589 research outputs found

    Reanalisando Teach for America: Uma base conceitual para a próxima geração de análises

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    In this article, we advance a conceptual framework for the study of Teach For America (TFA) as a political and social movement with implicit and explicit ideological and political underpinnings. We argue that the second branch of TFA’s mission statement, which maintains that TFA’s greatest point of influence in public education is not in classrooms, but in its facilitation of entry into leadership positions aimed at reshaping public schooling, can be better understood in terms of the organization’s: a) infusion of “policy entrepreneurs” into educational policymaking processes; b) cultivation of powerful networks of elite interests; c) promotion of “corporate” models of managerial leadership; and, d) racial and social class identities of its corps members that facilitate entry into leadership and policy networks. Our framework is informed by the extant research literature on TFA, interview data from more than 150 alumni and corps members, and our observations of TFA’s 20th Anniversary Summit in Washington, D.C., as an illustrative case of TFA’s messaging and general orientation toward educational reform. We conclude that this framework can help illuminate under-examined political and ideological motivations behind the organization’s activities.En este artículo, presentamos un marco conceptual para el estudio de Teach For America (TFA) como movimiento político y social con fundamentos ideológicos y políticos implícitos y explícitos. Sostenemos que el segundo punto del documento que presenta la misión de TFA, indicando que el espacio de mayor influencia en la educación pública no son las aulas, sino su rol para facilitar la entrada en posiciones de liderazgo destinados a la re-hacer la escuela pública, se debe entender en términos de a) infusión de "emprendedores políticos" en procesos de política educativa;: de organización b) desarrollo de redes poderosas con intereses elitistas; c) la promoción de modelos "corporativos" de liderazgo gerencial; y, d) identidades de clase raciales y sociales de los miembros de TFA con mejores posibilidades de entrada en redes políticas y de liderazgo. Nuestro marco conceptual es informado por la literatura existente investigación sobre TFA, datos de entrevistas con 150 alumnos, y nuestras observaciones del 20 Aniversario de TFA y reunión Cumbre en Washington, DC, como un caso ilustrativo de los mensajes de TFA y la orientación general hacia la reforma educativa. Llegamos a la conclusión de que este marco conceptual ilumina aspectos poco estudiados de las motivaciones políticas e ideológicas detrás de las actividades de la organización.Neste artigo, apresentamos uma base teórica e conceitual para o estudo de Teach For America (TFA) como um movimento político e social com bases ideológicas e políticas implícitas e explícitas. Sustentamos que o segundo ponto do documento que apresenta a missão de TFA, indicando que o espaço de maior influência na educação pública não são as salas de aula, mas seu papel para facilitar a entrada a seus membros a posições de liderança destinados a re-fazer da escola pública deve ser entendido em termos de a) infusão de "empreendedores políticos" no processo de organização política de educação;: b) desenvolvimento de redes poderosas com interesses elitistas; c) a promoção de modelos de liderança de gestão "corporativa"; e, d) promoção entre membros da TFA de identidades de classe raciais e sociais com melhores chances de entrada em redes políticas e liderança. Nossa base conceitual é informada pela pesquisa bibliográfica sobre TFA, dados de entrevistas com 150 alunos, e as nossas observações do 20º aniversário da TFA e encontro de cúpula em Washington, DC, como um caso ilustrativo das mensagens e orientação geral sobre reforma educacional. Conclui-se que esta base conceitual ilumina aspectos pouco estudados das motivações políticas e ideológicas por trás das atividades da organização

    La motivación como herramienta de la dirección en el Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino Guayaquil en el área Antinarcóticos

