1,642 research outputs found
Development of Measures to Assess Dimensions of IS Operation Transactions
Information Systems (IS) researchers often rely on organizational economics models to describe and explain various IS management issues. While those models are found to be useful, measures are yet to be proposed to assess the dimensions of IS transactions. In this paper, we present the results of a study that was a first effort toward this end. The focus of the study was on one type of transaction, IS operations, in a particular management context, that of outsouring. Measures were developed for four critical dimensions of IS operation transactions: asset specificity, measurement problem, origin of the most important investment, and governance mechanism. Data from 250 large Canadian firms were used to assess the measures, using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique.
L'économie des organisations est souvent mise à contribution par les chercheurs en systèmes d'information (SI). Peu de travaux ont cependant proposé des instruments de mesure des dimensions transactionnelles des opérations de SI. Ce mémoire marque un pas dans cette direction. Nous proposons des instruments de mesure utiles à l'analyse de l'impartition des opérations informatiques. Quatre dimensions importantes des transactions informatiques retiennent notre attention : la spécificité des actifs, les problèmes de mesure, l'origine des investissements les plus importants et le mode de régie des transactions. Une analyse de moindres carrés partiels (Partial Least Squares) est effectuée à l'aide de données provenant de 250 grandes entreprises canadiennes.Organizational economics; Outsourcing, Économie des organisations ; Impartition ; Sous-traitance
Managing IT Outsourcing Risk: Lessons Learned
This document takes stock from several studies on outsourcing risk. A definition of risk is offered and illustration from many case studies is used to show how risk can be managed. Results show that an active risk management approach can reduce risk exposure subtantially while enabling the organizations to still reap the benefits associated with outsourcing. Cet article fait un constat des leçons tirées de récentes analyses du risque d'impartition. Une définition opérationnelle du risque d'impartition est donnée. Les mécanismes de gestion de risque sont également discutés. Les résultats de différentes études démontrent qu'une gestion active du risque permet de réduire sensiblement les niveaux d'exposition au risque, notamment dans le cas de contrats d'impartition des technologies de l'information.Outsourcing of IS, IS risk management, agency theory, transaction cost economics, decision making under risk and uncertainty, Impartition, gestion des risques, agence, coûts de transaction, décision, risque et incertitude
Inside the Compass\u27 Circle: Outside of You. A collection of short stories (Original writing).
Abstract Not Available. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 39-02, page: 0357. Adviser: A. MacLeod. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1998
Managing the Risk of IT Outsourcing
While it can bring several benefits, IT outsourcing entails some risks. As it is the case in other types of investments or business ventures, the risk associated to an IT outsourcing project must be evaluated and managed. This paper proposes a framework for the management of IT outsourcing risk, and assesses the usefulness of the framework using data gathered about two cases of system development outsourcing. After providing a conceptual definition of risk and of risk exposure, the paper presents the proposed risk management framework. The two cases are then described along with the evaluation of the level of risk exposure of each, and the risk management mechanisms that were included in the contracts. The results of the study suggest that by charting the various items that contribute to risk exposure, and by specifically applying the appropriate mechanisms that can target the elements with the higher levels of risk exposure, outsourcing risk can be adequately managed. L'impartition des services informatiques, même si elle peut entrainer de nombreux bénéfices, implique un risque. Comme tout type d'investissement, ce risque doit être évalué et géré. Cet article propose un cadre d'analyse pour le risque d'impartition des services informatiques, et évalue ce cadre à l'aide d'une étude de cas. Ce cas présente deux décisions d'impartition de services informatiques, dans le domaine de l'assurance. Le niveau de risque de chaque décision est évalué et les mécanismes permettant de gérer ce risque sont présentés. Les résultats montrent que, en détaillant les facteurs de risque et les événenents correspondants, il est possible de cibler les éléments les plus risqués et de réduire le risque à un niveau acceptable.Outsourcing of IS, IS risk management, agency theory, transaction cost economics, case study, Sous-traitance des systèmes informatiques, gestion du risque des systèmes informatiques, théorie de l'agance, économie des coûts de transaction, étude de cas
IT Outsourcing Risk Management at British Petroleum
