596 research outputs found
The impact of plant plyphenols on platelet activation and their aggregation with endothelial, blood and malignant cels
Trombociti imaju važnu ulogu u patogenezi kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti.
Uticaj biološki aktivnih sastojaka namirnica na aktivaciju trombocita i njihovu
heterotipsku agregaciju predstavlja jedan od potencijalnih mehanizama njihove uloge u
prevenciji hroničnih bolesti i promociji zdravlja. Rezultati interventnih dijetarnih studija
potvrđuju uticaj polifenola na funkciju trombocita. Protočna citometrija predstavlja
jednu od najoptimalnijih metoda ispitivanja uticaja dijetarnih sastojaka na trombocite.
Osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje uticaja biljaka koje sadrže polifenole
na aktivaciju trombocita i njihovu agregaciju sa leukocitima, u in vitro
eksperimentalnim uslovima, kao i nakon konzumacije namirnica biljnog porekla, koje
predstavljaju dijetarni izvor polifenola.
Primenom protočne citometrije pokazano je da u in vitro eksperimentalnim
uslovima svi ispitivani ekstrakti (ekstrakt koprive, mirođije, šarplaninskog čaja, kelja,
nara, japanske jabuke i aronije) pokazuju efekte su na neki od analiziranih parametara
aktivacije trombocita i njihove agregacije sa monocitima i neutrofilima, kod zdravih
ispitanika ili ispitanika sa metaboličkim sindromom. Na najveći broj parametara
delovali su ekstrakti kelja i mirođije, a u tom smislu najmanje izraženo delovanje
pokazao je ekstrakt nara.
Ispitivanjem delovanja metabolita pokazano je da svi ispitivani metaboliti:
kvercetin-3-glukuronid, 3’-metil-kvercetin-3-glukuronid, kvercetin-3’-sulfat i
sulforafan-cistein-glicin pokazuju efekte na neki od parametara aktivacije trombocita i
njihove agregacije sa monocitima i neutrofilima, kod zdravih ispitanika ili ispitanika sa
metaboličkim sindromom. Sulforafan-cistein-glicin delovao je na veći broj parametara u
odnosu na metabolite kvercetina. Delovanje 3’-metil-kvercetin-3-glukuronida bilo je
izraženije u odnosu na delovanje ostalih metabolita kvercetina.
Nakon ispitivanja delovanja jednokratne konzumacije namirnica koje predstavljaju
dijetarni izvor polifenola pokazano je da konzumacija soka od aronije kod zdravih
ispitanika dovodi do smanjenja aktivacije trombocita i to smanjenjem procenta Pselektin-
pozitivnih trombocita u bazalnim uslovima, kao i smanjenjem procenta i
gustine ovog adhezionog receptora nakon ex vivo delovanja adenozin-difosfata i arahidonske kiseline kao agonista...Platelets have an important role in the pathogenesis of
cardiovascular and
malignant diseases. The impact of bioactive dietary compounds on platelet activation
and their aggregation with leukocytes is one of the potential mechanisms of their role in
health promotion and
prevention of chronic diseases. The results of dietary
intervention studies confirm the effect of polyphenols on platelet function. Flow
cytometry is considered to be one of the most advantageous methods in investigation of
dietary compounds effects on platelets.
The main aim of this study was the evaluation of potential effects of polyphenol
- rich
plants on platelets activation and their aggregation with leukocytes, in
in vitro
experimental setting and after the consumption of plant foods, as dietary sources of
polyphenols. All investigated plant extracts (extracts of nettle, dill, mountain tea, kale,
pomegranate, persimmon and chokeberry) affected some of the analyzed parameters of
platelets activation and their aggregation with monocytes and neutrophils,
in healthy
subjects or subjects with
metabolic syndrome
The most effective were kale and dill
influencing most of the parameters evaluated by flow cytometry, while
least effective was
extract. All investigated metabolites: quercetin
glucuronide, 3'
glucuronide, quercetin
sulfate and sulforaphane
have shown
some parameters of platelet activation and
aggregation with monocytes
and neutrophils,
in healthy subjects or subjects with metabolic syndrome.
