223 research outputs found

    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming

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    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming were carried out in 2003 and 2004. The tests took place into two organic olive groves located in Agrigento and Trapani (Sicily); in both years the olive cultivar was Cerasuola. In Agrigento, it was considered the effectiveness of Eco-trap vs. bottle traps baited with diammonium phosphate; while in Trapani the effectiveness of Eco-trap added to other products admitted in organic farming (two products containing kaolin and one containing copper) was evaluated. In 2003, year with a low B. oleae population density, no statistically significant difference resulted among Eco-trap, bottle traps with diammonium phosphate and control. In 2004 B. oleae infestations were high; although some statistically significant differences among plots with Eco-traps and plots without them emerged, the additional power of Eco-trap in controlling B. oleae resulted very limited in plots sprayed with kaolin products and more consistent in the plot with copper hydroxide. The economic advantage of the use of Eco-trap, also in comparison with repellent and antiovipositional products, still remains doubtful

    Control of Bactrocera oleae and Ceratitis capitata in Organic Orchards: Use of Clays and Copper Products.

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    Tests on the effect of clays (kaolin and bentonite) and copper products (hydroxide and oxychloride) in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), were carried out from 2003 to 2006 in olive groves and in organic citrus orchards (satsuma, clementine, ‘Navelina’ orange). Results demonstrate an efficacy of kaolin products in reducing attacks of B. oleae on olives and those of C. capitata on citrus fruits; in olive groves the clays gave similar or better results than copper hydroxide. Bentonite AG/8W showed a significant reduction in punctures by C. capitata. Bentonite products and BPLK kaolin are washed off by rainfall more easily than Surround WP kaolin. In contrast to the effect of copper hydroxide on B. oleae in olive groves, no tested copper product showed a significant reduction in C. capitata punctures on citrus fruits. Clays are very useful tools to control tephritid and other insects and are also environmentally friendly, but currently, they are not permitted as products for plant protection in European and Swiss organic farming

    Uso dell'associazione Doxorubicina liposomiale pegilato-Vinblastina-Bleomicina-Dacarbazina nel trattamento dei linfomi cutanei in stadio avanzato

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    Con il termine di linfoma cutaneo si intende una proliferazione monoclonale di cellule linfoidi a primitiva insorgenza cutanea. Dopo il tratto gastrointestinale, la cute è il secondo sito più comune di linfomi non–Hodgkin extranodali, con un’incidenza annuale stimata di 1 : 100.000 (2). Il nostro studio ha preso in considerazione pazienti affetti da linfoma primitivo cutaneo a cellule B e a cellule T in stadio avanzato di malattia trattati consecutivamente dal febbraio 2003 a maggio 2008. Lo scopo del nostro studio è stato quello di individuare un protocollo polichemioterapico ciclico, che ci permettesse di raggiungere tre finalità: valutazione dell’efficacia in termini di DFS, OS, PFS mediante l’utilizzo di farmaci con elevata biodisponibilità cutanea e ridotto volume di distribuzione plasmatico, con aumentato assorbimento degli stessi nel tessuto neoplastico; ottenimento di un basso profilo di tossicità (studio di feasibility); raggiungimento della remissione completa, con mantenimento di un adeguato performance status, al fine di avviare il paziente al trapianto allogenico di CSE. Il nostro studio, con i limiti del piccolo numero di pazienti, dell’eterogeneità dei pazienti e del breve periodo di osservazione, dimostra l’efficacia dell’associazione polichemioterapica utilizzata tanto nel trattamento delle lesioni cutanee che nodali dei pazienti affetti da linfoma cutaneo in fase avanzata di malattia determinando un’importante riduzione della massa tumorale. La risposta al trattamento è precoce e l’incidenza è elevata con il 79% di RC

    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vioryl) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

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    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming were carried out in 2003 and 2004. The tests took place into two organic olive groves located in Agrigento and Trapani (Sicily); in both years the olive cultivar was Cerasuola. In Agrigento, it was considered the effectiveness of Eco-trap vs. bottle traps baited with diammonium phosphate; while in Trapani the effectiveness of Eco-trap added to other products admitted in organic farming (two products containing kaolin and one containing copper) was evaluated. In 2003, year with a low B. oleae population density, no statistically significant difference resulted among Eco-trap, bottle traps with diammonium phosphate and control. In 2004 B. oleae infestations were high; although some statistically significant differences among plots with Eco-traps and plots without them emerged, the additional power of Eco-trap in controlling B. oleae resulted very limited in plots sprayed with kaolin products and more consistent in the plot with copper hydroxide. The economic advantage of the use of Eco-trap, also in comparison with repellent and antiovipositional products, still remains doubtful

    Effectiveness of clays and copper products in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in organic farming

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    Tests on the effect of clays (kaolin and bentonite) and copper products (hydroxide and oxychloride) in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin), and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), were carried out from 2003 to 2006 in olive groves, and in 2005 and 2006 in organic orange orchards (early ripening cv. Navelina). Results demonstrate an efficacy of kaolin products in reducing attacks of Bactrocera oleae to olives and those of Ceratitis capitata to oranges. In olive groves, they gave similar or better results than copper hydroxide. Bentonite AG/W8 showed a significant reduction in punctures towards C. capitata. Bentonite products and BPLK kaolin are clearly washed off by the rainfall more easily than Surround WP. Clays are very useful tools to control tephritid and other insects, and are also environmental friendly. Until now, however, they are not allowed as products for plant protection in European and Swiss organic farming. Differently from the effect towards B. oleae, no tested copper product showed a significant reduction in C. capitata punctures on oranges

