87 research outputs found

    Inositol pyrophosphates promote the interaction of SPX domains with the coiled-coil motif of PHR transcription factors to regulate plant phosphate homeostasis

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    Phosphorus is an essential nutrient taken up by organisms in the form of inorganic phosphate (Pi). Eukaryotes have evolved sophisticated Pi sensing and signaling cascades, enabling them to stably maintain cellular Pi concentrations. Pi homeostasis is regulated by inositol pyrophosphate signaling molecules (PP-InsPs), which are sensed by SPX domain-containing proteins. In plants, PP-InsP-bound SPX receptors inactivate Myb coiled-coil (MYB-CC) Pi starvation response transcription factors (PHRs) by an unknown mechanism. Here we report that a InsP8–SPX complex targets the plant-unique CC domain of PHRs. Crystal structures of the CC domain reveal an unusual four-stranded anti-parallel arrangement. Interface mutations in the CC domain yield monomeric PHR1, which is no longer able to bind DNA with high affinity. Mutation of conserved basic residues located at the surface of the CC domain disrupt interaction with the SPX receptor in vitro and in planta, resulting in constitutive Pi starvation responses. Together, our findings suggest that InsP8 regulates plant Pi homeostasis by controlling the oligomeric state and hence the promoter binding capability of PHRs via their SPX receptors

    Why Parties Narrow their Representative Profile: Evidence from Six European Democracies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordIn this paper, we analyse the conditions under which political parties narrow their representative profile (defined by the scope of the issues or the constituencies they represent). This strategy has been neglected in the party literature, which is mainly focused on the adoption of catch-all strategies among mainstream parties or the tendency to stick to core issues among niche parties. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework that includes central external and internal drivers of party change and we empirically test this framework using novel survey data covering 121 parties across six European democracies: The United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Ireland.European Commissio

    Riparian area: Management handbook

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    "Effects of 'Europe' on national party issue profiles: assessment and explanation of convergence within party families"

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    Voters and party activists are drawn to a particular political party, at least in part, because of its ideological/issue profile. Hence, "changing" that profile could result in losing current members and/or voters. Precisely because a party can not assume that such change would be cost-free, parties are generally assumed to undertake it reluctantly. And yet, there is ample evidence that parties do change their profiles, both in their positions and in the relative degrees to which they emphasize particular issues, and sometimes the changes are dramatic. Why, in the face of good reasons for standing pat, do parties change? In addition to possible internal factors, such as changes in who controls the party’s own positions of power, recent literature has focused a good deal of attention on pressures and opportunities from outside the party (i.e., “environmental” factors). (E.g., see Harmel and Svasand 1997; Demker 1997; Panebianco 1988; Deschouwer 1992) With all of the attention that has been given to environmental explanation for party change, with special attention devoted to the parties of established European democracies, surprisingly little has been focused on possible impact of what might well be considered the most dramatic recent change in the shared environment of those parties: the development of “Europe,” both institutionally and in the minds of its people. It is our purpose in this paper to add to the small but important literature which has developed on this subject, by directly and empirically investigating the extent to which European integration and institutionalization have contributed to convergence and altered emphases within several major party families covering the fifteen more established member states of the European Union. To what extent has the development of “Europe” contributed to altered issue profiles of national parties? That is the question which drives this paper

    Parties and Their Eenvironments; Limits to Reform?

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    New Analytical Tools to Interrogate Inositol Pyrophosphate Signaling

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    Inositolpyrophosphate (PP-InsPs) sind eine wichtige Gruppe eukaryotischer Botenstoffe, die mit verschiedenen Prozessen wie Apoptose, Phosphathomeostase und Insulinsignalkaskaden verknüpft sind. Trotz ihrer Entdeckung vor mehr als 20 Jahren bleibt es eine Herausforderung, die Signalmechanismen dieser Moleküle zu verstehen. Ursachen dafür sind der limitierte Zugang zu synthetischen PP-InsPs und ein Mangel an allgemein zugänglichen analytischen Methoden. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit chemische und analytische Verfahren entwickelt, um unser Verständnis von diesen Molekülen sowohl auf ein biochemischer als auch auf zelluläre Ebene zu verbessern. Um der Knappheit an synthetischen PP-InsPs entgegen zu wirken, wurde eine hocheffiziente chemoenzymatische Synthese entwickelt, bei der mehr als 100 mg aller wesentlichen PP-InsPs aus Säugern hergestellt werden konnten. Parallel wurde ein neues analytisches Werkzeug entwickelt, dass Konzentrationen von PP-InsPs in komplexen Proben quantifizieren konnte. Mittels Enzymkatalyse konnten 13C-markiertes myo-inositol und 13C-markierte PP-InsPs hergestellt werden und niedrige Konzentrationen mit nuklearer Magnetresonanzspektroskopie detektiert werden. In vitro waren diese Verbindungen sehr nützlich, um PP-InsP Kinasen von Pflanzen und Säugern zu charakterisieren. Endogene Konzentrationen von PP-InsPs konnten durch metabolisches Markieren mit 13C-markiertem myo-inositol in humanen Zelllinien quantifiziert werden. Letztendlich wurde mittels eines neuen entwickelten proteomischen Ansatzes endogene Proteinpyrophosphorilierung, eine von PP-InsP eingebaute posttranslationale Proteinmodifikation, in menschlichen Zelllinien zum ersten Mal nachgewiesen. Zusammenfassend haben die aufgelisteten chemischen und analytischen Werkzeuge ein hohes Potenzial unser Verständnis der Signalmechanismen hinter den diversen Phänotypen der PP-InsPs zu stärken und Forschungsarbeit in dieser Richtung zu beschleunigen.Inositol pyrophosphates (PP-InsPs) are an important group of second messengers that intersect with a wide range of processes in eukaryotic cells including phosphate homeostasis, insulin signaling and apoptosis. Despite their discovery more than two decades ago, elucidating the underlying signaling mechanisms remains a significant challenge. Therefore, a new set of chemical and analytical methods was developed here to improve our understanding of these intriguing molecules on the biochemical and cellular level. To overcome the shortage of synthetic PP-InsPs, a highly efficient and scalable chemoenzymatic approach was designed and the major mammalian PP-InsPs could be obtained in hundreds of milligram quantities and in high purity. In parallel, a new analytical tool was developed to quantify levels of PP-InsPs in complex samples. Chemoenzymatic access to 13C-labeled myo-inositol and 13C-labeled PP-InsPs enabled the detection of low concentrations of PP-InsPs using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In vitro, these compounds were of great use for the biochemical characterization of PP-InsPs kinases from mammals and plants. Endogenous pools of PP-InsPs from human cell lines were identified and quantified by metabolic labeling with 13C-labeled myo-inositol. Finally, a new proteomics workflow towards the detection of protein pyrophosphorylation, a posttranslational modification mediated by PP-InsPs, using mass spectrometry was optimized and endogenously modified mammalian proteins could be identified for the first time and with high confidence. Taken together, the chemical and analytical tools presented here have great potential to accelerate the understanding of PP-InsP signaling and metabolism. Access to large amounts of PP-InsPs together with a reliable quantification method and the detection of endogenous protein pyrophosphorylation sites will be essential to unravel the signaling mechanisms underlying the diverse phenotypes associated with these metabolites
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