13,377 research outputs found

    Intersexual conflict influences female reproductive success in a female-dispersing primate

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    In group-living mammals, individual efforts to maximize reproductive success result in conflicts and compromises between the sexes. Females utilize counterstrategies to minimize the costs of sexual coercion by males, but few studies have examined the effect of such behaviors on female reproductive success. Secondary dispersal by females is rare among group-living mammals, but in western gorillas, it is believed to be a mate choice strategy to minimize infanticide risk and infant mortality. Previous research suggested that females choose males that are good protectors. However, how much female reproductive success varies depending on male competitive ability and whether female secondary dispersal leads to reproductive costs or benefits has not been examined. We used data on 100 females and 229 infants in 36 breeding groups from a 20-year long-term study of wild western lowland gorillas to investigate whether male tenure duration and female transfer rate had an effect on interbirth interval, female birth rates, and offspring mortality. We found that offspring mortality was higher near the end of males’ tenures, even after excluding potential infanticide when those males died, suggesting that females suffer a reproductive cost by being with males nearing the end of their tenures. Females experience a delay in breeding when they dispersed, having a notable effect on birth rates of surviving offspring per female if females transfer multiple times in their lives. This study exemplifies that female counterstrategies to mitigate the effects of male-male competition and sexual coercion may not be sufficient to overcome the negative consequences of male behavior

    Adventitious shoot propagation and cultural inputs in nursery production of a primocane-fruiting blackberry selection

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    Studies were conducted from January to October 2005 to determine the effect of root-cutting length on adventitious shoot yield and the management practices necessary to produce nurseryquality primocane-fruiting blackberry plants. The first portion of the study measured the average number of shoots produced from 7.6 cm- and 15.2 cm-long root cuttings of APF-44 blackberry—a primocane-fruiting genotype from the University of Arkansas breeding program. Cuttings were forced in a shallow bin containing a soilless potting medium. The average number of shoots per root cutting from 7.6 cm- and 15.2 cm- long root cuttings averaged 1.6 and 2.7 shoots per root cutting, respectively. Rooting percentage for collected shoots was nearly 100% regardless of root-cutting length source. A qualitative comparison of shoots from the two roots lengths was similar. The latter part of the study included various treatments on the rooted shoots that might affect the productivity and quality of the final product intended for nursery sales in early fall. With the aim of producing a flowering/fruiting shrub by late September, three treatments were applied: pot dimension, fertilizer rate, and shoot tipping. Fertilizer rate had the greatest impact of all treatments with the higher rate producing larger and more attractive plants. Above-normal summer/fall temperatures may explain lack of fruiting on APF-44 blackberries, but the dimension and size of some plants provided a portion of the intended aesthetic

    Torsion and bending of nucleic acids studied by subnanosecond time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of intercalated dyes

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    Subnanosecond time‐resolved fluorescence depolarization has been used to monitor the reorientation of ethidium bromide intercalated in native DNA, synthetic polynucleotide complexes, and in supercoiled plasmid DNA. The fluorescence polarization anisotropy was successfully analyzed with an elastic model of DNA dynamics, including both torsion and bending, which yielded an accurate value for the torsional rigidity of the different DNA samples. The dependence of the torsional rigidity on the base sequence, helical structure, and tertiary structure was experimentally observed. The magnitude of the polyelectrolyte contribution to the torsional rigidity of DNA was measured over a wide range of ionic strength, and compared with polyelectrolyte theories for the persistence length. We also observed a rapid initial reorientation of the intercalated ethidium which had a much smaller amplitude in RNA than in DNA

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of macromolecules: Effect of helical structure on the torsional dynamics of DNA and RNA

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    The torsional rigidity of DNA and RNA is measured via the fluorescence depolarization technique

    Conservatism implications of shock test tailoring for multiple design environments

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    A method for analyzing shock conservation in test specifications that have been tailored to qualify a structure for multiple design environments is discussed. Shock test conservation is qualified for shock response spectra, shock intensity spectra and ranked peak acceleration data in terms of an Index of Conservation (IOC) and an Overtest Factor (OTF). The multi-environment conservation analysis addresses the issue of both absolute and average conservation. The method is demonstrated in a case where four laboratory tests have been specified to qualify a component which must survive seven different field environments. Final judgment of the tailored test specification is shown to require an understanding of the predominant failure modes of the test item

    Studies on proper simulation during static testing of forward speed effects on fan noise

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    Significant differences exist in the noise generated by engines in flight and engines operating on the test stand. It was observed that these differences can be reduced by the use of an inflow control structure (ICS) in the static test configuration. The results of the third phase of a three phase program are described. The work performed in the first two phases which dealt with the development of a model for atmospheric turbulence, studies of fan noise generated by rotor turbulence interaction, and the development of an inflow control structure design system are summarized. The final phase of the program covers procedures for performing static testing with an ICS projecting the resulting static test data to actual flight test data. Included is a procedures report which covers the design system and techniques for static testing and projecting the static data to flight

