12 research outputs found

    Flower-visitors, olfactometer, timing of herbivory

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    Raw data on the effect of herbivory on flower-visitor interactions and plant reproduction; Raw data on the foraging behavior of flower visitors towards flower scent of control and herbivore-induced plants in olfactometer trials; Raw data on the effect of timing of herbivory on the development of Sinapis arvensi

    Epidermal cell shape, gloss and colour parameters of bee- and bird-pollinated flower parts.

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    <p>Means and standard errors of A) epidermal cell shape, B) floral gloss, colour contrast to the background in C) the colour hexagon model and D) in the receptor-noise limited model,(E) bee-subjective spectral purity according to the colour hexagon model, F) green contrast, G) chroma, and H) intensity for visually-active and for robbing-sensitive flower parts of bee- and bird-pollinated flowers. Asterisks above the bold line indicate differences according to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with significance levels of ** for p<0.01 and *** for p<0.001. Different letters below the bold line denote significant differences according to pairwise comparisons using Tukey HSD.</p

    Larue et al. Absolute interaction frequency

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    Absolute frequency of observed interaction on control (treated with pure pentane) and treated (CE: Cirsium arvense extract; AE: Achillea millefolium extract) A. millefolium and C. arvense plants visualised in the network

    Cell shapes and explanation of the shape index <i>S</i>.

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    <p>A) Drawings and B) photographs of epidermal cell shapes with <i>S</i>-values for the represented shape types (from left to right: <i>Chritia gueilinensis</i>, <i>Proboscidea fragrans</i>, <i>Tecomaria capensis</i>, <i>Columnea gloriosa</i>, <i>Aloe vogtsii</i>, <i>Polygala myrtifolia</i>), found in the epidermal surfaces of investigated flowers. h = maximal cell height. w = cell width at half height. Dashed grey curves indicate angles. Grey arrows indicate a length of 5 µm. C) Formula of shape index <i>S</i>.</p

    Appendix G. Potential links encountered in the 10 habitats, nectar tube width, head capsule width, olfactometer results, and nectar palatability.

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    Potential links encountered in the 10 habitats, nectar tube width, head capsule width, olfactometer results, and nectar palatability

    Supplement 1. R script for Monte Carlo statistics for the calculation of significance levels of the deviation of the residuals Rij from zero.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><a href="Junker et al. R-script.R">Junker et al. R-script.R</a></p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>This file is R script (R: A language and environment for statistical computing, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) for Monte Carlo statistics for the calculation of significance levels of the deviation of the Residuals <i>R</i><sub><i>ij</i></sub> from zero.</p> </blockquote