19 research outputs found

    Health Education by Nurses: Self-Care of Patients with Chemotherapy from a Specialized Cancer Institute in Lima-Peru

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    Objective: To determine self-care in patients with chemotherapy in a pre-post educational intervention test performed by nurses from a specialized oncology institute. Methodology: Quantitative, quasi-experimental, longitudinal. Population of 90 patients with chemotherapy treatment, who were given 3 educational sessions with a pre and post test evaluation; in addition, a questionnaire with 4 dimensions was applied: nutrition, hygiene, infection prevention and avoidance of complications, with 20 items, a Likert scale validated by experts and a reliability of 0.8. Results: In the pre-test, self-care levels were 60% low, 22.2% high and 17.8% medium. In the post-test, self-care levels were 96.7% high and 3.3% medium. In relation to the dimensions of self-care in the pre-test, levels were found to be in Food: 52.2% low and 26.7% high; Hygiene: 42.2% low and 17.8% high; Infection prevention: 36% high and 30% low; and avoidance of complications: 55.6% low and 8.9% high. Finally, in the post-test, levels of: Feeding 94.4% high and 5.6% medium; Prevention of infections: 91.1% high and 8.9% medium. Dimensions: Hygiene and avoidance of complications, obtained 100% high level. Conclusion: It was demonstrated that nurses who promote education on self-care and incorporate the delivery of educational materials, increase knowledge and practices of self-care in their daily lives, which favor the welfare and ensure a quality of life in the patient

    Emotional Intelligence of University Students in Latin America: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature Published in Spanish Between 2015 and 2021

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    The ability to relate, listen and respond assertively in an academic, personal, and social context, controlling emotions is called emotional intelligence. The objective of this research was to analyze the scientific evidence on emotional intelligence of university students in Latin America from 2015 to 2021. In this systematic review, Scielo, Scopus and Ebsco databases were analyzed, from where scientific articles were identified. Fifteen articles were identified, to which the proposed dimensions, instruments and definitions of the term emotional intelligence were identified. The results indicate that it is a priority to deepen research on emotional intelligence to increase production at Latin American level

    Systematic Review on Virtual Pedagogical Models in University Contexts, Years 2011 to 2021

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    Virtual pedagogical models for education refers to the various practices of instruction in a learning environment where teacher and student are separated by time or space, or both. The objective of this study was to systematize scientific evidence on virtual educational models for university contexts between 2011 and 2021. The method used corresponds to a systemic review, the data bases Scopus, Eric, ProQuest, Gale Academic OneFile, and Ebsco Host were explored, and then rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study were used. 31 records were identified that responded to the previously posed investigation questions. The results, which were divided into three major categories (pedagogical models, technological tools, and approach and instruments), were further analyzed and discussed

    Nursing Student Teaching-Learning: Resonances and Dissonances of Caring/Care

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    Objective: To describe and analyze the resonances and dissonances of caring perceived by the student during the teaching-learning process. Method: A qualitative, descriptive study with a phenomenological and dialectical approach. The information was collected utilizing an in-depth interview, using thematic content analysis. Twenty-one nursing students from the ninth and tenth cycles of a private university took part in the study, and the setting was the nursing school in the city of Trujillo. Results: four categories emerged: resonances of care, dissonances, awareness in the practice of human values, and innovative strategies. Conclusion: Teaching-learning with resonances of humanized care is visualized when the teacher is open, attentive, and transmits values, trust, and empathy, generating a sensitive and humane environment. But students also perceive dissonance as teacher neglect generated by negative attitudes. The teaching-learning process requires constant innovation so that nursing care is transmitted in the best way from a humanistic, scientific, ethical, and technological point of view and is experienced by the actors involved: teachers and students

    Educational policies in response to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus in Latin America: An integrative documentary review

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    Educational policies in the face of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus took an unexpected turn in Latin America. Virtuality constituted a key opportunity for the continuity of basic fundamental services in the citizen’s right to education. The objective of this research was to analyze the educational public policies adopted by governments in Latin America in the face of the pandemic. The methodology was an integrative documentary review of the main international organizations whose documents provided relevant information on the actions to be implemented in fourteen Latin American countries. The results obtained show that the priority was to reestablish the continuity of educational services using mass communication resources, such as radio, television, digital platforms, making visible the inequity in the access to the Internet at home. It was also identified a deficiency in the competencies and digital resources of the educational community, dis-crimination and inclusion of people with some type of disability or different languages, especially in urban or rural areas because they do not have technological means. It was concluded that the educational policies in Latin America proposed during the COVID-19 period were designed with-out a real situational diagnosis in each country, to meet the demands of urban and rural areas in an equitable manner with the will of governments, providing budgets and resources that benefit the educational community, as an achievement of state policies