    Domain wall motion in thin ferromagnetic nanotubes: Analytic results

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    Dynamics of magnetization domain walls (DWs) in thin ferromagnetic nanotubes subject to weak longitudinal external fields is addressed analytically in the regimes of strong and weak penalization. Exact solutions for the DW profiles and formulas for the DW propagation velocity are derived in both regimes. In particular, the DW speed is shown to depend nonlinearly on the nanotube radius

    Solidification fronts in supercooled liquids: how rapid fronts can lead to disordered glassy solids

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    We determine the speed of a crystallisation (or more generally, a solidification) front as it advances into the uniform liquid phase after the system has been quenched into the crystalline region of the phase diagram. We calculate the front speed by assuming a dynamical density functional theory model for the system and applying a marginal stability criterion. Our results also apply to phase field crystal (PFC) models of solidification. As the solidification front advances into the unstable liquid phase, the density profile behind the advancing front develops density modulations and the wavelength of these modulations is a dynamically chosen quantity. For shallow quenches, the selected wavelength is precisely that of the crystalline phase and so well-ordered crystalline states are formed. However, when the system is deeply quenched, we find that this wavelength can be quite different from that of the crystal, so that the solidification front naturally generates disorder in the system. Significant rearrangement and ageing must subsequently occur for the system to form the regular well-ordered crystal that corresponds to the free energy minimum. Additional disorder is introduced whenever a front develops from random initial conditions. We illustrate these findings with results obtained from the PFC.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Regulated degradation of the APC coactivator Cdc20

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cdc20 is a highly conserved activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), promoting cell-cycle-regulated ubiquitination and proteolysis of a number of critical cell-cycle-regulatory targets including securin and mitotic cyclins. APC-Cdc20 activity is tightly regulated, and this regulation is likely important for accurate cell cycle control. One significant component of Cdc20 regulation is thought to be Cdc20 proteolysis. However, published literature suggests different mechanisms and requirements for Cdc20 proteolysis. The degree to which Cdc20 proteolysis is cell-cycle regulated, the dependence of Cdc20 proteolysis on Cdc20 destruction boxes (recognition sequences for APC-mediated ubiqutination, either by Cdc20 or by the related Cdh1 APC activator), and the need for APC itself for Cdc20 proteolysis all have been disputed to varying extents. In animals, Cdc20 proteolysis is thought to be mediated by Cdh1, contributing an intrinsic order of APC activation by Cdc20 and then by Cdh1. One report suggests a Cdh1 requirement for Cdc20 proteolysis in budding yeast; this idea has not been tested further.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We characterized Cdc20 proteolysis using Cdc20 expressed from its endogenous locus; previous studies generally employed strongly overexpressed Cdc20, which can cause significant artifacts. We analyzed Cdc20 proteolysis with or without mutations in previously identified destruction box sequences, using varying methods of cell cycle synchronization, and in the presence or absence of Cdh1. Cdc20 instability is only partially dependent on destruction boxes. A much stronger dependence on Cdh1 for Cdc20 proteolysis was observed, but Cdh1-independent proteolysis was also clearly observed. Cdc20 proteolysis independent of both destruction boxes and Cdh1 was especially detectable around the G1/S transition; Cdh1-dependent proteolysis was most notable in late mitosis and G1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cdc20 proteolysis is under complex control, with different systems operating at different points in the cell cycle. This complexity is likely to explain apparent conflicts in previously published literature on this subject. A major mode of control of Cdc20 proteolysis occurs in late mitosis/early G1 and is Cdh1-dependent, as in animal cells; this mode may contribute to the known sequential activation of the APC by Cdc20 followed by Cdh1. An independent mode of Cdc20 proteolysis, independent of destruction boxes and Cdh1, occurs at G1/S; we do not know the mechanism or function of this mode of proteolysis, but speculate that it may contribute to sharpening and restricting activation of APC-Cdc20 to early mitosis.</p

    Effect of Corn Processing and Reconstitution in High Grain Diets on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Steers and Heifers

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    A 167-day feedlot trial was conducted to examine the effects of corn processing and reconstitution on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle. Initial weights of the continental cross steers (n = 95) and heifers (n =63) were 690 and 680 Ib, respectively. Diets were 84.5% corn, 7.0% ground grass hay, 4.9% soybean meal, and 3.6% liquid supplement. The grain component of the diet was either dry whole corn (WC), dry rolled corn (RC), corn reconstituted at least 12 h before rolling (RRC), or corn reconstituted with a commercial surfactant3 at least 12 hours before rolling (CRC). Monensin and tylosin were included at 26.9 and 11 .O g/ton, respectively. Dry matter content of the WC, RC, RRC, and CRC diets were 85.62, 85.03, 80.98, and 80.96%, respectively. Dietary treatment had no effect on the feedlot performance of the steers or heifers. Yield grade (YG) was lower (P= .05) for CRC than for RRC cattle (2.96 vs 3.27). Kidney pelvic and heart fat (KPH) was lower (Pc.05) for RC (2.30%) and CRC (2.29%) than for WC (2.48%) and RRC (2.56%) cattle. KPH and YG were the only measured variable affected by dietary treatment indicating little advantage to any of the corn processing methods tested