303 research outputs found

    Por uma boa causa, uma imagem forte

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    Airway involvement in interstitial lung disease

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: After briefly discussing several ways to approach airway involvement in interstitial lung diseases - by diagnostic methodologies used to assess it, considering different topographical involvement, related to its presence in the diffuse lung diseases with higher prevalence, or from a causal point of view - the author describes in more detail, taking into account recent literature, new proposed entities combining airways (at different levels) and interstitial damage, like airway-centered interstitial fibrosis and acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia. RECENT FINDINGS: These proposed patterns are being discussed, as possible autonomic interstitial lung disease disorders, and also from the perspective of its relationship with the main differential diagnosis, within known interstitial pictures. SUMMARY: Thus, airway-centered interstitial fibrosis and acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia may widen the spectrum of the yet described long list of interstitial lung diseases, and its diagnosis may be considered, under specific circumstances, when there is airway involvement associated with interstitial damage

    disciplinas médicas

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    Nouvelles du cru

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    Ornement et auxiliaire de la sociabilité mondaine, les vins servis à table, dans les nouvelles réalistes de la fin du xixe siècle, accompagnent la conversation et préparent le moment du Récit. Il importe que la légère ébriété des convives favorise leur attention sans entraver tout à fait leur jugement : la véracité de l’histoire racontée, en même temps que sa crudité, sont en effet laissées au critère des auditeurs, dont « l’hypocrite lecteur », restant sobre et hors de la scène, partage, en voyeur, les émotions. Mise en abîme, dédoublement de l’instance narrative, le récit de table, sous la plume de Maupassant ou de Villiers, est un exercice de virtuosité littéraire, vins et liqueurs contribuant à la théâtralisation de son effet cathartique.Ornament and auxiliary of the mundane sociability, the wines served at table, in the late 19th century realistic novels, accompany the conversation and prepare the moment of the Narrative. A state of light intoxication would intensify the attention without diminishing the lucidity of the guests: the veracity of the story told, as well as its crudity, are left to the appreciation of the listeners, whose “hypocrite lecteur”, remaining sober and behind the curtain, shares, as a voyeur, all the emotions. “Mise en abyme”, duplication of the narrative instance, the “récit de table”, in the fiction of Maupassant or Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, is an exercise of literary virtuosity, wines and liqueurs contributing to the dramatization of its cathartic effect

    O Além da Retórica em Vanitas, 51 avenue d’Iéna de Almeida Faria

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    O conto Vanitas, 51 avenue d’Iéna, publicado em 2007 pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, inspirou a Paula Rego o magistral tríptico “Vanitas”. Almeida Faria, reproduzindo a voz de Edgar Poe, que empresta ao pintor Mário Botas, proporciona-nos um encontro com o fantasma do opulento colecionador, cujas memórias estéticas preenchem a conversação entre os dois interlocutores. Tratar-se-á de um jogo retórico denunciando a ilusão ligada a qualquer composição literária, a começar pelo próprio texto, ou, ao invés, de uma profissão de fé na eternidade das obras de arte, mesmo as literárias? Esta relação entre a literatura e a pintura é uma das chaves da obra de Almeida Faria, mas permanece sempre tensa e ambígua, marcada por uma certa subordinação – irónica? – da primeira face à segunda. É que a literatura, arte das palavras, não pode, na sua necessária discursividade, rivalizar com a instantaneidade intuitiva da fruição estética que os quadros oferecem. Mas não permanece o escritor definitivamente mestre do jogo

    Rivarol relu et corrigé 

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    Cinq ans avant la Révolution française, le jeune Rivarol recevait le prix de l’Académie de Berlin pour son « Discours sur l’universalité de la langue française ». A l’apogée de son influence dans l’Europe des Lumières, la langue de Descartes et de Voltaire s’imposait comme la langue même de la Raison, accompagnée dans sa diffusion par les produits de luxe exportés de Paris. Relire aujourd’hui le Discours conduit à y apporter une correction majeure : l’avènement des francophonies et la crise de la rationalité européenne ont amené une telle transmutation de valeurs que la diversité concrète et vivante a plus de prix à nos yeux que l’universalité nécessairement abstraite et sans saveurs.Five years before the French Revolution, young Rivarol received the Berlin Academy Prize for his “Discours sur l’universalité de la langue française”. At the peak of its influence in the Europe of the Enlightenment, the idiom spoken by Descartes and Voltaire asserted itself as the very language of the Reason, supported by the luxury goods bought from Paris. Reading the Discours today leads us to make a major correction to its main assumption: the arising French-speaking countries and cultures and the crisis of the European Reason have brought forth such an axiological transformation that the concrete and living diversity has got in our eyes a much higher value than the abstract and tasteless universality of old

    « Rien de ce qui est humain ne m’est étranger »

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    Le contexte mondialisé où nous vivons, avec ses drames humains par millions (réfugiés, émigrés, exilés, déportés), aurait tendance à nous faire oublier, devant l’urgence de l’action et l’obligation de la solidarité, la difficulté théorique de la notion d’étranger. De Térence à Plaute, de Freud à Levinas, du monde latin au monde judaïque, de l’antiquité à notre temps, le statut social, mais plus encore, métaphysique de l’Etranger, ne peut en définitive se définir que dans les termes éthiques d’une extériorité non pas « assimilée » mais respectée dans sa transcendance.The globalized context where we live, with its millions of tragedies (exiled, deported populations) could easily - such is the need to act - make us overlook the philosophical difficulty of the notion of Foreigner. But it is enough to stop a minute to get aware of the disagreement opposing the moralists of all times in front of this concept. The social but above all metaphysical status of Foreigner, can only be approached in the ethical terms of an exteriority, not assimilated but respected as transcendent

    Efficacy and tolerability of airway stents

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    The function of airway stents is to keep the tubular structures open and stable. Their insertion is essentially indicated for intrinsic obstruction or extrinsic compression of the airway, fistulae or tracheobronchomalacia. The aim of this study was to determine the tolera bility and efficacy of airway stents in situations in which their insertion was vital. A retrospective study of airway stent insertion with rigid bronchoscopy (23 patients) was carried out over a two year period (2006-2007) at the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques Unit. We assessed indication, efficacy, tolerability, complications and exact insertion based on chest CT imaging. In all situations Dumon flexible silicon stents (Tracheobronxane were used, with the need for complementary techniques such as laser therapy and mechanical dilation having been previously evaluated by flexible bronchoscopy. The authors conclude that stent insertion has no complications and good tolerability in the majority of advanced stage oncological situations with indication for palliative management
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