125 research outputs found

    Determinants of Voluntary and Involuntary Underemployment in Pakistan

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    Having to work in a sub optimal capacity is a socio economic problem which is apparently veiled but it is equally detrimental as having no work to do. This study intends to compare the demographic factors of Pakistan which determine underemployment and two sub components such as voluntary underemployment non-voluntary underemployment which lacked focus in past studies conducted in Pakistan. The present study filled this gap by measuring the different dimensions and the determinants of underemployment using the micro data from Labor Force Survey (2010-11). The estimates indicate that females, people living in rural areas and the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) have higher tendency to be voluntarily underemployed, head of households are less likely to be underemployed. Employees are less likely to be voluntary underemployed. Out of underemployed persons, only a small percentage of people have involuntary reasons for working less than 35 hours otherwise a high percentage of employed people have voluntary reasons. This shows the presence of voluntary underemployment at a very large extent in Pakistan

    The Effect of Job Crafting on Job Creativity through Job Engagement: A Case of Banking Sector of Vehari, Pakistan

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    This research was conducted to investigate the effect of job crafting upon job creativity and how job engagement intervenes this relationship. In this study, data were collected through self-administered questionnaires on LIKERT type scale from banking sector employees at district Vehari, Pakistan. In all, 300 survey questionnaires were circulated among which 271 were returned back yielding a useable response rate of 90%. The analysis of the data revealed that job crafting has significant positive impact on job creativity of employees working in banking sector of Vehari, Pakistan but this relationship is not only direct and job engagement plays the role of a mediator. Considering the importance of appreciations received by bankers management, policy makers should take necessary steps for improving the job engagement system and job crafting which will increase the job creativity of employees because their motivation to their profession will increase. Limitations and future guidelines have been discussed.

    The Effect of Job Crafting on Job Creativity through Job Engagement: A Case of Banking Sector of Vehari, Pakistan

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    This research was conducted to investigate the effect of job crafting upon job creativity and how job engagement intervenes this relationship. In this study, data were collected through self-administered questionnaires on LIKERT type scale from banking sector employees at district Vehari, Pakistan. In all, 300 survey questionnaires were circulated among which 271 were returned back yielding a useable response rate of 90%. The analysis of the data revealed that job crafting has significant positive impact on job creativity of employees working in banking sector of Vehari, Pakistan but this relationship is not only direct and job engagement plays the role of a mediator. Considering the importance of appreciations received by bankers management, policy makers should take necessary steps for improving the job engagement system and job crafting which will increase the job creativity of employees because their motivation to their profession will increase. Limitations and future guidelines have been discussed.

    An Insight into Different Strategies for Control and Prophylaxis of Fasciolosis: A Review

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    Fasciolosis is one of the important diseases of livestock and has zoonotic importance. Fasciolosis can cause huge economic losses due to decrease in milk and meat production, decreased feed conversion ratio, and cost ofĀ treatment. Treatment and prophylaxis strategies for FasciolaĀ infection are formed based on epidemiological data. The control of FasciolaĀ infection can be attained by treating the animals with active anthelmintics. The use of different combinations of anthelmintics with a possible rotation is more effective against immature as well as adult flukes. Control of the intermediate host (snail) is vital for the reduction of fasciolosis. Due to the rapid growth of snails, the eradication is quite difficult in waterlogged and marshy areas. The use of different grazing methods and treatment of grazing areas can also help to control fasciolosis. A variety of antigens generated by FasciolaĀ spp. have been shown to protect against liver fluke infection. The crude antigens, excretory/secretory, and refined antigens and their combination can be used as prophylactic treatment for the control of fasciolosis. The use of any of the single or combination of these methods can be very effective for the control of fasciolosis

    Fear of getting Covid-19: A challenge to elective surgical practice and ways to overcome