This paper reports the results of a study of three successive IT outsourcing contracts at British Petroleum (BP). We offer an operational definition of IT outsourcing risk and use it to assess the risk exposure associated with each contract. We then examine how the management at BP dealt with outsourcing risk. Our results show that careful and deliberate risk management can substantially attenuate the level of risk exposure, and that IT outsourcing risks can be managed. Ce document présente les résultats d'une étude de trois contrats d'impartition successifs. L'étude fut conduite chez British Petroleum. Une définition opérationnelle du risque d'impartition est donnée. Cette définition est ensuite utilisée pour déterminer le niveau de risque associé à chacun des contrats. Les mécanismes de gestion de risque sont également identifiés. Les résultats démontrent qu'une gestion active du risque permet de réduire sensiblement les niveau d'exposition au risque, notamment dans le cas de contrats d'impartition des technologies de l'information.Outsourcing of IS, IS risk management, agency theory, transaction cost economics, case study, Impartition des systèmes informatiques, gestion du risque d'impartition, gestion du risque, théories de l'agence et des coûts de transaction, étude de cas
A continental rift model for the La Grande greenstone belt
Stratigraphic relationships and the geochemistry of volcanic rocks contrain the nature and timing of the tectonic and magmatic processes in the pre-deformational history of the La Grande greenstone belt in the Superior Province of north-central Quebec. The lowermost supracrustals in this belt are obscured by syntectonic granitoid intrusives. The supracrustal succession in the western part of the belt consists of a lower sequence of immature clastic sediments and mafic volcanoclastics, overlain by pillowed and massive basalts. Further east, along tectonic strike, a lower sequence of mafic volcanoclastics and immature clastic sediments is overlain by a thick sequence of pillowed and massive basalts, and resedimented coarse clastic sediments and banded iron formation. These are overlain by assive basaltic andesites, andesites and intermediate volcanoclastics intercalated with immature clastic sediments. In contrast, in the eastern part of the belt lenses of felsic volcanics and volcanoclastics occur at the base of the succession and pillowed and massive basalts are overlain by komatiites at the top. The La Grande greenstone belt can be explained as the product of continental rifting. The restricted occurence of komatiites, and eastwardly directed paleocurrents in clastic sediments in the central part of the belt are consistent with rifting commencing in the east and propagating westward with time. The increase in depth of emplacement and deposition with time of the lower three units in the central part of the belt reflects deposition in a subsiding basin. These supracrustal rocks are believed to represent the initial rift succession
La régie des services informatiques : Le rôle de la mesure et des compétences dans les décisions d'impartition
In order to cope with an increasingly difficult environment, organizations adopt more efficient and more flexible structures. These structures include delocation, divestment, strategic alliances and even the virtual organization. These modifications often seek to centre the organization on its core competencies. Many strategic alliances follow this logic. Organizations choose a partner in order to use its distinctive competencies and to maximize the use of their own competencies. In this line of reasoning, information systems (IS) outsourcing is seen as a divestment of activities that are not at the core of the organization's operations. Results presented in this paper, based on a survey of 641 Canadian firms, support this trend. They also show the importance of precise and enforceable measures in managing outsourcing contracts.
Les organisations tendent de plus en plus à se recentrer sur les activités liées à leurs compétences de base. Ce faisant. elles cèdent un nombre croissant d'activités à des fournisseurs. Ce phénomène est remarquable dans le secteur informatique. L'établissement de ces contrats d'impartition pose toutefois des contraintes, notamment quant à la mesurabilité des activités imparties. Cette étude vérifie ce phénomène de recentrage et l'importance des problèmes de mesure des activités dans le secteur informatique.Organizational Economics, Outsourcing, Économie des organisations, impartition, soustraitance
Évaluation du risque d'implantation de progiciel
The implementation of large software packages is becoming increasingly common in organizations nowadays. While they can generate important benefits, these projects also entail risk. Many of these projects have caused large financial losses and have failed to realize the promised benefits. This paper presents a formal analysis of the risk associated with the implementation of large software packages. L'implantation de progiciels est de plus en plus courante dans les organisations. Si les bénéfices potentiels associés à ces solutions sont importants, les risques sont à l'avenant. Plusieurs projets ont été abandonnés ou ont entraîné des conséquences graves pour les organisations ayant amorcé ces initiatives. Cet article présente une analyse formelle du risque associé à l'implantation de progiciels intégrés.Information Systems, IS Project Risk Management, Software Packages, ERP, Systèmes d'information, Gestion du risque de projets TI, Progiciels, Progiciels de gestion intégrée
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