a disseminação das práticas agroecológicas de manejo agrícola no assentamento todas as atividades de desenhos dos arranjos, implantação e monitoramento dos SAFs foram idealizadas e realizadas com a participação efetiva de toda comunidade, no formato de oficinas. As principais atividades práticas de cunho agroecológico realizadas com a comunidade para a transição das unidades produtivas foram: cobertura viva do solo, com o manejo adequado das ervas espontâneas e cultivo de plantas destinadas à adubação verde (crotalária e feijão guandu); cobertura morta (adição de folhas secas, palhas e restos vegetais) sobre as linhas das culturas agrícolas; cercas vivas, que são quebra-ventos formados por plantas que protegem as plantações contra rajadas de ventos; plantio consorciado de espécies, que consiste na associação de duas ou mais plantas cultivadas na mesma área; policultivos ou SAFs; adubação orgânica feita com adubos compostados (aproveitamento de resíduos vegetais e animais para produção de compostos orgânicos); integração da produção vegetal com a produção animal, com a inserção de plantas sombreadoras nas pastagens e utilização dos estercos dos animais nas adubações dos cultivos; plantio de plantas repelentes de insetos pragas e aumento da biodiversidade dos lotes com inserção de plantas atrativas de polinizadores e inimigos naturais de pragas (parasitoides e predadores que realizam o controle biológico).

    Risk factors for laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection in neonates undergoing surgical procedures

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    AbstractBackgroundHealthcare Associated Infections constitute an important problem in Neonatal Units and invasive devices are frequently involved. However, studies on risk factors of newborns who undergo surgical procedures are scarce.ObjectiveTo identify risk factors for laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection in neonates undergoing surgical procedures.MethodsThis case–control study was conducted from January 2008 to May 2011, in a referral center. Cases were of 21 newborns who underwent surgery and presented the first episode of laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection. Control was 42 newborns who underwent surgical procedures without notification of laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection in the study period. Information was obtained from the database of the Hospital Infection Control Committee Notification of infections and related clinical data of patients that routinely collected by trained professionals and follow the recommendations of Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária and analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences.ResultsDuring the study period, 1141 patients were admitted to Neonatal Unit and 582 Healthcare Associated Infections were reported (incidence-density of 25.75 Healthcare Associated Infections/patient-days). In the comparative analysis, a higher proportion of laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection was observed in preterm infants undergoing surgery (p=0.03) and use of non-invasive ventilation was a protective factor (p=0.048). Statistically significant difference was also observed for mechanical ventilation duration (p=0.004), duration of non-invasive ventilation (p=0.04), and parenteral nutrition duration (p=0.003). In multivariate analysis duration of parenteral nutrition remained significantly associated with laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection (p=0.041).ConclusionsShortening time on parenteral nutrition whenever possible and preference for non-invasive ventilation in neonates undergoing surgery should be considered in the assistance of these patients, with the goal of reducing Healthcare Associated Infections, especially laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection

    Implications on Mineral Elements, Sugars and Fatty Acids Accumulation in Tissues

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    Funding Information: This work received funding from PDR2020-101-030734 and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), Portugal, through the research units UIDB/04035/2020 (GeoBioTec), UIDB/00239/2020 (CEF) and UID/FIS/04559/2020 (LIBPhys) from the FCT/MCTES/PIDDAC. This work was further supported by the grant of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) UI/BD/150718/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Following an agronomic approach for the Ca enrichment of Rocha pears, this study aimed to assess the interactions between mineral nutrients in fruit tissues at harvest and after storage for 5 months and to characterize the implications on the profile of sugars and fatty acids (FA). A total of seven foliar sprays (with concentrations of 0.1–0.6 kg·ha−1 Ca(NO3)2 and 0.8–8 kg·ha−1 CaCl2) were applied to pear trees. After harvest, the fruits were stored for 5 months, in environmentally controlled chambers, and the mineral contents in five regions (on the equatorial section) of the fruits were assessed, while the sugar and FA content were quantified. For both dates, all foliar sprayed treatments, at different extends, increased Ca content in the center and near the epidermis of Rocha pear fruits and the levels of K, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu also varied. At harvest, the Ca treatments did not affect the levels of sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol and, after storage, their concentrations remained higher in Ca-treated fruits. Additionally, the tendency of the relative proportions of FA was C18:2 > C18:1 > C16:0 > C18:3 > C18:0 > chains inferior to 16 C ( C16:0 > C18:3 > C18:0 > C18:1 > chains inferior to 16 C (<16:0). It is concluded that the heterogeneous distribution of Ca in the tissues of Rocha pear fruits results from its absorption in the peel after Ca(NO3)2 and CaCl2 sprays and from the xylemic flux in the core prior to maturity. Additionally, the hydrolysis of complex polysaccharides affects the contents of simpler sugars during maturation, ripening and senescence, while storage decreases the amount of total fatty acids (TFA), but the double bond index (DBI) indicate that cell membrane fluidity remains unaffected.publishersversionpublishe

    Macaronesia Acts as a Museum of Genetic Diversity of Relict Ferns: The Case of Diplazium caudatum (Athyriaceae)

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    Macaronesia has been considered a refuge region of the formerly widespread subtropical lauroid flora that lived in Southern Europe during the Tertiary. The study of relict angiosperms has shown that Macaronesian relict taxa preserve genetic variation and revealed general patterns of colonization and dispersal. However, information on the conservation of genetic diversity and range dynamics rapidly diminishes when referring to pteridophytes, despite their dominance of the herbaceous stratum in the European tropical palaeoflora. Here we aim to elucidate the pattern of genetic diversity and phylogeography of Diplazium caudatum, a hypothesized species of the Tertiary Palaeotropical flora and currently with its populations restricted across Macaronesia and disjunctly in the Sierras de Algeciras (Andalusia, southern Iberian Peninsula). We analysed 12 populations across the species range using eight microsatellite loci, sequences of a region of plastid DNA, and carry out species-distribution modelling analyses. Our dating results confirm the Tertiary origin of this species. The Macaronesian archipelagos served as a refuge during at least the Quaternary glacial cycles, where populations of D. caudatum preserved higher levels of genetic variation than mainland populations. Our data suggest the disappearance of the species in the continent and the subsequent recolonization from Macaronesia. The results of the AMOVA analysis and the indices of clonal diversity and linkage disequilibrium suggest that D. caudatum is a species in which inter-gametophytic outcrossing predominates, and that in the Andalusian populations there was a shift in mating system toward increased inbreeding and/or clonality. The model that best explains the genetic diversity distribution pattern observed in Macaronesia is, the initial and recurrent colonization between islands and archipelagos and the relatively recent diversification of restricted area lineages, probably due to the decrease of favorable habitats and competition with lineages previously established. This study extends to ferns the concept of Macaronesia archipelagos as refugia for genetic variation