51 research outputs found

    Adición de compost orgánico al sustrato de cáscara de arroz crudo para el cultivo de variedades híbridas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) en sistema con recirculación del lixiviado

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 94-103).The addition of organic compost (OC) to raw rice husk (RRH) may benefit the production of a tomato crop by conferring a greater buffer capacity and water holding capacity to the substrate in a leach recirculation system. At the same time, the selection of varieties that respond positively to the proposed technology is required. The objective of this work was to study the effects of adding OC to RRH on the physical and chemical properties of substrate [by comparing RRH (100%) and the mixture of RRH (80%) + OC (20%)] and on growth and yield responses of four tomato hybrid varieties [Ivety, Sofhia-F3, Sheila Victoria, and Lumi (Sakata® Seed)]. The chemical and physical properties of substrates, plant dry matter production and partitioning, fruit number, mean weight and yield, and fruit total soluble solids (TSS) content were evaluated. Fruit grading and harvest distribution along the crop cycle were also performed. The addition of OC improved the physical and chemical properties of the substrate. However, it did not affect the major growth and productive characteristics of the crop. All four varieties presented similar growth and fruit yield, but Sheila Victoria stood out as having the highest TSS. The yields were considered high, ranging from 6.3 kg/plant for Sophya and Sheila Victoria, 6.5 kg/plant for Lumi, to 7.6 kg/plant for Ivety. The results indicated that the addition of OC to RRH is unnecessary and that the four varieties adapted similarly to the proposed system.La adición de compost orgánico (CO) a la cáscara de arroz cruda (CAC) podría traer beneficios productivos al cultivo del tomate, al conferirle mayor poder buffer y capacidad de retención de agua al sustrato en sistemas con recirculación del lixiviado. Asimismo, es necesaria la elección de variedades que respondan positivamente a la tecnología propuesta. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar los efectos de la adición del CO a la CAC sobre las características físicas y químicas del sustrato [a través de la comparación entre la CAIN (100%) y la mezcla de CAC (80%) + CO (20%)] sobre el crecimiento y el comportamiento productivo de cuatro híbridos de tomate salado [Ivety, Sofhia-F3, Sheila Victoria y Lumi (Sakata® Seed)]. Se evaluaron las características químicas y físicas de los sustratos, la producción (tamaño, número, peso y rendimiento de frutos a lo largo de la cosecha), partición de la materia seca y la concentración de sólidos solubles totales (SST). La adición de CO mejoró las características físicas y químicas del sustrato, pero no afectó las principales variables del crecimiento y de la producción de la hortaliza. Las cuatro variedades presentaron similar crecimiento y rendimiento de frutos pero Sheila Victoria presentó la mayor concentración de SST. El rendimiento obtenido se considera alto, con rangos que van desde 6,3 kg/planta para las variedades Sophya-F3 y Sheila Victoria, 6,5 kg/planta para la variedad Lumi, y 7,6 kg/planta obtenido con la variedad Ivety. Los resultados indican que es innecesaria la adición de CO a la CAC y que las cuatro variedades se adaptan de forma similar al sistema propuesto.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 102-10


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    We present B and V time series photometry of Andromeda XXV, the third galaxy in our program on the Andromeda’s satellites, which we have imaged with the Large Binocular Cameras of the Large Binocular Telescope. The field of Andromeda XXV is found to contain 62 variable stars, for which we present light curves and characteristics of the light variation (period, amplitudes, variability type, mean magnitudes, etc.). The sample includes 57 RR Lyrae variables (46 fundamental-mode—RRab, and 11 first-overtone—RRc, pulsators), 3 anomalous Cepheids, 1 eclipsing binary system, and 1 unclassified variable. The average period of the RRab stars ( =0.60 σ = 0.04 days) and the period–amplitude diagram place Andromeda XXV in the class of the Oosterhoff-Intermediate objects. From the average luminosity of the RR Lyrae stars we derive for the galaxy a distance modulus of (m–M)0 = 24.63 ± 0.17 mag. The color–magnitude diagram reveals the presence in Andromeda XXV of a single, metal-poor ([Fe/H] = ‑1.8 dex) stellar population as old as ∼10–12 Gyr, traced by a conspicuous red giant branch and the large population of RR Lyrae stars. We discovered a spherically shaped high density of stars near the galaxy center. This structure appears to be at a distance consistent with Andromeda XXV and we suggest it could either be a star cluster or the nucleus of Andromeda XXV. We provide a summary and compare the number and characteristics of the pulsating stars in the M31 satellites analyzed so far for variability. Based on data collected with the Large Binocular Cameras at the Large Binocular Telescope

