2,719 research outputs found

    Poor household participation in payments for environmental services in Nicaragua and Colombia

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    We evaluate the extent to which poor households are able to participate in Payments for Environmental Services (PES) scheme using data from a PES scheme implemented at two sites in Latin America. This allows us to compare environmental and livelihood impacts of PES across regions with different agronomic and socio-economic characteristics. In particular, one of our sites is composed almost entirely of poor or extremely poor households, while the other has households ranging from extremely poor to very well off. The results show that poorer households are in fact able to participate—indeed, by some measures they participated to a greater extent than better-off households. Moreover, their participation was not limited to the simpler, least expensive options. Extremely poor households had a somewhat greater difficulty in participating, but even in their case the difference is solely a relative one. Transaction costs may be greater obstacles to the participation of poorer households than household-specific constraints.Payments for environmental services, PES, poverty, silvopastoral

    Farm size and nonparametric efficiency measurements for coffee farms in Vietnam

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    We study the efficiency of smallholder coffee farms in Vietnam. Data from a 2004 survey of farms in two districts in Dak Lak Province are used in a two-step analysis. In the first step, technical and cost efficiency measures are calculated using DEA. In the second step, Tobit regressions are used to identify factors correlated with technical and cost inefficiency. Results indicate that small farms were less efficient than large farms. Inefficiencies observed on small farms appear to be related, in part, to the scale of investments in irrigation infrastructure.Farm Management,

    U.S. Agriculture: Commercial and Large Producer Concentration and Implications for Agribusiness Segments

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    This study examines rate of concentration of farms and sales for aggregate farm production and crop and livestock activities during the 1982 to 2002 period. Data from the Census of Agriculture are used to calculate Theil's relative entropy measure as an indicator of concentration. Results indicate that Grain segments are lagging behind cotton, potato and hog segments in terms of concentration of total sales, while concentration in the dairy segment appears to be gaining steam. Agribusiness serving less concentrated industry segments should look to the more concentrated segments as leading indicators for effective marketing strategies as concentration increases.Concentration, Commodities, Entropy, Agribusiness,

    U.S. Agriculture: Commercial and Large Producer Concentration and Implications for Agribusiness Segments

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    This study examines rate of concentration of farms and sales for aggregate farm production and crop and livestock activities during the 1982 to 2002 period. Data from the Census of Agriculture are used to calculate Theil's relative entropy measure as an indicator of concentration. Results indicate that Grain segments are lagging behind cotton, potato and hog segments in terms of concentration of total sales, while concentration in the dairy segment appears to be gaining steam. Agribusiness serving less concentrated industry segments should look to the more concentrated segments as leading indicators for effective marketing strategies as concentration increases.Concentration, Commodities, Entropy, Agribusiness,

    Can the Poor Participate in Payments for Environmental Services?: Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Nicaragua

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    This paper uses data from a Payments for Environmental Services (PES) project being implemented in Nicaragua to examine the extent to which poorer households that are eligible to participate are in fact able to do so, an issue over which there has been considerable concern. The study site provides a strong test of the ability of poorer households to participate as it requires participants to make substantial and complex land use changes. The results show that poorer households are in fact able to participate—indeed, by some measures they participated to a greater extent than better-off households. Moreover, their participation was not limited to the simpler, least expensive options. Extremely poor households had a somewhat greater difficulty in participating, but even in their case the difference is solely a relative one. Transaction costs may be greater obstacles to the participation of poorer households than household-specific constraints.Payments for Environmental Services; PES; poverty; participation

    Poor Household Participation in Payments for Environmental Services: Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Quindío, Colombia

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    As the use of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) approaches in developing countries has grown, concern has arisen over the ability of poorer households to participate. This paper uses data from a PES project being implemented in Quindío, Colombia, to examine the extent to which poorer households that are eligible to participate are in fact able to do so. The project provides a strong test of the ability of poorer households to participate in a PES program as it requires participants to make substantial and complex land use changes. The results show that poorer households are in fact able to participate at levels that are broadly similar to those of better-off households. Moreover, their participation was not limited to the simpler, least expensive options. Transaction costs may be greater obstacles to the participation of poorer households than household-specific constraints.Payments for Environmental Services (PES); poverty; silvopastoral; Colombia

