29 research outputs found

    Rontoknya independensi pers cetak dan online di Kota Medan

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    Studi ini menjelaskan rontoknya independensi pers cetak dan online di Medan, Sumatera Utara karena disrupsi digital dan pandemi COVID-19. Demi melanjutkan operasional, perusahaan pers di sana mengikat kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah untuk menyiarkan berita-berita advertorial tanpa pembeda dengan berita nonadvertorial. Mereka menyiarkan berita berbayar berdasarkan kepentingan pemberi kontrak, sehingga pers tidak lagi independen dalam menjalankan fungsi jurnalisme. Praktik-praktik pemberitaan seperti itu dinilai sebagai bentuk intervensi terhadap ruang redaksi dan tidak sesuai dengan kode etik jurnalistik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah gambaran atas dugaan runtuhnya independesi pers cetak dan portal berita di Medan melalui adopsi kebijakan kontrak berita dari berita berbayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan sebuah gambaran atas runtuhnya independensi pers cetak dan portal berita di Medan melalui adopsi kebijakan kontrak berita berbayar. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif data primer diperoleh melalui focus grup discussion bersama redaktur pers cetak dan portal berita di Medan, disertai wawancara mendalam dengan pemimpin organisasi wartawan untuk mendapatkan pandangan pro-kontra berita berbayar sebagai bentuk intervensi pihak ketiga terhadap pemberitaan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah berita berbayar tidak bertentangan dengan etika jurnalistik sepanjang dimaknai sebagai iklan dalam bentuk berita advertorial, sedangkan menerima bayaran dalam bentuk kontrak untuk menyiarkan berita tertentu nonadvertorial dianggap melanggar kode etik jurnalistik. Namun, mereka tetap menyiarkan berita berbayar nonadvertorial agar tetap bisa hidup meski tahu itu membatasi independensi ruang redaksi


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    The basic functions of communication are entertainment, amusement, deliver public opinion, social control, critics and educate (provide knowledge). Delivering opinion has the same meaning as creating a dialogue forum among the communities and between the communities and the government. This community service discuss the socialization of “the causes of the khilafian (opinion differences) in islamic communication” which is formed in speeches and discussions as one of the islamic dakwah to understand, believe and to practice Islamic syari’ah and aqidah. Khilafiah litterally means argue, different or dissagree. Basically, the ulama fiqih opinion differences happen because of two things, first: principals differenciation of the legal position, whether it can be taken as the consieration to determine the law or not. Second, principals differentiation about language rules in understanding a nash (Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits). Therefore in this socialization the writer delivers the causes of the khilafiyah or opinion differences of Ulama Fiqh. This socialization aims to make moslem people understand,respect, appreciate and accept the opinion differences in carrying out the worship rules in Islam


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    The idea of the concept of Wasathiyah Islam (moderate Islam) reappeared in the High Level Consultation (Summit) of World Muslim Scholars and Intellectuals at the Bogor Palace, 1-3 May 2018. Wasathiyah Islam is perceived as a perspective that understands the position of Islam between two extreme opposite points: Fundamentalist and radical on the one hand, and liberal and permissive on the other. Women are the party mostdefeated by Islamic fundamentalists and most disadvantaged in the application of rigid Islamic sharia in various places in the Islamic world. In connection with concept of Wasathiyah Islam, women have monitoring ability that can promote constructive dialogue and provide understanding, both in the family and in the community. Therefore, women need to be equipped with a full understanding of the concept of WasathiyahIslam, because misleading understanding can foster religious radicalism on the one hand, and permissive attitudes will dwarf the understanding of religion on the other. The method used in this counselling includes several stages: 1) survey; 2) module making; 3) counselling; 4) interactive dialogue; 5) evaluation. The results of the counselling showed that after the training, participants enhanced their knowledge about the concept ofWasathiyah Islam. They began to realize that they had an important role in instilling a correct understanding of Wasathiyah Islam towards their families and communities


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    Adolescence is a time of rapid changes in the process of physical, cognitive and psychosocial or behavioral andhormonal growth. At the age of adolescence, namely the age range of 15 to 18 years adolescents will experiencethe first puberty, even some children experience puberty more quickly, which is around 10-13 years. In puberty,there is a strong urge that comes from within the individual to know something that he had neverknown. Circumstances like this that encourage adolescents in this case to try new things in life, including freesex (free sex). Sexual activity via mobile phones has now mushroomed in the community. Do not know thebeginning of when it began, but certainly there are many who know if sex can be done via cellular phone. Theactivity of having sex through a cellular phone is called phone sex. Telephone sex (Phone Sex) is a type ofvirtual sex that refers more to explicit sexual conversations that occur between two or more people over thetelephone especially when one participant or sex partner masturbates or performs sexual fantasies. Phone Sex (PS) is a sexual activity carried out by listening on a cellular phone. Providing sex education for children is the responsibility of all parties: parents, teachers, the community and the government. It becomes a preventivemeasure that can be applied early, by providing sex education for their children, especially in Early ChildhoodEducatio