    Models for the lithium abundances of multiple populations in globular clusters and the possible role of the Big Bang lithium

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    Globular cluster stars show chemical abundance patterns typical of hot-CNO processing. Lithium is easily destroyed by proton capture in stellar environments, so its abundance may be crucial to discriminate among different models proposed to account for multiple populations. In order to reproduce the observed O-Na anticorrelation and other patterns typical of multiple populations, the formation of second generation stars must occur from the nuclearly processed stellar ejecta, responsible of the chemical anomalies, diluted with pristine gas having the composition of first generation stars. The lithium abundance in the unprocessed gas -which is very likely to be equal to the lithium abundance emerging from the Big Bang- affects the lithium chemical patterns among the cluster stars. This paper focuses on a scenario in which processed gas is provided by asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We examine the predictions of this scenario for the lithium abundances of multiple populations. We study the role of the non-negligible lithium abundance in the ejecta of massive AGB (A(Li)~2), and, at the same time, we explore how our models can constrain the extremely large ---and very model dependent--- lithium yields predicted by recent super--AGB models. We show that the super--AGB yields may be tested by examining the lithium abundances in a large set of blue main sequence stars in wCen and/or NGC2808. In addition, we examine the different model results obtained by assuming for the pristine gas either the Big Bang abundance predicted by the standard models (A(Li)=2.6-2.7), or the abundance detected at the surface of population II stars (A(Li)=2.2-2.3). Once a chemical model is well constrained, the O--Li distribution could perhaps be used to shed light on the primordial lithium abundance

    Stellar Encounter Driven Red-giant Star Mass Loss in Globular Clusters

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    Globular cluster (GC) color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) are reasonably well understood in terms of standard stellar evolution. However, there are still some open issues, such as fully accounting for the horizontal branch (HB) morphology in terms of chemical and dynamical parameters. Mass loss on the red giant branch (RGB) shapes the mass distribution of the HB stars, and the color distribution in turn. The physical mechanisms driving mass loss are still unclear, as direct observations fail to reveal a clear correlation between mass-loss rate and stellar properties. The HB mass distribution is further complicated by helium-enhanced multiple stellar populations due to differences in the evolving mass along the HB. We present a simple analytical mass-loss model based on tidal stripping through Roche-Lobe overflow during stellar encounters. Our model naturally results in a non-Gaussian mass-loss distribution with high skewness and contains only two free parameters. We fit it to the HB mass distribution of four Galactic GCs, as obtained from fitting the CMD with zero age HB models. The best-fit model accurately reproduces the observed mass distribution. If confirmed on a wider sample of GCs, our results would account for the effects of dynamics in RGB mass-loss processes and provide a physically motivated procedure for synthetic CMDs of GCs. Our physical modeling of mass loss may result in the ability to disentangle the effects of dynamics and helium-enhanced multiple populations on the HB morphology and is instrumental in making HB morphology a probe of the dynamical state of GCs, leading to an improved understanding of their evolution