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    Background: Covid-19, a global pandemic has a huge impact on surgical practice. There is transmission risk of Covid-19 during the elective surgery and nowadays it is a part of informed consent process. This has an impact on patient decision making as it creates anxiety and fear. Objective: To evaluate patient experience (fear of getting Covid-19) from elective surgery and challenges of elective surgical practice and ways to overcome during this pandemic era. Methods: This study was an observational cross-sectional survey and it has been conducted in General Surgery Department of Dr Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad, from May to August 2021 after approval of Institutional Review Board (IRB). Participants for elective surgery and their negative report of Covid-19 infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were included in the study. Fear of Covid-19 infection was measured through ā€œfear of Covid-19 scaleā€ by Ahorsu et al and analyzed. All findings were entered in a structured Proforma. Data was entered in SPSS version 26 and analyzed. Effect modifier chi square was used to find out the patientā€™s dropout due to getting Covid-19 infection from surgery. Results: Total 200 patients were included; 62% patients were male and 38% were females. The mean age of the patients was 38.64Ā±12.08 years. The statistical analysis showed that there was a very significant association between FCV-19 scale and getting Covid-19 infection from elective surgeries (p ā‰¤ 0.05). When stratified FCV-19 scale with education status of all patients there was a very significant association between them (p=0.001). The patientā€™s observations regarding FCV-19 questionnaire, most of the patients were disagreed (46.3%) to getting Covid-19 infection from their elective surgeries or any fear of Covid-19 infection. The actual dropout of patients from elective surgery due to fear of getting Covid-19 infection during surgery or staying in hospital was 7.5%. Conclusion: Fear of getting Covid-19 is still present in some of the patients who visit hospitals for elective surgeries. Discussing the various steps taken by the institute to improve patient safety and minimize risk of Covid-19, greatly enhanced their confidence in elective surgery and improved satisfaction level. Key words: Covid-19; Fear; Fear of Covid-19 Scale; Elective Surgical Procedures

    Epidemiology and Control of Congo Fever in Sacrificial Animals of Pakistan

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    The cases and deaths due to Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) [49] virus commonly known as Congo virus (fatality rate 15%) have been reported throughout Pakistan from the last five years especially during religious occasion, Eid-ul-Azha. The annual increase in death rates due to CCHF demonstrate the importance of awareness of Congo fever at academia as well as public level. The symptoms of Congo fever which appear one to nine days after tick bite, include sudden high fever, muscle aches, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, sore eyes, jaundice, mood swings, confusion, aggression, and sensitivity to light. The other signs include sore throat, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhages, and bleeding from skin and large intestine. The Infection has been reported in many species of wild as well as domestic animals including hares, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, mice and hedgehogs. At least 31 species of Hyalomma, Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor (Ixodidae: hard ticks) act as vector of CCHF in which transovarial, transstadial and venereal transmission occurs. The virus attacks the immune system of the host and influences the immune cells. The Congo fever virus can be isolated from blood, plasma and many body tissues (kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, brain and bone marrow). Mice inoculation, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) can be used for detection of the infection. Furthermore, IgM and IgG antibodies against CCHFV can also be detected and quantified. Education of general public, tick control with acaricides, use of anti-CCHFV immunoglobulin, usage of approved repellents to prevent tick bites, wearing neutral-coloured garments, application of a permethrin spray to the clothing, avoiding tall grasses and shrubs, applying sunscreen, avoiding direct contact with the blood or tissues of animals are the factors for successful prevention of the infection

    Fear of getting Covid-19: A challenge to elective surgical practice and ways to overcome

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    Background: Covid-19, a global pandemic has a huge impact on surgical practice. There is transmission risk of Covid-19 during the elective surgery and nowadays it is a part of informed consent process. This has an impact on patient decision making as it creates anxiety and fear. Objective: To evaluate patient experience (fear of getting Covid-19) from elective surgery and challenges of elective surgical practice and ways to overcome during this pandemic era. Methods: This study was an observational cross-sectional survey and it has been conducted in General Surgery Department of Dr Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital, Islamabad, from May to August 2021 after approval of Institutional Review Board (IRB). Participants for elective surgery and their negative report of Covid-19 infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were included in the study. Fear of Covid-19 infection was measured through ā€œfear of Covid-19 scaleā€ by Ahorsu et al and analyzed. All findings were entered in a structured Proforma. Data was entered in SPSS version 26 and analyzed. Effect modifier chi square was used to find out the patientā€™s dropout due to getting Covid-19 infection from surgery. Results: Total 200 patients were included; 62% patients were male and 38% were females. The mean age of the patients was 38.64Ā±12.08 years. The statistical analysis showed that there was a very significant association between FCV-19 scale and getting Covid-19 infection from elective surgeries (p ā‰¤ 0.05). When stratified FCV-19 scale with education status of all patients there was a very significant association between them (p=0.001). The patientā€™s observations regarding FCV-19 questionnaire, most of the patients were disagreed (46.3%) to getting Covid-19 infection from their elective surgeries or any fear of Covid-19 infection. The actual dropout of patients from elective surgery due to fear of getting Covid-19 infection during surgery or staying in hospital was 7.5%. Conclusion: Fear of getting Covid-19 is still present in some of the patients who visit hospitals for elective surgeries. Discussing the various steps taken by the institute to improve patient safety and minimize risk of Covid-19, greatly enhanced their confidence in elective surgery and improved satisfaction level. Key words: Covid-19; Fear; Fear of Covid-19 Scale; Elective Surgical Procedures

