5,323 research outputs found

    Sports in the process: Norbert Elias´ theory and its application to the sport origin in Spain

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    La teoría de Nobert Elias, por la cual, el sport inglés se originó como parte del proceso civilizador en la Inglaterra de los siglos XVII y XVIII, puede también dar explicación a la función desempeñada por el deporte en otros países, aunque en otro tiempo y en coyunturas históricas y sociales distintas. En el presente trabajo observamos como el origen del deporte español, también, fue parte de una etapa transformadora en cambios culturales y sensibilidades sociales. Los intentos modernizadores - y en cierto sentido “civilizadores”- de la sociedad urbana de entresiglos (XIX-XX), durante la denominada “Edad de Plata” de la cultura española, encontraron en la actividad física una nueva vía de expresión, siendo el deporte un reflejo de la nueva época y de un nuevo estilo de vidaNorbert Elias’ Theory explains that English sport emerged as part of the civilizing process in England in the 17th and 18th centuries. This statement can also give explanation to what has happened in other countries, although in different time and in different social situations. In this paper we observe how the origin of Spanish sport was also part of cultural change and a period of social awareness. Modernizing attempts, and in a certain way "civilizing" attempts of the urban society, took place in the turn of the century (XIX-XX) during the Silver Age of Spanish Culture. Thus, they found a new way of expression in physical activity, being sport a reflection of the new perio

    José Ortega y Gasset: el deporte como metáfora

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    José Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 9/5/1883-18/10/1955) fue el gran filósofo español del siglo XX y el arquetipo del intelectual de su época. Estudioso y conocedor de su tiempo, a Ortega le importaba sobre todo el hombre y “su circunstancia”, el hombre en convivencia, el hombre en relación con los otros y con lo que le rodea. Esta fue su gran preocupación como pensador y fue el eje sobre el que basculó su filosofía vitalista. Su interés por ese gran escenario que para él era el mundo, le llevó a analizar en los editoriales del diario El Sol (1917-1920), que luego recopilaría en su obra El Espectador, la problemática del hombre de su tiempo, de los fenómenos culturales de la época y de la política española e internacional del primer tercio del siglo XX. Fue un tiempo en que a Ortega le preocupaba que la misma especialización científica, que nos había traído el progreso y los avances técnicos fuera, paradójicamente, un camino hacia la barbarie. Poco a poco se iba infravalorando la cultura integral y los saberes humanísticos del hombre de ciencia, algo con lo que no estaba de acuerdo

    ¿Estás al loro? Lo que no viene en los diccionarios

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    Influence of Elastomer Layers in the Quality of Aluminum Parts on Finishing Operations

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    In finishing processes, the quality of aluminum parts is mostly influenced by static and dynamic phenomena. Different solutions have been studied toward a stable milling process attainment. However, the improvements obtained with the tuning of process parameters are limited by the system stiffness and external dampers devices interfere with the machining process. To deal with this challenge, this work analyzes the suitability of elastomer layers as passive damping elements directly located under the part to be machined. Thus, exploiting the sealing properties of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), a suitable flexible vacuum fixture is developed, enabling a proper implementation in the manufacturing process. Two different compounds are characterized under axial compression and under finishing operations. The compression tests present the effect of the feed rate and the strain accumulative effect in the fixture compressive behavior. Despite the higher strain variability of the softer rubber, different milling process parameters, such as the tool feed rate, can lead to a similar compressive behavior of the fixture regardless the elastomer hardness. On the other hand, the characterization of these flexible fixtures is completed over AA2024 floor milling of rigid parts and compared with the use of a rigid part clamping. These results show that, as the cutting speed and the feed rate increases, due to the strain evolution of the rubber, the part quality obtained tend to equalize between the flexible and the rigid clamping of the workpiece. Due to the versatility of the NBR for clamping different part geometries without new fixture redesigns, this leads to a competitive advantage of these flexible solutions against the classic rigid vacuum fixtures. Finally, a model to predict the grooving forces with a bull-nose end mill regardless of the stiffness of the part support is proposed and validated for the working range.This research was funded by Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza) under the ELKARTEK Program, SMAR3NAK project, grant number KK-2019/00051

    Sanchos contra Quijotes. Un paradigma ibérico contra el Estado Novo y el franquismo

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    Abstract. Sanchos against Quijotes. An Iberian Paradigm Against the Estado Novo and Francoism. The current article analyses the presence of Don Quixote’s myth in the poetry related to the opposition against the regimes of Francisco Franco and António de Oliveira Salazar in Spain and Portugal. These poems are written by several Portuguese and Spanish poets between the years of the Spanish Civil War and the sixties. In this corpus of texts we can observe a particular treatment of Sancho Panza’s and Quixote’s figures. In this sense, we have worked with the poetic texts of José Gomes Ferreira, Mário Dionísio, Miguel Torga, Gabriel Celaya and José Saramago. All these texts adopt a negative view – with the exception of Miguel Torga – of the character of Don Quijote de la Mancha, which is identified with hypocrisy and selfishness of the privileged class. On the contrary, in all these poets, and particularly the writers of Communist affiliation, the figure of Sancho Panza appear dignified as a symbol of the Iberian proletariat. In this common scheme, however, there can be seen different nuances between the examined poems, showing a kinder treatment of the figure of Don Quixote in the writings of Saramago or Torga, as against Gomes Ferreira and Dionísio. Also, an interesting development is seen between the poems written during the Spanish Civil War –Torga, Gomes Ferreira and Dionísio– and written twenty and thirty years later – Celaya and Saramago, when the Iberian dictatorships of the twentieth century enter their final phase. In conclusion, it is possible to determine a common paradigm in the treatment of the quixotic myth in the Spanish-Portuguese poetry during the middle decades of the twentieth century