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    The goal was to evaluate and compare cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition and anxiety levels in trained and sedentary young women. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 22 young women classified into treined group (GT), who were in a competitive period and sedentary group (GS), with na average age of 19.86 ± 3.99. The cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by the maximum volume of oxygen (VO2max) through the the cardiopulmonary stress test. A semi-structured questionnaire and the Trait-State Anxiety Inventory measured the levels of physical activity and anxiety respectively; and body composition was assessed by anthropometry and bioimpedance. The GS showed worse cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition and lower levels of anxiety when compared to the GT (62,64±14,30; 53,91±5,92; p=0,013). There was a positive correlation between VO2 and body composition, and in GT, with anxiety. It is concluded that i) trained young women have better cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition, however dangerous levels of anxiety; ii) anxiety and anthropometric factors can influence and be influenced by the cardiorespiratory fitness given by VO2max in trained and sedentary young women.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar y comparar la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, la composición corporal y los niveles de ansiedad en jóvenes entrenados y sedentarios. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 22 jóvenes clasificados en un grupo entrenado (TG), que se encontraban en período competitivo y un grupo sedentario (GS), con una edad media de 19,86 ± 3,99. La aptitud cardiorrespiratoria se midió mediante el volumen máximo de oxígeno (VO2max) utilizando la prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar. Un cuestionario semiestructurado y el Inventario de ansiedad rasgo-estado midieron los niveles de actividad física y ansiedad, respectivamente; y la composición corporal se evaluó mediante antropometría y bioimpedancia. El GS presentó peores índices de aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, composición corporal y menores niveles de ansiedad en comparación con el TG (62,64 ± 14,30; 53,91 ± 5,92; p = 0,013). Hubo una correlación positiva del VO2máx con la composición corporal, y en TG, con la ansiedad. Se concluye que: i) los jóvenes capacitados tienen mejor condición cardiorrespiratoria y composición corporal, sin embargo, niveles peligrosos de ansiedad; ii) la ansiedad y los factores antropométricos pueden influir y ser influenciados por la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria dada por el VO2max en jóvenes entrenados y sedentarios.Objetivou-se avaliar e comparar a aptidão cardiorrespiratória, composição corporal e níveis de ansiedade em jovens treinadas e sedentárias. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 22 jovens classificadas em grupo treinadas (GT), as quais estavam em período competitivo e grupo sedentárias (GS), com idade média 19,86 ± 3,99. A aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi mensurada pelo volume máximo de oxigênio (VO2max) por meio do teste de esforço cardiopulmonar. Um questionário semiestruturado e o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado mensuraram os níveis de atividade física e ansiedade respectivamente; e a composição corporal foi avaliada por antropometria e bioimpedância. O GS apresentou piores índices de aptidão cardiorrespiratória, composição corporal e menores níveis de ansiedade quando comparado ao GT (62,64±14,30; 53,91±5,92; p=0,013). Houve correlação positiva do VO2max com composição corporal, e no GT, com a ansiedade. Conclui-se que: i) jovens treinadas apresentam melhor aptidão cardiorrespiratória e composição corporal, entretanto, níveis perigosos de ansiedade; ii) ansiedade e fatores antropométricos podem influenciar e serem influenciados pela aptidão cardiorrespiratória dada pelo VO2max em jovens treinadas e sedentárias

    Photometric and spectroscopic study of the EXor-like eruptive young star Gaia19fct

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    Funding: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 716155 (SACCRED) and from the "Transient Astrophysical Objects" GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00033 project of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), Hungary, funded by the European Union. We acknowledge support from ESA PRODEX contract No. 4000132054. Zs.N., L.K., and K.V. acknowledge the support by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. K.V. is supported by the Bolyai+ grant UNKP-22-5-ELTE-1093. This project has been supported by the K-131508 grant of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) and the Élvonal grant KKP-143986. Authors acknowledge the financial support of the Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation (101.u13, 104.u2). L.K. acknowledges the financial support of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office grant NKFIH PD-134784. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101004719 (OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot).Gaia19fct is one of the Gaia-alerted eruptive young stars that has undergone several brightening events. We conducted monitoring observations using multifilter optical and near-infrared photometry, as well as near-infrared spectroscopy, to understand the physical properties of Gaia19fct and investigate whether it fits into the historically defined two classes. We present the analyses of light curves, color variations, spectral lines, and CO modeling. The light curves show at least five brightening events since 2015, and the multifilter color evolutions are mostly gray. The gray evolution indicates that bursts are triggered by mechanisms other than extinction. Our near-infrared spectra exhibit both absorption and emission lines and show time variability throughout our observations. We found lower rotational velocity and lower temperature from the near-infrared atomic absorption lines than from the optical lines, suggesting that Gaia19fct has a Keplerian rotating disk. The CO overtone features show a superposition of absorption and emission components, which is unlike other young stellar objects. We modeled the CO lines, and the result suggests that the emission and absorption components are formed in different regions. We found that although Gaia19fct exhibits characteristics of both types of eruptive young stars, FU Orionis–type objects and EX Lupi–type objects, it shows more similarity with EXors in general.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Photometric and spectroscopic study of the EXor-like eruptive young star Gaia19fct