    Bacterobilia in acute cholecystitis: bile cultures\u27 isolates, antibiotic sensitivities and antibiotic usage. a study on a Pakistani population.

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    Abstract Acute cholecystitis is one of the most common acute surgical conditions. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains the mainstay of treatment. In patients managed non-operatively, antibiotics play an important role in the treatment of cholecystitis. The current retrospective observational study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, and comprised medical records of patients admitted between 2008 and 2014with acute cholecystitis and in whom bile cultures were obtained. Of the 509 patients with a mean age of 51.15 Ā± 13.4years, early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (within 72hours) was performed on 473(92.9%) cases, while the rest underwent percutaneous cholecystostomy. Bile cultureswere positive in 171(33.6%) patients. Predominantly gram-negative organisms were isolated among a total of 137(27%), with E.coli 63(46%) being the most commonly isolated organism. Of the gram-positive organism, enterococcus 11(8%) was the most common. Antibiotic sensitivities were determined.Based on our findings gram-negative coverage alone should be sufficient in our segment of the population

    Differentiation of Small Hepatic Hemangioma from Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Tri-Phasic Helical Computed Tomography Method

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinomaĀ (HCC) ranks second amongst all causes ofĀ cancerĀ deaths globally. It is on a rise inĀ PakistanĀ and might represent the most commonĀ cancerĀ in adult males. Among women, HCC is the 7th most commonĀ cancerĀ and 6th most commonĀ cancerĀ related death. InĀ Pakistan prevalenceĀ of HCC varies from 3.7%-16% of malignant tumors and most common cause of HCC is viral hepatitis B, C and D related cirrhosis. Pakistan contributes significantly to global burden of hepatitis C, which is a known risk factor for HCC, and has one of the highest prevalence rates (>3%) in the world. Objective: To find out the difference of small hemangioma from small hepatic cellular carcinoma by using tri- phasic helical Computed Tomography method. Methodology: In this descriptive study, among 81 patients of suspected hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatocellular hemangioma were selected with age and gender discrimination by convenient sampling, at Department of Radiology, UOL Teaching hospital Lahore Pakistan. 128 slice Computed Tomography Toshiba Aquilion machine was used. Results: Out of 81 patients collected with the suspicion of hepatic hemangioma and hepatocellular carcinoma , 41 were females and 40 were males who visited radiology department. It shows 50.6% were females and males were 49.4%. Out of 81 patients, 25 patients came with HHS and 31 were with HCC. 25.9% develop carcinoma on left side, 32.1% on right side, 6.2% on R/L side and remaining 35.8% were Nill. Out of 81 patients 8 develop carcinoma on anterior, 5 on both, 3 on caudate, 5 on lateral,13 on both 4 on middle, 7 on posterior, 6 on segment eight, 1 on segment 4, 1 on segment 7, 1 on segment 2 and remaining 36 sites were nill. 27.5% males develop HCC and 48.8% females develop HCC. Out of 81 patients 36.6% female patients develop HHS and 25.0% male patients develop HHS. Conclusion: In this study we conclude that females develop a large number of HCC and HHS than males. Hepatocellular carcinoma shows enhancement in early arterial and early washout phase while post-contrast images showing capsule-appearance which is relatively specific for HCC. On the other hand, HHS shows uniform enhancement in arterial phase and iso- or hyper-attenuating to liver parenchyma on delayed phase. Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Hepatocellular hemangioma, Computed tomography DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/73-07 Publication date: April 30th 202
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