226 research outputs found

    Pseudo-digital quantum bits

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    Quantum computers are analog devices; thus they are highly susceptible to accumulative errors arising from classical control electronics. Fast operation--as necessitated by decoherence--makes gating errors very likely. In most current designs for scalable quantum computers it is not possible to satisfy both the requirements of low decoherence errors and low gating errors. Here we introduce a hardware-based technique for pseudo-digital gate operation. We perform self-consistent simulations of semiconductor quantum dots, finding that pseudo-digital techniques reduce operational error rates by more than two orders of magnitude, thus facilitating fast operation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Readout and Initialization in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot

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    Electron spin qubits in semiconductors are attractive from the viewpoint of long coherence times. However, single spin measurement is challenging. Several promising schemes incorporate ancillary tunnel couplings that may provide unwanted channels for decoherence. Here, we propose a novel spin-charge transduction scheme, converting spin information to orbital information within a single quantum dot by microwave excitation. The same quantum dot can be used for rapid initialization, gating, and readout. We present detailed modeling of such a device in silicon to confirm its feasibility.Comment: Published versio

    Spin-orbit enhancement in Si/SiGe heterostructures with oscillating Ge concentration

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    We show that Ge concentration oscillations within the quantum well region of a Si/SiGe heterostructure can significantly enhance the spin-orbit coupling of the low-energy conduction-band valleys. Specifically, we find that for Ge oscillation wavelengths near λ=1.57 nm\lambda = 1.57~\text{nm}, a Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling is produced that is over an order of magnitude larger than what is found in conventional Si/SiGe heterostructures without Ge concentration oscillations. We also provide a detailed explanation for this resonance phenomenon. This involves the Ge concentration oscillations producing wavefunction satellite peaks a distance 2π/λ2 \pi/\lambda away in momentum space from each valley, which then couple to the opposite valley through Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. Our results indicate that the enhanced spin-orbit coupling can enable fast spin manipulation within Si quantum dots using electric dipole spin resonance in the absence of micromagnets. Indeed, our calculations yield a Rabi frequency ΩRabi/B>500 MHz/T\Omega_{\text{Rabi}}/B > 500~\text{MHz/T} near the optimal Ge oscillation wavelength λ=1.57 nm\lambda = 1.57~\text{nm}Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Single-shot measurement of triplet-singlet relaxation in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot

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    We investigate the lifetime of two-electron spin states in a few-electron Si/SiGe double dot. At the transition between the (1,1) and (0,2) charge occupations, Pauli spin blockade provides a readout mechanism for the spin state. We use the statistics of repeated single-shot measurements to extract the lifetimes of multiple states simultaneously. At zero magnetic field, we find that all three triplet states have equal lifetimes, as expected, and this time is ~10 ms. At non-zero field, the T0 lifetime is unchanged, whereas the T- lifetime increases monotonically with field, reaching 3 seconds at 1 T.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, supplemental information. Typos fixed; updated to submitted versio

    Pauli spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot

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    We analyze electron transport data through a Si/SiGe double quantum dot in terms of spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport (LET), which is transport through excited states that is enabled by long spin relaxation times. We present a series of low-bias voltage measurements showing the sudden appearance of a strong tail of current that we argue is an unambiguous signature of LET appearing when the bias voltage becomes greater than the singlet-triplet splitting for the (2,0) electron state. We present eight independent data sets, four in the forward bias (spin-blockade) regime and four in the reverse bias (lifetime-enhanced transport) regime, and show that all eight data sets can be fit to one consistent set of parameters. We also perform a detailed analysis of the reverse bias (LET) regime, using transport rate equations that include both singlet and triplet transport channels. The model also includes the energy dependent tunneling of electrons across the quantum barriers, and resonant and inelastic tunneling effects. In this way, we obtain excellent fits to the experimental data, and we obtain quantitative estimates for the tunneling rates and transport currents throughout the reverse bias regime. We provide a physical understanding of the different blockade regimes and present detailed predictions for the conditions under which LET may be observed.Comment: published version, 18 page

    Practical Strategies for Enhancing the Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells

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    Silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructures have many important advantages for hosting spin qubits. However, controlling the energy splitting between the two low-energy conduction-band valleys remains a critical challenge for scaling up to large numbers of reliable qubits. Broad distributions of valley splittings are commonplace, even among quantum dots formed on the same chip. Such behavior has previously been attributed to imperfections such as steps at the quantum well interface. The most common approaches for addressing this problem have sought to engineer design improvements into the quantum well. In this work, we develop a simple, universal theory of valley splitting based on the reciprocal-space profile of the quantum well confinement potential, which simultaneously explains the effects of steps, wide interfaces, alloy disorder, and custom heterostructure designs. We use this understanding to characterize theoretically the valley splitting in a variety of heterostructures, finding that alloy disorder can explain the observed variability of the valley splitting, even in the absence of steps. Moreover we show that steps have a significant effect on the valley splitting only when the top interface is very sharp. We predict a universal crossover from a regime where low valley splittings are rare to a regime dominated by alloy disorder, in which valley splittings can approach zero. We show that many recent experiments fall into the latter category, with important implications for large-scale qubit implementations. We finally propose a strategy to suppress the incidence of low valley splittings by (i) increasing the random alloy disorder (to increase the valley splitting variance), and then (ii) allowing for electrostatic tuning of the dot position (to access locations with higher valley splitting).Comment: 34 pages, 22 figure
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