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    This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 716155 (SACCRED) and from the "Transient Astrophysical Objects" GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00033 project of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), Hungary, funded by the European Union. We acknowledge support from ESA PRODEX contract No. 4000132054. Zs.N., L.K., and K.V. acknowledge the support by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. K.V. is supported by the Bolyai+ grant UNKP-22-5-ELTE-1093. This project has been supported by the K-131508 grant of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) and the Élvonal grant KKP-143986. Authors acknowledge the financial support of the Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation (101.u13, 104.u2). L.K. acknowledges the financial support of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office grant NKFIH PD-134784. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101004719 (OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot).Gaia19fct is one of the Gaia-alerted eruptive young stars that has undergone several brightening events. We conducted monitoring observations using multifilter optical and near-infrared photometry, as well as near-infrared spectroscopy, to understand the physical properties of Gaia19fct and investigate whether it fits into the historically defined two classes. We present the analyses of light curves, color variations, spectral lines, and CO modeling. The light curves show at least five brightening events since 2015, and the multifilter color evolutions are mostly gray. The gray evolution indicates that bursts are triggered by mechanisms other than extinction. Our near-infrared spectra exhibit both absorption and emission lines and show time variability throughout our observations. We found lower rotational velocity and lower temperature from the near-infrared atomic absorption lines than from the optical lines, suggesting that Gaia19fct has a Keplerian rotating disk. The CO overtone features show a superposition of absorption and emission components, which is unlike other young stellar objects. We modeled the CO lines, and the result suggests that the emission and absorption components are formed in different regions. We found that although Gaia19fct exhibits characteristics of both types of eruptive young stars, FU Orionis–type objects and EX Lupi–type objects, it shows more similarity with EXors in general.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    an international survey before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Funding Information: The Société Française d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation (SFAR), Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias (SEMICYUC), Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva (SATI), Sociedad Chilena de Medicina Intensiva (SOCHIMI), Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB-Net) and the Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network (BricNet) supported this survey. We would also like to thank our friend Tiago Rocha for making the amazing logo for this study. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brazil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Since the publication of the 2018 Clinical Guidelines about sedation, analgesia, delirium, mobilization, and sleep deprivation in critically ill patients, no evaluation and adequacy assessment of these recommendations were studied in an international context. This survey aimed to investigate these current practices and if the COVID-19 pandemic has changed them. Methods: This study was an open multinational electronic survey directed to physicians working in adult intensive care units (ICUs), which was performed in two steps: before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: We analyzed 1768 questionnaires and 1539 (87%) were complete. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we received 1476 questionnaires and 292 were submitted later. The following practices were observed before the pandemic: the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (61.5%), the Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) (48.2%), the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) (76.6%), and the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) (66.6%) were the most frequently tools used to assess pain, sedation level, and delirium, respectively; midazolam and fentanyl were the most frequently used drugs for inducing sedation and analgesia (84.8% and 78.3%, respectively), whereas haloperidol (68.8%) and atypical antipsychotics (69.4%) were the most prescribed drugs for delirium treatment; some physicians regularly prescribed drugs to induce sleep (19.1%) or ordered mechanical restraints as part of their routine (6.2%) for patients on mechanical ventilation; non-pharmacological strategies were frequently applied for pain, delirium, and sleep deprivation management. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensive care specialty was independently associated with best practices. Moreover, the mechanical ventilation rate was higher, patients received sedation more often (94% versus 86.1%, p < 0.001) and sedation goals were discussed more frequently in daily rounds. Morphine was the main drug used for analgesia (77.2%), and some sedative drugs, such as midazolam, propofol, ketamine and quetiapine, were used more frequently. Conclusions: Most sedation, analgesia and delirium practices were comparable before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, the intensive care specialty was a variable that was independently associated with the best practices. Although many findings are in accordance with evidence-based recommendations, some practices still need improvement.publishersversionpublishe