35 research outputs found

    Pituitary-ovarian axis of rats from fetal to peripubertal period of life after intrauterine exposure to dexamethasone

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    Tokom fetalnog razvića organizam prolazi kroz “kritične periode”, tokom kojih se dešavaju intenzivne ćelijske deobe, razvijanje i sazrevanje tkiva, organa i organskih sistema. Sredina u kojoj fetus raste i razvija se u velikoj meri odreñuje kvalitet razvojnog procesa, a svaka promena uslova dovodi do čitavog niza poremećaja, koji mogu biti praćeni smanjenjem fetalnog rasta ili IUGR (eng. Intrauterine growth retardation). Posledice IUGR su dugotrajne i ispoljavaju se u vidu različitih metaboličkih i kardiovaskularnih oboljenja u kasnijem životu. Fetalno okruženje na taj način odreñuje adultni fenotip, a njihova povezanost proučava se u okviru koncepta programiranja. Najčešće korišćeni eksperimentalni pristupi u proučavanju programiranja i efekta IUGR su dijeta majke koja vodi pothranjenosti, izazivanje stresne reakcije kod majke ili primena antenatalne terapije glukokortikoidima. Svaki od ovih eksperimentalnih modela različitim mehanizmima dovodi do izlaganja fetusa povećanoj koncentraciji glukokortikoida, koji u velikoj meri mogu da poremete fiziološki tok razvojnog procesa. Cilj ove studije je bio da se ustanovi da li je izlaganje fetusa pacova od 16. do 18.dana gestacije sintetičkom glukokortikoidu deksametazonu programiralo razvoj i funkciju hipofizno-ovarijalnog sistema od fetalnog do peripubertalnog perioda života. Predmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji bili su fetusi i ženke pacova koje su od 16. do 18. dana gestacije izloženi deksametazonu. Gravidne ženke pacova su tri uzastopna dana (od 16. do 18. dana gestacije) subkutano tretirane deksametazonom (Dexamethasonis phosphat - Dx, Krka, p.o., Novo Mesto) rastvorenom u fiziološkom rastvoru (0.9% NaCl), u dozi od 1.0, 0.5 i 0.5 mg Dx/kg...During fetal development an organism undergoes “critical periods” of intensive cell division as well as the growth and maturation of tissues, organs and organ systems. The fetal environment principally determines the quality of the developmental process, while variation of conditions may lead to a range of disorders followed by intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). The consequences of IUGR are long-lasting and manifest through various metabolic and cardiovascular issues in later life. Thus, the fetal environment prejudices the adult phenotype, while their intertwining is elaborated with the programming concept. The most widely exploited experimental approaches in the field of programming and IUGR effects are maternal diet leading to offspring malnutrition, provoking stress to mother and antenatal glucocorticoid therapy. Each of these experimental approaches via different mechanisms leads to fetal exposure to elevated glucocorticoid levels, which may disrupt to a great extent the physiology of the developmental process. The aim of this study was to establish whether the exposure of rat fetuses to synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone, during the period between days 16 and 18 of gestation, programmed the development and function of the pituitary-ovarian system, starting from the fetal to the peripubertal period of life. The subject of this doctoral thesis investigation were rat fetuses and females exposed to dexamethasone from the 16th to the 18th gestational day. During three consecutive days (16–18 days of gestation) pregnant rat females were subcutaneously treated with dexamethasone (Dexamethasonis phosphate – Dx, Krka, p.o., Novo Mesto) dissolved in saline (0.9% NaCl), in doses of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.5 mg Dx/kg..

