17 research outputs found

    Electroplated composite coatings with incorporated nano particles for tribological systems with the focus on water lubrication

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    Increasing demand of water-lubricated mechanical components or systems requires the development of novel materials with better wear or corrosion performance in the adjoining water environment. This applies to broad oceanic applications, for example, marine vessels, conventional power plants, tidal and wave energy systems and other water-lubricated industrial bearings. The current research project aims to evaluate the feasibility of the electrodeposited Ni–based nanocomposite coatings for water-lubricated tribological systems. The tribological behaviour of newly developed nanocomposite coatings is assessed under immersed water lubrication. For this reason test rig modification is deployed, to allow tribometer (TE92) to accommodate water lubrication facility to replicate water-lubricated contacts. In this research tribological performance of electrodeposited nanocomposite coatings incorporating different nanoparticles, including Al2O3, SiC and ZrO2 are presented. Tribological performance experiments were conducted using modified ball-on-disc assembly with three ball system using TE92 Rotary Tribo-meter (Phoenix Tribology). The electrodeposition setup is installed for nanocomposite coatings. Different characterization tools including SEM, XRD, EDS and 3D surface profiling are used for nanocomposite coating investigations and to identify the optimized parameters for coatings in terms of tribological performance under water lubrication. Overall, the addition of nanoparticles into a nickel matrix shows improvements in tribological properties than conventional pure nickel coatings. The specific wear rate is reduced almost 30% and corrosion resistance property enhanced nearly double in nickel composite of silicon carbide and alumina coatings respectively. All the coatings are mainly consisted of dispersive part of surface energy indicating covalent bonding between surface and liquids

    Wear and Friction Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-Based Coatings Subject to Nano-enhanced Lubricant and Composite Coating.

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    This paper presents research findings on the tribological performance of electrodeposited coatings subject to nano-lubricants with the addition of nano-Al2O3 and graphene and Ni/nano-Al2O3 composite coatings. Electrodeposited coatings were produced by using a pulse electrodeposition method. Tribological experiments were conducted by using a linear reciprocating ball on flat sliding tribometer. Experimental results confirm that the wear and friction resistance properties have been significantly enhanced by doping of nano-effects in the lubricating oil and composite coating. The addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the lubricating oil showed the best tribological properties, followed by Ni-Al2O3 composite coatings and nano-oil with graphene. The surface morphology and microstructure of electrodeposited coatings were examined by using a Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The wear mechanisms of these coatings subjected to tribological testing were investigated by post-test surface analyses. This research provides novel approach to design durable nano-coatings for tribological applications in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, locomotive and renewable energy technologies

    Fibromuscular Dysplasia with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Disease Presenting as Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    A 40-year-old female presented to a rural hospital with crushing substernal chest pain. An initial electrocardiogram showed ST elevation in lead II and aVF with elevated troponin I. She was immediately transferred to a tertiary care hospital. An emergent coronary angiogram did not show any significant coronary artery disease. On the second day, the patient experienced recurrence of severe chest pain with ST elevations in leads I, aVL, V5-V6, ST depressions in V1-V3, T-wave inversion over V2-V5. The troponin I level increased to \u3e 40 ng/ml (normal 0.0 to 0.04 ng/ml). An emergent angiogram was performed revealing local dissection of the mid to distal left main coronary artery and a totally occluded diagonal artery. It was deemed unsafe to perform percutaneous coronary intervention because it was a non-flow limiting left main coronary artery dissection and was difficult to cannulate with the guide catheter. Subsequently, an elective angiogram was performed after a 48-hour interval to evaluate the progression of dissection and to make a definitive decision for revascularization versus medical management. On the third angiogram, stenosis seen in the diagonal branch on the previous angiogram progressed to dissection, and local dissection of the left main coronary artery seen on the previous angiogram spontaneously resolved. The patient was symptom-free and hemodynamically stable. It was decided to manage the patient conservatively due to the spontaneous resolution of occlusion in the diagonal artery and dissection of the left main coronary artery. The patient was started on conservative medical treatment. A magnetic resonance angiography of the right internal carotid artery revealed a “string of beads” appearance, which confirmed the diagnosis of fibromuscular dysplasia. She was followed closely in the clinic and has remained asymptomatic for the past one year

    Effect of bath ionic strength on adhesion and tribological properties of pure nickel and nickel composite coatings