    The Influence of Ethnocentrism in Food Neophobic Students

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    Economic and social changes occurring after Croatia´s entrance to European Union require a more intense research on consumers´ openness to a new and globalized market. A concept known as Consumer Ethnocentrism, when consumers prefer buying domestic rather than foreign products because is detrimental to national economy, is strongly present in post-war markets in the West Balkans. Another phenomenon related to peoples´ fear of trying new or unknown food, called Food Neophobia, has been under study in America and in some European countries. Despite the long list of articles focusing their attention on Consumer Ethnocentrism in the Balkans, none research has been conducted on the food sector in Croatia, where a globalized and competitive market is opening and people´s phobias of trying unknown food may embarrass new businesses entrance. This paper aims to analyze whether a relationship exists between those two concepts, thus trying to answer the main hypothesis: “Ethnocentrism is positively related to Food Neophobia”. Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendency and Food Neophobia scales were applied to 159 students from Zagreb University. Results indicate that Consumer Ethnocentrism and Food Neophobia have affected consumers´ choice in a discrete way, (r = .28, r2 = .08), however no significant relationship was found between them. In regard of differences on the level of Food Neophobia between gender, none statistically relevant difference was found (t = 1,02, df = 60, p\u3e.05), nor on the level of Ethnocentrism and Food Neophobia in students who have lived abroad (t = -1,68, df = 67, p\u3e.05). Implications of these findings for businesses interested in entering Croatian market for the first time are discussed

    Linkages between Market Participation and Productivity: Results from a Multi-Country Farm Household Sample

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    We build upon international trade literature to analyze the direction of causality between market participation and productivity. Cross-country household data from Tanzania, Vietnam and Guatemala are used in a 2SLS approach with market participation and productivity as endogenous variables. Results indicate that households with higher productivity tend to participate in agricultural markets regardless of market access factors. In contrast, having better market access does not necessarily lead to higher productivity. This finding suggests that investments in market access infrastructure provide minimal, if any, improvements in agricultural productivity; whereas programs targeted at enhancements in farm structure and capital have the potential to increase both productivity and market participation.International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Productivity Analysis,

    Agricultural Prices and Income Distribution among Farmers: A Whole-Household, Multi-Country, Multi-Year Analysis

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    Recent studies have emphasized that the poorest farmers are often net buyers of key commodities and therefore harmed by rising prices. We use LSMS data from Tanzania, Vietnam and Guatemala to test the degree of net purchases or sales by income level. We find that poorer farmers may be net buyers of individual crops, but only the poorest are net buyers of all crops. More generally, net sales among poor farmers are low. We conclude that agricultural price changes have a diverse but limited influence on poor farmers’ welfare, because their farm sales tend to be offset by food purchases.market participation, poverty, inequality, multi-continent multicountry, Agricultural Finance,

    Production capacity increase planning and strategy: The case study of Wingsys

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    In times of global uncertainty, when all business areas are dueling with fierce competition, as a result of global and more than ever democratic digitalization, it is necessary and relevant to rethink production capacity in a holistic way. Without ever forgetting the external stakeholders and naturally the customers, it is often in the internal stakeholders that the key to unlock higher revenues, while reducing costs and waste, can be found. Based on Lean Manufacturing concepts and Value Stream Mapping technique, the main goal is to provide to Interactive Equipment Manufacturer Wingsys a comprehensive strategy and action plan with relevant solutions that can be effectively implemented and that will allow the production capacity to increase in a level that is sustainable, cost-efficient and a win-win between the company, its personnel, and its customers.Numa era de incerteza Global, em que todas as empresas se debatem com uma competição feroz em todas as áreas de negócio, fruto de uma digitalização cada mais democrática e global, é necessário e relevante repensar o conceito de capacidade produção de forma holística. Sem nunca esquecer os parceiros externos e, naturalmente os clientes, é frequentemente internamente que se encontra a chave para alcançar maiores receitas, ao mesmo tempo que se reduzem custos, e, sobretudo, desperdício. Baseado no conceito de Produção Lean do Sistema de Produção da Toyota e na técnica de Value Stream Mapping, o objetivo principal deste documento é fornecer à empresa produtora de equipamento interativo Wingsys uma estratégia completa e um plano de ação com soluções relevantes que possam ser implementadas de modo a permitir um aumento de capacidade de produção de maneira sustentável, economicamente viável e com benefícios para a empresa, os seus colaboradores e os seus clientes