    Changes of c-myc expression in b16 melanoma cells induced by 8-chloroadenosine-3′, 5′-monophosphate and tiazofurin

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of 8- chloroadenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (8-Cl-cAMP) and tiazofurin (TR) on the expression of c-myc gene in B16/F10 and B16/C3 mouse melanoma cells. Exponentially growing cells were treated with 8-Cl-cAMP or TR (5µmol - 25µmol) for 6h and 24h. The level of c-myc expression, estimated by RT-PCR, did not significantly change in B16/F10 cells after treatment with 8-Cl-cAMP or TR. Similar results were obtained in B16/C3 cells after treatment with 8-Cl-cAMP. The level of c-myc expression has shown a significant increase in B16/C3 cells after treatment with TR. Further studies of these agents will lead to better understanding of molecular mechanisms of their action.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Analysis of nuclear glucocorticoid receptor-DNA interaction in aged rat liver

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    Abstract: In order to contribute to the understanding of mechanisms by which regulatory proteins recognize genetic information stored in DNA, analyses of their interaction with specific nucleotides are usually performed. In this study, the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was applied to analyze the interaction of nuclear proteins from the liver of rats of different age i.e., young (3-month-old), middle- aged (12-month-old) and aged (24-month-old), with radioactively labelled synthetic oligonucleotide analogues, corresponding to GRE. The levels of GRE binding activity were assessed by quantitative densitometric scanning of the autoradiograms. The results showed statistically significant decreasing values of up to 78% and 49% in middle aged and old animals, respectively, compared to young animals (p < 0.05). The specificity of the nuclear proteins-GRE interaction was demonstrated by competition experiments with unlabelled GRE. In a supershift assay, using the antibody BuGR2, it was shown that the GR proteins present in nuclear extracts have a high affinity for the GRE probe. The stabilities of the protein-DNA complexes were analysed and it was concluded that they changed during ageing.U cilju doprinosa razumevanju mehanizama pomoću kojih regulatorni proteini prepoznaju genetičku informaciju koju nosi DNK, analiziraju se njihove interakcije sa specifičnim nukleotidima. U ovom radu je metodom EMSA analizirana interakcija jedarnih proteina iz jetri pacova iz tri starosne grupe (mladi - 3 meseca, srednje doba – 12 meseci i stari – 24 meseca) sa sintetičkim, radioaktivno obeleženim, oligonukleotidnim analogom GRE. Nivo vezujuće aktivnosti GRE je određivan kvantitativno denzitometrijskom autoradiografijom. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajan pad vrednosti GRE-vezujuće aktivnosti do 78% kod životinja srednjeg starosnog doba i do 49 % kod starih životinja, u poređenju sa vrednostima dobijenim za mlade životinje (p < 0.05). Specifičnost interakcije jedarnih proteina i GRE je određena eksperimentima kompeticije sa neobeleženim GRE. Korišćenjem antitela BuGR2 pokazano je da je glukokortikoidni receptor protein koji u jedarnom ekstraktu ima najveći afinitet za GRE probu. Analizirana je stabilnost kompleksa protein-DNK i zaključeno je da se menja tokom starenja.nul

    Probiotic potential of Lactobacillus fermentum G-4 originating from the meconium of newborns

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    The present study was dedicated to determining probiotic potential of a human isolate G-4, originated from meconium. The isolate was identified using morphological, physiological and biochemical assays and molecular method based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In order to evaluate its probiotic properties in vitro tests were performed: the survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions, adhesion to hexadecane, and antimicrobial activity. Safety aspects of the isolate were examined by testing toxicity, gastrointestinal tolerance and bacterial translocation in vivo, as well as hemolytic activity in vitro. The isolate G-4, identified as Lactobacillus fermentum, showed viability in artificial gastric and intestinal juice (low degree of cell viability reduction for 0.69 and 1.30 logCFU mL(-1) units, respectively), moderate adhesion to hexadecane (39 +/- 2.1 %), and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Abony and Clostridium sporogenes, due to production of lactic acid (9.80 g L-1). No signs of toxicity, bacterial translocation, hemolytic activity, were observed

