747 research outputs found

    IT -system, -project or -process risk assessment

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    #StayHome and #TravelTomorrow – (De)marketing Travel Experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic : Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tourism Promotional Videos

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    This thesis studies tourism representations and (de)marketing strategies in promotional videos created by 20 Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) during the Covid-19 pandemic in Spring 2020. The objective of the study is to examine how the multimodal resources of the videos contribute to destination marketing and are influenced by the challenging conditions imposed on travel. These aspects provide an interesting angle from which to examine tourism promotion and the representational metafunction of language and visual communication. The methods of multimodal discourse analysis (Halliday and Matthiessen [1985] 2014; Kress and van Leeuwen 1996; 2006; Royce 1998) are utilized in the analysis of transitivity and representational meanings derived from the voiceover and visual shots of the videos. The discussion of the results is based on existing studies on tourism representations and place marketing. These elements provide the basis for analysing each semiotic mode separately, after which intersemiotics is considered while comparing the DMOs’ approaches to each other. Four different approaches to destination (de)marketing were identified based on the verbal transitivity features of the videos, constructed mainly around material, relational, and mental processes. Based on the emphasis on destination attractions and attributes and other ways of creating demand, such as showcasing the spirit and culture of the destination, the representations found repeat the tendencies of tourism promotion. At the same time, the results provide examples of place demarketing through verbal incentives to divert demand realized through direct statements and the abstraction of language. The absence of represented destination qualities in favour of more important basics of life was also found to be a frequent theme in the videos. These verbal meanings were complemented by visual features of the videos, usually either by repeating similar meanings or exemplifying them in different ways. Essential features of the destinations were utilized to place emphasis more strongly on their attractions, mostly through analytical, symbolic, and narrative representations of nature, culture, hosts, and guests. Temporal representations, on the other hand, were more tied to the pandemic context. The study suggests that the methods of multimodal discourse analysis are useful in providing evidence on promotional strategies and tourism representations, as well as in examining aspects of video material. Overall, multimodality proves to be a potentially effective tool for place marketing

    Äitien työvoimaan kuuluvuus ja lasten hoito äitien työssä ollessa

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    Naisten representaatio Harriet Martineaun ohjesääntöistä prostituutiota vastustavassa poliittisessa aktivismissa 1800-luvun Britanniassa.

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the representations of women in the activism of 19th-century freethinking feminists and the underlying motives thereof. I analyse the representations offered by Harriet Martineau in her writings on the Contagious Diseases Acts – legislation regulating prostitution – consisting of the four letters to the London Daily News in 1869, electoral placards and personal letters written c. 1871. In examining the different representations of women, I use content analysis to categorise Martineau’s rhetoric in her writings on the middle-class activists and lower-class sex workers. The three key concepts for this thesis are freethought, gender, and representation. By freethought I refer to the ideology of the organized 19th-century secularist movement that lobbied for the separation of political, cultural, and moral life from religion. I use the term gender as theorized by Joan Scott, conceptualising it as a constitutive element of social relationships based on perceived differences and as a way of signifying relationships of power. In utilizing the term representation, I use Stuart Hall’s definition of representation as “the process by which members of a culture use language to produce meaning”. The representations of women in Martineau’s writings on the Acts are varied and conflicting. I identify three representations of middle-class women: self-sacrificing patriots, moral guardians, and intellectual educators. Each is used to justify women’s move into politics. The emphasis on self-sacrifice and moral guardianship employs the dominant ideology of femininity in which women were passive but at the centre of the morality of the nation. However, at the same time Martineau challenges the dominant idea of femininity in presenting the female activists as active agents and intelligent educators. I identify three representations of lower-class sex workers: passive victims, sinners, and fellow English women. In the victimizing rhetoric, Martineau utilizes the common idea of the sex worker’s fallenness to evoke sympathy. However, she never differentiates between the sex workers by virtue, presenting all as victims of society. Most radically she portrays them as English women, equal subjects of the British law. This egalitarian representation challenges the hierarchical structure underpinning the victimizing rhetoric. I suggest Martineau’s representations draw from two distinct aspects: her middle-class background and her freethinking mission of bettering society through education. Her moral background explains the more traditional depictions of women. However, I argue that her belief in necessarianism motivates her egalitarian view of sex workers as fellow Englishwomen. I suggest that Martineau’s over-arching agenda was to educate the public. This is apparent in her appeals to the duty of citizens to learn and enlighten others

