5 research outputs found

    Differing mechanisms of new particle formation at two Arctic sites.

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    New particle formation in the Arctic atmosphere is an important source of aerosol particles. Understanding the processes of Arctic secondary aerosol formation is crucial due to their significant impact on cloud properties and therefore Arctic amplification. We observed the molecular formation of new particles from low-volatility vapors at two Arctic sites with differing surroundings. In Svalbard, sulfuric acid (SA) and methane sulfonic acid (MSA) contribute to the formation of secondary aerosol and to some extent to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). This occurs via ion-induced nucleation of SA and NH3 and subsequent growth by mainly SA and MSA condensation during springtime and highly oxygenated organic molecules during summertime. By contrast, in an ice-covered region around Villum, we observed new particle formation driven by iodic acid but its concentration was insufficient to grow nucleated particles to CCN sizes. Our results provide new insight about sources and precursors of Arctic secondary aerosol particles.Peer reviewe

    Seasonal and environmental variations influencing the Varroa Sensitive Hygiene trait in the honey bee

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    International audienceThe invasive miteVarroa destructor is identified as the main biotic cause of European honey bee colony losses in many regions, leading to systematic treatments of colonies every year in order to prevent colonies from collapsing. However, some colonies have been reported to survive in the absence of treatment. The ability of honey bee colonies to survive varroa mite infestations has been associated with the development of Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) behavior. Colonies displaying VSH are able to detect the presence of varroa through the cap of developing brood cells and to remove the parasitized brood. To improve breeding programs for varroa resistance in apiculture, detailed knowledge of the mechanisms that enable bees to survive mite infestation and environmental conditions that can influence the expression and phenotyping of VSH behavior are needed. This study evaluated the influence of the genetic origin of the colony, the colony population dynamics, varroa density, and food supply on the ability of colonies to express the VSH trait. First, we found that varroa-selected colonies displayed lower varroa population growth rate. We also revealed that the genetic origin of the colonies and the month during which the test was performed had a significant impact on VSH behavior, with varroa-selected colonies showing higher VSH abilities than unselected colonies, and especially at the end of summer. Finally, we showed that sedentary varroa-selected colonies expressed higher VSH activity than colonies placed on lavender fields during active honey flow. Such findings are particularly important to standardize testing for varroa resistant colonies in different locations, a feature that is essential to ensure the success of breeding efforts

    In silico chemical library screening and experimental validation of novel compounds with potential varroacide activities

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    The mite Varroa destructor is an ectoparasite and has been identified as a major cause of worldwide honey bee colony losses. The use of yearly treatments for the control of varroosis is the most common answer to prevent collapses of honey bee colonies due to the mite. However, the number of effective acaricides is small and the mite tends to become resistant to these few active molecules. In this study, we have been looking for a new original varroacide treatment inhibiting selectively Varroa destructor AChE (vdAChE) with respect to Apis mellifera AChE (amAChE). To do this an original drug design methodology was used applying virtual screening of the CERMN chemolibrary, starting from a vdAChE homology sequence model. By combining the in silico screening with in vitro experiments, two promising compounds were found. In vitro tests of AChE inhibition for both species have confirmed good selectivity toward the mite vdAChE. Moreover, an in vivo protocol was performed and highlighted a varroacide activity without acute consequences on honey bee survival. The two compounds discovered have the potential to become new drug leads for the development of new treatments against the mite varroa. The method described here clearly shows the potential of a drug-design approach to develop new solutions to safeguard honey bee health

    Biogenic particles formed in the Himalaya as an important source of free tropospheric aerosols

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    International audienceAerosols of biogenic and anthropogenic origin affect the total radiative forcing of global climate. Poor knowledge of the pre-industrial aerosol concentration and composition, in particular of particles formed directly in the atmosphere from gaseous precursors, constitutes a large uncertainty in the anthropogenic radiative forcing. Investigations of new particle formation at pre-industrial-like conditions can contribute to the reduction of this uncertainty. Here we present observations taken at the remote Nepal Climate Observatory Pyramid station at 5,079 m above sea level, a few kilometres from the summit of Everest. We show that up-valley winds funnel gaseous aerosol precursors to higher altitudes. During this transport, these are oxidized into compounds of very low volatility, which rapidly form a large number of aerosol particles. These are then transported into the free troposphere, which suggests that the whole Himalayan region may act as an ‘aerosol factory’ and contribute substantially to the free tropospheric aerosol population. Aerosol production in this region occurs mainly via organic precursors of biogenic origin with little evidence of the involvement of anthropogenic pollutants. This process is therefore likely to be essentially unchanged since the pre-industrial period, and may have been one of the major sources that contributes to the upper tropospheric aerosol population during that time