60 research outputs found

    Spectropolarimetry of 3CR 68.1: A Highly Inclined Quasar

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    We present Keck spectropolarimetry of the highly polarized radio-loud quasar 3CR 68.1 (z=1.228, V=19). The polarization increases from 5 in the red (4000 A rest-frame) to >10% in the blue (1900 A rest-frame). The broad emission lines are polarized the same as the continuum, which shows that 3CR 68.1 is not a blazar as it has sometimes been regarded in the past. We also present measurements of the emission lines and a strong, blueshifted, associated absorption line system, as well as a detection at the emission-line redshift of Ca II K absorption, presumably from stars in the host galaxy. 3CR 68.1 belongs to an observationally rare class of highly polarized quasars that are neither blazars nor partially obscured radio-quiet QSOs. Taking into account 3CR 68.1's other unusual properties, such as its extremely red spectral energy distribution and its extreme lobe dominance, we explain our spectropolarimetric results in terms of unified models. We argue that we have a dusty, highly inclined view of 3CR 68.1, with reddened scattered (polarized) quasar light diluted by even more dust-reddened quasar light reaching us directly from the nucleus.Comment: 20 pages, includes 3 tables, 6 figures. Accepted by Ap

    The Nuclear Reddening Curve for Active Galactic Nuclei and the Shape of the Infra-Red to X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution

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    We present extinction curves derived from the broad emission lines and continua of large samples of both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. The curves are significantly flatter in the UV than are curves for the local ISM. The reddening curves for the radio-quiet LBQS quasars are slightly steeper than those of the radio-loud quasars in the UV, probably because of additional reddening by dust further out in the host galaxies of the former. The UV extinction curves for the radio-loud AGNs are very flat. This is explicable with slight modifications to standard MRN dust models: there is a relative lack of small grains in the nuclear dust. Our continuum and broad-emission line reddening curves agree in both shape and amplitude, confirming that the continuum shape is indeed profoundly affected by reddening for all but the bluest AGNs. With correction by our generic extinction curve, all of the radio-loud AGNs have continuous optical-UV spectra consistent with a single shape. We show that radio-quiet AGNs have very similar intrinsic UV to optical shape over orders of magnitude in luminosity. We also argue that radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs probably share the same underlying continuum shape and that most of the systematic differences between their observed continuum shapes are due to higher nuclear reddening in radio-selected AGNs, and additional reddening from dust further out in the host galaxies in radio-quiet AGNs. Our conclusions have important implications for the modelling of quasar continua and the analysis of quasar demographics.Comment: 41 pages, including 6 figures and 3 tables. To appear in ApJ vol. 614, October 20 issue. Some slight wording changes. Some additional references added. Small changes in the model fit in section 6.2, to the analytical fit in the Appendix, and to the tabulated reddening curve in the Appendi

    Spectropolarimetry of FIRST BAL QSOs

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    We present Keck spectropolarimetry of two rare low-ionization broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs, FIRST J084044.5+363328 and FIRST J155633.8+351758, that also exhibit narrow absorption lines from metastable excited levels of Fe II (``Iron Lo-BALs''). These QSOs were discovered in optical follow-ups to a deep radio survey; FIRST J155633.8+351758 is radio-loud, the first BAL QSO so identified. FIRST J084044.5+363328 is highly polarized and exhibits many features found in other BAL QSOs, and the polarization and its position angle vary in a complicated manner across the metastable Fe II absorption lines, suggesting that more than one mechanism is at work, or that the system geometry is complex. FIRST J155633.8+351758 may be the most highly polarized BAL QSO known, and exhibits other unusual polarization properties compared to other highly polarized BAL QSOs. Currently available data cannot yet discriminate among the possible lines of sight to BAL QSOs (edge-on, pole-on, or random).Comment: 14 pages, 1 table, 2 figures. To appear in ApJ Letter