The most
effective was sulforaphane
glycine, influencing most of the analyzed
. 3'
more pronounced
compared to the effects of other metabolites of quercetin. Dietary intervention studies investigating
the effects of single consumption of plant-based
dietary sources of polyphenols
have shown
that consumption of
chokeberry juice
beneficially influenced
activation status
percentage of P
positive platelets under basal conditions, as well as reducing he
and density of
ex vivo
agonistic action of
diphosphate and arachidonic
Sintering of mechanically activated magnesium-titanate and barium-zinc-titanate ceramics
In this article the influence of mechanical activation on sintering process of magnesium-titanate and barium-zinc-titanate ceramics has been investigated. Both nonactivated and mixtures treated in planetary ball mill for 80 minutes were sintered at 1100ºC and 1300ºC. The influence of mechanical activation on phase composition and crystal structure has been analyzed by XRD, while the effect of activation and sintering process on microstructure was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. It has been established that temperature of 1100ºC was to low to induce final sintering stage for both systems. Moreover, we concluded that barium-zinc-titanate ceramics exhibited better sinterability than magnesium-titanate ceramics
Positive effects of naringenin on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes
Purpose: Deformability/rheologic behavior of erythrocytes are related to near-surface membrane fluidity. Specific agents can increase erythrocyte membrane fluidity in order to adjust hemodynamics in cardiovascular diseases. Grapefruit flavanone naringenin has been proposed for potential use in an alternative therapy of cardiovascular conditions. In respect to this, we assessed here effects of two nutritionally relevant concentrations of naringenin (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes. Methods: We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and fatty acid spin probes (5-DS and 7-DS), the spectra of which are dependent on membrane fluidity. Results: The results showed a significant (p = 0.029) increase of membrane fluidity near the hydrophilic surface in erythrocytes treated with higher concentration of naringenin. In the deeper layer, just below the erythrocyte membrane phospholipid heads, both lower and higher concentration of naringenin significantly increased membrane fluidity (p = 0.036 and p = 0.028, respectively). Conclusions: These data document the positive and dose dependent effect of naringenin on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes, recommending its use in the cardiovascular conditions characterized by disturbed hemodynamics
Phase behaviors of binary mixtures composed of banana-shaped and calamitic mesogens
In this work, five mixtures with different concentrations of banana-shaped
and calamitic compounds have been prepared and subsequently studied by
polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray
diffraction on non-oriented samples. The phase sequences and molecular
parameters of the binary systems are presented
Influenza A and B viruses in the population of Vojvodina, Serbia
At present, two influenza A viruses, H1N1pdm09 and H3N2, along with influenza
B virus co-circulate in the human population, causing endemic and seasonal
epidemic acute febrile respiratory infections, sometimes with
life-threatening complications. Detection of influenza viruses in
nasopharyngeal swab samples was done by real-time RT-PCR. There were 60.2%
(53/88) positive samples in 2010/11, 63.4% (52/82) in 2011/12, and 49.9%
(184/369) in 2012/13. Among the positive patients, influenza A viruses were
predominant during the first two seasons, while influenza B type was more
active during 2012/13. Subtyping of influenza A positive samples revealed the
presence of A (H1N1)pdm09 in 2010/11, A (H3N2) in 2011/12, while in 2012/13,
both subtypes were detected. The highest seroprevalence against influenza A
was in the age-group 30-64, and against influenza B in adults aged 30-64 and
>65. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31084
Heavy metals concentration in soils from parks and green areas in Belgrade
The current study included the investigation of several metals and their distribution in urban soils from parks and green areas in the city of Belgrade. The soils were sampled in January and February 2008. The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn were measured, as well as the pH values and organic matter contents. The obtained results showed that there was a significant level of contamination in some samples, especially with lead, and that it was most probably caused by anthropogenic activities, mostly from traffic. The results were compared with the National legislation and Netherlands standards. Also, the recent results were compared with the data from previous work and it was concluded that there has been a certain increase of the Pb concentration in the past three years. The level of pollution in playground soil was very high and each analyzed sample exceeded the Dutch target value for Cd, Co and Pb
Karakteristike Trihineloze kod ljudi na teritoriji Vojvodine u periodu 2002-2011