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    This community service is in the form of socialization of Bid’ah in the perspective of Islamic Communication held in the form of lectures and discussion before the worshipers of Al Hikmah Mosque. The purpose is to understand, believe and practice the Islamic aqidah and syari’ah. Bid’ah literally means something that is held without any pervious examples. Broadly, the scholars divided bid’ah into two, namely bid’ah hasanah (good bid’ah) and bid’ah madzmumah (disgraceful bid’ah). In this bid’ah division, a minority of Moslems refused it. They consider that all bid’ah is disgraceful. Thus, in this socialization, the writer conveyed arguments as the basis for accepting and rejecting bid’ah hasanah

    Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Kecamatan XYZ Bekasi

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    Iklim organisasi merupakan keadaan di sebuah organisasi, tempat setiap anggotanya saling berinteraksi, membatasi diri, ataupun berinteraksi satu sama lain sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas kerja sama dan peningkatan kinerja anggota organisasi. Iklim organisasi yang kondusif akan mendorong para anggota organisasi untuk saling berinteraksi satu sama lain yang dapat meningkatkan komitmen pada organisasi. Komitmen organisasi akan menjadi indikator kepuasan kerja karyawan, bersama efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan. Di sisi lain, keterbukaan komunikasi dalam sebuah organisasi akan membuat suasana kerja menjadi kondusif dan nyaman. Dengan membiasakan diri untuk berketrampilan komunikasi yang baik di tempat kerja, maka karyawan akan mencapai kepuasan kerja. Dengan demikian, masalah penelitian adalah bagaimana pengaruh integrasi variabel iklim organisasi, komunikasi interpersonal, dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja. Apakah model integrasi variabel iklim organisasi, komunikasi interpersonal, dan komitmen organisasi bisa menggambarkan pengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang model integrasi pengaruh variabel iklim organisasi, komunikasi interpersonal, dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja. Adapun paradigma penelitian yang digunakan adalah positivistik sedangkan metode penelitiannya adalah survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pegawai negeri sipil di Kecamatan XYZ, Kabupaten Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive random sampling. Hasil penelitian membuktikan, variabel iklim organisasi dan variabel komunikasi interpersonal memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, sedangkan variabel komitmen organisasi tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja


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    Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) is a means of developing students' interests and talents in the school's internal environment. The existence of the student council can be beneficial for schools and the community. OSIS is also a major component of the pioneering schoolfor developments in the school. The problem is that many student councils do not show their existence as a driving force in the development of schools and students. The student council vacuum is more due to the low understanding of management and leadership concepts, so that potential members cannot be managed properly. This community service activity is carried out by providing training and program assistance for 1 month. As a result of this activity is the increasing existence of OSIS in schools and is beneficial for students and the community as a forum for discussion in terms of increasing the existence of OSIS and contributing to human development

    Citizen Journalism and Public Participation in the Era of New Media in Indonesia: From Street to Tweet

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    Citizen journalism was initially practiced via mass media. This is because citizens trusted mass media as an independent information channel, and social media like Twitter was unavailable. Following mass media’s affiliation to political parties and the rise of social media, citizens began using Twitter for delivering news or information. We dub this as citizen journalism from street to tweet. This study found that such process indicates the waning of mass media and the intensification of social media. Yet, the process neither strengthened citizen journalism nor increased public participation as it resulted in netizens experiencing severe polarization between groups critical and in support of the government instead. We consider this as a new emerging phenomenon caused by the advent of new media in the post-truth era. In this context, post-truth refers to social and political conditions wherein citizens no longer respect the truth due to political polarization, fake-news-producing journalist, hate-mongering citizen journalism, and unregulated social media activities. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews with four informants. While conversation data of netizens on Twitter were acquired from a Twitter conversation reader operated by DEA (Drone Emprit Academic), a big data system capable of capturing and analyzing netizen’s conversations, particularly on Twitter in real time. This study may have implications on the shift of citizen journalism due to its presence in the era of new media. The most salient feature in this new period is the obscurity of news, information, and opinions conveyed by citizens via social media, like Twitter

    Fake News on Social Media and Adolescent’s Cognition

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    This research aims to determine the extent to which teenagers distinguish true news from fake news and how these fake news affect adolescents’cognition. A lot of hoax information has sprung up on social media, especially during the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. The ability to check on the information spread in online media is influenced by each individual’s cognitive abilities. A person’s cognitive ability is to think rationally, including aspects of knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This study used an explanative survey method with a quantitative positivistic paradigm. The results showed that the most influencing X variable to the Y variable was the Satire variable, which is positive and unidirectional. The Hoax variable has the most influence on cognitive abilities, even though the value is negative and not unidirectional. This means, the lower the understanding of Hoax, the higher the level of cognitive abilities