    UV Imaging Polarimetry of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 3

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    We present UV imaging polarimetry data of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The polarized flux is found to be extended to ~1 kpc from the nucleus, and the position angles of polarization are centrosymmetric, confirming that the polarization is caused by scattering. We determine the location of the hidden nucleus as the center of this centrosymmetric pattern. From the polarization images taken in two broad bands, we have obtained the color distribution of the polarized flux. Some regions have blue polarized flux, consistent with optically-thin dust scattering, but some bright knots have a color similar to that of Seyfert 1 nucleus. Also, the recent Chandra X-ray observation suggests that the ratio of scattered UV flux to scattered X-ray flux is rather similar to the intrinsic UV/X-ray ratio in a Seyfert 1 nucleus, if the observed extended X-ray continuum is scattered light. While the scattered X-ray would be essentially from electron scattering, the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio both being similar to Seyfert 1's would lead to two possibilities as to the nature of the UV scatterers. One is that the UV may also be scattered by electrons, in which case the scattering gas is somehow dust-free. The other is that the UV is scattered by dust grains, but the wavelength-independent UV scattering with low efficiency indicated by the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio would suggest that the grains reside in UV-opaque clouds, or the dust might be mainly composed of large grains and lacks small-grain population.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures (plus 2 color versions of grayscale figures), To appear in ApJ; minor corrections for the proofs of the manuscrip

    Aromatic Features in AGN: Star-Forming Infrared Luminosity Function of AGN Host Galaxies

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    We describe observations of aromatic features at 7.7 and 11.3 um in AGN of three types including PG, 2MASS and 3CR objects. The feature has been demonstrated to originate predominantly from star formation. Based on the aromatic-derived star forming luminosity, we find that the far-IR emission of AGN can be dominated by either star formation or nuclear emission; the average contribution from star formation is around 25% at 70 and 160 um. The star-forming infrared luminosity functions of the three types of AGN are flatter than that of field galaxies, implying nuclear activity and star formation tend to be enhanced together. The star-forming luminosity function is also a function of the strength of nuclear activity from normal galaxies to the bright quasars, with luminosity functions becoming flatter for more intense nuclear activity. Different types of AGN show different distributions in the level of star formation activity, with 2MASS> PG> 3CR star formation rates.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 24 pages, 13 figure

    AGN Environments in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: Dependence on Type, Redshift, and Luminosity

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    We explore how the local environment is related to the redshift, type, and luminosity of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Recent simulations and observations are converging on the view that the extreme luminosity of quasars is fueled in major mergers of gas-rich galaxies. In such a picture, quasars are expected to be located in regions with a higher density of galaxies on small scales where mergers are more likely to take place. However, in this picture, the activity observed in low-luminosity AGN is due to secular processes that are less dependent on the local galaxy density. To test this hypothesis, we compare the local photometric galaxy density on kiloparsec scales around spectroscopic Type I and Type II quasars to the local density around lower luminosity spectroscopic Type I and Type II AGN. To minimize projection effects and evolution in the photometric galaxy sample we use to characterize AGN environments, we place our random control sample at the same redshift as our AGN and impose a narrow redshift window around both the AGN and control targets. We find that higher luminosity AGN have more overdense environments compared to lower luminosity AGN on all scales out to our 2\Mpchseventy limit. Additionally, in the range 0.3⩜z⩜0.60.3\leqslant z\leqslant 0.6, Type II quasars have similarly overdense environments to those of bright Type I quasars on all scales out to our 2\Mpchseventy limit, while the environment of dimmer Type I quasars appears to be less overdense than the environment of Type II quasars. We see increased overdensity for Type II AGN compared to Type I AGN on scales out to our limit of 2\Mpchseventy in overlapping redshift ranges. We also detect marginal evidence for evolution in the number of galaxies within 2\Mpchseventy of a quasar with redshift.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. Major revisions made for current version. Some content in previous version has been removed to refocus content on redshift and type effects. This content will be deferred to later work