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    This work is gathering information on the motivation of both staff police and canines of the Canine Regional Training Center "CRAC" highly specialized unit that evaluates policies and action plans against drug trafficking, basing their work on: planning, research, teaching, assessment and education. In addition to a collection of information about surveys were conducted to determine the effect of motivation for staff there are some kinds of motivations as merit, courses, trainings, appointments, commissions, grade and positive aspect; instead on the dogs: dogs with and without high, training, best breed for training and other courses. In conclusion was obtained that: motivation is a key pillar in the drive to encourage staff, should increase motivation in the unit through new strategies and policies, statistically to be considered for a higher motivation is better to have higher education; motivation in dogs causes great influence on impulses after that perform the desired activity, the most used for public safety in Ecuador race are the pastors for their physical condition and genetic, female dogs have a better predisposition for motivation and therefore are better in trainability. As we recommendations that should motivate staff having more than one year in CRAC looking mechanisms for motivation be for everyone, encouraging staff to specialize to have an advanced degree, future studies comparing with other countries in our region.El presente trabajo es la recopilación de información sobre la motivación tanto del personal policial como de los canes del Centro Regional de Adiestramiento canino “CRAC”. El CRAC es una unidad altamente especializada que evalúa políticas y planes de acción en contra del narcotráfico, basando su trabajo en: planificación, investigación, enseñanza, evaluación y educación. Además de una recopilación de información sobre el tema se realizaron encuestas para determinar el efecto de la motivación, con respecto al personal hay algunos tipos de motivaciones como: el mérito, los cursos, las capacitaciones, los nombramientos, las comisiones, el grado y el aspecto positivo; en cambio en los canes: canes con y sin alta, entrenamiento, mejor raza para entrenar y otros cursos. Como conclusiones se obtuvo que: la motivación es un pilar fundamental en la unidad para incentivar al personal. Se debería incrementar la motivación en la unidad por medio de nuevas estrategias y políticas. Estadísticamente para ser tomados en cuenta para una mayor motivación es mejor contar con estudios superiores. La motivación en los canes causa gran influencia en sus impulsos logrando que realice la actividad deseada, la raza más utilizada para la seguridad pública en el Ecuador son los pastores por su condición física y su genética, los canes hembras presentan una mejor predisposición para la motivación y por ende son mejores en la entrenabilidad. Como recomendaciones tenemos que se debería motivar al personal que tiene más de un año en el CRAC buscando mecanismos para que la motivación sea para todos, incentivar al personal a que se especialice para tener un título superior, realizar estudios futuros comparando con otros países de nuestra región

    Hamiltonicity of token graphs of fan graphs

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    In this note we show that the token graphs of fan graphs are Hamiltonian. This result provides another proof of the Hamiltonicity of Johnson graphs and also extends previous results obtained by Mirajkar and Priyanka on the token graphs of wheel graphs


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    The title compound, C18H20Br2N2O2, the heterocyclic ring adopts a chair conformation. The benzene rings make dihedral angles of 86.84 (10) and 60.73 (10)° with the mean plane of the heterocyclic ring. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 79.77 (10)°. The mol­ecular structure is stabilized by two intra­molecular hydrogen bonds between the phenolic hy­droxy groups and N atoms with graph-set motif S(6). The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Nonparametric regression models with and without measurement error in the covariates, for univariate and vector responses: a Bayesian approach