    Kaupunkiseutujen haja-asutusalueen väestömuutokset Suomessa 1980-2005

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    Asutuksen keskittyminen kaupunkeihin ja muihin suuriin taajamiin on ollut Suomen yhdyskuntarakenteen keskeisimpiä kehityssuuntia. Samalla haja-asutusalueiden väestömäärä on vähentynyt voimakkaasti. Haja-asutusalueiden väestökehitys on kuitenkin selkeästi eriytynyt kasvaviin ja taantuviin alueisiin. Kasvavat haja-asutusalueet löytyvät aiempaa selvemmin vain suurten kaupunkiseutujen ympäriltä, joissa kasvu ulottuu yhä kauemmaksi. Pienempien kaupunkiseutujen ympärillä haja-asutusalueen väestökehitys on useimmiten negatiivista heti taajaman rajalta alkaen. Seurantaraportissa tarkastellaan kaupunkiseutuja ympäröivän haja-asutuksen väestömuutoksia Suomen 28 suurimmalla työssäkäyntialueella ajanjaksolla 1980–2005. Haja-asutusta on tarkasteltu suhteessa kaupunkiseudun keskukseen etäisyysvyöhykkeiden avulla. Selvityksen tärkeänä tuloksena muodostuu kuva haja-asutusalueiden erilaisesta kehityksestä maan eri osissa sekä työssäkäyntialueiden sisällä. Raportissa esitetään miten eri alueiden erilainen väestökehitys heijastuu kaupunkiseutuja ympäröivän haja-asutusalueen väestömuutoksiin. Toisaalta havaitaan rakenteen hajautuminen haja-asutusalueelle kasvukeskusten ympärillä ja toisaalta autioituva haja-asutusalue kauempana kasvukeskuksista. Raportin tiedot on saatu ympäristöministeriön ja Suomen ympäristökeskuksen yhteistyönä kehittämästä yhdyskuntarakenteen seurantajärjestelmästä (YKR), joka perustuu pääosin Tilastokeskuksen tuottamiin valtakunnallisiin koordinaattipohjaisiin paikkatietoihin

    Anestesiaintubaatioprotokollan simulaatiokoulutus HYKS lääkärihelikopterin henkilökunnalle

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli järjestää HYKS lääkärihelikopterin henkilökunnalle simulaatiopäivä anestesiaintubaatioprotokollan käytöstä ja kehittää heille sen pohjalta simulaatio-opas. Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä oli kehittää kaksi simuloitavaa hoitotilannetta, järjestää simulaatiokoulutuspäivä henkilökunnalle sekä konkreettinen opas simulaation pitämiseen. Teoriapohjana opinnäytetyössä käytettiin sekä kotimaista että ulkomaalaista kirja- ja tutkimustietoa. Kirjallisuuden ohella tietoa etsittiin internetistä löytyneistä ajankohtaisista tutkimuksista ja artikkeleista. Teoriapohja käsittelee hengitysteiden anatomiaa, hengitysteiden turvaamista intuboimalla sekä simulaatiokoulutusta koulutusmuotona. Keskeisiä huomioitavia asioita opinnäytetyössä olivat simulaatio-opetus ja -oppiminen sekä potilasturvallisuuden varmistamien. Kyselytutkimus tehtiin paperisella lomakkeella, johon vastaaja vastasi vapaaehtoisesti heti simulaatiotilanteen suoritettuaan. Kyselyn tavoitteena oli selvittää simulaatioon osallistuvan henkilön kokemuksia simulaatiosta ja sen hyödyllisyydestä oman ammattitaidon kehittämisessä. Lomakkeena käytettiin puolistrukturoitua kyselylomaketta. Kyselytutkimuksen vastauksia analysoitiin laskemalla jokaisen vastauksen keskiarvot ja avaamalla sanallisesti niiden tuloksia. Kyselytutkimuksen vastausten perusteella simulaatiokoulutus koettiin tarpeelliseksi ja hyödylliseksi koulutusmenetelmäksi intubaatioprotokollan käyttöön ottamisessa. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että eniten kehitettävää oli simulaation todenmukaisuudessa. Kyselytutkimukset tuloksia voitaisiin jatkossa hyödyntää simulaatiokoulutuksen järjestämisen yksityiskohtien huomioimisessa sekä jatkotutkimuksena.The purpose of this thesis was to arrange a simulation day on anesthetic intubations to the Helicopter emergency services and apply guidelines for simulations in the same kind of situations. The tasks of the study were to create two simulation scenarios, arrange the learning situations and create a manual for simulations based on evaluations of the simulation day. There were two scenarios created. The first scenario was a patient with a head trauma and the second was a patient with drug overdose, and the airway had to be managed in both of the cases. The evaluation of the simulation situations and the method of learning the topic was carried out by collecting feedback from the simulation day by using a questionnaire. The manual was also developed to guide how to arrange these two scenarios again and what should be estimated. The theoretical sections of the thesis consists of the anatomy of respiratory organs and their function and the management of the airways by using a intubation. The theory also consists of information about simulation based of the learning and safety of the patients. The theoretic section was gathered from Finnish and foreign literature. Internet was also used for searching the most recent research studies. A paper version of the questionnaire was used to gather feedback immediately after the simulation. The feedback was given anonymously. The questionnaire was semi-structured. The feedback was analyzed by calculating the average of each question and analyzing and interpretning the verbal responses. According to the feedback the simulations was considered as a very necessary training method of learning the topic. The data analysis revealed that improvement should be done in the truthfulness of the scenarios. In the future, study results could be used in creating other simulation scenarios regarding real life situations

    Preliminary validation of treatment relationship confirmed by event log applications

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    A relationship between patients and healthcare professional should be confirmed by an EHR system before the patients’ medical records are made available to healthcare professionals. We have earlier presented a logical level description about how a connection between patients and healthcare professionals (i.e. a treatment relationship) could be established automatically by event log applications (SIEM) after patient data has been accessed via an EHR system or other applications. The purpose of this study was to analyze, if the data collected for automatic confirmation of treatment relationships by SIEM was valid and to decrease the need for manual analysis. The record access data was collected from various information systems for the event log analyzer. The analyzing principles established in this case were based on the hospital’s core processes. The outcome substantiates the view that automation can be used to evaluate large numbers of events. There is, however, still the need to further specify and apply principles to the configuration, in order to improve the surveillance within indirect use of patient information

    Autoriippuvainen yhdyskunta ja sen vaihtoehdot

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