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    The effect of electrolytic chemical concentration on wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, adhesion and wettability properties of pure nickel and nickel-alumina composite coatings has been investigated in this paper. Coatings were electroplated over steel substrates under constant pulse conditions using pulse electrodeposition technique. Corrosion-resistant results show that the anti-corrosion properties are increasing with medium concentration both for pure nickel and nickel-alumina composite coating. For anti-wear properties the medium concentration showed increasing trend in case of pure nickel coatings but decreased in nickel-alumina composite coatings. In composite coating the higher and low concentrations of electrolyte showed the higher wear resistance properties. Furthermore, the influence of electrolyte concentration on changing surface morphologies, mechanical, wettability and adhesion properties have been investigated and reported here. Surface morphologies of the coatings were examined using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy. Surface mapping and wear analyses were conducted through 3D white light interferometry

    Surgical Outcome of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical features and surgical outcome of CP tumors with retractorless method.Material and Methods: It is a retrospective study of 7 cases operated in Neurosurgery Unit 1, PINS/Lahore General Hospital, Lahore. Study span was 2 months and follow up duration was 15 days. Predominating symptoms were related to cranial nerves 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and cerebellum.Results: Age range was 25 – 45 years with an average age of 35 years. 4 patients were male and 3 patients were female. In all patients, surgery was performed. Clinical presentation was tinnitus, decrease hearing, hearing loss, abnormal balance, headache, facial numbness, buccal numbness, ataxia and trigeminal neuralgia in one case. All patients were operated through retrosigmoid sub-occipital approach with retractorless method. VP shunt was inserted in 3 cases and EVD was done in all other cases just before surgery. Histopathology report was 4 patients were of vestibular schwannoma, 2 were of meningioma and 1 was of epidermoid cyst. Five patients operated successfully with no new focal neurological deficit. One patient died intraoperatively and one patient was re-explored postoperatively due to intracranial hemorrhage.Conclusion: It is concluded that surgery via the retrosigmoid approach with retractorless method is relatively safe corridor for the treatment of CP Angle Tumors

    Analysing and Modelling the Corrosion Behavior of Ni/Al2O3, Ni/SiC, Ni/ZrO2 and Ni/Graphene Nanocomposite Coatings

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    A study has been presented on the effects of intrinsic mechanical parameters, such as the surface stress, surface elastic modulus, surface porosity, permeability and grain size on the corrosion failure of nanocomposite coatings. A set of mechano-electrochemical equations was developed by combining the popular Butler-Volmer and Duhem expressions to analyse the direct influence of mechanical parameters on the electrochemical reactions in nanocomposite coatings. Nanocomposite coatings of Ni with Al2O3, SiC, ZrO2 and Graphene nanoparticles were studied as examples. The predictions showed that the corrosion rate of the nanocoatings increased with increasing grain size due to increase in surface stress, surface porosity and permeability of nanocoatings. A detailed experimental study was performed in which the nanocomposite coatings were subjected to an accelerated corrosion testing. The experimental results helped to develop and validate the equations by qualitative comparison between the experimental and predicted results showing good agreement between the two

