15 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of C6- and C3-positions of glucosyl residues in starch is catalysed by distinct dikinases

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    AbstractGlucan, water dikinase (GWD) and phosphoglucan, water dikinase (PWD) are required for normal starch metabolism. We analysed starch phosphorylation in Arabidopsis wild-type plants and mutants lacking either GWD or PWD using 31P NMR. Phosphorylation at both C6- and C3-positions of glucose moieties in starch was drastically decreased in GWD-deficient mutants. In starch from PWD-deficient plants C3-bound phosphate was reduced to levels close to the detection limit. The latter result contrasts with previous reports according to which GWD phosphorylates both C6- and C3-positions. In these studies, phosphorylation had been analysed by HPLC of acid-hydrolysed glucans. We now show that maltose-6-phosphate, a product of incomplete starch hydrolysis, co-eluted with glucose-3-phosphate under the chromatographic conditions applied. Re-examination of the specificity of the dikinases using an improved method demonstrates that C6- and C3-phosphorylation is selectively catalysed by GWD and PWD, respectively

    Identification of a Novel Enzyme Required for Starch Metabolism in Arabidopsis Leaves. The Phosphoglucan, Water Dikinase

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    The phosphorylation of amylopectin by the glucan, water dikinase (GWD; EC is an essential step within starch metabolism. This is indicated by the starch excess phenotype of GWD-deficient plants, such as the sex1-3 mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). To identify starch-related enzymes that rely on glucan-bound phosphate, we studied the binding of proteins extracted from Arabidopsis wild-type leaves to either phosphorylated or nonphosphorylated starch granules. Granules prepared from the sex1-3 mutant were prephosphorylated in vitro using recombinant potato (Solanum tuberosum) GWD. As a control, the unmodified, phosphate free granules were used. An as-yet uncharacterized protein was identified that preferentially binds to the phosphorylated starch. The C-terminal part of this protein exhibits similarity to that of GWD. The novel protein phosphorylates starch granules, but only following prephosphorylation with GWD. The enzyme transfers the β-P of ATP to the phosphoglucan, whereas the γ-P is released as orthophosphate. Therefore, the novel protein is designated as phosphoglucan, water dikinase (PWD). Unlike GWD that phosphorylates preferentially the C6 position of the glucose units, PWD phosphorylates predominantly (or exclusively) the C3 position. Western-blot analysis of protoplast and chloroplast fractions from Arabidopsis leaves reveals a plastidic location of PWD. Binding of PWD to starch granules strongly increases during net starch breakdown. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants in which the expression of PWD was reduced by either RNAi or a T-DNA insertion exhibit a starch excess phenotype. Thus, in Arabidopsis leaves starch turnover requires a close collaboration of PWD and GWD

    Glucan, Water Dikinase Activity Stimulates Breakdown of Starch Granules by Plastidial β-Amylases1[W][OA]

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    Glucan phosphorylating enzymes are required for normal mobilization of starch in leaves of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and potato (Solanum tuberosum), but mechanisms underlying this dependency are unknown. Using two different activity assays, we aimed to identify starch degrading enzymes from Arabidopsis, whose activity is affected by glucan phosphorylation. Breakdown of granular starch by a protein fraction purified from leaf extracts increased approximately 2-fold if the granules were simultaneously phosphorylated by recombinant potato glucan, water dikinase (GWD). Using matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization mass spectrometry several putative starch-related enzymes were identified in this fraction, among them β-AMYLASE1 (BAM1; At3g23920) and ISOAMYLASE3 (ISA3; At4g09020). Experiments using purified recombinant enzymes showed that BAM1 activity with granules similarly increased under conditions of simultaneous starch phosphorylation. Purified recombinant potato ISA3 (StISA3) did not attack the granular starch significantly with or without glucan phosphorylation. However, starch breakdown by a mixture of BAM1 and StISA3 was 2 times higher than that by BAM1 alone and was further enhanced in the presence of GWD and ATP. Similar to BAM1, maltose release from granular starch by purified recombinant BAM3 (At4g17090), another plastid-localized β-amylase isoform, increased 2- to 3-fold if the granules were simultaneously phosphorylated by GWD. BAM activity in turn strongly stimulated the GWD-catalyzed phosphorylation. The interdependence between the activities of GWD and BAMs offers an explanation for the severe starch excess phenotype of GWD-deficient mutants