    Dual effect of Thymosin α 1 on human monocyte-derived dendritic cellin vitrostimulated with viral and bacterial toll-like receptor agonists

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    OBJECTIVES: Thymosin α 1 (Tα1) recently gained interest as immune adjuvant for vaccines because of its ability to modulate the T-cell/dendritic cell (DC) axis and to improve antibody production. The objective of this study was to determine whether Tα1 would address in vitro the response of human primary monocyte-derived DC, crucial regulators of vaccine-induced immunity, upon exposure to different toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists or infection with viruses or bacteria. METHODS: DC maturation and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines were analyzed. RESULTS: Our data revealed a dual effect of Tα1 on DC biology upon viral or bacterial stimulation. Interestingly, Tα1 enhanced human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and II surface expression and secretion of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-8 when DCs were treated with viral TLR3 and TLR7/8 agonists. Similarly, in pandemic H1N1 influenza A-infected DCs, Tα1 raised the expression of maturation markers and type I and III Interferon (IFN). In contrast, following bacterial TLR2 and 4 stimulation, as well as upon Bacillus Calmette-Guerin infection, the presence of Tα1 in DC cultures drastically lowered the analyzed cellular parameters. CONCLUSION: The knowledge that Tα1 pleiotropic effect might ameliorate anti-viral immune responses and, at the same time, dampen inflammation caused by bacterial infections could lay the groundwork for a more appropriate therapeutic application of this molecule

    Health Pedagogy and Narrative-based Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating Behaviours and Prevent Obesity in Schoolchildren: an Experimental Protocol Designed in Salento

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    Overweight and obesity in paediatric population are becoming serious public health problems, reaching epidemic proportions in the world and being recognized as the "new pandemic of the twenty first century". Food choices and nutritional habits are strictly linked to the cultural dimension of communities and symbolic representations of food. Even in Italy, young generations are moving away from the culture of Mediterranean Diet (MD) – recognized as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO – being at risk of losing both their identity and the health benefits associated with MD. In this frame, health pedagogy (i.e. nutritional education) can play a fundamental role in promoting the adoption of healthy eating behaviours since childhood, addressing at the same time such crucial binomials as food-health and environment-sustainability. In the last decades, a huge variety of school-based obesity prevention programs have been introduced. Among those, according to scientific evidence, narrative-based strategies may be helpful in promoting healthy nutritional habits among schoolchildren. Actually, narration is a useful tool in didactic practice, impacting on the emotional and motivational dimension of learning, thus represent-ing a valuable vehicle of health contents. On these bases, as DREAM Laboratory of Health Pedagogy, we have proposed to the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Authority ASL Lecce – specifically involving the Food Hygiene and Nutrition Service (SIAN) – to implement a research protocol aimed at assessing if narrative-based strategies could be more effective than other educational approaches in promoting the adoption of healthy eating behaviours among schoolchildren

    Control of Bactrocera oleae and Ceratitis capitata in Organic Orchards: Use of Clays and Copper Products.

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    Tests on the effect of clays (kaolin and bentonite) and copper products (hydroxide and oxychloride) in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), were carried out from 2003 to 2006 in olive groves and in organic citrus orchards (satsuma, clementine, ‘Navelina’ orange). Results demonstrate an efficacy of kaolin products in reducing attacks of B. oleae on olives and those of C. capitata on citrus fruits; in olive groves the clays gave similar or better results than copper hydroxide. Bentonite AG/8W showed a significant reduction in punctures by C. capitata. Bentonite products and BPLK kaolin are washed off by rainfall more easily than Surround WP kaolin. In contrast to the effect of copper hydroxide on B. oleae in olive groves, no tested copper product showed a significant reduction in C. capitata punctures on citrus fruits. Clays are very useful tools to control tephritid and other insects and are also environmental friendly, but currently, they are not permitted as products for plant protection in European and Swiss organic farming

    RAAS Inhibitor Prescription and Hyperkalemia Event in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Hyperkalemia is common in patients treated with renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASis), and it represents the main cause of the large gap reported between guideline recommendations and real-world practice in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We conducted a CKD-population-based restrospective study to determine the prevalence of patients with CKD treated with RAASis, incidence of hyperkalemia in patients with CKD treated with RAASis, and proportion of patients with RAASi medication change after experiencing incident hyperkalemia. Among 809 patients with CKD analyzed, 556 (68.7%) were treated with RAASis, and RAASi prescription was greater in stages 2–4 of CKD. Hyperkalemia occurred in 9.2% of RAASi-treated patients, and the adjusted rate of hyperkalemia among patients with stage 4–5 CKD was 3-fold higher compared with patients with eGFR > 60 ml/min/1.73 m(2). RAASi treatment was discontinued in 55.3% of the patients after hyperkalemia event (74.2% discontinued therapy, 3.2% received a reduced dose, and 22.6% reduced the number of RAASi drugs). This study shows that the incidence of hyperkalemia is frequently observed in patients with CKD patients with RAASis, and that rates increase with deteriorating levels of kidney function from stages 1 to 3. RAASi medication change following an episode of hyperkalemia occurred in almost half of the patients after experiencing hyperkalemia
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