    Role of Transformational Leadership in Health Care

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    Health care industry is in revolutionary state in this era, which mainly focuses on eminence and transformational alterations after COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. Effective communication and proper management of health care officials plays a vital role in health care industry. Inclusion of technological advancement, supportive, and helpful devices prevails bliss among the workers of health care industry. Most of the workers in this industry expects from managers to perform in inspiring and effective manner especially in pandemic or epidemic situations. In this manner, the officials of industry directly effects by their managers. Employees are interested from their managers who can lead in a high-quality and in an inspiring manner. Nurses who\u27re content material of their positions correlate to a discount in group of workers turnover and enhance retention. When the nursing group of workers are glad with their employment, their behaviour affects the personal pleasure and this pleasure rises. Health care groups can see this trickle-down impact via will increase in affected person pleasure ratings over time. The promotion of powerful communication and high-quality attitudes complements a wholesome surroundings for all personnel and group of workers. Health care groups have to examine person nurse managers on devices to sell transformational management qualities; this could immediately bring about group of workers pleasure, employees’ retention, and increases employees’ engagement. REFERENCES Al-Mailam, F. F. (2005). The effect of nursing care on overall patient satisfaction and its predictive value on return-to-provider behavior: a survey study. Quality Management in Healthcare, 14(2), 116-120. Asif, M. (2021a). Contingent Effect of Conflict Management towards Psychological Capital and Employees’ Engagement in Financial Sector of Islamabad. Preston University, Kohat, Islamabad Campus., Asif, M. (2021b). Contingent Effect of Conflict Management towards Psychological Capital and Employees’ Engagement in Financial Sector of Islamabad. (PhD), Preston University, Kohat, Islamabad Campus., Asif, M., Khan, A., & Pasha, M. A. (2019). Psychological Capital of Employees’ Engagement: Moderating Impact of Conflict Management in the Financial Sector of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(III), 160-172. Aurangzeb, Alizai, S. H., Asif, M., & Rind, Z. K. (2021). RELEVANCE OF MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES AND FIRM HEALTH. International Journal of Management, 13(3), 1130-1137. Aurangzeb, & Asif, M. (2021). Role of Leadership in Digital Transformation: A Case of Pakistani SMEs. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences (ICETEMS-2021) October 13-14, 2021. Aurangzeb, Asif, M., & Amin, M. K. (2021). RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND SME\u27S PERFORMANCE. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(3), 679-689. doi:10.18510/hssr.2021.9367 Bethune, G., Sherrod, D., & Youngblood, L. J. N. M. (2005). 101 tips to retain a happy, healthy staff. 36(4), 24-29. Bujak, J. (2005). Health care leaders as agents of change. Physician Executive, 31(3), 38. Burns, J., Looney, A., Casey, N., & O’Donnell, M.-L. (1978). Leader. In: New York, NY: Harper & Row. Burris, E., Detert, J., & Romney, A. (2013). Speaking up vs. being heard: The disagreement around and outcomes of employee voice. Organization Science, 24(1), 22-38. Kleinman, C. (2004). Leadership: A key strategy in staff nurse retention. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 35(3), 128-132. McConnell, C. R. (2016). Umiker\u27s management skills for the new health care supervisor: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Mrayyan, M. (2004). Nurses’ autonomy: influence of nurse managers’ actions. Journal of advanced nursing, 45(3), 326-336. Mugira, A. J. A. J. M. H. (2022). Leadership Perspective Employee Satisfaction Analysis. 2(3), 127-135. Pearman, R. (1998). Hard wired leadership: unleashing the power of personality to become a new millennium leader Palo Alto, CA: Davies. CA: Davies. Black Publishing. Petrides, KV, Furnham, A., & Martin, GN (2004, Apr). Estimates of emotional and psychometric intelligence: Evidence for gender-based stereotypes. The Journal of Social Psychology,, 144(2), 149-162. Robbins, B., & Davidhizar, R. (2020). Transformational leadership in health care today. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 117-121. Runy, L. A. J. H. H. N. (2003). Staffing effectiveness. A toolkit for JCAHO\u27s new standards. 77(3), 57-63, 52. Thyer, G. (2003). Dare to be different: transformational leadership may hold the key to reducing the nursing shortage. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(2), 73-79. Trofino, J. (1995). Transformational leadership in health care. Nursing Management, 26(8), 42. Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Visionary Leadership In Healthcare: Sigma Theta Tau. Wieck, K. L. (2005). Nurse manager survival in an age of new healthcare priorities. The Prairie Rose, 74(3), 12-15. Wilson, A. (2005). Impact of management development on nurse retention. Nursing administration quarterly, 29(2), 137-145

