13 research outputs found

    A Question of Loyalty, the Campaign of 1960 and American Catholicism

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    U-Pb geochronology of volcanic rocks from the jurassic talkeetna formation and detrital zircons from prearc and postarc sequences: Implications for the age of magmatism and inheritance in the talkeetna arc

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    Six samples collected from pre-, syn-, and post-Talkeetna arc units in southcentral Alaska were dated using single-grain zircon LA MC-ICP-MS geochronology to assess the age of arc volcanism and the presence and age of any inherited components in the arc. The oldest dated sample comes from a volcanic breccia at the base of the Talkeetna Formation on the Alaska Peninsula and indicates that initial arc volcanism began by 207 ± 5 Ma. A sedimentary rock overlying the volcanic section in the Talkeetna Mountains has a maximum depositional age of \u3c167 Ma. This is in agreement with biochronologic ages for the top of the Talkeetna Formation, suggesting that the Talkeetna arc was active for ca. 40 m.y. Three samples from interplutonic screens and roof pendants in the Jurassic batholith on the Alaska Peninsula provide information about the tectonic setting of Talkeetna arc magmatism. All three samples contain Paleozoic to Proterozoic zircons and require that arc magmas on the Alaska Peninsula intruded into detritus that contained older continental zircons. This finding is distinct from observations from eastern exposures of the arc in the Chugach and Talkeetna Mountains, where there is only limited evidence for pre-Paleozoic zircons, and it suggests that there were along-strike variations in the tectonic setting of the arc. Copyright © 2007 The Geological Society of America

    The Building Emotional Awareness and Mental health (BEAM) program developed with a community partner for mothers of infants: protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Drastic increases in the rates of maternal depression and anxiety have been reported since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Most programs aim to improve maternal mental health or parenting skills separately, despite it being more effective to target both concurrently. The Building Emotional Awareness and Mental health (BEAM) program was developed to address this gap. BEAM is a mobile health program aiming to mitigate the impacts of pandemic stress on family well-being. Since many family agencies lack infrastructure and personnel to adequately treat maternal mental health concerns, a partnership will occur with Family Dynamics (a local family agency) to address this unmet need. The study’s objective is to examine the feasibility of the BEAM program when delivered with a community partner to inform a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT). Methods A pilot RCT will be conducted with mothers who have depression and/or anxiety with a child 6–18 months old living in Manitoba, Canada. Mothers will be randomized to the 10 weeks of the BEAM program or a standard of care (i.e., MoodMission). Back-end App data (collected via Google Analytics and Firebase) will be used to examine feasibility, engagement, and accessibility of the BEAM program; cost-effectiveness will also be examined. Implementation elements (e.g., maternal depression [Patient Health Questionnaire-9] and anxiety [Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7]) will be piloted to estimate the effect size and variance for future sample size calculations. Discussion In partnership with a local family agency, BEAM holds the potential to promote maternal-child health via a cost-effective and an easily accessible program designed to scale. Results will provide insight into the feasibility of the BEAM program and will inform future RCTs. Trial registration {2a} This trial was retrospectively registered with ClinicalTrial.gov ( NCT05398107 ) on May 31st, 2022