    Analysis of nuclear glucocorticoid receptor-DNA interaction in aged rat liver

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    Abstract: In order to contribute to the understanding of mechanisms by which regulatory proteins recognize genetic information stored in DNA, analyses of their interaction with specific nucleotides are usually performed. In this study, the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was applied to analyze the interaction of nuclear proteins from the liver of rats of different age i.e., young (3-month-old), middle- aged (12-month-old) and aged (24-month-old), with radioactively labelled synthetic oligonucleotide analogues, corresponding to GRE. The levels of GRE binding activity were assessed by quantitative densitometric scanning of the autoradiograms. The results showed statistically significant decreasing values of up to 78% and 49% in middle aged and old animals, respectively, compared to young animals (p < 0.05). The specificity of the nuclear proteins-GRE interaction was demonstrated by competition experiments with unlabelled GRE. In a supershift assay, using the antibody BuGR2, it was shown that the GR proteins present in nuclear extracts have a high affinity for the GRE probe. The stabilities of the protein-DNA complexes were analysed and it was concluded that they changed during ageing.U cilju doprinosa razumevanju mehanizama pomoću kojih regulatorni proteini prepoznaju genetičku informaciju koju nosi DNK, analiziraju se njihove interakcije sa specifičnim nukleotidima. U ovom radu je metodom EMSA analizirana interakcija jedarnih proteina iz jetri pacova iz tri starosne grupe (mladi - 3 meseca, srednje doba – 12 meseci i stari – 24 meseca) sa sintetičkim, radioaktivno obeleženim, oligonukleotidnim analogom GRE. Nivo vezujuće aktivnosti GRE je određivan kvantitativno denzitometrijskom autoradiografijom. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajan pad vrednosti GRE-vezujuće aktivnosti do 78% kod životinja srednjeg starosnog doba i do 49 % kod starih životinja, u poređenju sa vrednostima dobijenim za mlade životinje (p < 0.05). Specifičnost interakcije jedarnih proteina i GRE je određena eksperimentima kompeticije sa neobeleženim GRE. Korišćenjem antitela BuGR2 pokazano je da je glukokortikoidni receptor protein koji u jedarnom ekstraktu ima najveći afinitet za GRE probu. Analizirana je stabilnost kompleksa protein-DNK i zaključeno je da se menja tokom starenja.nul

    Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in three centipedes (Chilopoda)

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    Three centipede species (Clinopodes flavidus, Cryptops anomalans and Eupolybothrus transsylvanicus) were used as bioindicators of trace metal and metalloid pollution in Belgrade, Serbia. The concentrations of 13 elements (the metals Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cd, Tl, Pb and U and metalloids As, Se) in whole animals and soil were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Differences in the concentrations of some elements in the analyzed species were observed, both in response to the sites and between species. In most cases, the trace element concentrations were higher in centipedes from a polluted site (an industrial area near a busy street with heavy traffic) but C. anomalans and E. transsylvanicus had higher Mn concentrations at an unpolluted site (a deciduous woodland on Mt. Avala). C. flavidus was a good bioindicator for detecting differences between Zn, Se and Cd. C. flavidus and C. anomalans were more efficient in accumulating Zn than E. transsylvanicus. It appears that C. anomalans poorly accumulated Cd, unlike C. flavidus and E. transsylvanicus, which accumulated Cd according to the high bioaccumulation factor (BAF) values. We conclude that the centipedes C. flavidus, C. anomalans and E. transsylvanicus can be used as suitable bioindicators of trace element exposure. Their ability to accumulate trace elements was different and depends on their physiology and lifestyle as well as the route of exposure.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5673

    Radio-sensitivity of human melanoma, ovarian and lung carcinoma cells to gamma radiation

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    Radio-sensitivity of human melanoma, ovarian and lung cancer cells after the exposure to gamma-rays was studied using three different methods. The results showed that gamma rays reduce the number of viable cells for all analyzed cell lines. However, these cells display high level of radio-resistance. The highest radio-sensitivity was attained for the CRL5876 lung cells, while the most sensitive assay was the clonogenic assay