    Mental Health Projects for University Students: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature Available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish

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    The mental health of college students has been the source of research, projects, and public policies involving education, health, and psychology professionals. Having as its axis the study of mental health and the phenomenon of psychological illness, this systematic review aims to characterize mental health programs directed to college students, as well as the forms of interventions offered to reduce the incidence of psychological disorders. From the proposal, a survey was conducted in the databases Scopus, Lilacs, and the repository Alicia, in the period between 2010 and 2021, choosing the search phrase “Programas de saúde mental para universitários” in Portuguese, “Mental health projects for university students” in English, and “Proyectos en salud mental para estudiantes universitarios” in Spanish. The research areas spanned humanities and social sciences, with peer-reviewed and open access articles. The questions that instigated the study were as follows: What are the mental health problems affecting college students? What type of strategy has been adopted to map the demands of university students in relation to mental illness? How can the university space reorganize itself to work on interventional-preventive aspects, according to the studies? Initially, 740 203 articles were obtained, and after sifting through 13 productions, using the PRISMA systematization. Despite several research interrelating mental health and university space, most were dedicated to data collection, using questionnaires, inventories, and scales, standardized and non-standardized. Only three studies described intervention projects and programs to reduce the problems of psychological distress in college students. Unanimously, the investigations emphasize the need for monitoring the higher education population regarding mental health and, in parallel, the implementation of institutional public policies to meet the students' demands and reduce the rates of problems in the educational field

    University teachers' self-perception of digital research competencies. A qualitative study conducted in Peru

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    Previous research warns about the limitations that some university teachers in Ibero-America have in relation to digital research competencies. The objective of this research was to analyze the research competencies from the university teacher's self-perception, contrasted with the classroom evaluation. The study had a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted via the Zoom virtual platform, and recordings (of an average of 4 h each) of classes delivered by 10 teachers with an average age of 58 years old, in charge of scientific research courses at the postgraduate level in Peruvian universities were analyzed. The instruments used included an in-depth interview guide and a checklist. The results show that university teachers perceive themselves as specialists in the area of research, however, they present limitations when transmitting knowledge during the teaching-learning process. There is evidence of a lack of pedagogy, as well as limitations in the use of digital resources and technological tools due to their resistance to change. The conclusions reveal that it is key to make teachers aware of the paradigm shift, with a teaching that includes as digital competencies: knowing how to create and manipulate data, knowing how to use programs and information systems, knowing how to socialize and collaborate in digital environments, knowing how to exercise and respect a digital citizenship, knowing how to manage knowledge assertively, and, as we propose in this paper, knowing how to be a researcher in a digital environment

    Self-esteem and gender in the professional choice of adolescents entering a university in Trujillo, Peru [Autoestima y género en la elección profesional de adolescentes que ingresan a una universidad en Trujillo, Peru]

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    Adolescents perceive an image of themselves, a feeling of acceptance or rejection, represented by appreciation and self-confidence. The objective was to determine self-esteem and gender in the professional choice of adolescents entering a University of Trujillo 2017. The method was a descriptive quantitative study, cross section, The population made up of adolescents (60%) of males and (40%) of females of entrants, The self-esteem inventory of Stanley Cooper Smith was applied; submitted to tests of validity and reliability; using the Likert scale considering the respective ethical aspects. The results were: The high levels of self-esteem were reached by men in 34% and 22% in women, in relation average level 16% were men and women 10% and finally 10% of women and 8% of men obtained low levels of self-esteem. In relation to adolescents with high levels of self-esteem, they chose professions such as Accounting (11%), Primary Education (9%), Nursing (8%), Computer and Systems Engineering (8%) and Law (8%), while the low level of self-esteem was found in Careers: Nursing (4%) Early Education and Accounting (2%), and Psychology with (1%)

    Administración de Citostáticos en el marco de la calidad del cuidado del profesional de enfermería oncológica

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     ResumenEl objetivo general fue evaluar las prácticas de administración de citostáticos y la calidad del cuidado de los enfermeros especializados en oncología de un Hospital Nacional de la ciudad de Lima. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, ex post facto, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 30 enfermeras especialistas en oncología que laboran en el servicio de quimioterapia y 120 pacientes que reciben tratamiento con citostáticos. Los resultados mostraron que en su mayoría las enfermeras realizan buenas prácticas en la administración de citostáticos, así también la calidad del cuidado desde la percepción del paciente es buena, lo que genera confianza en el proceso del cuidado. Se concluye que el reforzamiento educativo sobre la calidad del cuidado frente a la administración de citostáticos en el servicio de quimioterapia, servirá para lograr el bienestar y la calidad de vida del paciente