Current data on the incidence of the disease and abundant research strongly indicate that Trichinellosis has been widely present throughout past few decades, and is endemic in some regions of Serbia. Unfavourable epidemiological situation is due to high prevalence of infection sources and inadequate control of home-processed meat and meat products. The aim of this article was to describe the features of recorded trichinellosis outbreaks in Vojvodina according to gender structure of patients, based on the records obtained from the Institute for Public Health of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Analysis of the number of diseased and hospitalized patients from the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in the ten-year period (2002-2011) revealed a total number of 983 patients with trichinellosis. The highest incidence of the disease was recorded in 2005, when 277 people were diagnosed with trichinellosis. Unfavourable epidemiological situation was observed also in 2002, with 275 affected patients. It is to be emphasized that in 2002 and 2005 three lethal outcomes were recorded, as a direct consequence of intensive migration and abundant invasion of T. spiralis larvae. The lowest incidence of the disease was recorded in 2010, that is, only 10 diseased patients. Primary prevention implying appropriate animal husbandry is the crucial point for the disease control, while thorough and systematic inspection of meat of home-produced pigs, wild boars, horses and other animals that can be a potential source of infection. The major risk factor for the occurrence of the disease is consuming raw or undercooked meat that was not subjected to standard examination methods, i.e. examining the skeletal striated musculature from predilection sites by trichinoscopy or artificial digestion.Na osnovu aktuelnih podataka o pojavi ovog oboljenja i brojnih naučnih istraživanja, uočava se da je Trihineloza već nekoliko decenija naša stvarnost, a teritorija Srbije epidemiološko područje. Nepovoljna epidemiološka situacija je posledica raširenosti žarišta trihineloze i nesprovođenja validne kontrole infestiranosti mesa i mesnih produkata proizvedenih u domaćinstvima. Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi karakteristike registrovanih epidemija trihineloze u Vojvodini, po starosnoj i polnoj strukturi obolelih osoba na osnovu podataka Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Analizom broja obolelih i hospitalizovanih ljudi na teritoriji Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine u ispitivanom vremenskom intervalu od deset godina (od 2002. do 2011. godine), ustanovljeno je da je obolelo ukupno 983 osoba. Posmatrajući svaku godinu posebno ustanovljava se da je najveći broj obolelih ljudi od trihineloze bio 2005. godine. U toj godini obolelo je 277 lica, uz to, epidemiološka situacija je bila vrlo nepovoljna u 2002. godini kada je obolelo 275 ljudi. Važno je napomenuti, da je u ove dve godine (2002. i 2005. godina) bilo i tri smrtna ishoda koja su nastali kao direktna posledica migracije i velikog naseljavanja infektivnih larvi T. spiralis u organizmu obolelih. Sa druge strane, u analiziranom desetogodišnjem periodu najmanji broj obolelih ljudi (10) zabeležen je 2010. godine. U kontroli bolesti najvažnija je primarna prevencija koja podrazumeva odgovarajuće držanje životinja, a osnovna mera za sprečavanje obolevanja ljudi je pregled mesa domaćih svinja, divljih svinja, konja, ali i mesa drugih životinja koje mogu biti izvor infekcije. Glavni rizik za pojavu bolesti je konzumiranje sirovog i nedovoljno termički obrađenog mesa ukoliko uzorci poprečnoprugaste muskulature sa predilekcionih mesta nisu pregledani standardnim metodama, trihineloskopijom i veštačkom digestijom
Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells in female rats
Effects of intracerbroventricularly (ICV) administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells (FSH and LH) of adult Wistar female rats were examined by immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. The animals received ICV three 1.0 mg doses of octreotide dissolved in 10 mL saline every second day. The controls were treated with equivalent volume of physiological saline by the same schedule. FSH- and LH-producing cells were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. Morphometric and stereologic examinations were performed to evaluate changes in the number, volume and volume densities of gonadotrophic cells. In females treated with octreotide, the gonadotrophic cells were smaller and often pycnotic, while the number of FSH- and LH-immunopositive cells per unit area (mm2) was significantly reduced. Octreotide also induced a significant reduction of the FSH- and LH-immunoreactive cells volume, as well as of their volume densities. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that octeotride, centrally administered to adult female rats provokes changes in immunocytochemical and morphometric features of both types of gonadotrophic cells.Ispitivani su efekti oktreotida davanog intracerebroventrikularno (ICV) odraslim ženkama pacova na gonadotropne ćelije (FSH i LH). Životinje su tretirane sa ukupno tri doze od 1 mg oktreotida rastvorenog u 10 mL fiziološkog rastvora svakog drugog dana. Kontrole su na isti način primile odgovarajuću zapreminu fiziološ kog rastvora. FSH i LH ćelije su ispitivane imunocitohemijskim postupkom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza. Da bi se ustanovile promene u broju, zapremini i zapreminskoj gustini gonadotropnih ćelija primenjen je morfometrijski kao i stereološki pristup. Kod ženki tretiranih oktreotidom, gonadotropne ćelije su bile manje i često piknotič ne. Broj imunopozitivnih FSH i LH ćelija po jedinici površine (mm2) je bio statistički značajno smanjen. Oktreotid je, takodje, izazvao značajno smanjenje zapremine FSH i LH imunoreaktivnih ćelija, kao i njihove zapreminske gustine. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je oktreotid, dat ICV odraslim ženkama pacova doveo do promena imunocitohemijskih i morfometrijskih osobina oba ispitivana tipa gonadotropnih ćelija
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