31 research outputs found

    Role of Domain Interactions in the Collective Motion of Phosphoglycerate Kinase

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    Protein function is governed by the underlying conformational dynamics of the molecule. The experimental and theoretical work leading to contemporary understanding of enzyme dynamics was mostly restricted to the large-scale movements of single-domain proteins. Collective movements resulting from a regulatory interplay between protein domains is often crucial for enzymatic activity. It is not clear, however, how our knowledge could be extended to describe collective near-equilibrium motions of multidomain enzymes. We examined the effect of domain interactions on the low temperature near equilibrium dynamics of the native state, using phosphoglycerate kinase as model protein. We measured thermal activation of tryptophan phosphorescence quenching to explore millisecond-range protein motions. The two protein domains of phosphoglycerate kinase correspond to two dynamic units, but interdomain interactions link the motion of the two domains. The effect of the interdomain interactions on the activation of motions in the individual domains is asymmetric. As the temperature of the frozen protein is increased from the cryogenic, motions of the N domain are activated first. This is a partial activation, however, and the full dynamics of the domain becomes activated only after the activation of the C domain

    The ‘sequential allosteric ring’ mechanism in the eukaryotic chaperonin-assisted folding of actin and tubulin

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    Folding to completion of actin and tubulin in the eukaryotic cytosol requires their interaction with cytosolic chaperonin CCT [chaperonin containing tailless complex polypeptide 1 (TCP-1)]. Three-dimensional reconstructions of nucleotide-free CCT complexed to either actin or tubulin show that CCT stabilizes both cytoskeletal proteins in open and quasi-folded conformations mediated through interactions that are both subunit specific and geometry dependent. Here we find that upon ATP binding, mimicked by the non-hydrolysable analog AMP-PNP (5′-adenylyl-imido-diphosphate), to both CCT–α-actin and CCT– β-tubulin complexes, the chaperonin component undergoes concerted movements of the apical domains, resulting in the cavity being closed off by the helical protrusions of the eight apical domains. However, in contrast to the GroE system, generation of this closed state does not induce the release of the substrate into the chaperonin cavity, and both cytoskeletal proteins remain bound to the chaperonin apical domains. Docking of the AMP-PNP–CCT-bound conformations of α-actin and β-tubulin to their respective native atomic structures suggests that both proteins have progressed towards their native states

    Eukaryotic chaperonin CCT stabilizes actin and tubulin folding intermediates in open quasi-native conformations

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    Three-dimensional reconstruction from cryoelectron micrographs of the eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin CCT complexed to tubulin shows that CCT interacts with tubulin (both the α and β isoforms) using five specific CCT subunits. The CCT–tubulin interaction has a different geometry to the CCT–actin interaction, and a mixture of shared and unique CCT subunits is used in binding the two substrates. Docking of the atomic structures of both actin and tubulin to their CCT-bound conformation suggests a common mode of chaperonin–substrate interaction. CCT stabilizes quasi-native structures in both proteins that are open through their domain-connecting hinge regions, suggesting a novel mechanism and function of CCT in assisted protein folding

    Asymmetric effect of domain interactions on the kinetics of folding in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase

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    The aim of this work is to shed more light on the effect of domain–domain interactions on the kinetics and the pathway of protein folding. A model protein system consisting of several single-tryptophan variants of the two-domain yeast phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and its individual domains was studied. Refolding was initiated from the guanidine-unfolded state by stopped-flow or manual mixing and monitored by tryptophan fluorescence from 1 msec to 1000 sec. Denaturant titrations of both individual domains showed apparent two-state unfolding transitions. Refolding kinetics of the individual domains from different denaturant concentrations, however, revealed the presence of intermediate structures during titration for both domains. Refolding of the same domains within the complete protein showed that domain–domain interactions direct the folding of both domains, but in an asymmetric way. Folding of the N domain was already altered within 1 msec, while detectable changes in the folding of the C domain occurred only 60–100 msec after initiating refolding. All mutants showed a hyperfluorescent kinetic intermediate. Both the disappearance of this intermediate and the completion of the folding were significantly faster in the individual N domain than in the complete protein. On the contrary, folding of the individual C domain was slower than in the complete protein. The presence of the C domain directs the refolding of the N domain along a completely different pathway than that of the individual N domain, while folding of the individual C domain follows the same path as within the complete protein