    A Comparison of Radio Axis with Host Galaxy Plane Axis in Seyfert Galaxies

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    We use the radio axis as an indicator of the orientation of the obscuring torus in Seyfert galaxies, and analyze the difference between the position angles of extended radio structures and host galaxy major axis of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies. We find that Seyfert 1's are less likely to have extended radio structures along the host galaxy major axis, while Seyfert 2's have these structures distributed in most directions. We also find a zone of avoidance in the distribution of position angles; both Seyfert 1's and Seyfert 2's seem to avoid close alignment between the radio axis and the host galaxy plane axis. These results are analyzed from the point of view of a model in which Seyfert 1's have their obscuring torus axis aligned preferentially along the host galaxy disk axis, and Seyfert 2's have their torus axis laying at an intermediate angle between the galaxy disk and its axis.Comment: 9 pages of text, 10 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Triggered Star Formation in a Massive Galaxy at z=3.8: 4C41.17

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    Spectropolarimetric observations obtained with the W. M. Keck Telescope of the z=3.8 radio galaxy 4C41.17 show that the UV continuum emission from this galaxy, which is aligned with the radio axis, is unpolarized (P[2sigma] < 2.4%). This implies that scattered AGN light, which is generally the dominant contributor to the rest-frame UV emission in z~1 radio galaxies, is unlikely to be a major component of the UV flux from 4C41.17. The spectrum shows absorption lines that are similar to those detected in the spectra of the recently discovered population of star forming galaxies at z~2-3. A galaxian outflow may contribute partially to the low ionization absorption lines; however, the high velocity wings of the high ionization lines are unlikely to be dominated by a galaxian wind since the implied outflow mass is very large. The detection of stellar absorption lines, the shape of the SiIV profile, the unpolarized continuum, the inability of any AGN-related processes to account for the UV flux, and the similarity of the UV continuum spectra of 4C41.17 and the nearby starburst region NGC 1741B1 suggest that the UV light in 4C41.17 is dominated by young stars. If so, the implied star-formation rate is roughly 140-1100Msun/yr. We discuss the possibility that star formation in 4C41.17 was triggered by the radio source. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that 4C41.17 is undergoing its major epoch of star formation at z~4, and that by z~1 it will have evolved to have spectral and morphological properties similar to those observed in known z~1 powerful radio galaxies.Comment: 28 pages (Latex text + figures); Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Dec 1, 1997 issue

    Obscuration in the Host Galaxies of Soft X-ray Selected Seyferts

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    We define a new sample of 96 low-redshift (z<0.1), soft X-ray selected Seyferts from the catalog of the Einstein Slew Survey (Elvis etal. 1992, Plummer et al. 1994). We probe the geometry and column depth of obscuring material in the host-galaxy disks using galaxian axial ratios determined mainly from the Digitized Sky Survey. The distribution of host-galaxy axial ratios clearly shows a bias against edge-on spirals, confirming the existence of a geometrically thick layer of obscuring material in the host-galaxy planes. Soft X-ray selection recovers some of the edge-on objects missed in UV and visible surveys but still results in 30% incompleteness for Type 1's. We speculate that thick rings of obscuring material like the ones we infer for these Seyferts might be commonly present in early type spirals, sitting at the Inner Lindblad Resonances of the nonaxisymmetric potentials of the host galaxies.Comment: 14 pages including 2 tables and 3 eps figures, aas2pp4.sty, to appear in Ap

    VLBA Imaging of Central Engines in Radio Quiet Quasars

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    We have used the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) to image five radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) at milliarcsecond resolution, at frequencies between 1.4 and 5 GHz. These quasars have typical total flux densities of a few millijansky at gigahertz frequencies, and are compact on arcsecond scales. The VLBA images reveal that four of the quasars are dominated by unresolved radio cores, while the fifth has an apparent two-sided jet. Typical core brightness temperatures range from 10^8 K to at least 10^9 K. The compact radio morphologies and X-ray luminosities of many objects in the RQQ sample seem to indicate classical accretion onto black holes as massive as 10^9 solar masses, with emission physics in many ways similar to their radio-loud counterparts. Therefore, the relatively small amount of radiative energy emerging at radio wavelengths in the RQQs may simply be due to the presence of less powerful radio jets.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, Vol. 621, March 1, 2005. 20 pages, 3 figure
