10 research outputs found


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    This article explores the tombs in the compound of mosque and Islamic Mataram cemetery in Kotagede. The object used for the research is the tomb complex which is located behind the Kotagede mosque. The main figure buried in the cemetery is Panembahan Senopati and some of his close relatives. The research is conducted due to the pattern of placement and arrangement of the tombs which is interesting as an object of study. Certain patterns are found in the use of space in the tomb complex, both horizontally and vertically. Further studies are needed to see whether the pattern have to do with the concept of habluminallah and habluminanas? Certainly, these patterns could be the influence of Islam in the Javanese culture. This is quite understandable since the tomb concept maker is the main figure of Islamic Mataram kings, i.e., Panembahan Senopati.

    Preservasi Naskah Kuno Koleksi Masjid Agung Surakarta

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    This article discusses the preservation of ancient scripts in the Surakarta Grand Mosque collection. A majority of texts are former books that were used as teaching materials at the Manba'ul ‘UlumMadrasah in Surakarta. A madrasah established by the Kasunanan sultanate of Surakarta during the reign of Sri SusuhunanPakubuwono IX (1861-1893). The presence of these texts serves as evidence in the intensity of the sultanate in developing Islam through the education process, hence making them a highly significant source of written history.There are currently 93 scripts in existence, however the conditions require serious preservation efforts. Aside from natural degradation by time, other ecological factors that should be considered in their preservation are quite lacking. Each script has differing conditions, thus the need for special treatment. For that reason, preservation efforts must be undertaken immediately

    Preservasi Naskah Kuno Koleksi Masjid Agung Surakarta

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    This article discusses the preservation of ancient scripts in the Surakarta Grand Mosque collection. A majority of texts are former books that were used as teaching materials at the Manba’ul ‘UlumMadrasah in Surakarta. A madrasah established by the Kasunanan sultanate of Surakarta during the reign of Sri SusuhunanPakubuwono IX (1861-1893). The presence of these texts serves as evidence in the intensity of the sultanate in developing Islam through the education process, hence making them a highly significant source of written history.There are currently 93 scripts in existence, however the conditions require serious preservation efforts. Aside from natural degradation by time, other ecological factors that should be considered in their preservation are quite lacking. Each script has differing conditions, thus the need for special treatment. For that reason, preservation efforts must be undertaken immediately

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Tersangka dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

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    This research is about legal protection in the perspective of human rights rights of suspects and potential violations in criminal case investigations. The purpose is to protect the rights of suspects, ensure legal certainty and avoid ill-treatment, and know the obstacles. This research is an empirical legal research. Research location at Sidoarjo Regional Police Station. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative, using content analysis techniques. Legal protection of suspect rights in criminal case investigations can be realized properly if there is a commitment to enforce the law seriously, and the community also provides control to reduce potential human rights violations. In Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code as a basis, the examination process at the Sidoarjo Regional Police, investigators in the case of investigations of suspects pay attention to their human rights, give freedom to use a Legal Advisor, give freedom when answering investigator questions, do not emphasize when conducting examinations, notify legal counsel or family if the suspect is ill in custody, treats well when investigating

    Melacak Transmisi Keilmuan Pesantren Studi Atas Kajian Kitab Kuning, Hubungan Kiai-Santri dan Genealogi Pesantren Salafiyah di Jawa Barat

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    Penelitian yang hasilnya dituangkan dalam buku yang di tangan pembaca ini merupakan usaha pelacakan terhadap praktik pengajian kitab kuning di pesantren di Jawa Barat. Dengan jelas tergambar di situ, selain tradisi pengajian itu, genealogi kelimuan pesantren-pesantren itu, baik dalam hubungan denga pesantren-pesantren lain yang lebih tua di Jawa, maupun dengan pesantren-pesantren yang lebih muda di tempat lain, terutama di Jawa Barat sendiri. Penerjemahan teks Arab ke dalam bahasa Jawa masih tetap dipertahankan dengan penjelasan setelah itu dalam bahasa Sunda dan Bahasa Indonesia. Metode lama tetap terjaga, sementara kebutuhan para santri yang tidak paham bahasa Jawa dipenuhi dengan penjelasan dalam bahasa mereka. Salah satu cara pelestarian pesantren adalah reproduksi yang dilakukan dengan sengaja atau tanpa sengaja. Dari satu pesantren lahir pesantren-pesantren lain yang dipimpin oleh santri-santri ulama senior. Santri-santri itu bisa jadi berasal dari keluarga sang guru senior atau dari murid-muridnya. Seorang guru bisa jadi memilih di antara santri-santri yang belajar kepadanya santri-santriyang dipandang cakap untuk membuka cabang pesantren. Pilihan bisa juga jatuh kepada anggota keluarganya. Dengan begitu kelihatan dengan jelas hubungan genealogis keilmuan antara pesantren yang satu (yang lebih tua) dan pesantren lain (yang lebih muda)

    Zaman harapan bagi keturunan Tiongkok: rekaman dakwah Islamiyah 1979-1984

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    Buku ini berisi tentang rekaman dakwah islamiyah sejak tahun 1979 hingga 1984 yang dibahas secara terperinci.xiv, 464 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c