31 research outputs found

    Effects of music therapy in the treatment of children with delayed speech development - results of a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Language development is one of the most significant processes of early childhood development. Children with delayed speech development are more at risk of acquiring other cognitive, social-emotional, and school-related problems. Music therapy appears to facilitate speech development in children, even within a short period of time. The aim of this pilot study is to explore the effects of music therapy in children with delayed speech development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 18 children aged 3.5 to 6 years with delayed speech development took part in this observational study in which music therapy and no treatment were compared to demonstrate effectiveness. Individual music therapy was provided on an outpatient basis. An ABAB reversal design with alternations between music therapy and no treatment with an interval of approximately eight weeks between the blocks was chosen. Before and after each study period, a speech development test, a non-verbal intelligence test for children, and music therapy assessment scales were used to evaluate the speech development of the children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to the baseline, we found a positive development in the study group after receiving music therapy. Both phonological capacity and the children's understanding of speech increased under treatment, as well as their cognitive structures, action patterns, and level of intelligence. Throughout the study period, developmental age converged with their biological age. Ratings according to the Nordoff-Robbins scales showed clinically significant changes in the children, namely in the areas of client-therapist relationship and communication.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study suggests that music therapy may have a measurable effect on the speech development of children through the treatment's interactions with fundamental aspects of speech development, including the ability to form and maintain relationships and prosodic abilities. Thus, music therapy may provide a basic and supportive therapy for children with delayed speech development. Further studies should be conducted to investigate the mechanisms of these interactions in greater depth.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The trial is registered in the German clinical trials register; Trial-No.: DRKS00000343</p

    Generation of Healthy Mice from Gene-Corrected Disease-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Using the murine model of tyrosinemia type 1 (fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase [FAH] deficiency; FAH−/− mice) as a paradigm for orphan disorders, such as hereditary metabolic liver diseases, we evaluated fibroblast-derived FAH−/−-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) as targets for gene correction in combination with the tetraploid embryo complementation method. First, after characterizing the FAH−/− iPS cell lines, we aggregated FAH−/−-iPS cells with tetraploid embryos and obtained entirely FAH−/−-iPS cell–derived mice that were viable and exhibited the phenotype of the founding FAH−/− mice. Then, we transduced FAH cDNA into the FAH−/−-iPS cells using a third-generation lentiviral vector to generate gene-corrected iPS cells. We could not detect any chromosomal alterations in these cells by high-resolution array CGH analysis, and after their aggregation with tetraploid embryos, we obtained fully iPS cell–derived healthy mice with an astonishing high efficiency for full-term development of up to 63.3%. The gene correction was validated functionally by the long-term survival and expansion of FAH-positive cells of these mice after withdrawal of the rescuing drug NTBC (2-(2-nitro-4-fluoromethylbenzoyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione). Furthermore, our results demonstrate that both a liver-specific promoter (transthyretin, TTR)-driven FAH transgene and a strong viral promoter (from spleen focus-forming virus, SFFV)-driven FAH transgene rescued the FAH-deficiency phenotypes in the mice derived from the respective gene-corrected iPS cells. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that a lentiviral gene repair strategy does not abrogate the full pluripotent potential of fibroblast-derived iPS cells, and genetic manipulation of iPS cells in combination with tetraploid embryo aggregation provides a practical and rapid approach to evaluate the efficacy of gene correction of human diseases in mouse models

    A Formação na Maturidade como Apropriação da Própria História de Vida

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    No presente artigo, a disposi&#231;&#227;o e a compet&#234;ncia para a apropria&#231;&#227;o da pr&#243;pria hist&#243;ria de vida s&#227;o consideradas como modos de forma&#231;&#227;o1 na maturidade. Estas se relacionam com fatores hist&#243;ricos e s&#243;cio-pol&#237;ticos e est&#227;o inscritas em contextos multigeracionais de forma&#231;&#227;o e processos de desenvolvimento ao longo da vida. Nesta perspectiva, conceitos como gera&#231;&#227;o, geracionalidade, geratividade e transmiss&#227;o transgeracional ganham destaque e ser&#227;o aprofundados no texto. A linha argumentativa que sustenta este ponto de vista baseia-se em estudos de pa&#237;ses de l&#237;ngua alem&#227; sobre crian&#231;as da Segunda Guerra Mundial que envelheceram. Apesar de se tratar de uma situa&#231;&#227;o espec&#237;fica, nos parece poss&#237;vel a extens&#227;o das reflex&#245;es tamb&#233;m para o contexto brasileiro

    A decision scheme for coronary angiography after acute myocardial infarction

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    It is important to select patients in the convalescent phase of acute myocardial infarction in whom knowledge of coronary anatomy may identify those potentially suitable for intervention aimed at improving prognosis. However, differing guidelines have been proposed, and by applying some of these guidelines to our large database of patients after acute myocardial infarction, several problem areas were identified. These include lack of considering patients with resting ischemia beyond day 5 of hospitalization, management of patients with reduced ventricular function or patients not exercise tested, and the role of coronary angiography in the elderly. Based on this experience and further analysis in 1,848 patients surviving beyond day 5 of hospitalization, a modified decision scheme for coronary angiography was developed and then tested in a second population (n = 780). In the new scheme, patients over 75 years of age are considered individually. Those under 75 years of age with severe resting ischemia in the hospital at any time beyond the first 24 hours (18% mortality between day 6 and year 1), and hospital survivors with a history of previous myocardial infarction and clinical or radiographic signs of left ventricular failure in the hospital (25% 1-year mortality after discharge), are recommended for coronary angiography. Among the remaining patients, some will perform an exercise test, and those with an ischemic response or poor workload (11% 1-year mortality) are also assigned to coronary angiography. When an exercise test is not performed, a resting radionuclide left ventricular ejection fraction is recommended, and coronary angiography is considered if the value lies between 0.20 and 0.44 (12% 1-year mortality). This relatively simple scheme does not make general recommendations in the elderly, considers patients with in-hospital left ventricular failure or reduced left ventricular function or both, and approaches the problem of patients who do not perform an exercise test. This general approach would avoid early coronary angiography in patients with an average 1-year mortality risk after discharge of 3% and recommend coronary angiography in those at increased risk (average mortality rate, 16%) who make up about 55% of this population under 75 years of age