    Radiosensitivity of human ovarian carcinoma and melanoma cells to gamma-rays and protons

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    Introduction: Proton radiation offers physical advantages over conventional radiation. Radiosensitivity of human 59M ovarian cancer and HTB140 melanoma cells was investigated after exposure to gamma-rays and protons. Material and methods: Irradiations were performed in the middle of a 62 MeV therapeutic proton spread out Bragg peak with doses ranging from 2 to 16 Gy. The mean energy of protons was 34.88+/-2.15 MeV, corresponding to the linear energy transfer of 4.7+/-0.2 keV/mu m. Irradiations with gamma-rays were performed using the same doses. Viability, proliferation and survival were assessed 7 days after both types of irradiation while analyses of cell cycle and apoptosis were performed 48 h after irradiation. Results: Results showed that gamma-rays and protons reduced the number of viable cells for both cell lines, with stronger inactivation achieved after irradiation with protons. Surviving fractions for 59M were 0.91+/-0.01 for gamma-rays and 0.81+/-0.01 for protons, while those for HTB140 cells were 0.93+/-0.01 for gamma-rays and 0.86+/-0.01 for protons. Relative biological effectiveness of protons, being 2.47+/-0.22 for 59M and 2.08+/-0.36 for HTB140, indicated that protons provoked better cell elimination than gamma-rays. After proton irradiation proliferation capacity of the two cell lines was slightly higher as compared to gamma-rays. Proliferation was higher for 59M than for HTB140 cells after both types of irradiation. Induction of apoptosis and G2 arrest detected after proton irradiation were more prominent in 59M cells. Conclusions: The obtained results suggest that protons exert better antitumour effects on ovarian carcinoma and melanoma cells than gamma-rays. The dissimilar response of these cells to radiation is related to their different features

    Strawberry Polyphenols Attenuate Ethanol-Induced Gastric Lesions in Rats by Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes and Attenuation of MDA Increase

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Free radicals are implicated in the aetiology of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric ulcer, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Strawberries are common and important fruit due to their high content of essential nutrient and beneficial phytochemicals which seem to have relevant biological activity on human health. In the present study we investigated the antioxidant and protective effects of three strawberry extracts against ethanol-induced gastric mucosa damage in an experimental in vivo model and to test whether strawberry extracts affect antioxidant enzyme activities in gastric mucosa. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Strawberry extracts were obtained from Adria, Sveva and Alba cultivars. Total antioxidant capacity and radical scavenging capacity were performed by TEAC, ORAC and electron paramagnetic resonance assays. Identification and quantification of anthocyanins was carried out by HPLC-DAD-MS analyses. Different groups of animals received 40 mg/day/kg body weight of strawberry crude extracts for 10 days. Gastric damage was induced by ethanol. The ulcer index was calculated together with the determination of catalase and SOD activities and MDA contents. Strawberry extracts are rich in anthocyanins and present important antioxidant capacity. Ethanol caused severe gastric damage and strawberry consumption protected against its deleterious role. Antioxidant enzyme activities increased significantly after strawberry extract intake and a concomitantly decrease in gastric lipid peroxidation was found. A significant correlation between total anthocyanin content and percent of inhibition of ulcer index was also found. CONCLUSIONS: Strawberry extracts prevented exogenous ethanol-induced damage to rats' gastric mucosa. These effects seem to be associated with the antioxidant activity and phenolic content in the extract as well as with the capacity of promoting the action of antioxidant enzymes. A diet rich in strawberries might exert a beneficial effect in the prevention of gastric diseases related to generation of reactive oxygen species

    Sintering as a process of transport of activated volume

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    Starting with the fact that sintering is the consequence of the process of transport of activated volume, it has been shown how the kinetics of the sintering process can be defined. The activated volume was in principle defined as a parameter which describes a system’s deffectivity on an atomic level