    The Sociedad Gimnástica Española and the beginning of physical education: An idea, a project, a reality (1887-1937)

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    En este trabajo se realiza una investigación sobre de la Sociedad Gimnástica Española (SGE), fundada en Madrid en 1887. En él, tratamos de explicar la importancia que ésta tuvo en la implantación y desarrollo de la educación física y posteriormente del deporte en España. En un tiempo en que las prácticas físicas de la población se reducían a ciertos gimnasios aristocráticos y los deportes se restringían a los sectores más privilegiados de la sociedad, la Gimnástica irrumpió con un objetivo claro: llevar la práctica de la educación física y el deporte a todos los estratos de la población. La SGE entendió la educación física como un componente más del regeneracionismo que, como ideario político, ganaba presencia entre las clases medias urbanas. La SGE fue pionera en la promoción de las prácticas físicas en el Madrid de entre siglos, realizando una actividad de gran importancia hasta su desaparición en 1937. Sus archivos se destruyeron durante la Guerra Civil, de ahí la importancia de reconstruir su historiaThe aim of this article is to develop a research about Spanish Gymnastic Society (SGE, Sociedad Gimnástica Española), founded in 1887. We seek to explain the importance of this Society in the implantation and development of Physical Education and Sports in Spain. The RSGE rose with a clear objective: to bring the practice of Physical Education and sports to every social class of the population, during a period in which physical practices among people were just reduced to some aristocratic gyms and sports were reserved to the most privileged classes of society. SGE took Physical Education as an element of Regenerationism that, as a political idea, was earning presence among urban middle class. SGE was a pioneer in spreading physical practices in XIX-XX century’s Madrid, bringing forward a very important activity, until it disappears in 1937. SGE’s archives were destroyed during Civil War, a fact that stresses the importance of rebuilding its histor

    Leopoldo Panero y su antología de poesía hispanoamericana. Una lectura “personal” de América

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    El presente artículo trata de ofrecer una lectura estética y política de la Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana que publicara Leopoldo Panero entre 1944 y 1945 bajo protección gubernamental. Para ello se parte de la particular biografía del escritor astorgano, su relación en los años treinta con los poetas hispanoamericanos –especialmente Vallejo y Neruda– y su gira por América ya como supuesto prohombre del régimen franquista en 1949 y 1954. La lectura sistemática de sus prólogos y selección de poetas revela la particular visión de Panero sobre Hispanoamérica, mediatizada por el concepto imperial de Falange pero formulada bajo su propia visión de lo que la lírica americana representa para la lengua castellana. Se sostiene así en estas líneas la tesis de que los postulados de Panero representan, a pesar de todo, una opción mucho más compleja de lo que se suele considerar.The current article tries to offer an estetic and political lecture of the Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana published by Leopoldo Panero between 1944 and 1945 under the governmental protection. The article starts defining the particular biography of the spanish writer, and his relations with the Spanish American poets –specially Vallejo and Neruda– and his journeys to America as a relevant man of the Francoist movement between 1949 and 1954. The systematic lecture of his prefaces and his selection of poets disclose his particular vision of Latin America, always influenced by the imperial concept of Falange but based in his own vision of the symbolism of the American Lyric. These lines try to maintain, to summarize, the thesis that defends the incredible complexity of Panero’s postulates

    Using machine learning methods to determine a typology of patients with HIV-HCV infection to be treated with antivirals

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    Several European countries have established criteria for prioritising initiation of treatment in patients infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) by grouping patients according to clinical characteristics. Based on neural network techniques, our objective was to identify those factors for HIV/HCV co-infected patients (to which clinicians have given careful consideration before treatment uptake) that have not being included among the prioritisation criteria. This study was based on the Spanish HERACLES cohort (NCT02511496) (April-September 2015, 2940 patients) and involved application of different neural network models with different basis functions (product-unit, sigmoid unit and radial basis function neural networks) for automatic classification of patients for treatment. An evolutionary algorithm was used to determine the architecture and estimate the coefficients of the model. This machine learning methodology found that radial basis neural networks provided a very simple model in terms of the number of patient characteristics to be considered by the classifier (in this case, six), returning a good overall classification accuracy of 0.767 and a minimum sensitivity (for the classification of the minority class, untreated patients) of 0.550. Finally, the area under the ROC curve was 0.802, which proved to be exceptional. The parsimony of the model makes it especially attractive, using just eight connections. The independent variable "recent PWID" is compulsory due to its importance. The simplicity of the model means that it is possible to analyse the relationship between patient characteristics and the probability of belonging to the treated group

    Another Garcilaso of the post-spanish civil war: The anthology of Francisco de Castells

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    El trabajo propuesto pretende replantear el concepto de «garcilasismo» como sinergia propia de la lírica española a lo largo de la década de los treinta y cuarenta. Para ello se repasa las diferentes posturas críticas sobre el asunto y se pone el acento en una definición más abierta y equilibrada de la corriente estudiada. Ello conlleva una visión del garcilasismo como fenómeno de continuidad, y no de ruptura, entre la poesía anterior y posterior a la Guerra Civil. En este sentido, se toma la antología de un autor «menor», Francisco de Castells, como paradigma de una posición ética y estética común a poetasposteriormente encuadrados por la crítica en marbetes diversos.The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the concept of «garcilasismo» as a synergy of the Spanish poetry throughout the decades of the thirties and forties. For this purpose, we revised the different critical stances on this topic and we focused on a broader and more balanced definition of this literary genre. This required a perspective of «garcilasismo » as a phenomenon which led to the continuation —rather than to the rupture— of the pre- and post-Spanish Civil War poetry. In this regard, we took the anthology of a «minor» author, Francisco de Castells, as a paradigm of a certain ethic and aesthetic position that was common to poets who afterwards were classified under diverse labels.peerReviewe