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of estimation in multivariate non-parametric regression of real value and vector valued functions when there is classical measurement errors in the covariates. Different estimation approaches, including selection of bandwidth parameters, are studied first and compared for the case of no measurement error, and then for the error case. New theoretical results related to criteria for selecting the bandwidth parameter are presented for the vector valued regression problem. We also conjecture on possible extensions of the methods to improve estimation in the multivariate response case. In the context of semi-parametric regression with multiple covariates, it is known that the solution to the penalized least squares minimization problem can be interpreted as the mean of the posterior distribution arising in the context of an empirical Bayesian approach. The probability model in this approach has a Gaussian process as prior on the target regression function with co-variance structure depending on the reproducing kernel of an associated reproducing kernel Hilbert space. By the Representer Theorem, the solution to the minimization problem can be expressed as a linear combination of a set of known basis functions. We prove that under different a Bayesian model with multivariate normal priors on the coefficients and covariance structure depending on a reproducing kernel, it is possible to obtain the same posterior estimates of the regression function as with the previous formulation with the Gaussian process prior. Our approach has an advantage over its predecessor; to predict the value of the target function on any domain and to produce credible intervals for the predictions, we only need to evaluate known basis functions using estimated parameters. In contrast, when using the previous Bayes formulation with Gaussian process prior, we first need to fix the points where the Gaussian process is to be estimated but subsequent evaluations of the process is done externally; for computational reasons, obtaining an exact solution to the penalized least square minimization problem is not practical; instead, we review, modify and implement an approximate solution. We show that the full conditional posterior distribution of the point-wise regression estimates is the same in both approaches. We evaluated the performance of our method using simulation. We compared our Bayesian approach applied to existing methods proposed for estimation in non-parametric regression in the frequentist setting, including thin plate splines, a linear mixed model interpretation of thin plate splines, and tensor product splines with marginal thin plate splines. In all cases, we computed the previously mentioned approximate solution to the optimization least square problem. The computation of smoothing parameters is done via empirical Bayes approach that involves the minimization of score functions. We considered three different score functions from the literature. The linear mixed model formulation enables us to write the smoothing parameter as the ratio of two variances and therefore we can estimate the parameter, as a fourth approach, using the standard Bayesian estimation framework. We compare the various approaches by focusing on frequentist properties of the Bayesian estimator of the regression function and of the point-wise credible intervals. In particular, we compute average coverage rates of the credible intervals for all methods, where the average is taken over the prediction points. We find that the average coverage probability is close to the nominal level, at least for predictions inside the observation region for the covariates; while point-wise credible intervals are not to be trusted to have nominal coverage, unless they are inside the region of covariate observation and only when using specific methods to select smoothing parameters. The simulation has two objectives: to study the performance of the estimators and to examine potential approaches involving basis functions with tractable form which might be used in a more complex setting with errors in the measurements. We argue that the Bayesian framework applied to the thin plate spline approach is an acceptable trade off between computational complexity required to fit and predict from the model and the frequentist properties of the estimators. Using the proposed Bayesian model and the thin plate splines, we extend our Bayes model for the regression problem with multiple regressors and classical measurement error in the covariates. We carried out similar simulation study with the purpose of studying the frequentist properties of the estimators. We discuss simulation results that refer to point-wise estimation of the regression function, empirical coverage of point-wise credible intervals for evaluations of the regression function, and to performance of estimators of the observation-error variance. While reviewing the literature, we found that many results are either presented without proof or with proofs that seemed incomplete to us. In those cases, we endeavored to write complete proofs for those results on which we relied. If the proof of a proposition is presented in this dissertation, that indicates that it was not available in the literature and can be considered original research. Whenever a proposition is listed without a proof, it means that the proof was published elsewhere and we include the corresponding citation. Finally, we also consider the case where the response is vector-valued and the form of the mean regression function is unknown. We first propose an approach of estimation when there is no measurement error in the covariates. We then extend the method to the case where covariates are measured with classical error. As in the univariate response case, we do not assume a form of the regression function but we do formulate a set of assumptions that must be met. We propose -- without complete proof -- three methods for computing the smoothing parameters and extend the methods to theoretically address calculation of a diagonal bandwidth matrix and a general bandwidth matrix. We illustrate these methods via simulated examples

    Digital marketing y el consumer buying behavior de la juguería Rosivett, Independencia, 2019

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    La tesis que se realizó, tuvo como objetivo principal, determinar la relación entre el marketing digital y el comportamiento de compra del consumidor de la Juguería Rosivett, Independencia, 2019.El tipo de investigación fue aplicada, de nivel descriptivo- correlacional, por lo tanto, su diseño de investigación es no experimental de corte transversal y el enfoque cuantitativo. A consecuencia de ello, la población estuvo conformada por 50 clientes la cual, esta empresa se encuentra ubicado el Nuevo Mercado Central Fevacel del distrito de Independencia, contando con una muestra censal, de tal manera el instrumento que ha sido utilizado ha sido el cuestionario de tipo Likert, sin embargo, de acuerdo el resultado obtenido y la conclusión después de realizar el procesado y analizando la información es que existe relación positiva entre dichas variables. Los resultados que fueron expuestos han sido procesado con el programa SPSS Versión 25,lo cual se manejó el estadístico correlacional con dichas mediciones no paramétricas que fueron realizado por la prueba de shapiro, dando una valor de p=sig.=0.000 para ambas variables, hallando así la utilización del programa estadístico inferencial Rho de Spearman el cual obtuvo como resultado un correlación positiva fuerte de p= y la prueba de hipótesis resulto con un nivel de significancia de 0,000, por ello, se concluyó que así se acepta la hipótesis que se llegó a presentar en la presente investigación, que se demuestra que si existe relación entre ambas variables que se mencionan