    Role of Transformational Leadership in Health Care

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    Health care industry is in revolutionary state in this era, which mainly focuses on eminence and transformational alterations after COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. Effective communication and proper management of health care officials plays a vital role in health care industry. Inclusion of technological advancement, supportive, and helpful devices prevails bliss among the workers of health care industry. Most of the workers in this industry expects from managers to perform in inspiring and effective manner especially in pandemic or epidemic situations. In this manner, the officials of industry directly effects by their managers. Employees are interested from their managers who can lead in a high-quality and in an inspiring manner. Nurses who\u27re content material of their positions correlate to a discount in group of workers turnover and enhance retention. When the nursing group of workers are glad with their employment, their behaviour affects the personal pleasure and this pleasure rises. Health care groups can see this trickle-down impact via will increase in affected person pleasure ratings over time. The promotion of powerful communication and high-quality attitudes complements a wholesome surroundings for all personnel and group of workers. Health care groups have to examine person nurse managers on devices to sell transformational management qualities; this could immediately bring about group of workers pleasure, employees’ retention, and increases employees’ engagement. REFERENCES Al-Mailam, F. F. (2005). The effect of nursing care on overall patient satisfaction and its predictive value on return-to-provider behavior: a survey study. Quality Management in Healthcare, 14(2), 116-120. Asif, M. (2021a). Contingent Effect of Conflict Management towards Psychological Capital and Employees’ Engagement in Financial Sector of Islamabad. Preston University, Kohat, Islamabad Campus., Asif, M. (2021b). Contingent Effect of Conflict Management towards Psychological Capital and Employees’ Engagement in Financial Sector of Islamabad. (PhD), Preston University, Kohat, Islamabad Campus., Asif, M., Khan, A., & Pasha, M. A. (2019). Psychological Capital of Employees’ Engagement: Moderating Impact of Conflict Management in the Financial Sector of Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review, IV(III), 160-172. Aurangzeb, Alizai, S. H., Asif, M., & Rind, Z. K. (2021). RELEVANCE OF MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES AND FIRM HEALTH. International Journal of Management, 13(3), 1130-1137. Aurangzeb, & Asif, M. (2021). Role of Leadership in Digital Transformation: A Case of Pakistani SMEs. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences (ICETEMS-2021) October 13-14, 2021. Aurangzeb, Asif, M., & Amin, M. K. (2021). RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND SME\u27S PERFORMANCE. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(3), 679-689. doi:10.18510/hssr.2021.9367 Bethune, G., Sherrod, D., & Youngblood, L. J. N. M. (2005). 101 tips to retain a happy, healthy staff. 36(4), 24-29. Bujak, J. (2005). Health care leaders as agents of change. Physician Executive, 31(3), 38. Burns, J., Looney, A., Casey, N., & O’Donnell, M.-L. (1978). Leader. In: New York, NY: Harper & Row. Burris, E., Detert, J., & Romney, A. (2013). Speaking up vs. being heard: The disagreement around and outcomes of employee voice. Organization Science, 24(1), 22-38. Kleinman, C. (2004). Leadership: A key strategy in staff nurse retention. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 35(3), 128-132. McConnell, C. R. (2016). Umiker\u27s management skills for the new health care supervisor: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Mrayyan, M. (2004). Nurses’ autonomy: influence of nurse managers’ actions. Journal of advanced nursing, 45(3), 326-336. Mugira, A. J. A. J. M. H. (2022). Leadership Perspective Employee Satisfaction Analysis. 2(3), 127-135. Pearman, R. (1998). Hard wired leadership: unleashing the power of personality to become a new millennium leader Palo Alto, CA: Davies. CA: Davies. Black Publishing. Petrides, KV, Furnham, A., & Martin, GN (2004, Apr). Estimates of emotional and psychometric intelligence: Evidence for gender-based stereotypes. The Journal of Social Psychology,, 144(2), 149-162. Robbins, B., & Davidhizar, R. (2020). Transformational leadership in health care today. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 117-121. Runy, L. A. J. H. H. N. (2003). Staffing effectiveness. A toolkit for JCAHO\u27s new standards. 77(3), 57-63, 52. Thyer, G. (2003). Dare to be different: transformational leadership may hold the key to reducing the nursing shortage. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(2), 73-79. Trofino, J. (1995). Transformational leadership in health care. Nursing Management, 26(8), 42. Wei, H., & Horton-Deutsch, S. (2022). Visionary Leadership In Healthcare: Sigma Theta Tau. Wieck, K. L. (2005). Nurse manager survival in an age of new healthcare priorities. The Prairie Rose, 74(3), 12-15. Wilson, A. (2005). Impact of management development on nurse retention. Nursing administration quarterly, 29(2), 137-145

    Simulink Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Parameters Variation for Thyristor based Speed Controller of Single Phase Induction Motor

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    The thyristor is a power electronics device that is widely used in various electrical appliances due to its lower on-conduction losses, easyavailability, lower switching loss, greater efficiency and cost-benefit. Mostly a thyristor is used in rectifiers and variable-speed drives. Almost 70% of loads used in the world consists of induction motors in various types and forms. In this work, a thyristor-based controller is used to control the speed of a single phase induction motor by adjusting the firing angle for the gate terminal of the thyristor. Depending upon the firing angle, the output voltage, output current, speed, power factor and the total harmonic distortion are varied which is analyzed through MATLAB/Simulink. Further curve fitting technique is used to formulate the mathematical relationships between varying parameters concerning thyristor’s firing angle. The findings of this work are helpful to achieve the best curve fit model for varying parameters concerningthe thyristor firing angle. Full Tex