    STARCH-EXCESS4 Is a Laforin-Like Phosphoglucan Phosphatase Required for Starch Degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana[W][OA]

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    Starch is the major storage carbohydrate in plants. It is comprised of glucans that form semicrystalline granules. Glucan phosphorylation is a prerequisite for normal starch breakdown, but phosphoglucan metabolism is not understood. A putative protein phosphatase encoded at the Starch Excess 4 (SEX4) locus of Arabidopsis thaliana was recently shown to be required for normal starch breakdown. Here, we show that SEX4 is a phosphoglucan phosphatase in vivo and define its role within the starch degradation pathway. SEX4 dephosphorylates both the starch granule surface and soluble phosphoglucans in vitro, and sex4 null mutants accumulate phosphorylated intermediates of starch breakdown. These compounds are linear α-1,4-glucans esterified with one or two phosphate groups. They are released from starch granules by the glucan hydrolases α-amylase and isoamylase. In vitro experiments show that the rate of starch granule degradation is increased upon simultaneous phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of starch. We propose that glucan phosphorylating enzymes and phosphoglucan phosphatases work in synergy with glucan hydrolases to mediate efficient starch catabolism

    The Arabidopsis sex1 Mutant Is Defective in the R1 Protein, a General Regulator of Starch Degradation in Plants, and Not in the Chloroplast Hexose Transporter

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    Starch is the major storage carbohydrate in higher plants and of considerable importance for the human diet and for numerous technical applications. In addition, starch can be accumulated transiently in chloroplasts as a temporary deposit of carbohydrates during ongoing photosynthesis. This transitory starch has to be mobilized during the subsequent dark period. Mutants defective in starch mobilization are characterized by high starch contents in leaves after prolonged periods of darkness and therefore are termed starch excess (sex) mutants. Here we describe the molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis sex1 mutant that has been proposed to be defective in the export of glucose resulting from hydrolytic starch breakdown. The mutated gene in sex1 was cloned using a map-based cloning approach. By complementation of the mutant, immunological analysis, and analysis of starch phosphorylation, we show that sex1 is defective in the Arabidopsis homolog of the R1 protein and not in the hexose transporter. We propose that the SEX1 protein (R1) functions as an overall regulator of starch mobilization by controlling the phosphate content of starch

    A Putative Phosphatase, LSF1, Is Required for Normal Starch Turnover in Arabidopsis Leaves1[W][OA]

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    A putative phosphatase, LSF1 (for LIKE SEX4; previously PTPKIS2), is closely related in sequence and structure to STARCH-EXCESS4 (SEX4), an enzyme necessary for the removal of phosphate groups from starch polymers during starch degradation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaves at night. We show that LSF1 is also required for starch degradation: lsf1 mutants, like sex4 mutants, have substantially more starch in their leaves than wild-type plants throughout the diurnal cycle. LSF1 is chloroplastic and is located on the surface of starch granules. lsf1 and sex4 mutants show similar, extensive changes relative to wild-type plants in the expression of sugar-sensitive genes. However, although LSF1 and SEX4 are probably both involved in the early stages of starch degradation, we show that LSF1 neither catalyzes the same reaction as SEX4 nor mediates a sequential step in the pathway. Evidence includes the contents and metabolism of phosphorylated glucans in the single mutants. The sex4 mutant accumulates soluble phospho-oligosaccharides undetectable in wild-type plants and is deficient in a starch granule-dephosphorylating activity present in wild-type plants. The lsf1 mutant displays neither of these phenotypes. The phenotype of the lsf1/sex4 double mutant also differs from that of both single mutants in several respects. We discuss the possible role of the LSF1 protein in starch degradation